View Full Version : Jon Voight gets it

Alpha Sierra
09-02-09, 19:34

09-02-09, 19:47
good stuff.

09-02-09, 20:12
Always been a favorite of mine, and now he's even higher on the list.

09-02-09, 20:30
I've seen him on Hannity. He rocks. Hard to believe he is Angelina Jolie's father.

Hope the Hollywood elitest dont totally shut him out. What the hell, the White House office of Propaganda is telling the NEA to produce "Obama Agenda Art" and now he is going to speak to all of our kids...

09-02-09, 22:18
Jon Voight has gotten it for some time now. This is not his first public attack on obama.

The part about the director asking him if he could run 50 feet in Transformers was hilarious.

09-02-09, 22:56
God gave people the power of choice, and the Devil wants to take that away. Obama is helping the Devil out the best he can.

I wonder if someone has sold his soul?

Preferred User
09-02-09, 23:06
"Delusional Hate Filled Rant"?

Did someone edit out that part? When did calmly discussing ones opinion become a "Delusional Hate Filled Rant"? Oh that's right, when people started speaking out against the chosen one.

Alpha Sierra
09-03-09, 06:02
"Delusional Hate Filled Rant"?

Did someone edit out that part? When did calmly discussing ones opinion become a "Delusional Hate Filled Rant"? Oh that's right, when people started speaking out against the chosen one.

I was going to comment on that too and got busy.

But yes, criticism and dissent by the left is patriotism. The same by the right is hate speech. Get with the program. :D

09-03-09, 07:32
This just in Jon Voight is a right wing domestic terrorist .......... just like the rest of us I guess.

09-03-09, 08:23
"Delusional Hate Filled Rant"?

Did someone edit out that part? When did calmly discussing ones opinion become a "Delusional Hate Filled Rant"? Oh that's right, when people started speaking out against the chosen one.

You do realize that much, if not most, of what is posted on youtube is done so by half-witted dipshits with an MSNBC mentality. Their opinions on anything could not possibly be more worthless.

Just watch the videos and completely ignore any related text or comments. Always.

09-03-09, 08:52
You do realize that much, if not most, of what is posted on youtube is done so by half-witted dipshits with an MSNBC mentality. Their opinions on anything could not possibly be more worthless.

Just watch the videos and completely ignore any related text or comments. Always.

Well written, some sheople just have a hard time with reality, even when it effects their own lives.

I'm not Repub nor Demo, but I just like to stand back and look at what anyone is doing and you can weed out the I D 10 Ts a whole lot easier. It's doesn't take rocket science to get it. Don't be a fool stuck on a party, neither is ALWAYS RIGHT.

Preferred User
09-03-09, 12:05
You do realize that much, if not most, of what is posted on youtube is done so by half-witted dipshits with an MSNBC mentality. Their opinions on anything could not possibly be more worthless.

Just watch the videos and completely ignore any related text or comments. Always.

Oh yes. My wry sarcasm did not get conveyed in my original post.

09-03-09, 19:15
This just in Jon Voight is a right wing domestic terrorist .......... just like the rest of us I guess.


I also like the youtube title "Jon Voight's Delusional Hate Filled Rant About Obama"
It did not sound delusional or full of hate to me.


09-03-09, 21:27
He was fantastic as the "Blackwater" type guy in "24" earlier this year.

09-03-09, 22:55
Very nicely stated, it's refreshing seeing some prominent actors with a well thought out point of view.

PS. I've got a lead on John Voight's Chrysler Lebaron convertible if anyone is interested...;)