View Full Version : Where Is The Media On Van Jones?

09-05-09, 16:11
I have been waiting for one word about the blatantly hostile racist "czar" Van Jones for some time now. Once again, only FOX will reveal the ugly truths about Obama. But this time, it is extremely disturbing all things considered. The man is a horror show on his own stage.

Today I wrote emails to the news divisions at NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN voicing my displeasure. I urge everyone who cares about the direction of this country to do something similar. Took all of ten minutes.

09-05-09, 16:25
I have been waiting for one word about the blatantly hostile racist "czar" Van Jones for some time now. Once again, only FOX will reveal the ugly truths about Obama. But this time, it is extremely disturbing all things considered. The man is a horror show on his own stage.

Today I wrote emails to the news divisions at NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN voicing my displeasure. I urge everyone who cares about the direction of this country to do something similar. Took all of ten minutes.

Besides being racist, what about being a self-admitted communist? And the stuff he was saying about using the "Green" front to change society. All of the stuff Glenn Beck revealed about him is sickening. It just shows everyone is in the tank for this Secular Progressive movement. This hijacking of our country has gone way too far.

09-05-09, 16:33
The media isn't involved because the views and beliefs he is being outed for, they hold dear and wish upon this country.

09-05-09, 16:43
The media isn't involved because the views and beliefs he is being outed for, they hold dear and wish upon this country.

That right there would be the answer to the OP's question.

09-05-09, 16:47
Fox news and specifically Glenn Beck, has been all over that POS radical mother****er. Properly vetted? NOT!

09-05-09, 17:09
Fox news and specifically Glenn Beck, has been all over that POS radical mother****er. Properly vetted? NOT!

They didn't need to vet, they (Obama) knew exactly who they were getting.

09-05-09, 17:10
Fox news and specifically Glenn Beck, has been all over that POS radical mother****er. Properly vetted? NOT!

I guess BigO thought that since the people were willing to swallow the creation of so many unConstitutional positions that no one would look at who was going to be occupying them.

09-05-09, 18:33
The media isn't involved because the views and beliefs he is being outed for, they hold dear and wish upon this country.

Most here would agree. The overriding question, however, is how has the bias become this bad and blatant?

The word I used most today in my humble emails was credibility. If they don't find this absolute ****tard to be news, I think they are sinking to new lows. That is a serious problem for all of us, far more so than brushing off Chappaquiddick.

The media here remind me of Saddam's ass who was telling the press that everything was fine as bombs landed behind him. It is literally unbelievable.

09-05-09, 18:41
The media isn't involved because the views and beliefs he is being outed for, they hold dear and wish upon this country.

That's a scary thought.

09-05-09, 19:10
Where is the media on Van Jones?............They are too busy printing pictures of a dying Marine, against his families wishes!

09-05-09, 19:23
like the dem lady on Hanity the other night !!
come on give him a chance HE APOLOGIZED

sadly this seems to be the way the mainstream media and people see it ???

the guy should never have been there and many along with him should be GONE !!!!
this is ridiculous what is happening !!!!

09-05-09, 19:37
like the dem lady on Hanity the other night !!
come on give him a chance HE APOLOGIZED

He apologized for hurting anyone's feels. That's it. He never stated that he no longer believes in his past BS statements and is willing to follow the law and the constitution.

He's back peddling, and doing a piss poor job at it.

Outlander Systems
09-05-09, 19:47
Does anyone else feel like they're living in "Brave New World"?

Outlander Systems
09-05-09, 19:49
Does anyone else feel like they're living in "Brave New World"?

I apologise for saying that, and for hurting anyone's feelings. I didn't have a chance to fully review the post, before hitting "submit".

09-05-09, 20:30
Jeff Immelt is the CEO of GE. GE owns NBC. Jeff Immelt is on the White House team. Jeff Immelt is also on the Board of Directors of the New York Fed. GE may have sold the electronics that were sold to Iran that were later used in Iraq for IED's. GE is making the Smart Grid so the government knows how much energy you use in your home. The rabbit hole goes a long ways and knowing these things can ruin your day.:(

09-05-09, 20:38
While Van Jones is a fool and should not be there. Mark Lloyd is an even more serious threat. This man is the new FCC Diversity Czar, and thinks that Hugo Chavez has the right idea in silencing the opposition. He plans to use FCC regulations to interfere with broadcast licsensing.

09-05-09, 20:48
Does anyone else feel like they're living in "Brave New World"?

I feel the country is in the middle of a coin toss. Who knows what the country will look like at the end of this term of office. More than likely a quasi socialist state where the government will be regulating our very right to pee, breed, make and speak independent thought. I get head aches from listening to people who voted for this. It's like every one of them are shallow thinking, myopic seeing mouth breathers, totally oblivious to whats going on.

