View Full Version : Keith Olbermann declares War on Glenn Beck

09-06-09, 17:35
Glenn Beck get's a Van Jones scalp, and so Olbermann wants a piece of him.

However, Glenn Beck is not a Czar or even a federal employee...Fail


Send Me Everything You Can Find About Glenn Beck
by Keith Olbermann
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Sun Sep 06, 2009 at 10:14:03 AM PDT

I don't know why I've got this phrasing in my head, but: Find everything you can about Glenn Beck, Stu Burguiere, and Roger Ailes.

No, even now, I refuse to go all caps.

No, sending me links to the last two Countdowns with my own de-constructions of his biblical vision quality Communist/Fascist/Socialist/Zimbalist art at Rockefeller Center (where, curiously, he works, Comrade) doesn't count. Nor does sending me links to specious inappropriate point-underscoring prove-you're-innocent made-up rumors.

* Keith Olbermann's diary :: ::

Tuesday we will expand this to the television audience and have a dedicated email address to accept leads, tips, contacts, on Beck, his radio producer Burguiere, and the chief of his tv enablers, Ailes (even though Ailes' power was desperately undercut when he failed to pull off his phony "truce" push).

This becomes necessary after this in order to prove various cliches about goose and gander, and to remind everybody to walk softly and carry a big popsicle, and most particularly to save this nation from the Oligarhy of The Stupid.

I keep wondering if somewhere somebody named Ollie Garhey thinks he's in charge now. Or, even more entertainingly and societally satisfying, if somebody named Ali Garhi does.

Despite the worn-out snark above, I am in earnest here.

09-06-09, 17:41
Don't know who he is but **** him and the dailykos. Glenn Beck can hold his own.

Sadly, this will end in threats to his life, family and home. He will need 24 hour security after this head hunt.

09-06-09, 17:49
Never heard of him until today. I don't even have NBC or MSNBC tuned in on my tv. Sounds like his ratings are in the toilet and I agree with rharris2163 that Glenn Beck can hold his own.

09-06-09, 17:49
Keith Olbermann is probably one of if not the biggest douchebag in America right now.

09-06-09, 18:49
I would say he is a complete and utter ****. No offense to any other ****s out there.

These czars are getting paid by our tax money to have pseudo cabinet level posistions, yet no oversight or review of them.

Remember the Alinsky play book on radicalism. Look to make personal attacks. Dont discuss the issues, such as Van Jones was a taxpayer paid Maxist radical, 911 truther, part of that Rodney King law group, called Republicans assholes...and CNN did not have a post about till today and Olberman's MSNBC barely posted about it since they have no rating worth even mentioning...

How would folks like to dig up info on Olberman? I am sure his shit doesnt stink. But then, that's his level and I am not sure anyone would want to function at that level.

09-06-09, 19:04
Just when you thought he could not possibly act any more juvenile, or any more jealous of those that annihilate him in the ratings, he finds a new low.

Good luck ****head. He will only bury himself in denial and bring MSNBC further down.

Note: I was on ABC new's website today looking for a Van Jones article. I did find one, finally. I will say that the overwhelming response comments were extremely critical as to not just ABC but the main stream media allowing Jones to go unscathed until now.

I mean people were downright pissed. That was great to see, like maybe everyone is not as out there as once thought.

09-06-09, 19:15
Olbermann and Beck are both f*cking retards.

09-06-09, 19:21
Keith Olbermann is probably one of if not the biggest douchebag in America right now.

He has one of the best broadcast voices I have ever heard.
When he was doing football it was good.
That is the only good thing I can say about him.

09-06-09, 19:22
Olbermann and Beck are both f*cking retards.

Maybe you aren't such a bad guy afterall. Except for Beck, that is.


09-06-09, 19:27
i'm a big proponent in turning off the TV in general. its all a bunch of mindless bullshit. media, reality shows, commentators, its all a big distraction from whats really going on.

