View Full Version : Just became disappointed with M4Carbine.net

08-13-09, 21:41
I've been through all the forums during the last 3 months and have come to respect the posters on M4Carbine.net over any others. I bought my first EBR, a Noveske 16" midlength, due in large part to the opinions I found here. The level of discourse here is far superior to anything else I've seen in similar arenas....

That being said I, merely by chance, came across a few posts concerning Alex Jones (I won't bother listing his media outlets). The immediate, unquestioned, and unarticulated slams I read are very close to those I hear from the bottom-of-the-barrel, low-level thinking people I encounter in my every day life.

Alex Jones is a hard pill to swallow. It has taken me years to come around to the point of being able to even stomach much of the information he puts into the discussion. I have come know that most of what he puts out is fact driven, usually just media sources and FOIA material. Truth or not, it is still fact.

His opinions on the information he puts out and the analysis he comes up with is his own and is subject to the scrutiny of us all. However, when a man keeps fighting against what he fears is a domestically based, outright enemy of all free people of the UNITED STATES for all of his adult life (he's around 33 or 34 years old and has been at it for 15 plus years) it's a shame to me when he's merely dismissed as a "whacko", "psycho-talker", whatever. We hear that type of rhetoric used all day by media figures and others who just try to minimize and silence those opinions. Those people know that people generally fear being associated with others who may be seen as undesirable. It's easy and it's quick, but it gets nobody any closer to discussion, wisdom, or the ablility to react.

I suspect many of the posters here are current or ex-military. I am neither. I also suspect that anyone who is part of an organization takes unkindly to others who question the righteousness of the organization or its members. I have listened to Alex Jones bring to the air all types of dire information concerning the Federal government, state & local governments, international government/financial institutions and the military; relating it to his analysis of the government/military/industrial complex and the unnatural control placed into the hands of, or seized by, individuals outright. He, as well as myself, and I guess most of you reading this also have your own concerns over the "state of things". We live in very dangerous times, never moreso than the present, I believe. In my opinion, just as much as we NEED, and I mean need, our men and women to be warriors...WE NEED men like Alex Jones to help clear the very dirty and unquestionably controlled air.

This is my first post, if it gets me kicked off this site...I guess I've said...

08-13-09, 21:46
Can someone give me a cliff notes version? The Makers Mark in the glass next to me is having its usual effect on my attention span.

Robb Jensen
08-13-09, 21:47
Maybe I'm just stupid, looks like posts helping him got the threads locked on this site https://www.m4carbine.net/search.php?searchid=1285832 :confused:

So the problem is what exactly?

08-13-09, 21:47
This 'General Discussion' forum gets weirder and weirder.

-Sorry, didn't realize that there were posts about him. I've never heard of him before.

08-13-09, 21:49
1 post...and a SPECTACULAR contribution.

Thanks so much, OP.


08-13-09, 21:54
And M4Carbine just became disappointed with you.

By the way, who is Alex Jones?

08-13-09, 21:54
So you're disappointed in the entire forum because a few members have an unfavorable opinion of someone? Are those members not allowed to voice their opinion regardless of whether or not you agree with it?

By the same token why would you think we'd lock your account because you stated your opinion? Somehow you think that a few people speak for the entire forum AND you think we don't allow people to say anything negative?

You can stay but if this is the way you think this place runs I'm going to go out on a limb and say this place might not be for you.

By the way I don't even know who Alex Jones his so if the forum has disappointed you it should be because we've never heard of him :D

08-13-09, 21:57
Honestly dude....just let it go. Everybody's got different opinions, even among the fairly like-minded group of folks here. Stick to the technical forums where the good info is...

08-13-09, 21:57
Who's Alex Jones?

08-13-09, 22:06
Who's Alex Jones?

The hell with Alex Jones. Who is Keyser Soze?

08-13-09, 22:07
If you have to ask, it's not worth knowing.

08-13-09, 22:10
The hell with Alex Jones. Who is Keyser Soze?

That's just it-- Alex Jones is Keyser Soze!

08-13-09, 22:18
Who's Alex Jones?

My thought too

08-13-09, 22:18
Who's Alex Jones?

I think it's this guy.

Needless to say, I can see why he is termed a wacko.

ETA. For some reason my link isn't working(I'm not good at computers). Just search alex jones and sleect the radio host entry on wikipedia to find him.