Left Sig
09-05-09, 22:44
I was talking to my wife about this, with regard to whether his appointment wad due to an incompetent vetting process, or deliberate selection of far left radicals.

She said it was mostly likely incompetence in the vetting. She has had some dealings with the Obama recruiting staff, and said they have no idea what they are doing. No concept of proper hiring, questioning, etc. They don't know basic 1st year HR stuff. Seems like Obama hired a bunch of kids from the campaign staff, but they are in over their heads, especially with regard to the legal side of HR.

09-05-09, 23:21
He apologized for hurting anyone's feels. That's it. He never stated that he no longer believes in his past BS statements and is willing to follow the law and the constitution.

He's back peddling, and doing a piss poor job at it.

I know :) I am with ya :)

I was being sarcastic
as to the lefties he apologized is good enough to keep em in :)

09-05-09, 23:59
You know, after listening to these liberal pukes defend the bastrds that Obama put into office I just want to repeatedly stab myself in the temple with an ice pick. Surely it would hurt less than listening to those braindead zombies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad:

09-06-09, 00:05
I feel the country is in the middle of a coin toss. Who knows what the country will look like at the end of this term of office. More than likely a quasi socialist state where the government will be regulating our very right to pee, breed, make and speak independent thought. I get head aches from listening to people who voted for this. It's like every one of them are shallow thinking, myopic seeing mouth breathers, totally oblivious to whats going on.

So, my question amongst all this mess is...what can we do about it?

My view is that this country has been infiltrated from within. What better way to bring this country to its knees than from inside Washington, without a single shot being fired. Take peoples rights away slowly but steadily...make them dependent on the govt for everything.

To me, it makes perfect sense...We are moving closer and closer to a one-world govt and monetary system.

09-06-09, 00:07
WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama's adviser Van Jones has resigned amid controversy over past inflammatory statements, the White House said early Sunday. :D :D :D


09-06-09, 00:32
Besides being racist, what about being a self-admitted communist? And the stuff he was saying about using the "Green" front to change society. All of the stuff Glenn Beck revealed about him is sickening. It just shows everyone is in the tank for this Secular Progressive movement. This hijacking of our country has gone way too far.

I could be considered "secular" and "progressive". I'm just not a ****ing racist, communist, idiotic affirmative action baby. I know those terms are pejorative around here but please don't fall into that retard trap.


09-06-09, 01:02
WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama's adviser Van Jones has resigned amid controversy over past inflammatory statements, the White House said early Sunday. :D :D :D


Thank you, Glen Beck :D

09-06-09, 01:09
I say Mark Lloyd is next. He is a serious threat to free speech!!!

09-06-09, 09:12
WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama's adviser Van Jones has resigned amid controversy over past inflammatory statements, the White House said early Sunday. :D :D :D


Outstanding! Time to move on to the next Czar.:cool:

The incompetence in this administration floors me.

09-06-09, 09:16
I could be considered "secular" and "progressive". I'm just not a ****ing racist, communist, idiotic affirmative action baby. I know those terms are pejorative around here but please don't fall into that retard trap.


If you support Obama's programs you are being fooled. These people claim to be progressive and give everyone progressive a bad name.

09-06-09, 09:51
So, my question amongst all this mess is...what can we do about it?

My view is that this country has been infiltrated from within. What better way to bring this country to its knees than from inside Washington, without a single shot being fired. Take peoples rights away slowly but steadily...make them dependent on the govt for everything.

To me, it makes perfect sense...We are moving closer and closer to a one-world govt and monetary system.

We're far away from a one world government. China can't even keep one form of government in control of it's provinces. How do you expect the world to be governed by one body when the scale would be significantly larger. The one world government idea is simply propaganda to gain support for certain politicians. Can this country change dramatically? Yes, but it can also change for the good just as quickly, and in the end it depends on your view, some one's utopia is another persons hell. The far right and far left are both bad for the this country.

This is why we need to stick to the constitution and stop adding amendments.

09-06-09, 09:55
I say Mark Lloyd is next. He is a serious threat to free speech!!!

I agree, but I don't know if we are done with Van Jones yet. He will probably be pulling strings behind the curtain and still advising POTUS< just like Dachle does. Probably head the umbrella organization Apollo, which over sees all the other radical groups like ACORN and SEIU.

09-06-09, 10:29
We're far away from a one world government. China can't even keep one form of government in control of it's provinces. How do you expect the world to be governed by one body when the scale would be significantly larger. The one world government idea is simply propaganda to gain support for certain politicians. Can this country change dramatically? Yes, but it can also change for the good just as quickly, and in the end it depends on your view, some one's utopia is another persons hell. The far right and far left are both bad for the this country.

