View Full Version : scary discovery

08-14-09, 11:06
I was taking a couple of items to the recycling bin in the garage and just placed a diet coke can in a plastic almond container. That was 4-5 days ago and this is what I saw today when retrieving it to store some 30-06 casings--scary

It was upside down in the bin and the remnants did that.


Robb Jensen
08-14-09, 11:38
Cola is bad for you, especially the aspartame.

08-14-09, 11:41
Cola is bad for you, especially the aspartame.

Think I need to kick that habit.

08-14-09, 11:58
Cola is bad for you, especially the aspartame.

Soda is bad for you. Diet or not. Obesity in this country would go down by leaps and bounds if we got rid of 75% of the soda we drink.

Doesn't matter if regular or diet.

08-14-09, 12:10
I remember that when I was a small child, my dad had a concrete patio put in. Once the patio was poured, the workers sprayed coca cola on top of the whole thing to reveal the aggregate on top. I thought that it was a bad sign that Coca Cola could eat concrete. My dad drinks the stuff religiously.

08-14-09, 12:16
I can't find it now, but a few years ago I got an email that included a list of things that Coca-Cola was used for, and could do to certain items. Like dissolving a T-bone steak in a few days if it was left sitting in it. and even totally dissolving a nail!? ....and that some Highway patrols use the concentrated cola syrup to clean up blood and guts from nasty accident scenes!? I cut back on Soda BIGTIME after that!!!

08-14-09, 12:20

08-14-09, 12:22
in HS we did the disolve meat in coke thing :)

this also shows just how tough your insides are :) for those that drink the stuff !!!

08-14-09, 12:36
Cola is a great tenderizer/marinade for any good steak. DOn't use diet coke for marinade - adds an unpleasant taste.

Just imagine what it does to our intestines . . . . . saying this while sipping my 1 per day Coke. . . . . AAARRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH

Phosphoric acid adds a nice 'tart' taste to Coke

08-14-09, 12:37
I quit drinking all sodas. The phosphoric acid eats the enamal of your teeth away. I read somewhere that aspartame turns toxic when it gets heated up. There were cases of people who drank large amounts of diet cola's that were wheelchair bound and diagnosed as having MS. Once they quit all diet cola's the symtoms they were having started to reverse. Pretty crazy stuff.

08-14-09, 13:49
After years of being a "no soda" guy, I started drinking the stuff again a few months ago when my wifey started being morning sick and we started keeping Ginger Ale around the house. Just in the time she's been pregnant, I have picked up 15 unwanted pounds & there is no other variable in diet or activity to account for the weight gain. She's due in Oct, so we aren't even talking about 9 months of Soda drinking. After this 2 liter of orange Crush, I think I am done again. Back to water, coffee, tea, juice and scotch.

08-14-09, 14:00
After years of being a "no soda" guy, I started drinking the stuff again a few months ago when my wifey started being morning sick and we started keeping Ginger Ale around the house. Just in the time she's been pregnant, I have picked up 15 unwanted pounds & there is no other variable in diet or activity to account for the weight gain. She's due in Oct, so we aren't even talking about 9 months of Soda drinking. After this 2 liter of orange Crush, I think I am done again. Back to water, coffee, tea, juice and scotch.

Can't forget some good beer!

08-14-09, 14:06
Damn! I drink anywhere from 4 to 6 cans of Diet Coke a day.

08-14-09, 14:06
I will admit to drinking a soda every once in a while. Either a sugared one or a Splenda sweetened diet one.

Mostly when I travel long distances and need some Dew or Dr Pepper to stay awake, or for special occasions once in a while. Very rarely. Once in a while we will buy, as a special treat, some cane sugar "specialty" sodas and when we eat at Costco I will drink a small amount before I switch to water.

But very little. High Fructose Corn Syrup royally sucks and it is all just empty calories.

08-14-09, 14:08
Can't forget some good beer!

Funny thing about that, a long time ago, I had an academy instructor tell my class that he would rather see us drinking beer than soda.

08-14-09, 14:35
LOL- After seeing the hole in that plastic container, I might have to change my OMS/CLP Bolt Cleaning Procedure to PEPSI/CLP!

PEPSI should do a good job at dissolving carbon build-up!

08-14-09, 14:36
Breaking the habit today actually . . . water & coffee and so far so good. I know I will pick up a Mexican Coke when grabbing cigs. I know cigs are bad too . . .

08-14-09, 14:41
The Pepsi/CLP cleaing regimen is a great idea!

I've been buying mexican coke for about 8 months now and love it. Our local costco even started selling 24 packs!

