View Full Version : Cable TV Shows of interest

07-31-09, 16:54
I have read here and see that there are many interesting shows on tactical weapons, military etc. and I thought that we might list them here with the show name, channel and times so that we can subscribe to them. I have ComCast and can't seem to figure out how to find these shows. Thanks!

07-31-09, 21:40
"Lock And Load with R. Lee Ermey" is on History Channel right now.

An Undocumented Worker
07-31-09, 21:54
"Lock And Load with R. Lee Ermey" is on History Channel right now.

Watching it right now, much better than future weapons with that wispering deuche nozzle they have for a host.

07-31-09, 21:55
I'm watching it too. I've been waiting for it all week and it was worth it. I want me the MK-12 Feild Artillery peice, for deer hunting ofcourse.:DI'm liking it better than Mail Call, though that was good too. But really I don't care about C-rations, this show is nothing but things that go BANG!!

Cold Zero
07-31-09, 21:58
Military channel, starting 13 August.

Special ops Mission.

07-31-09, 23:34
Watching it right now, much better than future weapons with that wispering douche nozzle they have for a host.

This is the second time I have seen him called a douche nozzle. Any reason for this? The douche nozzle part....

07-31-09, 23:46
This is the second time I have seen him called a douche nozzle. Any reason for this? The douche nozzle part....

Power of an M-16. Accuracy of a sniper rifle. One hit from this, and it's all over!

08-01-09, 00:22
I realize hes a tremendous cock mongrel, I was just wondering if there was some inside joke in reference to "douchenozzle". :D

08-01-09, 00:42
Its just another derogatory comment...

08-01-09, 00:49
Did he just say 'Dick weed' ??


08-01-09, 00:51
I'm watching it too. I've been waiting for it all week and it was worth it. I want me the MK-12 Feild Artillery peice, for deer hunting ofcourse.:DI'm liking it better than Mail Call, though that was good too. But really I don't care about C-rations, this show is nothing but things that go BANG!!

Wow that high speed photography on the artillery was cool.

08-01-09, 01:36
"Lock And Load with R. Lee Ermey" is on History Channel right now.

Oh man I missed it!!! Was a little busy this evening. They played mail call all day. My wife was all excited as we caught the Main Call on B52s at Minot AFB which she was stationed at.

Watching it right now, much better than future weapons with that wispering deuche nozzle they have for a host.

Are we are talking about Richard Machowicz here? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Machowicz What garnered him so much internet hate?

08-01-09, 18:17
Are we are talking about Richard Machowicz here? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Machowicz What garnered him so much internet hate?

Because he's a douchenozzle, obviously. :p

That mini gun with the Eotech on top tore that Thunderbird to shreds. I really need to get the chance to do that one day.

08-01-09, 18:22
Wow that high speed photography on the artillery was cool.

I somehow missed this part. :(

08-01-09, 18:24
That mini gun with the Eotech on top tore that Thunderbird to shreds. I really need to get the chance to do that one day.

I thought that was pretty cool when I saw the EOTech too. You would think that with as much $ as it costs to manufacture that system it would have some high dollar and proprietary target acquisition system but it would make sense that the EOTech is pretty simple to use and known by most of the soldiers.

08-01-09, 20:33
I have read here and see that there are many interesting shows on tactical weapons, military etc. and I thought that we might list them here with the show name, channel and times so that we can subscribe to them. I have ComCast and can't seem to figure out how to find these shows. Thanks!

I don't have cable, so I'm S-O-L:(:mad:

are there any good show's of this type on DVD worth getting ? I know FW is, but never got around to getting it.

08-01-09, 20:35
Watching it right now, much better than future weapons with that wispering deuche nozzle they have for a host.

but I've seen pics of him in multicam, he can't be that bad;):D:p

An Undocumented Worker
08-02-09, 00:28
I'm sure he is a perfectly reasonable human being, and could probably snap me in half like a twig, But as a host of a TV show, he seems a little too sensationalistic, while overdoing the talk softly/carry a big stick routine. It just seems like he is putting on too much of a facade. If he isn't then the douchenozzle comment stands.:p

08-02-09, 00:58
I believe "Mack " is an ex seal if I remeber correctly. Saw a show on him shooting the chey-tac rifle and I think he said something about being a seal sniper. Lock n load is good stuff.

08-02-09, 03:38
I'm sure he is a perfectly reasonable human being, and could probably snap me in half like a twig, But as a host of a TV show, he seems a little too sensationalistic, while overdoing the talk softly/carry a big stick routine. It just seems like he is putting on too much of a facade. If he isn't then the douchenozzle comment stands.:p

I am sure he is playing it up for the camera / show

I believe "Mack " is an ex seal if I remeber correctly. Saw a show on him shooting the chey-tac rifle and I think he said something about being a seal sniper. Lock n load is good stuff.

