View Full Version : For those who ordered Mirachem gun cleaner/degreaser online recently

30 cal slut
08-06-09, 23:00
And so it begins. :rolleyes:

E-mail I got from them recently:

From: "Mirachem - Customer Support" <support@mirachem.com>

To: Slut

August 3, 2009

<Addy Redacted>

VIA EMAIL: <E-mail redacted>


Dear Mr. / Ms. Slut:

You may have seen news reports of a recent data security incident involving Network Solutions, a major independent provider of Internet domain and hosting services. According to reports, transaction data, including payment card and personal financial information, from approximately 574,000 transactions occurring between March 12 and June 8, 2009, was exposed as a result of malicious code placed on certain Network Solutions servers.

Mirachem, as well as approximately 4,000 other merchants, has received official notice from Network Solutions that this data security breach may have impacted a small percentage of purchases from Mirachem’s online store, which is powered by Network Solutions’ Monster Commerce product. You are receiving this letter because Network Solutions has identified the transaction indicated below as being within the group of those potentially impacted orders:

Order Date: */*/2009 **:**:00 AM Order Number: ****** Card Type: ******

If you had more than one affected transaction, you may receive a separate communication regarding each one. Please note that relevant to this situation, each time you pressed the “submit” button in the online interface, a new transaction was generated. This would include orders that were subsequently cancelled, orders rejected for card errors or address verification mis-match, etc. Because your payment card data was transmitted through the affected server(s), it was potentially at risk and has generated this notice, even though the transaction may not have ultimately resulted in a charge to your account or the shipment of product.

Network Solutions advises that at this time, they have no reports or other reasons to believe that any credit card account information has been misused. Out of an abundance of caution, however, they have taken steps to address any potential issues of this nature that may arise and have contracted with TransUnion, one of the major US credit reporting agencies, to assist Mirachem and its customers in this process.

Beginning Wednesday, August 5, 2009, TransUnion will issue formal notices of the data breach to affected customers as required by law. These notices will contain detailed information on what happened and what steps are being taken to determine the cause of the breach and prevent future occurrences. Your notice will also contain instructions on how you can take advantage of 12 months of free credit monitoring in an effort to assist you in preventing and detecting any acts of identity theft. For additional information, Network Solutions has established a website regarding this situation at www.careandprotect.com.

Please be aware that this situation impacts only Mirachem transactions made using our E-Commerce website during the indicated time frame. Transactions processed through our Customer Service or Accounting Departments do not utilize the Network Solutions system and are not affected by the Network Solutions security issue.

We want to assure you that Mirachem takes the security of customer information very seriously. Mirachem is a Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) compliant merchant, (see https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org for additional information) and our decision to utilize the Monster Commerce product was made after careful consideration and in consultation with our own financial institutions. Further, as a PCI-DSS compliant hosting vendor, Network Solutions has demonstrated a history and commitment to providing high-integrity systems designed to securely support online commerce.

As a result of this security issue, Network Solutions is participating in a re-evaluation of its systems for PCI-DSS compliance. This review is being conducted in conjunction with the nation’s largest card issuers, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Once this review is completed, Mirachem will conduct its own evaluation of Network Solutions to determine whether a continuing relationship with Network Solutions remains consistent with Mirachem’s commitments to security and customer service.

Mirachem appreciates the trust that you place with us in protecting your confidential information. Now that we are aware that the Network Solutions situation exists, please know that we are working with the various merchant services and our financial institutions to monitor the situation and continue providing you with the best possible security solutions. Should you have any comments or questions regarding this matter, please contact our Customer Service department at 800-847-3527, or via email at Support@Mirachem.com ..

Thank you again for your business.


The Mirachem Corporation