08-14-09, 14:53
I have worked at a plant that processed phosphoric acid for one of the leading soda companies, based in Ga and I have also worked at a soda plant. You cannot imagine what the acid and the cola does to structures at those facilities. Steel and concrete structures have to be replaced every few years because of being eat completely out.

Think that is bad, you should see how hot dogs and artificial sweetners are made. It took me 9 months to eat a hot dog after going to a swine processing plant.

08-14-09, 14:56
I use coke to clean the battery contacts on my truck! All of my friends with diabetes complain about their rotting bodies while holding a Big Gulp...stuff is poison:mad:

08-14-09, 15:01
The Pepsi/CLP cleaing regimen is a great idea!

I've been buying mexican coke for about 8 months now and love it. Our local costco even started selling 24 packs!

Our Costco does too. Funny -- the other day the person in front of me in line at Costco was buying a case of Mexican Coke (cane sugar based) and also a case of normal Coke Classic. Made me wonder...

08-14-09, 15:21
I have worked at a plant that processed phosphoric acid for one of the leading soda companies, based in Ga and I have also worked at a soda plant. You cannot imagine what the acid and the cola does to structures at those facilities. Steel and concrete structures have to be replaced every few years because of being eat completely out.

Think that is bad, you should see how hot dogs and artificial sweetners are made. It took me 9 months to eat a hot dog after going to a swine processing plant.

I've heard that and know people who haven't had a hot dog since seeing them made!

08-14-09, 15:26
I have never heard of Mexican Coke. Is cane suger is the only difference?
The only soda I consume is Ginger Ale.........mixed with spiced rum.

08-14-09, 15:32
I have never heard of Mexican Coke. Is cane suger is the only difference?

Probably the same recipe they have been using for the last 500 years. Still comes in glass bottles too.

The only soda I consume is Ginger Ale.........mixed with spiced rum.

08-14-09, 15:33
I've heard that and know people who haven't had a hot dog since seeing them made!

Any part of a pig that cannot be put to use for any other food product (not counting bones and skin) goes into making a hot dog. It is f*cking nasty, and the smell will gag you.

The parts that cannot be used for hot dogs are sent to byproduct processing plants, as well as all the nasties from every deep fryer around, all the guts/skin from deer processing facilities, cow and chicken processing plants. One of the main buyers of the nastyness that comes from the byproduct plant is the cosmetics industry.

I always find it funny to see all these women who are die hard vegetarians, but wear makeup; the makeup base being made of left-over animal parts that cannot be put to use for anything else.

08-14-09, 15:37
Any part of a pig that cannot be put to use for any other food product (not counting bones and skin) goes into making a hot dog. It is f*cking nasty, and the smell will gag you.

The smell at a beef slaughterhouse where your nice steaks come from is nasty too.

And it is disgusting to watch.

My point is, I don't care what it looks like or smells like at the factory. I tend to eat beef franks anyway but the same process probably applies. As long as the food produced is "safe" to eat then go for it! (some will say that all the nitrates or nitrites or whatever in processed meat is not good for you and they are probably right -- I eat hot dogs infrequently)

08-14-09, 16:02
A real shooter's drink: Diet Caffeine-Free Coke. No caffeine, 30 mg sodium. Yes, it has aspertame, yes it has the acids (citric too), but in moderation, not bad for you. My doctors agree and it's a great solution for precision shooters who need to keep their BP and pulse low.

08-14-09, 16:25
I'll fess up to partaking of the Red Bull Cola, though simply because I like the taste of it. Doesn't club you over the head with sweet like Coke/Pepsi.

I have no idea if it has ingredients in common with them, since they claim ALL NATURAL! on the side of the cans, but I may have to look, now, and limit myself to cigarettes and talking too much for my bad habits of choice if it turns out to be the case.

I know a few state troopers that carry a couple of 2L bottles of Coke in the trunks of their patrol cars for the express purpose of dissolving blood on the freeways, like one would pour it on car battery terminals to get rid of corrosion. Not at all pleasant to think of.

08-14-09, 16:35
Cola is a great tenderizer/marinade for any good steak. DOn't use diet coke for marinade - adds an unpleasant taste.

Just imagine what it does to our intestines . . . . . saying this while sipping my 1 per day Coke. . . . . AAARRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH

Phosphoric acid adds a nice 'tart' taste to Coke

I use sprite or 7up, I think the acids tenderizes it, and the sugars leave a good char on the surface.

08-14-09, 16:37
I don't know if I would associate "All Natural" with being good for you. Technically lead is "All natural" but I think it would be a horrible ingredient in a soft drink. Get it lead and soft?

08-14-09, 17:04
I drink a 44oz dr pepper from the gas station everyday while grinding my teeth down with M&M's.

