View Full Version : ted kennedy dead

08-26-09, 01:21

08-26-09, 01:27
I guess I was glad when he wasn't really "working" much anymore... I don't wish ill on anyone but .... Karma

08-26-09, 01:31
I guess I was glad when he wasn't really "working" much anymore... I don't wish ill on anyone but .... Karma

Well... If I can't say anything nice, then I guess I won't say anything at all about that piece of shit. No politics aside.

I do hope he made his peace with God. I truly do. Politics aside.


08-26-09, 01:32
brain tumor did him in, i heard. guess we better ban brain tumors.

heh.. ted kennedy's brain tumor has killed more people than my gun.

08-26-09, 01:34
I guess I was glad when he wasn't really "working" much anymore... I don't wish ill on anyone but .... Karma

When you die at the old age of 77 you've outlived karma, if only karma...

08-26-09, 01:36
brain tumor did him in, i heard. guess we better ban brain tumors.

heh.. ted kennedy's brain tumor has killed more people than my gun.

Nice one!!!! But not mine..:( but the government still owns that "gun". :mad:


08-26-09, 04:53
While anyone's passing is a moment for pause, given Kennedy's championing of socialized health care, anyone want to bet on how long it takes the current administration to use his death to push their health care agenda?

08-26-09, 04:59
Oh yeah, and I'm sure Mary Jo Kopechne is resting a little better tonight....

08-26-09, 05:31
brain tumor did him in, i heard. guess we better ban brain tumors.

heh.. ted kennedy's brain tumor has killed more people than my gun.

LOL...stop...LOL again...stop...LOL again...:D

08-26-09, 05:45
While anyone's passing is a moment for pause, given Kennedy's championing of socialized health care, anyone want to bet on how long it takes the current administration to use his death to push their health care agenda?

I'll give it to the end of week. The Dems will eat there own when it comes to an agenda. Funny how he was a champion for socialized medicine yet he went to the best private hospitals for treatment. Hypocrite. :rolleyes:

08-26-09, 06:19
Hot as hell down there, ain't it Ted?

Mary Jo never got justice. I hope Cape Wind benefits from this.

08-26-09, 06:25
I have made my comments about him, and what I wanted him to do. I dont know that I really meant them...... well yes I did, and I will just leave it with, I am not sad to see him gone.

08-26-09, 06:34
Ted... who? Is he someone whose passing I should be mourning?

08-26-09, 06:38
Ding, dong, the dumbass is dead! :D I'm gonna try to get to a range today and CELEBRATE! :cool:

30 cal slut
08-26-09, 06:57
I do hope he made his peace with God. I truly do. Politics aside.

+1 .....

08-26-09, 07:30
brain tumor did him in, i heard. guess we better ban brain tumors.

heh.. ted kennedy's brain tumor has killed more people than my gun.

Wiping the sleep out of my eyes and what do I see? My morning laugh! Thanks

08-26-09, 07:32
I never had respect for him. Actually quite glad he's dead and out of the picture.

08-26-09, 07:46
And he was scheming right up to the end:


He didn't want Romney to be able to appoint someone replace Kerry on '04- then her decided he didn't want a special election to replace him when the tumor would finally get him.

Senator Ted Kennedy, who is gravely ill with brain cancer, has sent a letter to Massachusetts lawmakers requesting a change in the state law that determines how his Senate seat would be filled if it became vacant before his eighth full term ends in 2012. Current law mandates that a special election be held at least 145 days after the seat becomes available. Mr. Kennedy is concerned that such a delay could leave his fellow Democrats in the Senate one vote short of a filibuster-proof majority for months while a special election takes place.

"I therefore am writing to urge you to work together to amend the law through the normal legislative process to provide for a temporary gubernatorial appointment until the special election occurs," writes the Senator.

What Mr. Kennedy doesn't volunteer is that he orchestrated the 2004 succession law revision that now requires a special election, and for similarly partisan reasons. John Kerry, the other Senator from the state, was running for President in 2004, and Mr. Kennedy wanted the law changed so the Republican Governor at the time, Mitt Romney, could not name Mr. Kerry's replacement. "Prodded by a personal appeal from Senator Edward M. Kennedy," reported the Boston Globe in 2004, "Democratic legislative leaders have agreed to take up a stalled bill creating a special election process to replace U.S. Senator John F. Kerry if he wins the presidency." Now that the state has a Democratic Governor, Mr. Kennedy wants to revert to gubernatorial appointments.

08-26-09, 08:06
heh.. ted kennedy's brain tumor has killed more people than my gun.

Outlander Systems
08-26-09, 08:15

08-26-09, 08:27
Good riddance.

08-26-09, 08:54
The last of the (American) Tudors.