This is why we need to stick to the constitution and stop adding amendments.

I think we are one major world-wide catastrophe away from being ushered into a one world govt and system.

And I also completely agree to sticking to the Constitution, however we are long gone from that idea. It's way too late for that.

Left Sig
09-06-09, 10:34
Outstanding! Time to move on to the next Czar.:cool:

The incompetence in this administration floors me.

Good news, but has anyone seen the spin on the MSM? The story is he resigned due to the "truther" petition. No mention of his disparaging remarks about Republicans, his communist ties, his desire for full wealth redistribution, and his plan to use green propaganda to systematically implement a socialist transformation. None of those thing merit reporting...

09-06-09, 10:44
Funny. Just watched Headline News, and his resignation got a 10 second bite, claiming his resignation based on his signature on that petition.

09-06-09, 10:45
You know, after listening to these liberal pukes defend the bastrds that Obama put into office I just want to repeatedly stab myself in the temple with an ice pick. Surely it would hurt less than listening to those braindead zombies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad:

That was good for a laugh. They are not only zombies, but highly offensive zombies with the ability to influence public opinion. Well...that of other zombies, anyway.

Also, goodbye to the jerk-off Jones.

09-06-09, 11:01
Van Jones AKA as Anthony Van Jones is well known here in California, he help started numerous community groups which represents hostile views against anyone not like him or his group's view. His group is well known for baiting you into a heated debate and secretly video taping, editing it and then releasing it to the local press. They are also known for lawsuits and playing the "system".

Jones is ego driven and loves the spotlight, for a person with a "green view", he sports well made tailored suits. Beneath all that groomed public makeover, he'll stab you and let you bleed out. And of course if you speak badly of him, you lied and distored his truth.

Why does mainstream media loves him, he speaks very well, looks good on camera, wrote a NY Times best seller, hangs with the elite from Hollywood and
is on the fast track to some elite position. Jones's friends from the left will march with him and give him money. Jones will re-invent himself and come back demanding more-watch for it, he's far from gone. Be safe.

Some local artices about Jones.


Police Watchdog Honored
He played key role in S.F. cop's dismissal

Thursday, March 12, 1998

(03-12) 04:00 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- Bad cops have a way of leaving calling cards around: broken bones, lawsuits, repeat complaints. Sometimes a dead suspect.

So it was that police watchdog Anthony Van Jones saw some familiar signs when he picked up a newspaper nearly three years ago and read that a black crime suspect had died in the custody of San Francisco police. And then he came across a name that stopped him in his tracks: Marc Andaya.

``At the time I read that story, I had a file several inches thick sitting in my cabinet on Marc Andaya, and when I saw his name in connection with the Aaron Williams death, I made a commitment to myself that I was not going to rest until people knew about this police officer and his record,'' Van Jones told me this week.

A few things have happened since Van Jones picked up The Chronicle that day.

Marc Andaya is no longer on the police force. And in New York yesterday, Van Jones was one of four activists from around the world to receive the prestigious Reebok Human Rights Award for his work in the campaign to increase awareness about police brutality -- and for his key role in bringing public pressure on the city's police leaders to boot Andaya off the force.

Van Jones' honor notwithstanding, the Williams/Andaya case was a classic lose-lose situation for almost everybody involved.

Williams was a burglary suspect arrested on the evening of June 4, 1995, after a violent struggle with numerous police officers. At a Police Commission disciplinary hearing, a number of witnesses testified that they saw Andaya kick Williams in the head after he was subdued and pepper-sprayed by officers on the scene.

Williams stopped breathing and died in a police van while being driven to the Richmond Police Station. Medical examiner Dr. Boyd Stephens concluded that Williams died, not from his beating, but from a drug-induced heart attack. Williams was a notorious crack cocaine abuser, and cocaine had been found in his system.

The Police Commission became the target of outraged criticism from the African American community for dismissing brutality charges against Andaya, even though it wasn't until later that his lengthy record of excessive force complaints and lawsuits during his prior tenure in the Oakland Police Department was made known.

That's where Van Jones, a Yale- trained lawyer and founder of Bay Area PoliceWatch, first came across him. In 1993, the Oakland Police Citizens Review Board found that Andaya had used excessive force against a black man and used racial slurs. In 1985, Andaya was suspended from the Oakland department for 30 days for choking a handcuffed suspect.

And the previous year, Andaya shot to death a person Jones described as a ``mentally ill, unarmed black man.'' Jones said Andaya shot him nine times. But Andaya was cleared of the charges.