Nothing more refreshing than the "crispiness" of pop.

I am deathly afraid of a kidney stone though! The slightest "pain" where symptoms start have me panicing. But then it turns out to be nothing, and take sip of my 44oz. :p:D

08-14-09, 17:16
I drink a 44oz dr pepper from the gas station everyday while grinding my teeth down with M&M's.

Nothing more refreshing than the "crispiness" of pop.

I am deathly afraid of a kidney stone though! The slightest "pain" where symptoms start have me panicing. But then it turns out to be nothing, and take sip of my 44oz. :p:D

You should start worrying about diabetes...

08-14-09, 20:05
the only soda ive had in the past two years was diet sprite, mixed with vokda....

since im a health nut though, during my college drinking binges ive decided to either mix the vokda with orange juice, or just drink it like a man, straight from the bottle.

08-14-09, 20:45
i've been up to 5 Rockstars a day, in the last year. 5 was the ceiling, though, and i hit it pretty hard. Went cold-turkey after i started having subtle hallucinations from dehydration and whatever the hell's in those things.

it's hard not to indulge in legal "performance enhancing drugs," when your performance dictates your profit.

i'm at 1 1/2 a day right now..

oh, i remember why i'm replying: when i was a kid, i did a part time job at Fred Meyer as a gofer boy... i once cleaned up a dropped 6-pack of the store-brand cola.. i dripped a few drops on my slacks and blue canvas shoes. the next day, i went to put my shoes on and there were bleeched spots on them. figured i must have gotten bleech on them, didn't think anything of it- till i got my pants out of the dryer, and the pants had bleeched spots in the same exact spots i'd dribbled the cola on them.

08-14-09, 20:59
i've been up to 5 Rockstars a day, in the last year. 5 was the ceiling, though, and i hit it pretty hard. Went cold-turkey after i started having subtle hallucinations from dehydration and whatever the hell's in those things.

it's hard not to indulge in legal "performance enhancing drugs," when your performance dictates your profit.

How is the long-haul truck driving business these days?

08-14-09, 21:03
How is the long-haul truck driving business these days?

hah... i wouldn't know, i'm a hammer-swinger. i'm in it for the amp-factor, rather than the wide-eyes. i bet trucker do drink a shit-ton of energy drinks, though..

08-14-09, 21:25
I enjoy Dr Pepper with Mexican food but generally limit myself to 1-3 sodas a month. When I was new to night shift I used to augment my diet with Mt Dew to make it thru the night but ditched the habit pretty quick. I do dabble in a coffee now and then as I won't touch energy drinks with a 10ft pole.

08-14-09, 21:41
I drink a fair amount of Diet Coke, but I had a late flight and and early meeting las year and I had about 2 DCs and 3 cups of coffee, and I was AMPED. My CEO came over to say hi and I had to concentrate on not making fast movements or talking like a real coke addict. Coffee has it all over standard colas for caffeine.

08-15-09, 00:28
Beer good....Soda bad :)

08-15-09, 01:19
Back in 95' in Kuwait we had a 40mm HE round get stuck in the barrel of the MK19 machine gun. EOD came out, plugged one end and poured a can of Coke onto the round. Two days later round slid out.


08-15-09, 01:53
I'm addicted :(

08-15-09, 09:36
im addicted to pre workout drinks and other work out supplements in general, atleast the ones that work.

the most addicting one is redline. Im drinking one a day. the nice thing is its got no sugar in it, and its low calorie. redline will have just about anybody goin balls to the wall all day. I'm able to controll my self and only drink one a day though. Hopefully i can have a couple of these during hell week lol. a couple days ago, i had a half a redline (i drink half in the morning, half later) at around 4PM before i went for a run, i was goin balls to the wall till about 2 AM, it was like i was on coke, i wasnt able to even almost start to fall asleep till about 3 am. its good stuff.

08-15-09, 12:04
I work for a consulting engineering firm that does work for a soft drink company. Their filling rooms have to be explosion proof - meaning that any motors, conduit, etc have to be capable of containing spark away from the rest of the room. This is because of their concentrates.

No shit.

08-15-09, 22:09
I gave up sodas while in college and don't regret my decision. I will have one on a rare occasion, maybe 5 a year. I've been trying to get my parents to stop drinking them as well but haven't had much luck. I remember my brother telling me about his friend who was a driver for Pepsi and making a comment about the shipping labels containing corrosive content precautions.

I used to drink a lot of coffee (10 - 14 cups a day) and redbulls especially towards the last years of college but now I stick to mostly water and hot tea.