From the Wikipedia:

Richard “Mack” Machowicz, former operator, is the host of the Discovery Channel show Future Weapons. According to the show's introduction, he spent ten years as a U.S. Navy SEAL and now searches for weapons of the future. Mack drives a large variety of vehicles, often with off-road capability, to get to his show's destinations. He is also proficient in many martial arts.

According to his biography on the Discovery Channel's site,[1] "he participated in numerous tactical operations with SEAL Team ONE and TWO. While at SEAL Team TWO he was attached to the training cadre as the Leading Petty Officer of Land, Mountain and Arctic Warfare." He also has over 20 years of experience with muay thai boxing, Jeet Kune Do, kickboxing, aikido, jujutsu, savate, arnis and karate. He was a certified instructor in the Naval Special Warfare Combat Fighting Instructor Course, as well as a Naval Special Warfare Scout/Sniper. He founded the Bukido Institute, as well as the Bukido Training System, which "teaches a performance philosophy that uses unarmed combat as a pathway for exploring the dynamics of doubt, hesitation, second-guessing, stress, pain, fatigue and fear."

Like I said, I was unsure why he was garnering the internet love / hate.

08-02-09, 11:39
Has anyone seen CryingWolf & Richard “Mack” Machowicz in the same room together? :D

08-02-09, 11:42
i cant stand mack as he is on the discovery channel. on the show he comes across (as previously stated by an above poster) as a sensationalist douche nozzle.

He is only the "host" of the show, however. He doesent actually write it. I get the impression hes probably a really chill, cool dude off the set. Hell if I was him I'd do exactly what he does for a million or so a year.

Id like to sit down and pound a couple shots with the guy and see what hes like. Hes probably got some really cool stories. I appreciate his service.

08-02-09, 17:06
i cant stand mack as he is on the discovery channel. on the show he comes across (as previously stated by an above poster) as a sensationalist douche nozzle.

He is only the "host" of the show, however. He doesent actually write it. I get the impression hes probably a really chill, cool dude off the set. Hell if I was him I'd do exactly what he does for a million or so a year.

Id like to sit down and pound a couple shots with the guy and see what hes like. Hes probably got some really cool stories. I appreciate his service.

You're probably right, but he reminds me of the host from "Pinks"

08-02-09, 17:53
The best shows on TV right now, IMO, are Tactical Impact and Tactical Arms.

The shows feature M4Carbine.net Subject Matter Experts Larry Vickers, Kyle Defooor, and Jason Falla. You can find out more about those shows here:


...so be sure to ask for some autographs when you see those guys. ;)

The lineup of shows on the Outdoor Network on Wed. nights are also pretty good. The show Personal Defense TV has some good moments...although I've seen a couple of really goofy things on that show as well.

08-02-09, 20:04
Has anyone seen CryingWolf & Richard “Mack” Machowicz in the same room together? :D

:cool: I would fess up if it would make me a million. :p

08-02-09, 20:57
i cant stand mack as he is on the discovery channel. on the show he comes across (as previously stated by an above poster) as a sensationalist douche nozzle.

He is only the "host" of the show, however. He doesent actually write it. I get the impression hes probably a really chill, cool dude off the set. Hell if I was him I'd do exactly what he does for a million or so a year.

Id like to sit down and pound a couple shots with the guy and see what hes like. Hes probably got some really cool stories. I appreciate his service.

The sensationalistic writing is for the viewers who really have never even touched a weapon. Sort of like movies where a guy gets shot by a shotgun and goes flying through the air ten feet. Gets people to watch.

I don't know what he is like off the set of Future Weapons; I am sure he knows what a weapon is capable of without being sensational about it. He does seem pretty capable with the weapons they hand him.

Agreed he probably has a few cool stories to tell.

I am not trying to stick up for the guy, I just happen to like a few of the future weapon episodes. I tend to ignore the sensationalistic banter, such as "Power of an M-16. Accuracy of a sniper rifle. One hit from this, and it's all over!" :p

Ed L.
08-02-09, 21:35
The guy from FUtureweapons' delivery is a bit over the top, to say the least.

Here is a funny takeoff of Future Weapons titled Rejected Future Weapns. The guy gets Mack's delivery down perfectly, which makes it so funny.


08-02-09, 21:44
Military channel, starting 13 August.

Special ops Mission.

Can't wait to watch this show as well.Hope it's as good as i anticipate.
As for futureweapon's and it's host Mac,while i am no fan of his or really for the show for that matter,at least he was a 10 yr SEAL sniper (or so he says).

08-02-09, 22:20
As mentioned earlier Special Ops Mission on Discovery, Aug 13

Not sure how good the show is going to be but looks interesting. At least Wil Willis creds are for real.



08-03-09, 01:29
The guy from FUtureweapons' delivery is a bit over the top, to say the least.

Here is a funny takeoff of Future Weapons titled Rejected Future Weapns. The guy gets Mack's delivery down perfectly, which makes it so funny.


Now that is funny :D