View Full Version : Police Women of Broward County

GLP Standard
08-14-09, 16:16
Anyone gotten a chance to see this show yet? Its on TLC on Thursdays at 6pm. They've only aired 2 episodes so far and from what I've seen of the 2 it looks to be a promising series.

It follows the lives (on and off duty though mostly on duty) of 4 female Broward County Deputies (3 detectives, 1 handling sex crimes and 2 dealing with drugs and 1 Deputy working the streets).

Some might view it as "just another cop show" or "a copy of 'Cops'" but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It definitely puts a different spin on the typical "cop show" and for the most part (though its early in the season) doesn't seem to be scripted (too much)

Anyway, if you haven't seen it check it out.

Carne Frio
08-14-09, 18:07
I watched last night's episode. Enjoyed it. I just hope they keep up the quality.

08-14-09, 19:53
I've been meaning to TiVo it, but the more I hear them play the commercial for it over and over again on the Military Channel, the less I want to see it. The theme music is grating on my ears and it seems like you just have 4 female cops trying to prove that they're just as tough as the guys. Plus the one's comment about there always being a good time to use a Taser put me off. Are you just looking for people to tase? Image is everything, and true or not, statements like that just don't sound good.

08-14-09, 21:32
Dude the blonde is hot.................:D

I going to go down there and sell crack in front of her house

08-14-09, 22:27
Dude the blonde is hot.................:D

I going to go down there and sell crack in front of her house

No kidding!! Makes me want to join the Broward County Sheriff's Office. :D

08-15-09, 00:15
I saw the previews and it looked decent but I hadn't realized it started yet. I will set my DVR to record the two episodes I missed. Anyone know what night/time the new episodes air?

08-15-09, 00:25
"Female Cops"

But so far not so bad. The only thing that made me cringe was Episode Two when they are going into the drug house and BOTH COPS have their guns sideways "gangsta style." WTF is that?

08-15-09, 07:51
I'd hit it !!!!!!!!

08-15-09, 07:56
This weeks outing at the beach was very interesting!!:D

08-15-09, 08:55
"Female Forces" is another show about the same topic. It was filmed in Naperville, IL and was not well received by the female cops I know. Absolutely painful to watch

08-15-09, 12:05
Love this cop show! Any cop show in Broward county is bound to be good.

I fell off the couch when they went to the beach. Wow!

08-15-09, 12:52
Dont plan on watching it. Most police shows are just examples of how police work shouldnt be done.

08-15-09, 12:55
the previews made me want to hurl... it looked completely retarded. with lines like "theres always a good time to use a taser" it just makes me wonder how stupid the rest of the show is.

08-15-09, 13:48
Dont plan on watching it. Most police shows are just examples of how police work shouldnt be done.

Maybe, but Deputy Penoyer on the beach made it worth watching. I couldn't quite make out her tattoo, but it might have been her badge.;)

08-15-09, 14:11
the previews made me want to hurl... it looked completely retarded. with lines like "theres always a good time to use a taser" it just makes me wonder how stupid the rest of the show is.

I had a similar thought when I saw the commercial. I honestly do not think things like that put LEOs in a good light.

GLP Standard
08-15-09, 15:09
I was gonna mention in my opening post how hot I thought Det. Penoyer was, but I didn't want to be the first and get flamed :D


I definitely have a crush on her. Shes single too :cool:

As for those that are saying the show looked stupid or retarded from the previews with the comments they make (like about tasing people) I think you need to give it a chance. Its just a preview. You can't really take one comment someone made on a preview and judge the entire show on that. I dont recall where in the show she says the taser comment or what the circumstances were, but how do you know youre not taking it completely out of context? Without hearing the whole conversation that lead to that comment you cant judge. They seem to joke around on the show a lot, so who knows what she meant by it?

08-15-09, 15:18
GLP - you're right about the comments on the show. If people anaylzed what I said daily out of context I'd be in trouble myself. Context is everything, and people under stress often deal with it by saying off-the-wall things.

I'm going to try an catch an episode and give it a chance.

08-15-09, 20:18
I was gonna mention in my opening post how hot I thought Det. Penoyer was, but I didn't want to be the first and get flamed :D


I definitely have a crush on her. Shes single too :cool:

As for those that are saying the show looked stupid or retarded from the previews with the comments they make (like about tasing people) I think you need to give it a chance. Its just a preview. You can't really take one comment someone made on a preview and judge the entire show on that. I dont recall where in the show she says the taser comment or what the circumstances were, but how do you know youre not taking it completely out of context? Without hearing the whole conversation that lead to that comment you cant judge. They seem to joke around on the show a lot, so who knows what she meant by it?

i would absolutely destroy that. id make her a good breakfast the next morning too. i wonder if shes a cuddler?

