View Full Version : Sensei Fred Ettish Returns to the Cage

08-14-09, 09:29
Fred is the highest ranking stateside member of Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Matsumura Kenpo and my former Sensei. He tought me when I first started out in Kenpo and I have nothing but respect for the man. This Saturday he will be returning to the cage in Brainerd, Minnesota.

Sensei Fred hasn't fought since UFC 2 when he was rushed into the ring as a last minute replacement. UFC changed that day when Sensei Fred lost. I wish him the best of luck this Saturday.

Fred Ettish will get the opportunity to restore balance to his competitive mixed martial arts career 15 years, five months and four days after he set foot inside the Octagon at UFC 2.

The 53-year-old Ettish (0-1) will face a still unnamed opponent at a Cage Fighting Xtreme show on Aug. 15 at Bada Bings in Brainerd, Minn. Ettish’s longtime friend and current UFC welterweight Brock Larson runs the Minnesota-based promotion and will provide him with the chance most believe to be long overdue.

“I don’t know for sure who my opponent is yet,” Ettish said. “A few names have been put out, but they have changed back and forth a bit. I have a feeling the changes will continue until fight day -- probably not a known name opponent at this point.”

Ettish has not competed professionally in MMA since his ill-fated appearance at UFC 2 on March 11, 1994 at Mammoth Gardens in Denver. President Clinton was enjoying his second year in office, “Schindler’s List” and “Mrs. Doubtfire” were playing in theaters and Kurt Cobain still fronted Nirvana. Ettish walked into the cage on short notice against Johnny Rhodes, and his life was never the same.

Shortly after their fight began, Rhodes clipped Ettish with a pair of thudding right hands that sent him tumbling to the canvas. Blood flowed from his face, and Rhodes proved relentless with his follow-up barrage, his heavy blows forcing the prone Ettish to cover up in defense. Ettish submitted to a rear-naked choke soon after and became the subject of public ridicule in the MMA community for years. Now, he has returned to right his wrongs.

“I’ve wanted to do this ever since the UFC 2 ‘experience.’ There was always something that prevented me every time I made any serious moves to fight again, and usually it was with an eye to a bigger promotion,” Ettish said. “I know that at my I age I’m blessed to have such good health and fitness, but I also know this will not last forever.”

Ettish resides in Kansas City, Mo., where he runs a martial arts gym affiliated with the Miletich Fighting Systems camp. He has roughly 20 students under his wing at the Damaibushi Martial Arts academy, but the lure to compete again has proven strong.

“I have a lot of ghosts and demons that have not been put to rest, and I’ve come to the conclusion that the only way to do this is to get back in there and actually do my best and represent in a way I can be proud of,” Ettish said. “I guess I don’t want to die at 0-1.”

More on Sensie Fred and his UFC 2 fight here:


08-14-09, 11:11
I respect anyone involved seriously in the martial arts. I practice and train in jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai and know the dedication, sweat, and blood that goes along with it. However, I do not think Ettish will do well in his next fight. He may be a good person and a fighter against life's adversities, but he is not a cage fighter. He embarrassed himself in UFC 2. He is a trainer, not a fighter, just like Militech. Militech is a great trainer, but not a great fighter. He lost to almost every good fighter he stepped into the ring with. I expect Ettish to get handed another loss.

08-14-09, 12:07
Win or lose, Fred will put up a better fight than most anyone could hope to.

Fred could go on and win ten professional fights, but the only one people will remember is UFC 2. He is doing this for himself, not for anyone else. If he wins, great, but an easy win would not be as fulfilling for Fred as a hard fought loss.

08-14-09, 14:54
I wish him the best and hope he pulls off a win. I will be rooting for him and checking mmajunkie to see the result.:)

Ed L.
08-14-09, 18:32
The state of the art of the fighters these days in MMA is lightyears ahead of what it was when the UFC first started.

It was more interesting back then, because you had representatives of various styles using those styles either successfully or unsuccessfully.