Yet despite more than a dozen misconduct complaints, Andaya was hired by the San Francisco Police Department in 1994. His attorneys said the department was aware of his past record, but was hired anyway. And, his attorneys insist, he became nothing less than a political pawn when the African American community demanded his firing.

``One of the problems in these cases was that at each point, the disciplinary boards were not aware of the previous complaints,'' Van Jones said. ``So after the Williams case came out, I was determined to put his record before the public.''

Ultimately, Andaya was fired for lying on his police application about his previous police record in Oakland -- not for anything having to with the charges in the Williams case.

The case sparked the resignations of a number of respected police commissioners and stalled the process for reforming the Police Department's disciplinary system, which has been criticized by residents as well as rank-and-file cops.

Officials of the Police Officers Association were widely criticized for steadfastly supporting Andaya. And the Office of Citizen Complaints was tarnished because the case added to its long list of cases in which wayward officers were rarely disciplined.

For his part, Van Jones was accused by Andaya's attorneys of using political pressure to oust the officer after the evidence failed to sway police commissioners that Andaya's actions had anything to do with Williams' death.

``The Aaron Williams case was a miscarriage of justice,'' said Katherine Mahoney, the former Police Officers Association in- house counsel. ``They couldn't get him on excessive force. They couldn't get him another way. So they just kept trying to find a way to fire him. It was a case of the relentless pursuit of one officer.''

Van Jones does not deny that political pressure played a key role in Andaya's firing. Indeed, he said the biggest thing that happened in the case was that ``ordinary people got involved for the first time, and they were saying that they wanted good policing in San Francisco.''

There is wide disagreement over whether the events in the Aaron Williams case have made for a better police force in San Francisco or a more rigorous disciplinary process for officers accused of wrongdoing.

But Van Jones said he believes more people are concerned about the mechanisms of oversight and accountability in police departments around the country, and he now has an award that suggests a lot of people agree with him.

Got a story to tell? You can reach Ken Garcia at (415) 777-7152, fax him at (415) 896-1107, or send him a note at garciaksfgate.com.



Rights award for S.F. crusader

Wednesday, March 11, 1998

(03-11) 04:00 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- Anthony "Van" Jones, the San Francisco attorney who spearheaded a high-profile police misconduct case that put the department's disciplinary system on trial and resulted in the firing of a controversial officer, was honored Wednesday with a $25,000 Reebok human rights award.

Jones, 29, director of Bay Area Police Watch, attorney for the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and creator of the first misconduct referral service in Northern California, is the first American to win one of the awards in the 10 years that they have been made.

The presentation was made at Columbia University in New York.

Jones, a graduate of Yale University School of Law and a San Franciscan since 1994, played a leading role in the aftermath of the Aaron Williams case, which embroiled the Police Department in controversy for more than two years.

Williams died in June 4, 1995, after being roughed up by several police officers during the course of his arrest as a suspect in a pet store burglary.

The San Francisco coroner said Williams died of heart failure brought on by acute cocaine poisoning. But a pathologist hired by Williams' family listed 18 injuries he suffered in his struggle with police that contributed to his death.

In November 1996, after a series of volatile public hearings, the San Francisco Police Commission dismissed departmental charges against Officer Marc Andaya of using unnecessary force against Williams. Andaya was the lead officer in the arrest.

The commission's vote was 2-2, and the result was unpopular with Williams' family supporters and San Francisco's African American community. Five other officers faced misconduct charges in connection with Williams' death.

Last June, the Police Commission found Andaya guilty of lying on his job application and fired him.

In an article written shortly after the commission's action, Jones said the lesson to be learned from the Williams case is that "the existing police system does not work. But we have seen what does work: ordinary people searching out the facts, telling the truth, mobilizing broad community concern and refusing to give up."

Also honored with Reebok awards were peace activists Abraham Gebreyesus of Eritrea and Dydier Kamundu of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Jordanian journalist Rana Husseini.

Award winners were selected by a committee headed by former President Jimmy Carter and including Olympic decathlete Rafer Johnson, Kerry Kennedy Cuomo, founder of the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights, and Michael Posner, executive director of the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights.<



Back to Article

Controversy over fiery remarks fells Obama adviser
By WILL LESTER, Associated Press Writer

Sunday, September 6, 2009

(09-06) 06:56 PDT WASHINGTON (AP) --

President Barack Obama's environmental adviser Van Jones, who became embroiled in a controversy over past inflammatory statements, has resigned his White House job after what he calls a "vicious smear campaign against me."

The resignation, disclosed without advance notice by the White House in an e-mail minutes into Sunday on a holiday weekend, came as Obama is working to regain his footing in the contentious health care debate.

Jones, an administration official specializing in environmentally friendly "green jobs" with the White House Council on Environmental Quality was linked to efforts suggesting a government role in the 2001 terror attacks and to derogatory comments about Republicans.