08-16-09, 00:18
I cut back on drinking so much coke after six cavities. :(

Anyway, gotta go to starbucks now.

Jay Cunningham
08-16-09, 00:26
So... I'm just wondering... is the acid exhibited here less or more aggressive than actual stomach acid?

08-16-09, 00:42
and even totally dissolving a nail!? ...

Will eat the rust off a nail, but won't dissolve one. Wouldn't be able to put it in cans if it did.

I just wish they'd make Coke with sugar again.

08-16-09, 00:57
The stuff aint good for you for sure but our body can withstand a certain degree of acid from foods/drinks. Not really defending it, just sayin that because it eats through one thing doesnt mean it will another. Bout the only soda I drink regularly is KY swamp water:D you wont get it unless youve been to or lived in ky......

08-16-09, 01:01
So... I'm just wondering... is the acid exhibited here less or more aggressive than actual stomach acid?

If Im not mistaken its just dilluted more, if it were oz. for oz. it would probably be more corrosive than our stomachs acid. Dont take my word for it im no chemist, just what seems to make sense to me. But just for the record, our stomach acid doesnt prevent coke's acid from eating out our bellys its the mucus on the walls of our stomach that handle that.

Jay Cunningham
08-16-09, 01:06
Seems a bit alarmist to me. But whatever.

08-16-09, 01:08
I don't know if I would associate "All Natural" with being good for you. Technically lead is "All natural" but I think it would be a horrible ingredient in a soft drink. Get it lead and soft?

Haha, that pun sounds like something i would say!:p I have to laugh sometimes over the all natural kind of stores, if you think about it, have we made anything that didnt originally come from nature? Technically everything is natural. Nothing is man made, because where did man get it? Man refine maybe, but still natural. I say if it tastes good and is moderately safe, eat/drink it.

08-16-09, 01:13
Seems a bit alarmist to me. But whatever.


Some of these are VERY questionable but he does suggest that the stomach acids are actually stronger. Once again, im no chemist but this a bit of a neat list/

08-16-09, 07:11
Seems a bit alarmist to me. But whatever.

As with most things in life, it's fine in moderation. There's nothing unsafe in any of these drinks.

08-16-09, 07:12
Think that is bad, you should see how hot dogs and artificial sweetners are made. It took me 9 months to eat a hot dog after going to a swine processing plant.

You're not an asshole, lips and other lovely meats kind of guy? Sound kind of gay if you ask me. :D

Haven't had a hotdog in a few years, simply because I despise grocery store dogs.

Soda is bad shit, I had a 12 pack a day habit for years, didn't like coffee so I substituted with mountain dew.

****s up your teeth and makes you feel like shit. I'm caffeine and soda free and feeling great. Easiest way to quit drinking the stuff is to simply quite drinking it.

08-16-09, 08:38
Will eat the rust off a nail, but won't dissolve one. Wouldn't be able to put it in cans if it did.

I just wish they'd make Coke with sugar again.

Mexican Coke in glass bottles. I buy a bottle everyday. It is good stuff.

08-16-09, 12:06
I was at a Wal-Mart the other month and saw a display of Pepsi that looked new. It was advertised as being made with cane sugar and not HFCS.

While the acids can be bad for you, the real problem is the High Fructose Corn Syrup and in diet the Nutrasweet/Aspartame. HFCS, according to report I saw on a PBS channel from a doctor, makes you feel like you want to eat more, and it also bypasses the brain/blood barrier unlike sugar so it can get directly in your brain. It had some other bad qualities too.

08-16-09, 12:56
Mexican Coke in glass bottles. I buy a bottle everyday. It is good stuff.

Where do you find the stuff? I cant say I've ever had any. Speaking of the way coke USE to be made, I got a friend who has some of the first six pack glass bottles ever to be circulated. He also has an original mountain dew bottle, the one that still had the hillbilly and mountains on it:D Im KY home grown so no offense meant:p

08-16-09, 13:03
Where do you find the stuff? I cant say I've ever had any. Speaking of the way coke USE to be made, I got a friend who has some of the first six pack glass bottles ever to be circulated. He also has an original mountain dew bottle, the one that still had the hillbilly and mountains on it:D Im KY home grown so no offense meant:p

mexican shop-n-robs have 'em in stock perpetually, along with jarritos and all the rest..

mexican sodapop rocks

08-16-09, 13:08
Ill have to try an find one. Ive had jarittos before they're pretty darn good

08-16-09, 13:38
A lot of Costco stores have the Mexican coke in a glass bottle by the case

08-16-09, 15:34
I buy mine at the Texaco near my house. I get one when I get smokes. I should go find a case of the stuff because it would be cheaper. I love that Mexican Coke.