View Full Version : Travel Icon Says He'll Avoid Arizona Because of Gun Laws

Dave L.
08-22-09, 15:49


Who the F*ck is this guy and why do I care if he ever goes to AZ?

08-22-09, 15:52
Good riddance to that cock sucker.

08-22-09, 16:04
Hey Mr. "Travel Icon"----On behalf of all gunowners in Pennsylvania,...........we don't want you here either Dickhead!!:D

Outlander Systems
08-22-09, 16:53
The aforementioned bozo needs to t-t-travel his ass over to Communist China where there ain't no freedom. What a tumbling, tumbling dickweed.

P.S. Don't travel to Georgia, we don't want you here.


08-22-09, 17:30
add GA to the list, mutha****a...

Robb Jensen
08-22-09, 19:23


Who the F*ck is this guy and why do I care if he ever goes to AZ?

Cool. Now if we could just get the rest of the anti-gunners to stay out of this country and any other state were guns are actually legal.

08-22-09, 19:25
Cool. Now if we could just get the rest of the anti-gunners to stay out of this country and any other state were guns are actually legal.


08-22-09, 19:39
He should try walking around in some of the neighborhoods in "gun free" baltimore.

08-22-09, 19:46
That's fair.

I won't go to NY, CA or DC because they can't control their ACTUAL CRIMINALS and won't let me take steps to defend myself from their ACTUAL CRIMINALS.

I hope Mr. Travel goes to California instead and is killed by gang bangers.

08-22-09, 22:09
count texas out too pansy.

08-22-09, 22:38
On behalf of the great state of Arizona...

GFY Frommer! :mad:

Stay away, and on second thought, make sure all of your liberal friends do the same...WE don't NEED nor WANT your $$$. :p

08-22-09, 22:47
Arthur... who? :confused:

I wonder if I can pull the same stunt in order to kep him and other anti-Constitution dipshits from visiting Virginia as well? :p

08-23-09, 00:31
So Arizona is a Gun Nut State? Well I won't travel there either, Cause POF shipped my rifle to me in Texas.....LOLOLOLOL Man don't you just love listening to lefties, just when you think they can't get any more entertaining they come out with more head in the sand statements......got to love them, at least for their entertainment value, hell Rosie O'Donnell isn't on the air anymore.....:D

08-23-09, 01:44
While we all don't give a shit, this ass's actions and the resultant comments he might make in the travel guides he puts out that are relied upon by millions will likely cost Arizona a fair amount of tourism dollars. What a jackass.

Heavy Metal
08-23-09, 10:34

08-23-09, 11:27
This jackass wants to push his political agenda off on others. The fact that he has some influence on tourism just sweetens the deal for him. Who has a worse crime problem, gun friendly states or non-gun friendly states? I will stay in gun friendly states, where i can tote my sig concealed.

08-23-09, 12:39
Count WV In.

08-23-09, 12:49
count texas out too pansy.

+1 Southern Man don't need him around anyhow.

dropped them a note:
You're not going to like the gun laws in Texas either.Do us a favor,Keep the **** out.

08-23-09, 13:04
If only all the libtards would take the same approach, and stay on the coasts where they belong. Then, pray for a big tidal wave.

This guy probably reviews ghey bath houses, anyway...

08-23-09, 15:52
Well if he won't go to AZ I will never see him in AK. Do we even have gun laws up here? ;)

08-23-09, 16:06
Well he and his readers who choose to follow his recommendation can go to third world countries and banana republics, I'm sure it's safer and more fun there, where thugs and criminals not only carry machine guns, they run the country!

Patrick Aherne
08-23-09, 16:19
This is perfect. We need to Zumbo this dude. Find out who publishes his travel books and then post the email so we can all tell the publishers how we will never buy anything from this fool, or them, until he publicly apologizes.

08-23-09, 17:11
This is perfect. We need to Zumbo this dude. Find out who publishes his travel books and then post the email so we can all tell the publishers how we will never buy anything from this fool, or them, until he publicly apologizes.

Good idea!


I suppose if you checked off "book order" or "Partnering with Frommers.com", that they would be more inclined to actually check your email.

"I was gonna buy some of your travel guides, but saw..." etc.. :p

Parent company = Wiley publishing


Gonna email both places after I do some stuff...

Preferred User
08-23-09, 17:17
You can also give his books negative reps on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=frommer).

08-23-09, 17:20
You can also give his books negative reps on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=frommer).

yah, that's where I found "Frommers". But emailing to bitch about this issue specifically is probably better.

Do both! :D

08-24-09, 02:36
Guess we won't be seeing him in Vermont, where I've been legally carrying concealed since age 18. Not only do we not need permits, there are no such thing in this state. I place a curse on all things Frommer, whoever he is.

08-24-09, 04:36
He can stay out on NC too.


08-24-09, 10:20
Wow...the man is known as a "Travel Icon". Now that is someone whom most ought to be listening to. :rolleyes:

I bet many here have more credentials in that department alone than he does. If my life was dependent on what that fool recommended then I would likely also be too stupid to drive myself to the polling stations come election time.

08-24-09, 16:23
sum-bitch might ought to keep his junky ass out of mississippi while he's at it,, the "good ole boys" still carry carry '06's in the rifle racks in their pick-em-up trucks.

08-25-09, 15:51
Hey Arthur, I've just got one thing to say in response...


Alex V
08-25-09, 16:19
That's fair.

I won't go to NY, CA or DC because they can't control their ACTUAL CRIMINALS and won't let me take steps to defend myself from their ACTUAL CRIMINALS.

I hope Mr. Travel goes to California instead and is killed by gang bangers.

Don't go to NJ then either... almost imposible to get a carry permit here..

As for Fromer... fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim

Who gives a shit about his advice anyway? Has anyone you know actualy read his crap?