View Full Version : Castoff snake skins (moltings)

08-10-09, 17:36
Do snake skins stretch much during the molting process? I found a recent one in my basement that's over 5' which is kinda big for VA.


08-10-09, 17:50
They stretch a wee bit, but not much.

Looks like you've got a pretty healthy black snake running around keeping rats and mice off your property......and keeping copperheads away too.


08-10-09, 17:51
Your screwed brother. Your gonna get swallowed whole one night while your passed out drunk!

I don't recal them streatching, the snakes pretty much work thier way out and it is.... what it is.

You got an anaconda in the house!

08-10-09, 17:55
I just did some google searching for an answer to your question. It came back with "Post a 'FOR SALE' sign in your front yard!"

Seriously though, snakes skins do stretch outwards, as is evident when they swallow something whole. I couldn't find anything that would indicate that they stretch lengthwise "during" the molting process though. I'd imagine you have a 5' snake somewhere close by. Oh... and personally, I'd be posting a "FOR SALE" sign... *shivers*

08-10-09, 18:02
This will be him... 2AM heading into the bathroom to take a leak... in the dark.....


08-10-09, 18:17
I've always liked snakes or more precisely respected them so this guy is welcome in my basment.

08-10-09, 20:41
You guys sound like the kid who stopped dead in his tracks to fuss over a rattle shake that was over a mile from the house.....

It is just snake!

Buckaroo (who had to kill a rattler that had taken over my dogs wallow in the back of the house one day, she (my dog) was a bit wide-eyed when I came out of the house)

08-10-09, 21:46
The skins stretch big time....this one was 7' dead and still ended up a hair over 7' as you see it now. I had rat shot in the .45 but my buddy freaked and unloaded a 10/22 in his noggin. I stuck this one in the freezer and when I went to thaw it...it was impossible not to take a wide path. :)

pretty neat when you find them complete like that & can sometimes see a better color if you can 'outside - in - them' (gotta find them quick before bleaching)

08-10-09, 22:33
in your basement ?

is it a basement you live in or more like a crawl space ?

that is kinda scary to have living in your house !! snakes should be outside :)

08-10-09, 22:42
Do snake skins stretch much during the molting process? I found a recent one in my basement that's over 5' which is kinda big for VA.


By the look of it, your whole house is basement. What is that roof line, 6 inches off the ground?

08-11-09, 07:01
That's the well house outside of my actual house. I like having a black snake in the basement. The basement is used most by me; my workshop is down there.

08-11-09, 08:52
How do you ensure that it remains in the basement? You may wake up one night with a little friend coiled up next to your other little friend.

08-11-09, 09:20
I was down around Waco Texas a few years back for the rattle snake round up. They had these guys that opened a sleeping bag and had one dude get in. They then put about 6 large rattle snakes on him and closed and zipped the bag. He slowwwwlllllyyyyyy pulled himself out. Crazy I tell you!

That would be my fear of the snake in the house, where will he travel to later on? I had a garden snake coming up the basement railing. It was coiled around the railing and I honestly thought my son put a rubber toy snake there to startle me. When I went to grab it and it moved I almost fell down the steps! I am not afraid of snakes, but I like to be on my terms.... not startled and unaware!

08-11-09, 09:22
How do you ensure that it remains in the basement? You may wake up one night with a little friend coiled up next to your other little friend.

Not worried. Got cats and dogs. Snakes stay away from them if possible.

08-11-09, 10:32
They stretch a wee bit, but not much.

Looks like you've got a pretty healthy black snake running around keeping rats and mice off your property......and keeping copperheads away too.


The skins will stretch a bit. 10% or so. The sheds will stretch much more. almost 50%.

For some comparison, we have a 6 foot boa that will consistently throw off a 10 foot shed. it's been a while since we measured him, he's probably grown a bit, since his last few sheds were up about 11 or 12 feet long.