08-13-09, 22:20
Art Bell > Alex Jones

08-13-09, 22:31
* I guess he is involved with/made this film: straight off Wikipedia: * The Obama Deception (2009) (Video)

The film claims Obama's real agenda is the opposite of what he promised during the campaign. The film claims Wall Street engineered the financial collapse in order to "repo the country" and that Obama is a front-man used by "the elite" to serve their agenda. It claims Obama has broken his campaign promises by sending more troops to Afghanistan, appointed numerous "finance oligarchs" and lobbyists to high government positions, reauthorized the Patriot Act first enacted by the Bush administration, and wants to create a "civilian national security force" to further militarize the country. The film makes a controversial comparison between Barack Obama and Adolf Hitler's ascent to power.[citation needed]

hmmm...seems like he's onto something. just sayin' ;)

Outlander Systems
08-13-09, 22:33



08-13-09, 22:41
I'm not at all going to try and be a wiseguy. Like I said earlier, I have come to respect a lot the opinions here. I recognize some of your names.

Like M4arc said maybe I should be disappointed because you guys have not even heard of him. I guess that's very true. It wasn't really disappointed because of the few negative things I read on those very few posts, it was that the posts went unanswered, nobody had anything to say. Now I get it, you guys haven't heard of him so you haven't heard him.

I did get a bit from here that I expect from the THS too. The majority of the first responses were little funny comments, busting my balls for posting, not looking at the issue. Even the one guy listed the Wikipedia listing with no info. Does Wikipedia fall into a non-political, stone cold responsible source? If so, then that's just whatever it is....

Whatever, atleast m4tographer knows who Art Bell is. Aside from the extraterrestrial and out-of-body experience shows, Art Bell was one of the few who would get into some really important subjects.

No hate for you posters, maybe a few of you find some new info as well.

08-13-09, 22:42
* I guess he is involved with/made this film: straight off Wikipedia: * The Obama Deception (2009) (Video)

The film claims Obama's real agenda is the opposite of what he promised during the campaign. The film claims Wall Street engineered the financial collapse in order to "repo the country" and that Obama is a front-man used by "the elite" to serve their agenda. It claims Obama has broken his campaign promises by sending more troops to Afghanistan, appointed numerous "finance oligarchs" and lobbyists to high government positions, reauthorized the Patriot Act first enacted by the Bush administration, and wants to create a "civilian national security force" to further militarize the country. The film makes a controversial comparison between Barack Obama and Adolf Hitler's ascent to power.[citation needed]

hmmm...seems like he's onto something. just sayin' ;)

I'm in except for the parts you can't prove, like the Wall Street conspiracy and front man thing. What makes this guy so special?

08-13-09, 22:47
I'm in except for the parts you can't prove, like the Wall Street conspiracy and front man thing. What makes this guy so special?

Oh buddy I have no clue who this Alex Jones guy is lol... I just found that movie title description interesting, if anything. I am one who believes something "fishy" is going on with this nation (*read-not the usual political bs), like this Gent that the OP is talking about.

Outlander Systems
08-13-09, 22:53
I'm in except for the parts you can't prove, like the Wall Street conspiracy and front man thing. What makes this guy so special?

I have to respectfully say that I don't believe the financial crisis/collapse was a "surprise" to anyone in the shadows of D.C. or New York.

Too many rational, sane people, predicted exactly what we've gotten, years prior, and yet the "experts" "didn't see this coming".

I'm not going to claim to have society/government figured out, because there's way too many hypothetical outcomes to that.

I'll believe the financial woes were a surprise about as much as I'll believe someone's got 9,000 "trouble free" rounds out of an Olympic.


I, as well, feel like something "not quite right" is going on with our country.

08-13-09, 23:03
And M4Carbine just became disappointed with you.

By the way, who is Alex Jones?


You sure it wasn't Mike Jones?!

Mike who?


On a more serious note:

Just because someone believes in some of the same things as you do, doesn't make them any less batshit crazy.

I don't know this feller or his history, just sayin'...

08-13-09, 23:03

I did get a bit from here that I expect from the THS too. The majority of the first responses were little funny comments, busting my balls for posting, not looking at the issue. Even the one guy listed the Wikipedia listing with no info. Does Wikipedia fall into a non-political, stone cold responsible source? If so, then that's just whatever it is....


Sorry, I didn't realize my link was bad.

The only thing that has me questioning this guy is some of his films(I won't say which for fear of starting a big fight). This guy might(I have troubles saying that) bring up some important questions about what going on these days, but from what I can see most of it belongs in tin foil land. I will admit I've never had much interest in knowing about this guy though. When you see members on arfcom calling alex jones nuts, it's hard to believe the guy.

