View Full Version : college student killed cougar that may have chased mountain bikers...with .22

08-24-09, 16:37
College student killed cougar that may have chased bikers on trail
By Rachel Schleif

The Wenatchee World

LEAVENWORTH — Esmerelda the hog was saved from an attacking cougar Aug. 15 by a 20-year-old man shooting a broken .22-caliber rifle from 100 yards.

Hayden Winkler, in his boxers, had just sat down with a cup of coffee, when he heard the pig's screams around 8 a.m.

An hour before, he had been feeding the cows, pigs and chickens on Gibbs Organic Farm, near the Freund Canyon trailhead — and not far from where mountain bikers had recently reported being chased by a mountain lion.

A college student from Colorado, Winkler spent the past three months as an apprentice in sustainable farming. His pants were soaked from the morning dew and irrigation, so he left them outside.

Winkler saw through a sliding-glass door the 200-pound cat attacking Esmerelda in an alfalfa field, about 100 yards away.

The cougar had dragged the 1-year-old pig out of its pen and chased it more than a football field's length, Winkler said.

He grabbed a rifle they typically use to scare birds from the cherry orchard. The stock was broken, so he steadied the gun on a plastic box. He cracked the door open and took aim.

"I was nervous. My hands were shaking," said Winkler, who says he's not a skilled shooter. "I thought if I hit the pig, it would be put out of its misery. I aimed for the cat's head so if I hit it, it wouldn't suffer either."

Winkler fired. The cougar jumped three feet in the air, he said. The pig ran toward an orchard next to the kitchen. Winkler reloaded the gun, but when he looked up, the cat was gone.

He called his boss, Ivan Gibbs, who told him about another .22 in the pottery barn, a few dozen feet from the kitchen. Winkler carefully stepped outside.

A co-worker pulling vegetables in the garden saw Winkler walking out of the barn, still in his underwear, with a rifle in each hand.

"She said, 'What are you doing?' " Winkler said, slowly emphasizing each word. He explained the situation, and they drove Winkler's Toyota Yaris around the orchard, looking for the cougar.

Cougarless, they put the pigs away and carried guns whenever they had to work outside. Winkler found the cougar later that evening, shot through the head.

Winkler called the state Department of Fish and Wildlife, which took away the cougar's body last Monday.

Rich Beausoleil, bear and cougar specialist for Fish and Wildlife, said it was a 2- to 3-year-old male. It had been dead too long to determine whether it was sick or hungry.

He suspects it was the same cougar that chased at least five mountain bikers on the Freund Canyon Trail during the past two weeks. He said the department had decided the cat had to be killed if it turned up.

"I was disappointed about what had to happen to this beautiful animal," Winkler said. "But, it had to be done."

On Thursday, Esmerelda rooted for vegetables and rolled in mud in her pen. The attack left a small tooth mark on her cheek and a scratch on her side.

Copyright © The Seattle Times Company

p.s. maybe i messed up with my wording on the title....or maybe the cougar actually had a .22 when it chased the bikers....who knows? maybe the bikers had the .22. or maybe i messed up.

08-24-09, 18:03
Organic farm

No trousers

Toyota Yaris

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

50 years ago this story would have been called: Monday


08-24-09, 19:15

Ed L.
08-24-09, 19:34
Now people are going to be labeling .22 rifles with broken stocks as KISS predator defense guns.

08-24-09, 21:58
Hey...they at least HAD guns, and new how to fire them.

08-25-09, 07:19
I bet they're considering upgrades to AR15s now :)

08-25-09, 08:01
I bet they're considering upgrades to AR15s now :)

How about upgrading the Yaris to a Pick-up?

The co-worker pulling vegetables thought that the guy with no pants and two guns merited a question, but a squeeling pig, screaming cougar and rifle shot all went unnoticed?

But did the .22 have a BAD lever? Sorry, cross thread silliness.

A 22 rifle producer should get him a new rifle.

08-25-09, 11:17
I am amazed they had a rifle. Then again they probably finally realized they had to have one for the small pest like snakes that farmers deal with, you know Grandma's .410 by the backdoor. That would explain why they bought the cheapest rifles they could find, which is what I bet they did when the went gun shopping. Hopefully this will teach them to get a center fire rifle and a better .22.

08-25-09, 11:31
Now people are going to be labeling .22 rifles with broken stocks as KISS predator defense guns.

This it the funniest post I've seen this week.

08-25-09, 12:24
I am amazed they had a rifle. Then again they probably finally realized they had to have one for the small pest like snakes that farmers deal with, you know Grandma's .410 by the backdoor. That would explain why they bought the cheapest rifles they could find, which is what I bet they did when the went gun shopping. Hopefully this will teach them to get a center fire rifle and a better .22.