After the resignation, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Obama did not endorse Van Jones' comments but thanked him for his service.

"What Van Jones decided was that the agenda of this president was bigger than any one individual," said Gibbs. The president thanks Jones for his work and accepted his resignation, Gibbs said, adding that Jones "understood he was going to get in the way," by becoming a liability to the administration. Gibbs spoke Sunday on ABC's "This Week."

Jones issued an apology on Thursday for his past statements.

The matter surfaced after news reports of a derogatory comment Jones made in the past about Republicans, and separately, of Jones's name appearing on a petition connected to the events surrounding the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. That 2004 petition had asked for congressional hearings and other investigations into whether high-level government officials had allowed the attacks to occur.

"On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me," Jones said in his resignation statement. "They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide."

Howard Dean, former head of the Democratic National Committee, told "Fox News Sunday" that he thought Jones "was brought down" and that his resignation was "a loss to the country."

Jones said he has been "inundated with calls from across the political spectrum urging me to stay and fight."

But he said he cannot in good conscience ask his colleagues to spend time and energy defending or explaining his past.

Jones flatly said in an earlier statement that he did not agree with the petition's stand on the Sept. 11 attacks and that "it certainly does not reflect my views, now or ever."

As for his other comments he made before joining Obama's team, Jones said, "If I have offended anyone with statements I made in the past, I apologize."

Despite his apologies, Republicans demanded Jones quit.

Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana said in a statement, "His extremist views and coarse rhetoric have no place in this administration or the public debate." Missouri Sen. Christopher "Kit" Bond said Congress should investigate Jones's fitness for the job.

Fox News Channel host Glenn Beck repeatedly denounced Jones after a group the adviser co-founded, ColorofChange.org, led an advertising boycott against Beck's show to protest his claim that Obama is a racist.

James Rucker, the organization's executive director, has said Jones had nothing to do with ColorofChange.org now and didn't even know about the campaign before it started.

Jones, well-known in the environmental movement, was a civil-rights activist in California before shifting his attention to environmental and energy issues. He is known for laying out a broad vision of a green economy. Conservatives have harshly criticized him for having left-wing political views.

Nancy Sutley, chair of the council, said in a statement released early Sunday that she accepts Jones resignation and thanked him for his service.

"Over the last six months, he had been a strong voice for creating jobs that improve energy efficiency and utilize renewable resources," she said. "We appreciate his hard work and wish him the best moving forward."


Associated Press writer Philip Elliott contributed to this report.

09-06-09, 11:54
The real story isn't that Jones is a vile racist and a card carrying member of the Communist party rather the President's subversion of the constitution through the use of dozens of Czar's none of which had to go through the Senate confirmation process. The President is playing a very dangerous and cynical game. He has granted them power beyond what your typical cabinet level appointee wields but without having their pasts examined by the public. I'd be willing to bet that half the two dozen plus Czar's would never make it through the appointment process. If President Bush tried to subvert the constitution on the scale that the current president is the press would have cruxified him.

Outlander Systems
09-06-09, 13:36
Why couldn't this guy have been our first African American president:

On Obama Flushing the Nation:

On the 2A:

09-06-09, 20:25
I Seems like Obama hired a bunch of kids from the campaign staff, but they are in over their heads, especially with regard to the legal side of HR.

Heh. Seems like Obama himself is the one in over his head. :rolleyes:

09-06-09, 21:21
Why couldn't this guy have been our first African American president:

On Obama Flushing the Nation:

On the 2A:

What a great post. Haven't heard from Alan Keyes in a while, but as always he is as sharp as they come.

People should really watch this video. Sanity can prevail.

09-07-09, 11:31
This morning's local newspaper, the spin on it here;

Progressives decry resignation of Van Jones

Joe Garofoli, Chronicle Staff Writer

Monday, September 7, 2009

The middle-of-the-night resignation Sunday of longtime Bay Area activist Van Jones as a White House environmental adviser left many progressives angry at the Obama administration for buckling to conservative criticism of Jones' controversial past comments and actions.

The administration is losing not only one of the nation's leading environmentalists, progressives say, but one of the few liberal voices with President Obama's ear.

Jones resigned amid a furor over his signature on a 2004 petition questioning the government's actions around the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Supporters say the administration surely knew his background when they appointed Jones, the first African American to write a best-selling environmental book, as special adviser for green jobs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality. In fact, agents interviewed at least one of his former supervisors in San Francisco - Eva Paterson - when the FBI vetted his appointment.

This year, Time magazine named Jones one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Former Vice President Al Gore is a fan, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said his best-selling book, "Green Collar," showcased his "sparkling intelligence, powerful vision and deep empathy." Little backing
But few stepped up to protect Jones during the past few weeks.

