View Full Version : What to expect at 29 and enlisting, possible paths

08-12-09, 21:51
29 and have been considering joining the armed services for a couple years. Held a career for 13 years that paid very well. Now I have a similar job but things just aren't what they should be. I do have a 9yo daughter to consider, but many people have children in the services. I have no delusions that a tour in Iraq or Afgan would be both pretty interesting and dangerous all at once. For those who have been there done that, what would be the path to take? I'm not a desk person by any means. Highly athletic and motivated. What is the chance of becoming a Ranger for instance? Thats the type of path that most interests me. A path that would be followed by a law enforcement career. Any advice or constructive criticism is most appreciated.
Thank you

08-13-09, 01:09
This is tough call. First, you going to need a very good family care plan. Who do you trust to raise your daugther for the beginning Basic/AIT which can be from 3 mos to a year? Ranger school is another 2-3mos gone. Deployments can be up to 18 mos. You will miss things in your daughters young life.

Since 2002 I haven't seen my family much, that's also the year my oldest son enlisted in the Army. It avgs out to be home less than 4-6 mos a year that I am home (18 series Special Forces). I have a younger son who'll be 16 next month and when I am home we do almost everything together, it is hard to make up for that lost time. I got a strong and indepent wife that I trust. However, I never had any regerts on the career field that I chose.

If you really desire to do it, then do it. You'll always reget that at least you didn't try. But I'll contridict myself by saying your duties as a parent is heavy as you know. What does she think?


08-13-09, 01:45
Combat Diver,good advice.Just wonderin,are there any waiver's possible in the 18x contract for age? i'll give ya a quick rundown:Former Marine Corp's grunt,124 GT,stayed very fit since i got out.i regularly ride 50 miles at a time on my road bike,did 15 rounds today in a ring but,i'm 2 years over the age limit.i'm getting a little bored out here.Any hope or just forget about it,aint happening.

08-13-09, 02:25
You'll have to talk to a recruiter to see what is currently availible. Vaivers would have to go up to USASFC (United States Army Special Forces Command) for approval. Generally if you present a strong case and it is in the Commands interest then appoval could happen.

Couple other points 18X-Rays are generally no prior service. As prior service you may be able to just go for a regular SF contract. That's just guessing thou. Secondly don't forget the Corps now as a SF type unit (at least I keep getting job offers to go teach SF specific skills to them) if you want back into the Corps. I went straight in on a SF contract in 83' before they even had SFAS and retired last year.


08-13-09, 10:25
combat diver hit it pretty good. with kids and a family you need to make sure everything is good before you decide. military is a family/relationship killer if you are not prepared for it. i have been in 8 years now and missed the last 7 xmas'. as far as making it to ranger school or something like that, if you have the drive to do it then it is easy to get a slot. just make sure you have no problems being told what to do and getting yelled at/punked by someone who is way younger then you. once your in, w/e level(rank) you were at your job before doesn't matter. cant go wrong with 11B, but if your wanting a career in LE after wards, MP might be better. these days it seems MPs are getting more deployment time then at home LE though. 88M isnt bad either if you like to work your ass off. 11B since i came in and have not once regretted it.

08-13-09, 10:45
11B was all I wanted when I went in at 27; I fought it out a MEPS and told them they could give me what I wanted or I was outta there. I returned from my last deployment 12/05 and started working a civilian job. Very unsatisfying and considered re-enlisting and my wife basically told me it would cause problems if I got deployed again so I had to make a tough decision. I changed professions to something a little more unconventional and started a business. I've been going strong for 3-years and I have time with my family including a 20 month old daughter.
If you go in think long and hard about what you want to get out of it. These days you're pretty much garaunteed to get deployed, but if you want to go to Ranger School you probably wouldn't be going anywhere until you finished Basic/AIT/Airborne, and Ranger so it'd be at least 8 months out. If you have college behind you already you can add OCS to the list.
Another thing... If you think at all that there will be trouble at home if you're deployed don't enlist. You can't afford to be thinking about what's going on at home when you're outside the wire.

MSP "Sarge"
08-13-09, 14:37
Would hate to be you gogetal3. Man what a tough decision. I am very family oriented. I coach football, baseball, and I'm active in my church. Doesn't leave much time for anything else ie.. work, wife, friends, racing. I wanted to join the military after my second year of college. College wasn't for me. Instead I was hired by the Maryland State Police. I missed quit a lot of my oldest sons growing up because of shift work and the times not being home. I worked narcotics (old school). On the street all hours of the day and night. Kicked a lot of ass and got my ass kicked a lot. Drank a lot of whiskey and ran with a bunch of broads (no offense ladies). Divorced twice. It took till about the last five years to truly see that my family was so important to me and that I didn't want to miss another minuet of my sons lives. I haven't had a drink in over six years. I go to church and spend as much time with my boys as possible. I work night shift at my current LE job so that I can be home with them during the day and attend their games and volunteer.

Make sure you think long and hard about this. It is a life changing decision. I want to be clear though I admire our service men and women. When I see a soldier on the street I make it a point to introduce myself and thank them for their service. If I have contact with a soldier while at work I give them a pass. Just my way of saying thanks for their service.

08-13-09, 17:20
MSP Sarge- My hat's off to you. Giving our armed service members a break(for the little things) is a great way to conduct yourself. Those guys and gals have it tough enough and I feel their service and sacrifice earns them a little "perk." Keep up the good work.:) Hope other LE feels the same way.