08-15-09, 21:43
i would absolutely destroy that. id make her a good breakfast the next morning too. i wonder if shes a cuddler?

I've got $20 on her idea of foreplay involving an X26...lol

I've only watched one episode so far. It's not something I'll religiously watch, but it was pretty good.

08-15-09, 22:04

If she's like many of the fine female officers that I have the opportunity to work with she probably prefers the company of girls that wear mens underwear.

GLP Standard
08-15-09, 22:22
If she's like many of the fine female officers that I have the opportunity to work with she probably prefers the company of girls that wear mens underwear.


How come no one mentions the other one? Shes kind of cute too. Too bad shes married. Her husband is out of town a lot though :)


08-15-09, 22:30
I've got $20 on her idea of foreplay involving an X26...lol

I've only watched one episode so far. It's not something I'll religiously watch, but it was pretty good.

sounds kinky lol

08-16-09, 00:46
Didn't see the previews to prejudge it as stupid or retarded...

Came upon the first episode purely by accident...

It was stupid and retarded alright...

Should be renamed "Badge Heavy Bimbos of Broward County"...

I'd imagine the athletic blonde in a bikini might mitigate that a bit though ;)...

GLP Standard
10-13-09, 13:39
Its been 2 months since I made this thread, and the show has been running for awhile. Just bringing it back to life to see if anyone else has caught it and what people think now that there are 10 or so episodes.

10-13-09, 13:49
I am going to have to apply at Broward County! :D

10-13-09, 14:56
if anyone wants to see past episodes hulu has them

10-13-09, 15:23
All - Let's be respectful in our posts. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised, given the fact that we have a very large LEO membership, if we have one or several of their co-workers here on the forum.

10-13-09, 15:32
FWIW the range sessions on the show are at the range where we have our IDPA matches once a month.

I think the women need to come out and shoot a carbine drills night so the TYV can get on the air.

One of the opening shots they use from the air flying down the beach starts with the condo I built JUST out of frame to the bottom. The chopper is basically right above the condo, but the shot looks to the south and misses it just barely.

Kentucky Cop
10-13-09, 16:19

How come no one mentions the other one? Shes kind of cute too. Too bad shes married. Her husband is out of town a lot though :)


Her husband is out of town huh?! I guess you could say that since he is in the sand box fighting the war against terrorism.

10-13-09, 16:38
Her husband is out of town huh?! I guess you could say that since he is in the sand box fighting the war against terrorism.

Ouch...that left a welt.

10-13-09, 17:15
All - Let's be respectful in our posts. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised, given the fact that we have a very large LEO membership, if we have one or several of their co-workers here on the forum.

We'll say this one more time.

Keep it respectful or find another forum.

Kentucky Cop
10-13-09, 18:21
Too all and specifically M4arc, GLPstandard, and Templar,

When I wrote my post I honestly had a grin on my face and good intentions on my mind. After I posted it and read it, yes, it sounded a little crappy. We all can agree that some of us want the best for our men and woman fighting over "there" I wasn't upset when I wrote it but just wanting to point out that she is a part of a military family that has her husband currently serving. And again, I wasn't trying to take a shot at GLP standard but just wanted to remind all that numerous LEO's and military folks are part of this wonderful forum and might frown at that a bit.
Sorry to all and yes, the show rocks and I hope it continues to more episodes. I actually have it DVR'd.
Apologies, KY COP:(

10-14-09, 06:49
Kentucky Cop -- In no way was the warning made to you...

10-14-09, 10:59
Anyone gotten a chance to see this show yet? Its on TLC on Thursdays at 6pm. They've only aired 2 episodes so far and from what I've seen of the 2 it looks to be a promising series.

It follows the lives (on and off duty though mostly on duty) of 4 female Broward County Deputies (3 detectives, 1 handling sex crimes and 2 dealing with drugs and 1 Deputy working the streets).

Some might view it as "just another cop show" or "a copy of 'Cops'" but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It definitely puts a different spin on the typical "cop show" and for the most part (though its early in the season) doesn't seem to be scripted (too much)

Anyway, if you haven't seen it check it out.

Watched a couple episodes. That little blond detective is a pit bull! Her partner is usually just getting out of the car while she has run a mile down the road, jumped a 9FT fence and tackled some 6'4" crack dealer. :D


10-14-09, 11:00
"Female Cops"

But so far not so bad. The only thing that made me cringe was Episode Two when they are going into the drug house and BOTH COPS have their guns sideways "gangsta style." WTF is that?

SAW THAT! I was like WTF is up with that. They also always point their taser's at people the same way.


