View Full Version : Old Quote - Need Help

08-05-09, 16:31
A year or two ago someone had a quote in their signature that I really liked and now I can't find it. It went something like this:

"100 men go into battle, 83 shouldn't be there, their nothing but targets, 16 make it interesting but one, one is made for battle and he will bring the others back" - Hericules 800 BC

Could someone give me the proper quote so I don't butcher it, thanks for the help.

08-05-09, 18:17
Firstly, its Thucydides (according to Brother Rat anyhow).

The quote goes:

"Out of every 100 men, ten should not even be there, and eighty are just targets.
Nine are real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they the battle make.
Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back."

08-06-09, 09:23
Thanks for the help, I truly appreciate it.