View Full Version : Nancy Pelosi: Town Hall Protesters Are "Carrying Swastikas"

08-05-09, 21:45

08-06-09, 01:06

What are the odds she has proof of this...

08-06-09, 01:48
What are the odds she has proof of this...

Little to none. I'm throwing the BS card.

08-06-09, 08:56
Of course they are, as long as by "swastikas" you mean "something that isn't even remotely a swastika, like a key chain or a pencil."


08-06-09, 08:58
There's an ongoing debate about whether Obama is more properly characterized as facist or socialist. Perhaps someone who believes he's a fascist had the appropriate symbol on a sign.

Or perhaps she's just a lying sack of crap.

08-06-09, 09:07
There's an ongoing debate about whether Obama is more properly characterized as facist or socialist. Perhaps someone who believes he's a fascist had the appropriate symbol on a sign.

Or perhaps she's just a lying sack of crap.

I think you may be right...there was probably at least someone there with a swastika on a sign.

That said, calling the whole thing "astroturf" (that must have been in the weekly talking points as Gibbs and someone else have used the term also to describe opposition) and attributing that behavior to the entire population of protestors is a pretty damn big leap.

It is nothing more than an attempt to ridicule, marginalize and discredit the "other team". More Alinsky-ness.

08-06-09, 10:27
I wonder if she ever stopped to think that IF protesters a carrying signs with swastikas on them, that maybe they are making reference that the CONGRESS is acting like nazis trying to ram the health care crap through and force it on everyone (except themselves and their families)? I know it would be hard for her to think that, especially when she only has 2 brain cells that are fighting for dominance, but it could be possible thats what the protestors are trying to convey. Hell, Chuck Shumer said that they WILL pass it with or without Republican support.

I also heard that they don't even have to vote on it. They can do something called a budget reconciliation and include the health care program in it. Then it becomes law without a single vote being cast.

08-06-09, 10:39
I think you may be right...there was probably at least someone there with a swastika on a sign.

That said, calling the whole thing "astroturf" (that must have been in the weekly talking points as Gibbs and someone else have used the term also to describe opposition) and attributing that behavior to the entire population of protestors is a pretty damn big leap.

It is nothing more than an attempt to ridicule, marginalize and discredit the "other team". More Alinsky-ness.

Agreed. The claim that it is fake opposition is right out of the tyrant's handbook.

08-06-09, 11:20
I'll apologize up front for the size of the pics. I don't have a good scanner anymore so I had to take pics of the pages I want to post. These are pages 54 & 55 of "The Tao Speaks" as translated and illustrated by the famous Taiwanese cartoonist Tsai Chih Chung. He speaks out a good bit on politics and has a real way for showing that how governments manipulate the people is nothing new. Anyhow, I think we're somewhere between stage III and IV..



08-06-09, 11:43
The lung comparison is an excellent way of looking at it. When our lungs are full of crap, we either get the crap or die. When our lungs are diseased, we either treat the disease, get new lungs, or die.

08-06-09, 12:20
KellyTTE - I thought I was the only one who knew about that book. It's a great read for adults & children alike, puts things into a slightly different perspective. And if you like that try the Tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet :D

Also, isn't freedom of expression and freedom of speech something those crackpots scream & holler about all the time? Someone's making a political statement and it's not hurting anyone other than their feelings then drive on.

Terminal Effect
08-06-09, 12:46
There's an ongoing debate about whether Obama is more properly characterized as facist or socialist. Perhaps someone who believes he's a fascist had the appropriate symbol on a sign.

Or perhaps she's just a lying sack of crap.

Guys, with all due respect, what exactly makes Obama a fascist? That is in my opinion so exaggerated because it ignores the historical dimension and impact of fascism.

This was not meant to offend anyone, however.

08-06-09, 12:53
Guys, with all due respect, what exactly makes Obama a fascist?

One of the main tenets of fascism is government ownership (as opposed to socialism's government regulation) of industry. The business with GM and others goes beyond socialism and moves straight on to fascism.

08-06-09, 16:00
These are the only swastika-bearers I see in the future...