08-26-09, 09:36
When you die at the old age of 77 you've outlived karma, if only karma...

Karma begins collecting today..

08-26-09, 09:43
I am treating everyone at my company to drinks this afternoon in celebration.


08-26-09, 09:51
The prick should have died a long time ago!

08-26-09, 09:58
No, here is the spin, if only Ted had been forced to use public healthcare system he would still be alive today.

08-26-09, 10:03
The last of the (American) Tudors.


As much as I disliked his politics, the above is quite true. Signifies the overall end of a historical era.

08-26-09, 10:06
I can't believe Barry actually referred to that bastard as the greatest senator ever or some such shit. I mean, I understand he doesn't want to badmouth the asshole but jeebus, how can he call him the greatest senator and keep a straight face?

08-26-09, 10:32
how can he call him the greatest senator and keep a straight face?
He has no conscience or self respect, that's how.

08-26-09, 10:49
One of the major players responsible for the demise of our nation.

Outlander Systems
08-26-09, 10:51
Mary Jo: "What happens if I get pregnant"?

Ted: "We'll cross that bridge when we get there".

08-26-09, 11:08
He said his biggest mistake was not taking a deal with president Nixon on universal healthcare , no mention of Mary Jo .

08-26-09, 11:09
Arlington?? that's an insult. Chapaquitic would be a better choice.

08-26-09, 11:17
If only we had socialized medicine earlier....Ted would have died much sooner. Oh but then again politicians aren't on the same plan they're trying to make everyone else subscribe to...

"A warm man doesn't understand a cold man's problems..."


08-26-09, 11:44
Dems are already using his death to push government health care.


Do it for Teddy.

In statements that came steadily streaming out of Capitol Hill Wednesday morning within hours after Sen. Ted Kennedy's death, Democratic lawmakers tried to embed that message in the health care reform debate.

With the push for legislation hitting a rough patch, Democrats are trying, however delicately, to use Kennedy's passing as a rallying cry for the legislation, reminding voters that the package idling on the Hill was "the cause" of Kennedy's life.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose version of the bill has drawn heated criticism from constituents across the country, invoked health care reform almost immediately after Kennedy's death was made public.

"Senator Kennedy had a grand vision for America, and an unparalleled ability to effect change," she said in a written statement. "Ted Kennedy's dream of quality health care for all Americans will be made real this year because of his leadership and his inspiration."

It's unclear whether the death of the Kennedy family patriarch will invigorate proponents of the debate.

Liberal Democrats may once again rally to President Obama's side, following concerns about the possibility that the final product would not contain a government-run insurance plan.

But unless and until his seat is filled by a like-minded lawmaker, his absence also means one fewer vote for health care reform should it come to the floor. And Republicans made little reference to health care reform while expressing their condolences Wednesday.

Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., for instance, drew more attention to Kennedy's efforts on immigration reform. Other Republicans praised Kennedy for his work on education reform.

But Democrats cited his dedication to health care foremost, and the implication was clear.

"We will achieve real health care reform thanks to the groundwork he laid," Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., said.

"As we move forward with health reform legislation, his absence will be palpable," said House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C. "But let us use his inspirational words as our guide, to rise to our best ideals and finally provide decent quality health care to all Americans as a fundamental right, not a privilege."

Other lawmakers were more subtle.

"He fought to the very end for the cause of his life -- ensuring that all Americans have the health care they need," said Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid invoked Kennedy's own words, the "dream shall never die," in calling on colleagues to pick up where Kennedy left off.

"As we mourn his loss, we rededicate ourselves to the causes for which he so dutifully dedicated his life," he said.

Can the Democrats sink any lower? They won't even wait for him to be put in the ground.

08-26-09, 11:55
The last of the (American) Tudors.



08-26-09, 12:03
He said his biggest mistake was not taking a deal with president Nixon on universal healthcare , no mention of Mary Jo .

08-26-09, 12:09
Dems are already using his death to push government health care.


Can the Democrats sink any lower? They won't even wait for him to be put in the ground.

Who knows. They might of had someone slip ted some potassium chloride or such just so they could push this through asap.

Remember truth is scarier than fiction.

08-26-09, 12:46
I think his last words were, "Dr. Murray, help me, I can't get to sleep!"

08-26-09, 13:34
Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. It only happened 30 years to late.

08-26-09, 14:12
I didn’t like him but I’m not about to dance on his grave. Someone with equally bad politics will most likely replace him and although they won’t have the clout he did, our situation won’t get any better.

08-26-09, 16:29
The epitome of corruption died today, too bad it will still live on through others.

He was considered an enemy of freedom in my house so he will not be missed and I will leave it up to God to handle the rest....

08-26-09, 16:31
Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. It only happened 30 years to late.
More like 40 years and 2 months too late.