08-13-09, 23:11

You sure it wasn't Mike Jones?!

Mike who?


On a more serious note:

Just because someone believes in some of the same things as you do, doesn't make them any less batshit crazy.

I don't know this feller or his history, just sayin'...

Ok...if a lot of people on here didn't know who Alex Jones is.........then they sure as hell wont know who Mike Jones is.....

08-13-09, 23:21
Ok...if a lot of people on here didn't know who Alex Jones is.........then they sure as hell wont know who Mike Jones is.....

Maybe on this forum, but I'm pretty sure Mike Jones is more well known to the general populace. :D

08-13-09, 23:25
For whatever it's worth, I give credence to these responses.

-Someone who agrees with me, or vice versa, may be "batshit crazy"... but what do YOU think of what he has to say?

-This stuff definitely does come off as being from "tin-foil hat land", and maybe it ends up being from there, but if YOU haven't looked at it and given it consideration in your own brain then how do YOU know that it does or doesn't?

The only reason I chose to make my first post about an issue as out of the way as this is because I happened to read a post that said something like "can you believe this" or something close to that and I am familiar with Alex Jones. He has had a honest to goodness old fashioned am frequency radio show out of Austin, Tx for many years and a very controversial set of web sites that deal with many of the issues that serious minded people from our (I say our meaning: patriots, firearm owners, service members, Americans; all of us here are atleast several of these) community talk about and take to heart.

I don't mind being the target, here, of the jabs and the comments, etc. Like I said, when you are viewed by others as undesirable that is what happens. I can handle it til the end of time. My question is this: If you come to believe to be true , information that is way out of the everyday information that is passed around, can you handle telling others and risking the ridicule. To me it doesn't get any realer than that in a time of extreme change....

08-13-09, 23:26
Maybe on this forum, but I'm pretty sure Mike Jones is more well known to the general populace. :D

You mean the: 281-330-8004 Mike Jones??? :p

08-13-09, 23:32
The hell with Alex Jones. Who is Keyser Soze?
Wasnt he a character on Farscape?

08-13-09, 23:32
Art Bell > Alex Jones

How dare you malign Art Bell... ;)

08-13-09, 23:43
You mean the: 281-330-8004 Mike Jones??? :p

LOL! Them digits still work? :cool:


As much as I dislike Obama, I will need more than some suspiciously selected clips of Obama's speeches and random interviews of unknowns to convince me of something this far-fetched.

Until something more solid, with credibility is presented, it's just some wild hypothesis based on maybe half-truths and things taken out of context.

08-13-09, 23:44
You mean the: 281-330-8004 Mike Jones??? :p

hit mike jones up on da low,
cause mike jones about to blow!


I can't help but think about how ridiculously generic the name "Mike Jones" is.

Ain't no way you'd want to buy a firearm with a name like that.


08-13-09, 23:44
Sorry, but as soon as I saw Ted Nugent on one of his videos, I lost interest. Ted Nugent may be a "rocker" and a "gun enthusiast" but he also has more money than most of us combined. He can air his opinions with little thought of repercussion. I bet I'd say a whole hell of a lot more knowing that I could have a team of lawyers backing me up.

Don't get me wrong, I like Ted Nugent for what he is... an entertainer, nothing more. There are a lot of people who spout there opinions when they have the full weight of an awesome legal team behind them. Take a look at the other side of Hollywood. Danny Glover anyone? Do you think he's afraid of who will take offense to what he says? Absolutely not. He's anti-gun, yet uses them in his films and is protected daily by people who carry guns. It's kinda like Chris Matthews saying that guy Kosnic (sp) was a danger because he had a gun. Not because Kosnic had a gun, but because there was a gun in the vicinity. Did Old fart bag Matthews realize that there are about a hundred guns around the President at any given moment? Guns are violent or evil, just those that choose to use them wrongly.

Taking a distaste for a whole forum based on a few peoples negative view of someone is just as small minded as not liking someone because they are anti-gun. I have several friends that are anti-gun. They like me just the same, because they are logical human beings, not tinfoil hat donners. Oh... and as far as opinions go... the few that I've actually got to go shooting with me... yup... have changed their opinions.

So, OP, you can dislike people for having an opinion counter to yours, but be prepared to live a lonely life. After all, it takes all kinds.

08-13-09, 23:45
Wasnt he a character on Farscape?

Usual Suspects I think. Good movie!

08-13-09, 23:49
Truth or not, it is still fact.

Face, meet palm.

08-13-09, 23:52
For whatever it's worth, I give credence to these responses.