"He was swift-boated," said Medea Benjamin, a co-founder of the anti-war group Code Pink and a San Franciscan who has known Jones for 15 years. She spoke to him recently and said he was "very conflicted" about whether to resign.

But with Obama facing an uphill battle to gain bipartisan support on health care, as Jones said in his resignation statement Sunday, "I cannot in good conscience ask my colleagues to expend precious time and energy defending or explaining my past."

"The timing was hideous for Van," said Paterson, a San Francisco civil rights attorney who hired Jones, a Yale Law School graduate, at her Equal Justice Society organization in the early 1990s and has remained close to him.

"Still, I find it very disturbing that real progressive people with a track record of lots of speeches and actions will find it difficult to speak out," Paterson said. "That's going to have a chilling effect on anyone like that who may some day want to serve in public office."

Some feel that the White House caved too quickly to pressure from conservative activists and commentators - particularly Fox New Channel's Glenn Beck - who have hammered on Jones' mid-1990s Marxist affiliations and liberal activism. In the mid-1990s, after he co-founded the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, an Oakland group focusing on police brutality, Jones became known for headline-grabbing statements like "Willie Brown's Police Commission is killing black people." Regarding the 2004 petition calling for a congressional investigation into the actions of the Bush administration surrounding the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Jones issued a statement last week saying, "I do not agree with this statement and it certainly does not reflect my views now or ever."

Jones also drew conservative fire for calling Republicans "- holes" during a speech in February in Berkeley. In the speech, Jones used the same term to describe himself and the political resolve needed to move legislation.

Even though Jones apologized, the campaign to oust him gained steam Friday when conservative legislators like Sen. Kit Bond, R-Mo., called for an inquiry into his comments.

Often, an administration will send a representative to the Sunday morning TV talk shows to defend an embattled appointee. But none came Sunday. On ABC's "This Week," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs only thanked Jones "for his service to the country" and said that Obama does not agree with his views.

Increased pressure
Beck first criticized Jones earlier this summer on his radio show and recently increased the pressure. An online Berkeley organization that Jones co-founded but no longer is associated with, Color of Change, called on advertisers to boycott Beck after he said in late July that Obama "has a deep-seated hatred for white people." A few dozen companies responded by pulling their ads from Beck's show.

"Van's resignation is the tragic result of a retaliatory witch-hunt by Glenn Beck and Fox News Channel," Color of Change co-founder James Rucker said Sunday. "Beck's attacks against Van Jones haven't been about finding the truth, they've been about changing the subject from his bigoted comments and continued race-baiting."

In response, Fox News Channel referred to Beck's statement to the New York Times Sunday that "instead of providing (answers about Jones' background) the administration had Jones resign under cover of darkness," and Beck's promise to focus on other "radicals" in the Obama White House.

E-mail Joe Garofoli at jgarofoli@sfchronicle.com.


09-07-09, 12:20
What a crock of shit.

This just on Foxnews, the WH openly admitted that Van Jones did not fill out his 65 page vetting questionnaire that the WH requires. The only vetting Van Jones got was a "wink and a nod".

09-07-09, 12:33
Why couldn't this guy have been our first African American president:

On Obama Flushing the Nation:

On the 2A:

Good stuff.

We would be so much better off with Mr. Keyes running the show.

09-07-09, 12:43
The online version of msnbc did not mentioned the topic of Jones calling Republicans "assholes", nor the time that he said his president acted like a "crackhead". They only mentioned his association with the 9/11 "truthers" petition.

09-07-09, 12:54
Why couldn't this guy have been our first African American president:

On Obama Flushing the Nation:

On the 2A:

Keyes is a decent guy, but he has shown his ass on more than one occasion which caused the republican party from not backing him, in a run for a senate seat from Illinois, years ago. He came off as a "Mad Dog" with his vitriolic speech during that run, that turned a lot of conservatives off.

09-07-09, 13:56
...in a run for a senate seat from Illinois, years ago. He came off as a "Mad Dog" with his vitriolic speech during that run, that turned a lot of conservatives off.

Maybe, but weren't similar things being said recently about Beck? Is he still the paranoid wacko some even here were accusing him of being a few months ago? How about Rush and Hannity? We need these well spoken, stand-up types out there badly.

I have no problem with his extremely direct "tell it like it is" method, so long as he speaks the truth.

09-07-09, 15:41
Maybe, but weren't similar things being said recently about Beck? Is he still the paranoid wacko some even here were accusing him of being a few months ago? How about Rush and Hannity? We need these well spoken, stand-up types out there badly.

I have no problem with his extremely direct "tell it like it is" method, so long as he speaks the truth.