Well, them, and ACORN. :mad:

08-07-09, 15:12
"...Nancy Pelosi claims protesters are 'carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare'."

Just a thought, I could be wrong,but I think Pelosi's claim is a reference to the activities of the brown shirts rather than someone literally carrying swasitikas.

Whats going on in those town halls has been going on by leftists in college campus' in particular for years. I don't agree with Obama's health care, but I think its childish to shout down speakers. I'd rather see an actual debate on the topic.

That being said the ultimate way to vilify someone is compare them to Hitler, Nazi's, ect. Some people have no ability to put things into context, for example what Bush did in terms of Gitmo,warrantless wiretaps pales in comparison to some of the things FDR did. Still he remains the hero of the left.

08-07-09, 16:35
For that statement, she should be voted out of office.

I hope the Republicans continues the pressure to hold an investigation on Pelosi, claiming that the CIA regularly lies to Congress. I'd love to see that brain dead woman repeat that statement under oath.

08-07-09, 16:46
Guys, with all due respect, what exactly makes Obama a fascist? That is in my opinion so exaggerated because it ignores the historical dimension and impact of fascism.

This was not meant to offend anyone, however.

As was stated, what makes him fascist, and what makes everyone complicit to these bailouts and takeovers a fascist is public control of private capital.

In fact it's pretty much the totality of what fascism is. Everything else that we attribute to Hitler are things that we can give every dictator/tyrant/oligarchy in history credit for regardless of their ideology.

08-07-09, 17:04
Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

It is worthwhile to remember that the party we refer to as "Nazi" was the National Socialist German Workers' Party, or NSDAP.


Thomas M-4
08-07-09, 17:15
Guys, with all due respect, what exactly makes Obama a fascist? That is in my opinion so exaggerated because it ignores the historical dimension and impact of fascism.

This was not meant to offend anyone, however.

Its the tactics that are being used. Strong armed street thugs at the polls [Black Panthers and Acorn :mad:] Wanting neighbors to tell on each other for disagreeing with his plans sounds like something the gestapo would do. Wanting to nationalize private companies :mad: Passing bills that nobody even cares to read about so he can sign them :mad: then you got people having there kids worship him WTF :mad:

That load of crap doesn't go over here sorry. Rant over with.

08-07-09, 17:29

pretty close.

08-07-09, 17:46
Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

We certainly put the collective over the individual.

We definitely have what autocracy is in practice: oligarchy. Autocracies never exist, not in Cuba, not in North Korea, not in Nazi Germany, and not in the middle ages with all of their kings.

Things like economic regimentation and suppression of opposition might cause one to label what we have as soft fascism.

08-07-09, 19:39
HMMM I guess she forgot about the 1st .freedom of speech

08-07-09, 21:53
What are the odds she has proof of this...

Nancy and her party will make up the proof!

An Undocumented Worker
08-07-09, 22:12
From what I understand people were carrying Swastikas with NO painted over them, an obvious symbol to stop the fascism. So Nancy just takes it out of context to villainize the people.:rolleyes:

08-08-09, 02:46
HMMM I guess she forgot about the 1st .freedom of speech

You can say whatever you want, as long as it is approved of by THEM

Left Sig
08-08-09, 10:23
From what I understand people were carrying Swastikas with NO painted over them, an obvious symbol to stop the fascism. So Nancy just takes it out of context to villainize the people.:rolleyes:

I saw the picture and you are correct. The Nazi comparison was being made to the Democrats and Obama for railroading government control of private business.

She's just too dumb to be able to tell the difference. I saw her comments to the press about this and she seemed just as clueless as ever.

As much as I defended Sotomayor in another thread against claims she was dumb, Pelosi has proven to be one of the dumbest government officials I have ever seen.

08-08-09, 11:26
I actually think she got that they were Nazi/Obama et al comparisons, she is simply using that to dismiss any opinions held as being held by crazy people, as anyone who would compare Obama to Hitler is obviously insane, in her POV. If you can link a widely held belief (that Obamacare is bad) to a belief that is easy to marginalize (Obama = Hitler), you can avoid conversation about the widely held belief and simply dismiss it. Straight out of Rules for Radicals...