-Someone who agrees with me, or vice versa, may be "batshit crazy"... but what do YOU think of what he has to say?

-This stuff definitely does come off as being from "tin-foil hat land", and maybe it ends up being from there, but if YOU haven't looked at it and given it consideration in your own brain then how do YOU know that it does or doesn't?

The only reason I chose to make my first post about an issue as out of the way as this is because I happened to read a post that said something like "can you believe this" or something close to that and I am familiar with Alex Jones. He has had a honest to goodness old fashioned am frequency radio show out of Austin, Tx for many years and a very controversial set of web sites that deal with many of the issues that serious minded people from our (I say our meaning: patriots, firearm owners, service members, Americans; all of us here are atleast several of these) community talk about and take to heart.

I don't mind being the target, here, of the jabs and the comments, etc. Like I said, when you are viewed by others as undesirable that is what happens. I can handle it til the end of time. My question is this: If you come to believe to be true , information that is way out of the everyday information that is passed around, can you handle telling others and risking the ridicule. To me it doesn't get any realer than that in a time of extreme change....

Buddy...so far I see no one assaulting or belittling you. As to the substance of what Alex Jones says or does...maybe he brings up some pertinent facts/interesting theories/opinions (I'm not denying that) but maybe the way he delivers things (*read-Glenn Beck) may catch and throw people off guard, I dunno.

I say this with the utmost respect, talking to you as a complete stranger while sharing some very common ideals/hobbies/interests...give these guys a chance on this forum. No one is perfect...and as far as internet forums go...i feel the most 'at home' with this bunch of guys. Humans are always gonna disagree on things, but don't lump everyone on here together as insensitive and intolerable if: the pertaining subject matter might happen to be viewed as controversial and possibly tin-foil hat material...and u get a few negative responses. Simply put: don't take things so personal, ya know?

Outlander Systems
08-14-09, 00:12
To the OP: Don't be disappointed - http://m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=35947

The essence of what you're looking for is here. The messenger is irrelevant; it's the message. Nobody in media has my 100% backing. You take the message interpret it as you will, and throw out the crap. I will never rule out conspiracy, but I won't always buy it. As the old saying goes, "The suspicious eye sees only evil".

I've yet to find ANYONE whose message I can gobble down all the time. Well, maybe Rob Sloyer, IraqGunz, KevinB, and Failure2Stop, but...;)

To everyone else:



It's all good fun.

08-14-09, 00:41
The hell with Alex Jones. Who is Keyser Soze?

Damn Keyser Soze! Who be John Galt?!

08-14-09, 00:41

08-14-09, 00:51
Tom Jones? Who doesn't like Tome Jones. Wish he still played Vegas.

Left Sig
08-14-09, 00:52
What is the color of the boat house at Hereford?

08-14-09, 01:04
Hello again.. I've only seen 1 "one" poster who I think gets what I'm saying, atleast through the responses I've read.

This is not about trashing people. It's not about calling people ignorant. And it definitley has nothing to do with ONLY calling into question the political life of our current president.

The point I'm trying to make goes more like this... Our curent president is only the most recent manifestation or representative of a long running, very powerful, "answers to themselves" collection of people around the Western world who have certain controls over every aspect of daily lives. That means the companies we work for, the companies who produce and distribute our food, the companies that keep our water and power on, the institutions who give our children knowledge. The list goes on but for times sake...

These power structures have been in place for a very long time. The question of how long, I believe, really depends on what kind of information one is willing to let into their brain and then analyze. It's an individual conception.

What I don't believe is debatable is the existence of these Power Structures that are very well hidden, often in plain sight, from the citizens of whichever society they are controlling. It's not you against me as I see it, it IS us against them. Why do we on these forums feel a link that is not felt by others who just want to trust far off powerful people to provide for us. I think it's because we've stepped back and we now understand that being "kept" safe offers us only the opposite. It's the old "when you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul" or "A government that can provide you shelter, food, and protection is in the position to take those away." I'm paraphrasing those statements but they are very true none the less.

I'm not the sensititive type these days. Maybe in my younger years, but I've learned what is an attack and what is discourse. This has nothing to do with whether you think I agree with Ted Nugent's comments from one of the MANY documentaries that Alex Jones created. What I am trying to say and trying to figure out from here is "Is this a forum of enlightened ideas in some way?" "Are these people thinking about their existence and the factors which shape their lives?" OR "Is this just a gun forum where people hang out and while they offer really good technical opinions about guns, they don't tap into the hardcore issues that I believe "gun issues" actually protect?"