But over the years what works best in a no gi MMA enviroment has been figured out and people train emphasizing those elements. MMA has become a martial art of its own. It draws the handwork from boxing, the licks from Muy Thai, the upper body clinchwork from Greco-Roman wrestling, the takedowns from wrestling, and much of the ground work that works in a no-gi environment from BJJ .

When the UFC started it was many people's and many competitor's first exposure to things like clinch work and BJJ groundwork. Now all of that is in the open and has been for many years.

At one time Royce Gracie dominated his matches. But when Royce returned to the UFC, he was soundly defeated by Matt Hughes.

08-14-09, 19:11
In Fact, when Matt larsen and crew started the Modern Army Comabtives System (based primarily BJJ and MT boxing) they actually showed that fight to students in the Level 1 at Benning. He told us that this was an example of why you could not buy fighting skill kicking the air at an inline store next to the K-mart with 11 year olds. The guy spent like 15 years learning to "fight" and demonstrated the fetal position the first time he got hit.

A very interesting lesson....one that aparently Fred also took away since he now teaches a brand of MMA

Thanks for sharing the story


08-14-09, 19:15
It will be interesting to see if Ettish has adapted. Royce was embarrassed in the Hughes fight. He didn't train like he should have. Many people were extremely upset with him. He says he is going to fight again and that he has learned his lesson. We'll see.

08-14-09, 19:21
It will be interesting to see if Ettish has adapted. Royce was embarrassed in the Hughes fight. He didn't train like he should have. Many people were extremely upset with him. He says he is going to fight again and that he has learned his lesson. We'll see.

Royce was asked by a fellow student at a seminar at Bragg how he should workout to supplement his BJJ. Royce said "the only way to train for BJJ it to do BJJ" the rest is a waste of time. One year later Matt Hughes pulled him open like a clamshell. You cannot take away from Royce, I respect him alot, but that statement is like telling football players in the 50's that lifting weights will make them inflexible.

We'll see if Fred learned enough. I wish him luck

08-14-09, 19:30
I hope he does well. Being around Pat Miletich doesn't hurt.

Ed L.
08-14-09, 20:04
First, I give all the credit in the world to him, but 50+ is quite an age to step into the ring against anyone.

Second, if he is training in Militech Fighting System MMA he is entering the ring with an MMA background, not as a Traditional Martial Artist as he did originally.

08-14-09, 21:08
yeah, 53 yrs old,

hope he dosent break a hip.

but seriously good luck to him.

08-14-09, 22:41
I wish him luck and I hope he does better than this fight: UFC Fight (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwKPMEiiobk)

08-14-09, 22:45
Yeah, that's UFC 2

08-16-09, 01:54
Fred Ettish WINS

"3 minutes 20 seconds in the 1st round winner by tap out by strikes Fred Ettish"

08-16-09, 02:01

08-16-09, 02:32
uploading to youtube

Here is a picture of Fred, a buncha the old timers from the dojo when I first started training and myself. I couldn't believe how much weight Fred dropped -he is down to 159 pounds.


And this one is for m4carbine die hards because I know they swear by their DPMS rifles


08-16-09, 05:12
Fred Ettish WINS

"3 minutes 20 seconds in the 1st round winner by tap out by strikes Fred Ettish"

Good on him! I'll bet the defeat of UFC 2 haunted him terribly.

Can't wait for the video. :cool:

08-16-09, 10:38
The video turned dark when I uploaded it to youtube for some reason. It's not the greatest, but it's a video


08-16-09, 13:55
Glad for him. Way to go. 53 and in the ring.

08-16-09, 13:58
Is it just me or does it scream dork when someone uses the word Sensei when referring to themselves?

08-16-09, 14:20
Is it just me or does it scream dork when someone uses the word Sensei when referring to themselves?

Depends on the context in which it is used. Sensei is a title that is earned and should be used when appropriate.

08-16-09, 16:23
*teep to the balls*


08-16-09, 21:02
Is it just me or does it scream dork when someone uses the word Sensei when referring to themselves?

Where did that come from?