They will probably get a BB gun and get rid of the 22 since it obviously is too powerful! One shot on a cougar!

08-25-09, 12:32
The co-worker pulling vegetables thought that the guy with no pants and two guns merited a question, but a squeeling pig, screaming cougar and rifle shot all went unnoticed?

Yea I also had that question in mind. I'm thinking Ipod. As for the Yaris my friends have one of those for city driving, and it was so gutless I almost blew the engine. I couldn't imagine driving one on dirt roads, or off road for an extended period.

But like someone said above at least the farm had guns. Kind of odd though using a .22 to scare off crows from cherries. My father in law uses a shot gun, and a small timed cannon, neither of which send a projectile outside of his property line...;)

08-25-09, 15:45
Brave man... for driving a Yaris to find a cougar. Had they come across that wounded animal it would have had no problem tearing that car apart!! :D

Kudos for the lucky shot and for even attempting it in the first place.

Dan Goodwin
08-25-09, 15:56
That was truly a Golden BB, fired by a nascent dirthead hippie. The pig has killer karma.

The most shocking aspect of this story, besides the cougar's incredibly bad zig when he should have zagged, is that there is apparently a B.S. offered in "sustainable farming."

WTF? Over.

Young Winkler will probably require years of therapy having taken the life of an actual animal.

Jesus wept.

08-25-09, 16:21
hippes aside (trust me I have my issues, many many issues),

isn't it a good thing that people are trying to continue the tradition of a small farm? I know that I support a local farm that is run by a young couple that is pretty "new age", we have a CSA with them, and it feels good knowing that my food is grown within fifteen miles of me, and that it is done in a sustainable way. (granted I insisted that my fiance choose a farm that offered meat, as I have major issues with vegans).

I think it was probably the best thing that ever could have happened to this guy that he had to take an animals life to defend the farm. It adds a completely real element to the word "sustainable", and I'm sure it changed his entire perspective on everything he is doing.

08-25-09, 18:36
I see your cougar and .22 and raise you a 900# bear and a .454 Casull:

Alaska man's quick shot kills charging bear

The Associated Press

Published: August 14th, 2009 08:07 AM
Last Modified: August 14th, 2009 11:52 AM

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - While walking with his dogs near his house in Soldotna, a snap of a twig prompted Greg Brush to glance over his shoulder.

When he turned, he saw a bear charging full speed at him from less than 20 yards away. Backpedaling, Brush was able to fire his gun once or twice. It was enough. The bear dropped dead.

"Came with zero warning," Brush told the Anchorage Daily News of the Aug. 2 bear encounter. "No woof, no popping of the teeth, no standing up, nothing like what you think."

Brush said the brown bear, which he estimated at more than 900 pounds, looked starved and probably saw him and his dogs as dinner.

The fishing guide said he carries a pistol on walks because bears have chased his dogs before. He barely had time to shoot.

"Total luck shot," he said. "It doesn't get any closer. He slid by me on his chin when I shot him," Brush said. "I was backpedaling as fast as I could. I wasn't even aiming. I tripped over my own feet as I pulled the trigger."

The brown bear shot is one of nine that have killed by people who are not hunters on the Kenai Peninsula this year. Last year through mid-August there were 25 such deaths. Hunters have killed five more.

The fall hunt season is scheduled to begin Sept. 15, and state biologists want to make sure that no more than 10 female grizzlies of reproductive age are hunted. They will end the hunt if the number of dead females approaches that cap.

Jeff Selinger, a biologist for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, said that in 2008, 39 Kenai Peninsula bears were shot in self-defense, hit by cars, killed by authorities after being perceived as dangerous, or shot illegally.

"Probably the single most-important component for ensuring a healthy population is adult female survival rate - and that's been good, about 90 percent," Selinger said. "I don't get as excited as some people do about the bear population being threatened."

Selinger said field evidence indicates the bear population on the Kenai Peninsula is growing.

Too bad the online article doesn't have the specifics or pictures the print version did...


08-25-09, 21:08
My girlfriend:

"Oh, that poor woman. She was only looking for a good time!"

C'mon guys, I'm highly disappointed that she caught it before you did.


08-25-09, 21:55
My girlfriend:

"Oh, that poor woman. She was only looking for a good time!"

C'mon guys, I'm highly disappointed that she caught it before you did.


You beat me to it!

08-25-09, 21:57
I see your cougar and .22 and raise you a 900# bear and a .454 Casull...

Bah!! Now if it were a 900# bear and a .22; I'd be very impressed. :D