10-14-09, 13:02
I also thought ????? HUH when they pulled them sideways

no clue whats up with that its a OK show though :)

Kentucky Cop
10-14-09, 13:27
I have never seen a department that allows so many officers wear those point blank style raid vests. Thats great! The only time we gear up is when we know we are specifically going after a subject or serving a warrant. Seems like all the specialized units utilize those vests. I know some of them appear to be point blank but some of the other guys that have different colored ones appear to be blackhawk maybe....not for sure. Anyways, I am in a specialized unit and wish I could wear BDU's pants with a molle vest.
Jealous....KY COP:D
PS-I will pass on driving a the mini vans!:eek:

10-14-09, 14:03
I can't help but wonder if those vans aren't vehicles that the production crew provided. Kitted out to BSO specs and give them the cars. The women have said before that they aren't paid anything from the network, and only continue to collect their same BSO pay, so the vans would make a nice gift to the department for allowing them to film and give the crew room to work.

FWIW, the two women you see wearing the vests technically are part of special units and are considered detectives. The black girl (who I think is the best one on the show, BTW) is a regular patrol deputy so she's in the regular uniform. No idea if they vest they are wearing are armored on the outside, but I have seen Ft. Lauderdale PD wearing non-armored exterior vests that hold things like their radio up off their belt.

I've always thought that an enterprising cop could have an OSHA claim with everything you guys carry on your belts these days.

10-14-09, 14:14
Watched a couple episodes. That little blond detective is a pit bull! Her partner is usually just getting out of the car while she has run a mile down the road, jumped a 9FT fence and tackled some 6'4" crack dealer. :D


Yes she is a pit bull. Very cute too! If only she didn't sound like a high pitched barking Chihuahua when she yells "Hands, Hands, Hands!":p

Kentucky Cop
10-14-09, 14:25
Good call Rob! Never thought about the network providing (donating) vehicles to suit both the unit and film crew's needs. As you said earlier about the view of the high rise you built, I wonder if BSO provides the aerial shots from their airships or the network uses one of their helicopters. The more I watch the show, it appears that several of the shots are from a aerial platform that would surely tax the BSO helicopter crew's "availability" to assist other officers. However, if I was selling crack, I would never have looked twice and the kid getter mini van.;)
Ky Cop

Kentucky Cop
10-15-09, 15:44
Not to have this thread stray, BUT, I just got done watching the "Alaska State Troopers" show. For the first episode, its really good. Very interesting on on how the Troopers take care of business in the last frontier. I interested to see what AlaskaPoPo thinks about it. Nonetheless, impressive agency. Awesome live fire drills with defensive tactics involved along with live fire.:cool:
Ky Cop

10-15-09, 18:07
Im stationed up here at Elmendorf AFB and we get an opportunity often to train with APD and AST and some of their training is top notch. I will say though that I have always found that paticular training to be more of a hazard than anything. I think perhaps simmunitions would be better suited to defensive tactics and live fire when coupled together. All in all, the training is outstanding. A great agency to work for if you dont mind working out in the bush.

10-15-09, 19:52
Not to have this thread stray, BUT, I just got done watching the "Alaska State Troopers" show. For the first episode, its really good. Very interesting on on how the Troopers take care of business in the last frontier. I interested to see what AlaskaPoPo thinks about it. Nonetheless, impressive agency. Awesome live fire drills with defensive tactics involved along with live fire.:cool:
Ky Cop

ditto enjoyed the show quite a bit :)

Kentucky Cop
10-16-09, 14:53
Just wathced the last episode of the series. The top 10 take downs by the BSO's ladies. It was more less the best arrests of the series. Just so-so, nothing new if you have seen the other shows. :p
Ky Cop

Kentucky Cop
10-16-09, 15:23
Okay, I lied. I just saw the final "number one takedown" by Det. Poyner. Ummm, yeah. This is the episode with her and her partner holding their handguns "gangsta" style. Very interesting. Also, did anyone see Poyner's partner sweep her back and several of the suspects in cuffs several times with the muzzle of his Glock? Wow, I was kinda cringing as I watched it. Speechless in Kentucky. :eek:

Kentucky Cop
03-11-10, 21:14
...................and we have another one tonight.

Police Women of Maricopa County. Seems like the same producers but alot different. The deputy's do a whole lot of narrating and talking and not alot of action from what I saw. It seems that the show is going down hill but I do like listening to the Sheriff talk. Always liked him and his political tactics. Anyone else see the show?


Ky Cop

03-12-10, 05:56
I saw part of the Maricopa one last week I think. Frankly those deputies scared the crap out of me.

Cold Zero
03-12-10, 06:25
I have been watching Alaska State Troopers, since it came on the air. I was disapointed to see it over, with such a short season. I highly recomend watching it and they do not use sex to get you to watch it.

The scenary is beautiful as well.