The only problem is that Rush, Hannity, Beck, et al, are not elected officials. On Air personalities have the most leeway because they are Opinion based, which is measured in ratings, not political votes.

Most would like to see elected officials act more responsible. Example, look at Dean who screamed like a lunatic at the end of one of his speeches....people thought he had a screw loose, then tanked in popularity. Granted, he was already tanking during his presidential run, but that episode took him off the table for any future political ambitions.

09-07-09, 16:07
The only problem is that Rush, Hannity, Beck, et al, are not elected officials. On Air personalities have the most leeway because they are Opinion based, which is measured in ratings, not political votes.

Most would like to see elected officials act more responsible. Example, look at Dean who screamed like a lunatic at the end of one of his speeches....people thought he had a screw loose.

Yes, excellent point.

Well, maybe with just a little refining of his delivery I suppose. But, I bet he learned a lesson then. And being black he overcomes the bogus racist tag.

His heart is in the right place, and he has the courage to say what most won't. This is a foundation to build on. Hope he is smart enough to do it wisely.

09-07-09, 16:31
Yes, excellent point.

Well, maybe with just a little refining of his delivery I suppose. But, I bet he learned a lesson then. And being black he overcomes the bogus racist tag.

His heart is in the right place, and he has the courage to say what most won't. This is a foundation to build on. Hope he is smart enough to do it wisely.

Agreed. The entire message can be lost if distracted by the delivery, especially if the delivery appears hostile or belittling, or condescending, to the target audience.

09-07-09, 17:38
Well, get rid of one, Obama just puts in another. :rolleyes:


As one White House "czar" departs amid a cloud of controversy, an undeterred President Obama is naming a new one to advise him on manufacturing, defying conservative critics who have raised concerns about these advisory positions that do not require congressional oversight.

Obama chose a Labor Day union picnic on Monday as the backdrop to announce his selection of Ron Bloom, a member of his auto industry task force, as senior counselor for manufacturing policy. Bloom planned to travel to Cincinnati with Obama for an afternoon announcement at the AFL-CIO event.

The announcement follows the weekend resignation of Van Jones, the White House "green jobs czar" who had come under fire in recent weeks for past inflammatory statements, including one where he called Republicans "assholes," and his signature on a petition suggesting that the U.S. government played a role in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Republicans had been calling for Jones to resign and raising concerns about all the czars Obama has appointed --which by some accounts amount to more than 30.

Dana Perino, a White House spokeswoman for the Bush administration, told FOX News that presidents like to appoint czars because it can be hard to get political appointees confirmed by an increasingly partisan Congress.

"They have skirted around that process so there is no accountability for the czars," she said Monday. "Nobody has to go up and testify in front of Congress. They don't have to go through the process."

Bloom has already sidestepped congressional approval. He was senior adviser to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner as part of the auto industry task force since February. Bloom, a Harvard Business School graduate, previously advised the United Steelworkers union and worked as an investment banker.

Bloom will work with the National Economic Council to lead policy development and planning for Obama's work to revitalize U.S. manufacturing, the White House said.

Perino said she doesn't object to the White House focusing on revitalizing the battered manufacturing industry.

"The National Economic Council, which is part of the White House with a seat right inside the West Wing, that's what their job is supposed to be," she said. "I'm not clear as to why they have to add all these additional layers."

Author and journalist Ronld Kessler, a national security expert, said Obama's lack of management experience is starting to catch up with him.

"You're seeing a White House in disarray," he said, citing the contentious debate over health care reform and the decision to close the Guantanamo Bay prison without finding a place to send the detainees. "He is not exactly a model CEO."

Obama's speech to union members was the first of at least three speeches this week. His remarks Monday were expected to touch on health care in advance of a Wednesday evening address to Congress on his proposed overhaul. On Tuesday, Obama will speak to American children as they begin the school year.

The AFL-CIO Labor Day picnic normally draws up to 20,000 people, union spokesman Eddie Vale said. AFL-CIO president John Sweeney and secretary-treasurer Richard Trumka were expected to welcome Obama to the gathering

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09-07-09, 20:14
As a laid off manufacturing engineering and management professional, I think it's a complete insult that Obama selected a former investment banker and union adviser for his manufacturing czar. What a joke.

How about selecting someone who's actually RUN a successful manufacturing company, or maybe even worked for one?

But he has a Harvard business degree so that's all that counts.

09-08-09, 07:41
As a laid off manufacturing engineering and management professional, I think it's a complete insult that Obama selected a former investment banker and union adviser for his manufacturing czar. What a joke.

How about selecting someone who's actually RUN a successful manufacturing company, or maybe even worked for one?

But he has a Harvard business degree so that's all that counts.

