View Full Version : pay-to-play technical databases

08-17-09, 00:40
I'm looking at getting a subscription to a good technical database. my only experience with these kinds of deals is through schools i've attended.. EBSCO, lexus, findlaw, etc.. and very minimal at that. Always seemed like more effort than it was worth, back then. stupid me.

sciencedirect.com is $40/month, for instance- looks like it's got limited information on the kinds of things i'm interested in- metallurgy, machining, military weapon testing, etc. not worth it to me.

anyone have any recommendations?

08-17-09, 16:43
you might have a look at DTIC Online - Public Scientific & Technical Information (http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/). Some things are available free via pdf, others you have to order; worth a shot...

08-17-09, 16:51

that, buy a marks handbook, machinerys handbook and you should be set.

08-17-09, 22:28
excellent.. thank you, gentlemen.