View Full Version : Sen. Boxer: Idiot.

08-05-09, 16:51

08-05-09, 20:14
True dat.

08-05-09, 21:01
WTF is it with California and their politicians? They sure know how to pick some winners. :rolleyes:

08-05-09, 21:19
Remember this idiot boxer woman told a US Army Brigadier General to NOT call her Ma'am and to call her "Senator" because she worked so hard to earn it. She also had a run in with the president of the Black Chamber of Commerce. She's too full of her liberal self.


08-05-09, 21:24
But, but, it's organized, and it's to hurt our President...


Yeah. None of that at ALL went on from 01-08.


Stupid ****.

Sorry Babs, when it comes to "organizing", your team takes first prize...


If it's good for the goose...

08-05-09, 21:27
wow, what a strange statement.

is she retarded, like really?

08-05-09, 21:41
wow, what a strange statement.

is she retarded, like really?

Yep...she's gone full retard.

08-05-09, 22:11
Worst deflection ever. My favorite part is where she argues that because Regan was also from CA, people can't complain when she involves herself in another state's internal business. I'd love to know if she actually thinks that makes sense or if she thinks other people are so dumb that would make sense to them. She seems to be incapable of understanding why everyone doesn't just go along with her and finds protesters inconvenient. She'd prefer they just email so they're easier to ignore while she continues on with f'ing up the country.

08-05-09, 22:39
I dont know who is worse her or that c..t pelosi.

08-05-09, 22:46
wow, what a strange statement.

is she retarded, like really?

Im with you.

08-05-09, 22:47
Yep...she's gone full retard.

To quote Tropic Thunder, "Never go full retard". :D

08-05-09, 22:58
I'm not a fan of Boxer's but I believe what she was trying to say regarding the well-dressed people was that they were political operatives not regular folk. -Political theater is something both sides are willing to engage in to advance their agendas.

As for the CA remark, she is trying to make an equivalency argument. If Reagan had been there expressing his opinion, they wouldn't have discounted it or him simply because he was from CA. If you're going to shoot her down, bring your A-game and tell her why she's wrong. That's what she's asking for and since there are plenty of reasons she is wrong, let her have it.

The "Call me Senator, I've earned it" comment is petty to me but some people are really wrapped around the axles about whether they are addressed by their full title. Years ago, a friend of mine was doing business with a general in the National Guard who insisted on being called "General" even though the business had nothing to do with the military. My friend told him that was okay, but then the general was going to have to address him as "Doctor." Somehow they were able to complete the business deal despite the clash of egos.

Disliking Boxer's politics is fair game but the other stuff is nonsense.

08-05-09, 23:01
Boxer is the lesser of "two evils" when it comes to California Senators.

Not a very comforting thought is it?

08-05-09, 23:01
"Can you believe that f***in' retard is in charge of people?" - Corporal Person in Generation Kill

08-06-09, 05:06
She was on the Diane Rehm show yesterday. Talk about two nearly intolerable voices at one time.

I'd never really heard much of Boxer speaking in an environment like that. She reminded me of a housewife who doesn't have to work but takes up a job like teaching just to pass the time.

What was (and always is, on that show) even more frightening was the people calling in.

08-06-09, 05:56
I know I'm biased because I favor Republicans as they seem to come closest to what I support...but from what I've seen is, regardless of political affiliation, people who feel they deserve to be in power/control can do whatever they please and step on whomever they want to step on. The clincher for me that really fit well with this whole situation...especially when it comes to people like Boxer, Feinstein, Schumer, Specter, Kerry, Kennedy etc. It was either during Hannity or Bill O' Reilly while discussing the health care reform. A gentleman explained that Senators won't need to join the new system they're creating for the rest of us because they are not normal people like us. They are extra special super people above and beyond the common unwashed masses and should not be exposed to the same issues and problems the rest of us will deal with. After all, we'll all be waiting in line for blood tests and our internists for months unless we can pay thousands to get immediate care like people do in Europe. Our "Special" elected officials all have immediate access to Walter Reed and have doctors on call to immediately tend to them. Equal for you but not for them.

08-06-09, 06:10
I don't know how you people can listen to these kinds of people, like Senator Boxer, for more than two or three minutes at a time. Who cares what they say at all of these hearings?

The purpose of these hearings is to invite people who support the ideological viewpoints of the various politicians on the committee, at which point they can point their dirty little fingers at each other and squawk. I don't know why anybody bothers listening to them at all, because they do not have a significant effect upon the actual political process - the committee members already know how their going to vote the vast majority of the time.

Let's face it: American Congressmen don't listen anymore to the American people than the Soviet Commissars listened to the Russian people.

For example, right now we have these "town hall meetings" where supposedly the Congressmen are there to hear the concerns of the common person. In reality, most of them are there to speak down to the common person and push the President's agenda, regardless of what they think. They're little more than mouthpieces of the President. It's all a facade. All they care about is themselves.

What you think is irrelevant, and it will stay that way until we amend our Constitution in such a way that any one representative doesn't represent hundreds of thousands of people. There's no way one can represent that many people and still be able to hear them out. We need to repeal the 17th Amendment and allow state governments to appoint Senators once more, and probably quadruple the size of the House.

08-06-09, 07:41
I'm not a fan of Boxer's but I believe what she was trying to say regarding the well-dressed people was that they were political operatives not regular folk. -Political theater is something both sides are willing to engage in to advance their agendas.

I think we all realize that's what she was saying. It's simply an idiotic thing to say with your only evidence being a generalized opinion about the attire of the people attending. What exactly is her point? That "normal" people wouldn't a.) be angry and b.) wear "nice" clothing (whatever that means)? Pretty elitist if you ask me. Her comments and Mr. Pink Tie Man's (Propaganda Minister Robert Gibbs, calling it an astroturf grass roots campaign, isn't that clever?) are meant to ridicule and marginalize opposition. Operating straight out of the Alinsky playbook.

08-06-09, 10:06
So, she's...profiling! :eek:

08-06-09, 10:40
I asked my Dobe Ingrid what she thought of Boxer ... I am unsure just what she meant !



diving dave
08-06-09, 12:32
Wait a minute, I thought that picture was Boxer....:D

08-06-09, 13:02
My boxer's smarter than that Boxer.


08-06-09, 14:39