Well, a Harvard degree is all you need to be President too. :D

09-08-09, 08:50
I was talking to my wife about this, with regard to whether his appointment wad due to an incompetent vetting process, or deliberate selection of far left radicals.

She said it was mostly likely incompetence in the vetting. She has had some dealings with the Obama recruiting staff, and said they have no idea what they are doing. No concept of proper hiring, questioning, etc. They don't know basic 1st year HR stuff. Seems like Obama hired a bunch of kids from the campaign staff, but they are in over their heads, especially with regard to the legal side of HR.

Given the choice between the two, I'm going with the latter. It is simply the predominate theme in his appointments, and it ain't by accident, because he is a far left radical as well. These people have learned that they can get more done if they aren't "out of the closet", so to speak. They are smart, make no mistake. This quote from Van Jones really says it all:

“I’m willing to forgo the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of radical ends.”

Obama's entire history, past associations, past comments, etc., and the compelling majority of the people he has hired; collectively exhibit aspects of racism, black separatism/nationalism, socialism/communism/progressivism, non-originalism with respect to the Constitution, a desire to "transform" this country into something "different", pro-union/community organizing (ACORN/SEIU/et al), green fascism, and to sum it all up, Alinskyism (which is exactly what the above Van Jones quote displays).

This isn't an oversight in vetting. They knew exactly who Van Jones was and is and what he is about. They were just hoping that they wouldn't have to show their cards.

09-08-09, 09:27
As a laid off manufacturing engineering and management professional, I think it's a complete insult that Obama selected a former investment banker and union adviser for his manufacturing czar. What a joke.

How about selecting someone who's actually RUN a successful manufacturing company, or maybe even worked for one?

But he has a Harvard business degree so that's all that counts.

A better option is letting manufacturers set the manufacturing polcy. The gov't should set the policy for goods it contracts for, not for the free market.

09-08-09, 10:01
The entire message can be lost if distracted by the delivery, especially if the delivery appears hostile or belittling, or condescending, to the target audience.

Really?! Then please explain how the POTUS was able to get elected by doing just what you stated above.

As to the OP, Van Jones is but the tip of the iceberg.

09-08-09, 14:21
Really?! Then please explain how the POTUS was able to get elected by doing just what you stated above.

The simple answer: Ignorance.

Sadly, the majority of the general population are not deep thinkers. Remember back when Gore was running for POTUS and MTV had a "Rock the Vote" tour on college campuses, nation wide. Did you know that the overwhelming majority, thought Jess Ventura, was the current VP? Most college students didn't know that Gore was THE sitting VP! These were college educated people, now imagine what everyone else thought below that level of education, who chose not to be well read and not up on current event. Most people don't care what's going on outside their immediate area, let alone the rest of the state, country and the world. Most have adopted the "That which does not effect me, does not concern me" approach to life.

Back on topic: Most folks were fed up (Minorities across the board and youth across the board) and simply wanted a change from basically "old white guys" (As reported by several media outlets) as POTUS, who they perceived, as having no interest in the masses in dealing with unemployment, health, poverty, stagnant upward mobility, etc... They thought they were voting for a "centrist moderate" who turned out to be an extremely left leaning liberal. All evidence pointed to that fact, but people put blind faith into the "Messiah" for a "change" from what they've been getting since the post Clinton era. The latest polls suggest that, by in large, the majority of the people who voted for him, has an extreme case of "buyer's remorse". The American people have been smooth talked and "Hood winked" into voting for him. I will give him credit though, he played the Centrist role very well during his campaign. Even Rev Wright didn't sink him. He's two steps behind Van Jones in his true radical views IMHO. Notice he's leaning back towards the center, after the health care plan got shot down by the masses during town hall meetings and the exposure of Van Jones?

Americans are now experiencing what is called an "Epiphany", a sudden awareness to the true nature or meaning of things. The General Public is slowly snapping out of their "Dream state coma" of the Messiah. He is actually worse, than Jimmy Carter (Weak on just about every topic), giving the edge to Jimmy, since he was a former Navel Officer. On his current track, he is destined to be a "one hit, one term, wonder."

As to the OP, Van Jones is but the tip of the iceberg.


09-08-09, 15:24
On his current track, he is destined to be a "one hit, one term, wonder."

It will be an answered prayer, if this nation even survives his first term.


I know, the blinding flash of the obvious.

09-08-09, 20:06
Just to add to what I wrote earlier today about incompetence in vetting vs. radicalism...

Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, on the selection of Van Jones as Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality (aka Green Jobs Czar):

"We were watching him, uh, really, for as long as he's been active out in Oakland. And all the creative ideas he has. And so now, we have captured that. And we have all that energy in the White House."