08-26-09, 16:51
brain tumor did him in, i heard. guess we better ban brain tumors.

heh.. ted kennedy's brain tumor has killed more people than my gun.

Same for his car, maybe we should ban cars...

If they weren't going to bury his worthless butt in the sacred soil of Arlington, I'd drive all the way to Mass. to drink a quart of water and pay my respects.

08-26-09, 17:10
It turns my stomach that he will be buried in the same cemetary as some of my close friends who truly did serve their country.

Gutshot John
08-26-09, 17:29
Despite the antipathy, which seems to be motivated by his fierceness as a defender of his ideals, you have to respect that he was a true believer in them.

While we may disagree with those ideals, he was one of the few that didn't compromise on them.

I wish conservativism had such a passionate and articulate lion instead of the stuffed-shirt weenies that seem to typify our ideals.

08-26-09, 18:04
Despite the antipathy, which seems to be motivated by his fierceness as a defender of his ideals, you have to respect that he was a true believer in them.

While we may disagree with those ideals, he was one of the few that didn't compromise on them.

I wish conservativism had such a passionate and articulate lion instead of the stuffed-shirt weenies that seem to typify our ideals.

I don't think that he was a true believer. He did not live it, he just wanted everyone else to live it.

08-26-09, 18:16
I don't think that he was a true believer. He did not live it, he just wanted everyone else to live it.

Maybe not, but he was born into a very powerful and financially sound family. Should he have either defected or disavowed the family and it's wealth to prove his political/idealogical points? This would be extremely unrealistic, even foolish.

He could have just become a Republican. :)

Not vouching for the man nor his character, just trying to keep things in perspective.

08-26-09, 18:19
As a native of the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts I feel that I need to weigh in here. The local radio and tv has been covering this "event" ad nauseum.

I just don't get it. I don't understand what the people in the commonwealth saw in this hack. I'd feel the same about anyone who holds the same elected office for as long as he did. It's just wrong and it's not the way our system is supposed to be.

Thank God I left that state. RI is not that much better. We got his alcoholic son but the gun laws are no where near as bad.

He's answering to the Lord right now for his ways.

08-26-09, 18:38
While we may disagree with those ideals, he was one of the few that didn't compromise on them.

If relentlessly pursuing the destruction of all that is good with the US can be an art form, the man was certainly the Michaelangelo of his field.

08-26-09, 19:00

Heavy Metal
08-26-09, 19:31
De mortuis nil nisi bene.

I will not stoop to the level of the leftist scum who gloat when a real man like Charleton Heston died.

I hope he made his peace with God and the showing of the error of his ways was a thing of joy whence the truth has truly set him free and not one of eternal anguish and regret.

08-26-09, 19:35
I cried my eyes out all day long.

08-26-09, 20:24
De mortuis nil nisi bene.

I will not stoop to the level of the leftist scum who gloat when a real man like Charleton Heston died.

I hope he made his peace with God and the showing of the error of his ways was a thing of joy whence the truth has truly set him free and not one of eternal anguish and regret.

This is more or less how I feel. I disagreed with the man on pretty much everything, but I can't bring myself to gloat or dance on his grave or whatever. Seeing the goings-on at Democrat Underground when Reagan died cured me of that.

08-26-09, 21:21
bye bye teddy:rolleyes:

08-27-09, 01:14
I had lasagna for dinner yesterday. That's the most important thing that happened yesterday.


John Clark
08-27-09, 13:10
Ted Kennedy knew he was lying when he made that speech in the senate trashing judge Bork, I'm sick of hearing everyone in every party talking about "Saint teddy" :mad:

(we need a barf icon)

08-27-09, 13:29
I can't bring myself to not say bad thing about a drunktard murderer who did his best to destroy the liberties of the citizens whose interests he was supposed to protect.

08-27-09, 13:48
Well... If I can't say anything nice, then I guess I won't say anything at all about that piece of shit. No politics aside.

I do hope he made his peace with God. I truly do. Politics aside.


How do ya do that for all the wrongs he did to this country and its people? Just by saying "I'm sorry?" I think not...

08-27-09, 14:09
I dont agree with most of his causes, political or personal but he did do some good for some people and had 2 brothers die for this country. Grave dancing is despicable anyway you want to attempt to justify it.

08-27-09, 14:19
the fact of him playing politics with childrens safety is criminal to me (and he is not the only one doing so sadly)

anyone who does not protect children is no better than the criminal doing the crime and is scum in my book

08-27-09, 18:04
Just saw this, very well said. I wonder how this guy really feels!


08-27-09, 18:05
Hot as hell down there, ain't it Ted?

Mary Jo never got justice. I hope Cape Wind benefits from this.

She got in the car with a guy she knew was drunk. Seems like it's on her to me.
