View Full Version : Affordable Housing Being Forced Down Municipal Throats

08-10-09, 14:23
This is an article I read today. Reminds me of the Ethel B. Lawrence affordable home community set up in the town next to mine years ago.

The community, in Mt. Laurel, NJ was a landmark decision in the state mandating that every township provide for low income housing. As a land developer, we were often legally extorted by other townships to provide funding for these projects in order to simply build our homes according to their own current zoning regulations. An absolute disgrace in every way.

Now as a result, the once heralded Mt. Laurel twp schools, especially the local Lenape HS, have seen a spike in gang related activity in the schools as well as an overall negative impact. Several homes in the readily verifiable EBL community have been raided for suspected drug sales.

Enough is enough is enough. Nice neighborhoods are most often that because of the mindset of the residents that can afford to be there.

Have liberals always been this ideologically impaired?

County north of NYC to market housing to nonwhites
3 hours ago

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — The suburban county just north of New York City agreed Monday to create hundreds of affordable homes in heavily white communities and encourage nonwhites to move in.

The agreement, reached with the help of the federal department of Housing and Urban Development, settles a $180 million lawsuit brought by the Anti-Discrimination Center of Metro New York against Westchester County.

Both sides said the agreement, which was being filed in federal court, could have far-reaching national consequences.

"The settlement will have a major impact on the way federal housing and community development funds are used throughout the country," the center said.

Susan Tolchin, Westchester's deputy county executive, said, "HUD's new focus is to make suburbia inclusive and diverse and this is going to be what they want all communities that take funds to do."

Westchester admitted no wrongdoing. County Executive Andrew Spano said the county had "for many years considered the impact of race on affordable housing."

But the lawsuit said Westchester failed to build affordable housing and reduce segregation in some of the county's more affluent communities.

A federal judge ruled in February that Westchester failed to analyze, as required, how race could affect access to fair housing when it sought federal housing and development funds. The county said Monday that was a technicality, but the ruling apparently spurred the settlement.

"Westchester can no longer hide from the ugly reality of continuing residential segregation," said Craig Gurian, the anti-discrimination center's executive director.

Westchester said it will build or acquire 750 apartments or houses in its suburban towns and villages in the next seven years. Of that number, 630 are to be built in neighborhoods that are less than 3 percent black and 7 percent Hispanic.

The county has dense urban areas but is best known for such suburban bedroom communities as Scarsdale and Chappaqua, where former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton live. Most of those villages are heavily white.

The county's population is just less than 1 million.

Whites cannot be excluded from buying the homes, but the agreement calls for Westchester to market them throughout the county and in nearby areas with large nonwhite populations, Tolchin said.

That includes New York City, which abuts Westchester along the Bronx line.

The agreement also calls for Westchester to pay the federal government $21.6 million, which the government will then return to the county to help pay for the housing. An additional $10.9 million will be paid to the anti-discrimination center, its lawyers and the government.

Tolchin said the agreement recognizes that the county does not control local zoning and creates a monitor who could "give us some flexibility about the (seven-year) deadline."


08-10-09, 21:55
"But the lawsuit said Westchester failed to build affordable housing and reduce segregation in some of the county's more affluent communities."

There are no cheap homes near the expensive homes, duh. As someone that lived thru this kind of thing as a kid, if you live in the area, sell now. The first ones out are the only ones that get their money out or see any appreciation. What I saw was driven by realestate people, not by court order, but if you screw with the market like this, odd crap happens. It isn't a racial thing, you could randomly pull people from national section 8 housing and get the same result. It's not that they are all bad apples, its that a few spoil the bunch.