View Full Version : Lockerbie Bomber Freed From Prison on Compassionate Grounds

08-20-09, 11:19
Sorry if it was already posted


What a F*#"ing joke

"Scotland freed the terminally ill Lockerbie bomber on compassionate grounds"

I don't care if he is terminally ill. Freeing this turd so he can go home to a heros welcome in all likelihood.

08-20-09, 11:25
Makes me ANGRY!!!!!!!!!:mad:

08-20-09, 11:43
They say he served the equivalent of 11 days for each person killed during that horror show.

08-20-09, 13:25
A covert death squad needs to torture him and then kill him.

08-20-09, 13:32
This is unbelievable. If one of my family members had been on that plane, I'd be leading the team to go torture this POS every day for the rest of his life. He should have been publicly and painfully executed to begin with.

08-20-09, 13:35
A covert death squad needs to torture him and then kill him.

Yep. Somebody needs to punch that ticket.

Course the real blame goes to those criminals who set him free.

08-20-09, 14:34
I'm all for letting this guy go.

I think we ought to fly him back to Lybia in a C130 and then shove him out the back of the ****ing plane at 30,000 feet.

...or perhaps strap him to a laser guided inert munition. That way they can dig the hole and we can drop his ass right in it. Hell, have his family there and he can scream goodbye to them as he's hurtling toward the earth at terminal velocity.

"Burial services courtesy of the US Air Force."

08-20-09, 14:41
Unfortunately, he was welcomed "home" as a hero. Cheered and revered. What a mockery of justice this was.

08-20-09, 16:05
Unfortunately, he was welcomed "home" as a hero. Cheered and revered. What a mockery of justice this was.


yeah....saw that too.....The free world has become a bunch of pussies (pardon the language)

08-20-09, 16:10
A covert death squad needs to torture him and then kill him.

Hell yeah!!

08-20-09, 19:13
.....who makes a better suicide bomber than someone who has cancer????? That should make him LESS likely to be released.


08-21-09, 06:04
Someone should remind the UK how well the appeasement strategy worked for them with the Nazis....

Left Sig
08-21-09, 09:05
Unfortunately, he was welcomed "home" as a hero. Cheered and revered. What a mockery of justice this was.

Apparently, the assertion that the average muslim does not support terrorism, and it's just the misguided actions of a handful of extremists, is not true.

Big surprise.

08-21-09, 09:10
Unfortunately, he was welcomed "home" as a hero. Cheered and revered. What a mockery of justice this was.

It's too bad we didn't have an armed Predator drone that just happened to be in that area at the time. Could have killed 50 shitbags with one stone.

08-21-09, 09:35
It's too bad we didn't have an armed Predator drone that just happened to be in that area at the time.

There are a great many areas where a well placed Predator would come in handy. Unfortunately they can't be everywhere at once.

Regardless, we did all of nothing to stop it except have the powerless, bitchy Hillary voice her discontent. Obama could have prevented this if he wanted to, but he could undoubtedly care less.

That's ok though, he's just pre-occupied because his new administration has fallen from heaven and is speeding to earth in a ball of flames.

08-21-09, 10:34
I don't even know what to say.... Hopefully more people in power will wake up after seeing this. But I doubt it. :mad:

08-21-09, 11:05
I don't even know what to say.... Hopefully more people in power will wake up after seeing this. But I doubt it. :mad:

Hopefully those who vote, will wake up and "change" the power structure! Our usual suspects knew full well what was going on! Damn pukes!

08-21-09, 11:58
Regardless, we did all of nothing to stop it except have the powerless, bitchy Hillary voice her discontent. Obama could have prevented this if he wanted to, but he could undoubtedly care less.

I was wondering about that.

Americans were killed in that attack. By our own laws, we have the authority to track down and prosecute the terrorists responsible. You would think that the US could have exerted a great deal of influence to stop this release from happening. Or at least, arrange for him to be turned over to US authorities.

08-21-09, 12:05
Obama could have prevented this if he wanted to, but he could undoubtedly care less.

That's ok though, he's just pre-occupied because his new administration has fallen from heaven and is speeding to earth in a ball of flames.

preach it brother. if only it were true...

08-21-09, 12:16
preach it brother. if only it were true...

It is as true as it comes. Brother.

08-21-09, 12:56
There are a great many areas where a well placed Predator would come in handy. Unfortunately they can't be everywhere at once.

Regardless, we did all of nothing to stop it except have the powerless, bitchy Hillary voice her discontent. Obama could have prevented this if he wanted to, but he could undoubtedly care less.

That's ok though, he's just pre-occupied because his new administration has fallen from heaven and is speeding to earth in a ball of flames.

The Magic Negro advocated house arrest as if that is some kind of actual punishment. When I have "nothing to do" I want to be in my house.

08-21-09, 13:04
From the story in Fox News;

The United States also objected strenuously to the release of al-Megrahi, who spent roughly 11 days behind bars for each victim in the bombing. The White House declared it "deeply" regretted the Scottish decision, as President Obama warned Libya not to give him a hero's welcome.

I wonder what that warning entailed. Was there an "Or else.." attached to that warning?

Just another case of us looking like a paper tiger to those who would do us harm.

Terminal Effect
08-21-09, 16:52
It was truly appalling to see this terrorist scum being celebrated as a hero in Libya. I deem there is a larger, more sinister picture involved. That being said I mean that France made a major arms deal with Libya last year. Not just arms but also civilian nuclear technology. Could it be that Western nations (including Scottland) are caving in due to the country's wealth of oil and gas reserves. Surely there is a lucrative market to be conquered...

I also strongly suspect that Gaddafi himself knew of the Lockerbie plan. Now that POS SOB is being welcomed to Europe with military honors!

Sorry if this is an overgeneralization, but does it seem to anybody else that Muslims globally have some sort of love affair with terrorism. Because they know that it is the only way to hurt the West where it hurts most... innocent civilians.


08-21-09, 17:50
I'm all for letting this guy go.

I think we ought to fly him back to Lybia in a C130 and then shove him out the back of the ****ing plane at 30,000 feet.

...or perhaps strap him to a laser guided inert munition. That way they can dig the hole and we can drop his ass right in it. Hell, have his family there and he can scream goodbye to them as he's hurtling toward the earth at terminal velocity.

"Burial services courtesy of the US Air Force."

Nah.... F111 is more appropriate for delivery to Libya.