View Full Version : Glen Beck: Government Website Takes Over Your Computer Forever. (cars.gov)

08-03-09, 12:57

08-03-09, 13:05
ZDL- Always thought Kimberly Guilfoyle was hot. Seems like she is a nice person with a good sense of humor. What I could never understand was how she married the dirtbag mayor of San Fran, Gavin Newsome-he is such a slimy bast***. At least she wised up and divorced him. Good taste in the ladies ZDL. How nice would it be to see her in a bathing suit shooting an AR!

08-03-09, 13:11

Wayne Dobbs
08-03-09, 13:19
Smokin' hot mama there! Is she by chance related to Paul Guilfoyle who portrays Capt. Brass LVMPD on CSI Las Vegas?

08-03-09, 13:51

She's not ugly by any stretch... but.... I don't think I would allow her to eat cookies in my bed! There are some ubber hot women out there.... IMHO... this is not one of them!

08-03-09, 13:54
And, looking at Glenn Beck from the other angle.....


08-03-09, 14:23

08-03-09, 14:31
Gotcha.... but honestly I googled her name and found 2 articles that come up top, one about Beck and another about her and Hannity.

I personally enjoy hearing both Beck and Hannity, but I always have to remind myself that they are far...far...far from center. I lean thier direction, but I would have to fall completely over to get that far off center!

Back to the topic, she's a fine looking woman... but my avatar puts her to shame.

08-03-09, 14:42

08-03-09, 15:33
Glenn is like having your beer drinking buddy get his own show, with both upsides and downsides.

08-03-09, 15:49
The beauty of EULA's (End User License Agreements) is that you don't HAVE to agree, you just don't get to use the product.

Now, that being said, I think it's utter crap that it's written that way, but again... there's no real reason to use your own computer to get the information. If you're looking into using that bloodmoney to buy a car, just go to a dealership, and have them look it up for you on their computer.

Oh... and she's pretty hot.

08-03-09, 16:52
It's now reported the wording is being changed....oh, the gal is cute too.

08-03-09, 17:25
I think if you actually listen to his program all the way through you will find that most of his comments are tongue in cheek. I love it how I hear folks just blasting away at him when they don't even understand the context of his delivery nor most of the time the point. I do agree that he goes off the deep end and gets fired up a little too much for my taste, but the man does have a wealth of knowledge on how the left is now trashing our country for the benefit of a few.

I encourage anyone to look at his most recent details with the Apollo project and how a communist/black nationalist is the head of this organization and who's cronies are possibly responsible for actually writing the stimulus/redistribution of wealth bill.

It's some amazing shit. He will attack both sides of the aisle. Just take his new book "common sense". I really hate to read and don't like long novels etc, but this book was good and in my opinion told it like it is. I encourage anyone to buy a copy. It's the best $6 I have spent in a LONG time. He's by no means perfect, but he definately is a conservative who thinks about things and isn't in the tank for either side.

Just my .02 cents worth. YMMV.

08-03-09, 17:41
Indeed. A lot of people bash him as a journalist. That's where they miss the point. He's not a journalist, he's a talk show host. He's not reporting solely facts, he's giving his opinion. He's an entertainer providing an entertaining show(dependent on taste) to those that tune into his show. Honestly, I can only handle about 2 hours a week of his radio show while I whittle away the day at my desk. Much more than that and I start getting cynical myself.

Glen Beck is NOT a journalist, he's a talk show host. Big difference.

Cold Zero
08-03-09, 21:25
Back to the topic, she's a fine looking woman... but my avatar puts her to shame.

Agreed. Why not post some full length photos of your avatar, complete with head. Kimberly is a pig and an Attorney.

08-03-09, 21:37
Back to the topic, she's a fine looking woman... but my avatar puts her to shame.

I like to put a few shots into both their thoracic triangles...if ya know what I mean. Who the heck is that chick, anyway?

08-04-09, 00:48
I think if you actually listen to his program all the way through you will find that most of his comments are tongue in cheek.

I don't know if I would say tongue in cheek.

I love it how I hear folks just blasting away at him when they don't even understand the context of his delivery nor most of the time the point.

That is true.

What he does, is take facts (ie, this cars.gov EULA that made your computer govt property by reading the cars.gov website) and then brings these facts to their logical conclusion. Ie, he takes true stuff and then shows where that logically leads, however far out it sounds. A way of arguing using "argument of the absurd"

Too many of his detractors are dummer than a box of rocks and don't get his way of "reporting."

08-04-09, 09:26
There was a thread in GD regarding the shooting of Marcus Luttrell's dog, and the cited article was a Glen Beck transscript: http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/23658/

GLENN: Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Marcus Luttrell is the lone survivor. He was part of the SEAL team. It was the biggest battle any SEAL in SEAL history. Really? What metrics are you using to judge that? He was the only survivor. He lost his whole team. He was then taken by Al Qaeda and the Taliban and he was tortured beyond your wildest imagination and there they held him for a while. Is that right? You're a ball of FIRE. He's been sick. He still hasn't recovered from all of the things that they did to him and so he just has he's always in for his back and surgery and everything else.

Emphasis mine. This, from a guy that claimed to have read Luttrell's book, and is known to have interviewed him. I read the book, and reread it once I read the above idiotic blather from Beck. Even Luttrell doesn't claim to have been taken prisoner by anybody, or claimed that his injuries were sustained by anything but the fight he was in.

Beck and his ilk are no better than Franken and his. They lie, make up their segments, simply don't know what the hell they're talking about, or delude themselves that theris is the voice of the common man. Sometimes they overachieve and manage to do all of that crap in one sitting. It's actually sort of fascinating to watch, in an I-don't-want-to-watch-the-train-wreck-but-I-can't-turn-away fashion.

Even if you ascribe to Hanlon's Razor (Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.), it's equally damaging to the public's collective IQ because people actually listen to this Mac-from-Futureweapons-level douchefunnel and cite his opinions as their own.

08-04-09, 11:27
Even Luttrell doesn't claim to have been taken prisoner by anybody, or claimed that his injuries were sustained by anything but the fight he was in.

I was wondering what the hell Beck was talking about when he said that. Thought maybe I had missed that particular detail because it had been kept low key.

I like Beck, but such misrepresentation of fact is not good.

08-04-09, 11:53
Beck should be f$#king euthanized.
The "Terma of Use" statement that Beck refers to is not from cars.gov. Rather it is a login page for dealer transactions located at esc.gov. The only people who can gtet login credentials for esc.gov are dealers who have already been screened and registered for the "cash for clunkers" program.
To summarize, the page in question isnt on cars.gov and can only be used by dealers who have already registered. Consumers will NOT be affected by this.

I would worry more about a mandatory H1N1 vaccination coming to you and yours this fall.:eek::eek:

08-04-09, 16:41
I was wondering what the hell Beck was talking about when he said that. Thought maybe I had missed that particular detail because it had been kept low key.

I like Beck, but such misrepresentation of fact is not good.

It was corrected on air later that week. I don't know where he got that from; he interviewed Marcus when the book was released and basically recapped the entire story with him (this was a few years ago IIRC), and they have become friends since then. I'm quite certain that Marcus set him straight.

Back to your regularly scheduled Beck-bashing thread :rolleyes: