View Full Version : Blackwater's Erik Prince Implicated in Murder?

08-05-09, 17:59
A former Blackwater employee and an ex-US Marine who has worked as a security operative for the company have made a series of explosive allegations in sworn statements filed on August 3 in federal court in Virginia. The two men claim that the company's owner, Erik Prince, may have murdered or facilitated the murder of individuals who were cooperating with federal authorities investigating the company. The former employee also alleges that Prince "views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe," and that Prince's companies "encouraged and rewarded the destruction of Iraqi life."

In their testimony, both men also allege that Blackwater was smuggling weapons into Iraq. One of the men alleges that Prince turned a profit by transporting "illegal" or "unlawful" weapons into the country on Prince's private planes. They also charge that Prince and other Blackwater executives destroyed incriminating videos, emails and other documents and have intentionally deceived the US State Department and other federal agencies. The identities of the two individuals were sealed out of concerns for their safety.

These allegations, and a series of other charges, are contained in sworn affidavits, given under penalty of perjury, filed late at night on August 3 in the Eastern District of Virginia as part of a seventy-page motion by lawyers for Iraqi civilians suing Blackwater for alleged war crimes and other misconduct. Susan Burke, a private attorney working in conjunction with the Center for Constitutional Rights, is suing Blackwater in five separate civil cases filed in the Washington, DC, area. They were recently consolidated before Judge T.S. Ellis III of the Eastern District of Virginia for pretrial motions. Burke filed the August 3 motion in response to Blackwater's motion to dismiss the case. Blackwater asserts that Prince and the company are innocent of any wrongdoing and that they were professionally performing their duties on behalf of their employer, the US State Department.

Source - http://www.thenation.com/doc/20090817/scahill
digg - http://digg.com/world_news/Surprise_Blackwater_Goon_Erik_Prince_Implicated_in_Murder

08-05-09, 18:01
Scahill is a lying POS. I wouldn't trust a damn thing that man has to say about contractors.

08-05-09, 20:20
There are a LOT of people out there who claim to have worked for BW that have never done anything close to working for them.

08-05-09, 22:39
Oh, oh!

My guess is he did it in the parlor with the candlestick!

08-05-09, 22:44
Can you say BULLSHIT? I can.

08-05-09, 22:47
Case sounds solid :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::

"The former employee, identified in the court documents as "John Doe #2," is a former member of Blackwater's management team, according to a source close to the case. Doe #2 alleges in a sworn declaration that, based on information provided to him by former colleagues, "it appears that Mr. Prince and his employees murdered, or had murdered, one or more persons who have provided information, or who were planning to provide information, to the federal authorities about the ongoing criminal conduct."

Based on hearsay? Really? Airtight man, air-fricking-tight!!

08-05-09, 23:43
This is a civil matter whole different ball game than criminal court. There is a big difference between testifying before the Grand Jury, where hearsay is allowable to find probable cause, and a jury trial where the burden is substantially higher. All the Grand Jury gets you is an indictment. You use your minimal amount of case information to get the indictment and save your big guns for trial. Once arrests have been made, if they ever are, the information in those affidavits are the ones you want to read. Civil matters are huge headaches for those sued, that the litigants are trying to play this in the press so soon may speak to the weakness of their case.

08-06-09, 00:50
Video - Liveleak (http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=190_1249530951)
Any one seen this great piece of journalism. Of course you can't have enough tin foil with out Mr. Scahill.

I love the bit at around 1:01 "Including sawed off semi automatic machine guns" Sounds like a guy who knows what the **** he's talking about. Kind of like semi automatic bolt action sniper rifles.

08-06-09, 01:02
Personally I think allegations like this should be scrutinized.

If there is evidence to support the allegations, Prince should go to jail. If not, he should sue someone.

No sacred cows though.

Scahill has a hard-on for BW so obviously being skeptical is smart.

08-06-09, 01:55
Can you say BULLSHIT? I can.

I don't need to when you say it so eloquently.......glad to see you back state side.

With all the gear you bought while stuck over there I bet it was f**king Christmas coming home.

08-06-09, 02:14
Sho' nuff. I was unpacking PMAGS and ammo earlier today. Picked up my BCM lower and started to finish the SBR project.

I don't need to when you say it so eloquently.......glad to see you back state side.

With all the gear you bought while stuck over there I bet it was f**king Christmas coming home.

08-06-09, 03:23
A quote: "Sawn-off semi-automatic machineguns with illegal silencers." WOW!

08-06-09, 03:57
Yeah, I was just reading his BS on The Nation's website. Really ridiculous stuff... http://www.thenation.com/doc/20090817/scahill

Because, we all know, sworn affidavits by anonymous and disgruntled witnesses are *always* truthful!

The smear campaign against Blackwater will never cease, I fear. A fine company... destroyed.

08-06-09, 04:00
The second best part of that video was when Olbermann emphasized "hotwash" as if it was something sinister.

08-06-09, 04:36
Sho' nuff. I was unpacking PMAGS and ammo earlier today. Picked up my BCM lower and started to finish the SBR project.

Good to hear!! Well I still have some rifles to paint and cold Shiner Bock on ice if you ever make it out this way. :cool:

08-06-09, 06:44
Fire why are you getting info and reading the Nation and the Huffington Post. Both your sources are nothing more than radical progressive mouth pieces for the DNC. The Nations/Huffington Post sole agenda is bash the Bush Administration and America's war to defeat radical Islam.

08-06-09, 07:04
I am calling shenanigans. I just dont buy it

Source - http://www.thenation.com/doc/20090817/scahill
digg - http://digg.com/world_news/Surprise_Blackwater_Goon_Erik_Prince_Implicated_in_Murder

Cold Zero
08-06-09, 07:39
Sho' nuff. I was unpacking PMAGS and ammo earlier today. Picked up my BCM lower and started to finish the SBR project.

Welcome home.

08-06-09, 13:12
Fire why are you getting info and reading the Nation and the Huffington Post. Both your sources are nothing more than radical progressive mouth pieces for the DNC. The Nations/Huffington Post sole agenda is bash the Bush Administration and America's war to defeat radical Islam.

I found the articles via digg, and wanted to cross reference here for some more information. Those were the only articles on the subject at the time of my post but you are right sjc, after browsing through The Nation/Huffington sites, they do seem geared towards a certain agenda. But as of today mainstream media outlets are starting to pick up on the story

- http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=8258915&page=1

- http://news.bostonherald.com/news/national/general/view.bg?articleid=1189375

Personally I think allegations like this should be scrutinized.

If there is evidence to support the allegations, Prince should go to jail. If not, he should sue someone.

No sacred cows though.

Scahill has a hard-on for BW so obviously being skeptical is smart.

- very well said

These accusations are extremely bold.

ps. Welcome home Iraqgunz :)

08-06-09, 17:27
I may head out to Waco to see my boy. I'll let you know and we'll see what's up.

Good to hear!! Well I still have some rifles to paint and cold Shiner Bock on ice if you ever make it out this way. :cool:

Heavy Metal
08-06-09, 20:12
A quote: "Sawn-off semi-automatic machineguns with illegal silencers." WOW!

.....and I bet it runs on Unicorn Farts and Skittles for ammo:rolleyes:

08-06-09, 20:35
I may head out to Waco to see my boy. I'll let you know and we'll see what's up.

Mmm - there are some great BBQ places near there.

All of which serve Shiner beer. ;)

08-07-09, 00:24
When I said "boy" I meant a good friend. LOL!

Mmm - there are some great BBQ places near there.

All of which serve Shiner beer. ;)

Left Sig
08-07-09, 11:30
Is this real, or are they quoting from a movie script?

Homicidal corporate executives killing underlings so they don't talk, religious indoctrination to jihad, illegal weapons to fight the holy war - throw in some gratuitous sex and $100 million dollars and they might have a blockbuster!

Seriously though, I have no basis to make judgment on either Blackwater or the accusations. I'll just wait and see how it shakes out.

08-07-09, 12:04
I think the fact that this is playing out in civil court, not criminal court speaks volumes to the provability of the allegations.

08-07-09, 21:21
Is this real, or are they quoting from a movie script?

Homicidal corporate executives killing underlings so they don't talk, religious indoctrination to jihad, illegal weapons to fight the holy war - throw in some gratuitous sex and $100 million dollars and they might have a blockbuster!

Seriously though, I have no basis to make judgment on either Blackwater or the accusations. I'll just wait and see how it shakes out.

Can we get Tom Cruise for one of the major roles?

08-08-09, 12:45
Is this real, or are they quoting from a movie script?

religious indoctrination to jihad, illegal weapons to fight the holy war - throw in some gratuitous sex and $100 million dollars and they might have a blockbuster!

That would be DYNCORP...

I don't care for the whole "mercenary thing" and I find large merc organizations a threat to liberty when they operate within the borders of the US.

COULD he have done thes things? Yes. But since I'm not cozy with the guy I cannot speak of his character. He's presumed innocent until proven guilty to me. Yeah, I know... that's a foreign idea as of late but there it is.