View Full Version : 2 Obama admin officials can't guarantee middle-class Americans won't see tax hike

08-03-09, 13:09

08-03-09, 16:50
Finally found myself an avatar.

Excellent. Now we know what you look like.


Oh...and the administration.......they are all deviant, lying pigs.

08-03-09, 17:19
How else is the president and congress going to pay for all their social welfare programs, cash for clunkers and socialized medicine?

08-03-09, 17:31
It's amazing that anyone actually believed his rhetoric during the campaign. I could have told anyone that he'd being doing exactly what he is doing now. The only thing I got wrong was how fast and that he wouldn't try to touch the 2A (or at least so far/fingers crossed). Other than that I'm spot on. It's pretty easy to call a spade a spade in this case. The guy hates this country and is really being pulled by those behind the scenes. He's the best ventriloquist I've ever seen!!

08-03-09, 20:01
Surprise, surprise - total shock...NOT!

08-03-09, 23:24
This … this can't be true.

He said …

08-04-09, 00:55
No one with an iota of common sense could look at whoever became President last November, McCain or Obama, and not realize that either one of then would be forced to raise taxes once elected. Did you see the size of the deficit before our economy fell into the toilet? It hasn't gotten any smaller. Want to blame someone, blame the imbecile from Texas.

08-04-09, 06:54
No one with an iota of common sense could look at whoever became President last November, McCain or Obama, and not realize that either one of then would be forced to raise taxes once elected. Did you see the size of the deficit before our economy fell into the toilet? It hasn't gotten any smaller. Want to blame someone, blame the imbecile from Texas.

When Bush left, the deficit was around $580 billion. Obama tripled that with his "stimulus" and budget. Should Bush be off the hook, no. But when one triples the deficit with a stroke of a pen, you can't keep blaming the last admin. And you have to remember, the Dems controlled Congress the last 2 years of the Bush presidency. Plus, if this health care crap passes, Obama will increase that deficit by another trillion according to the CBO. IMO however, the whole lot of idiots in Congress needs to be unemployed and we need to get fresh blood in there.

08-04-09, 09:29
10-4 That!

08-04-09, 09:37
Yet my FIL still thinks Obama is protecting the middle class.:rolleyes:

08-04-09, 12:24
IMO however, the whole lot of idiots in Congress needs to be unemployed and we need to get fresh blood in there.

Unfortunately, the same voters that put/keeping the current pandering batch of mongers in there will put in the next batch.

Unless, 'We the People' wake the hell up I am pessimistic it will make a big difference.

In short, too many are voting are voting themselves money from the treasury.

“When the people find they can vote themselves money; that will herald the end of the republic.” Benjamin Franklin