I don't understand all the answers yet but I can tell you this... I CAN TELL WHEN I'M INTERACTING WITH INDIVIDUAL MORONS WHO DON'T WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING ELSE BEYOND WHAT HAS BEEN SHOVEL FED TO THEM! Forgive me individually, and I will apologize to you, but are you one of them???

08-14-09, 01:05
The real question is; Is there a boat house in Hereford? :D

I actually really liked the Art Bell show.

What is the color of the boat house at Hereford?

08-14-09, 01:06
And "NO" there was no boat house at Hereford

Jay Cunningham
08-14-09, 01:15
Hello again.. I've only seen 1 "one" poster who I think gets what I'm saying, atleast through the responses I've read.

This is not about trashing people. It's not about calling people ignorant. And it definitley has nothing to do with ONLY calling into question the political life of our current president.

The point I'm trying to make goes more like this... Our curent president is only the most recent manifestation or representative of a long running, very powerful, "answers to themselves" collection of people around the Western world who have certain controls over every aspect of daily lives. That means the companies we work for, the companies who produce and distribute our food, the companies that keep our water and power on, the institutions who give our children knowledge. The list goes on but for times sake...

These power structures have been in place for a very long time. The question of how long, I believe, really depends on what kind of information one is willing to let into their brain and then analyze. It's an individual conception.

What I don't believe is debatable is the existence of these Power Structures that are very well hidden, often in plain sight, from the citizens of whichever society they are controlling. It's not you against me as I see it, it IS us against them. Why do we on these forums feel a link that is not felt by others who just want to trust far off powerful people to provide for us. I think it's because we've stepped back and we now understand that being "kept" safe offers us only the opposite. It's the old "when you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul" or "A government that can provide you shelter, food, and protection is in the position to take those away." I'm paraphrasing those statements but they are very true none the less.

I'm not the sensititive type these days. Maybe in my younger years, but I've learned what is an attack and what is discourse. This has nothing to do with whether you think I agree with Ted Nugent's comments from one of the MANY documentaries that Alex Jones created. What I am trying to say and trying to figure out from here is "Is this a forum of enlightened ideas in some way?" "Are these people thinking about their existence and the factors which shape their lives?" OR "Is this just a gun forum where people hang out and while they offer really good technical opinions about guns, they don't tap into the hardcore issues that I believe "gun issues" actually protect?"

I don't understand all the answers yet but I can tell you this... I CAN TELL WHEN I'M INTERACTING WITH INDIVIDUAL MORONS WHO DON'T WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING ELSE BEYOND WHAT HAS BEEN SHOVEL FED TO THEM! Forgive me individually, and I will apologize to you, but are you one of them???


I would suggest climbing down from your "enlightened" high-horse and also dropping the victim routine.

08-14-09, 01:20
I call shenanigans! There is a red brick boat house.

And "NO" there was no boat house at Hereford

08-14-09, 02:05

There is no inherent enlightenment here. That's my point again and again and again. Just look around, it's right in front of your nose. You can't miss it. None of us can.

There is also no victimization syndrome here. Maybe I suffer from the ability to articulate my points succinctly. I try to use our language to the best of my ability but maybe I am failing yet.

We are all, here, in the very same boat. I personally feel, though, that some of us are not even really aware that we have left solid land.

Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton (mysterious friend of Bush), Bush II, Obama...all cut from the same cloth. The cable news explanations of their individual governing policies are all part of, in my opinion, the "hidden in plain sight" Power Structure to which I previously referred. I am not the ememy here. But it's getting late and I AM getting tired of the under-intellectualized, seemingly PURPOSEFUL, damn near MSNBC style responses. It may very well be that I have overestimated the stronger voices on this forum. PLEASE somebody change my mind as I can't find anything better anywhere else. No offense meant to the ones who want to figure things out but you need to stand up and be counted. I'm not here just to talk and be heard.

After looking around at many sites for many months I have come to think that M4Carbine.net will have the kind of members who will stand out and stand up. What do you gain by cutting me down? Are you really not getting the sense of where my loyalties lay? It's damn disappointing thus far....maybe I will have to settle for only visiting the technical forums on this site. Like I said, I enjoy and respect those opinions.

08-14-09, 02:25
Look at the post from "sdacbob" from the early hours of 8/14....

Here's my first smart-ass comment on this thread... "Oh well I guess I must be completely full of s**t"

Wake the f*** up you wannabes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-14-09, 02:30
Guess what. This one is locked too. C'mon guys. Freemnd, check your PM.