09-06-09, 19:32
i'm a big proponent in turning off the TV in general. its all a bunch of mindless bullshit. media, reality shows, commentators, its all a big distraction from whats really going on.

Incorrect. FOX reveals truth, and we are all luckier now more than ever to have them.

This was just proven via Beck's exposure of Jones. Or maybe you have another take as to why he resigned.

09-06-09, 19:32
Keith Olbermann is probably one of if not the biggest douchebag in America right now.

You took the words right out of my mouth

09-06-09, 19:32
He has one of the best broadcast voices I have ever heard.
When he was doing football it was good.
That is the only good thing I can say about him.

I guess if I didn't have Foxnews running in the background most of the time, I'd know who the rest of these ****tards were. I can't even remember ever tuning in to MSMBC.

09-06-09, 19:36
I got Becks back. I don't think he needs to be worried. He has gone out of his way to support us troops, and that buys a lot of street cred in my book. Olberman can go suck a d&*K!!:eek:

09-06-09, 19:40
Incorrect. FOX reveals truth, and we are all luckier now more than ever to have them.

This was just proven via Beck's exposure of Jones. Or maybe you have another take as to why he resigned.

AMEN to that. Just think what would be happening now if we had to rely on the Commie News Network, like we did back in the 80's and early 90's. We'd only get one version of the truth. With the almost complete absences of the Van Jones situation on all the other media outlets, Foxnews is the only one telling the complete picture.

09-06-09, 19:53
Let's say Beck turns out to be a former alcoholic, Mormon who thinks Barry is a racist...Oh wait

At any rate, it doesn't freaking matter. Beck is not part of the federal gov't. That's the difference between him and Van Jones. Olbermann and the rest of the lefty kooks dont get that

09-06-09, 20:05
Incorrect. FOX reveals truth, and we are all luckier now more than ever to have them.

+1. FNC is the only one these days to have reps from both sides on their programs. They get a bad rap because most sheeple think that Hannity, O'Reilly and Beck report news. They are OPINION shows, and those three have even said that. I usually watch FNC during the afternoon when their news shows are on. And they continue to slay their competition.

Cable News Ratings for Thursday, September 3, 2009
Posted on 04 September 2009 by Bill Gorman

Live + Same Day Cable News Daily Ratings for September 3, 2009

P2+ Total Day
FNC – 1,405,000 viewers
CNN – 672,000 viewers
MSNBC –423,000 viewers
CNBC – 192,000 viewers
HLN – 316,000 viewers

P2+ Prime Time
FNC – 2,682,000viewers
CNN— 1,202,000 viewers
MSNBC –958,000 viewers
CNBC – 138,000 viewers
HLN – 549,000viewers

09-06-09, 20:06
Incorrect. FOX reveals truth, and we are all luckier now more than ever to have them.

This was just proven via Beck's exposure of Jones. Or maybe you have another take as to why he resigned.

BULLSH*T. they are just as much of a shill as any other network. you just happen to support who they shill for.

09-06-09, 20:08
I got Becks back. I don't think he needs to be worried. He has gone out of his way to support us troops,

what has Beck done to support troops?

09-06-09, 20:11
Olbermann and Beck are both f*cking retards.

You may be right, but at least Beck is a F*ucking retard who is on the side against Obama

Heavy Metal
09-06-09, 20:11
BULLSH*T. they are just as much of a shill as any other network. you just happen to support who they shill for.

Reight.....except most of what Fox shills happens to be the truth.

09-06-09, 20:13
+1. FNC is the only one these days to have reps from both sides on their programs. They get a bad rap because most sheeple think that Hannity, O'Reilly and Beck report news. They are OPINION shows, and those three have even said that. I usually watch FNC during the afternoon when their news shows are on. And they continue to slay their competition.

Cable News Ratings for Thursday, September 3, 2009
Posted on 04 September 2009 by Bill Gorman

Live + Same Day Cable News Daily Ratings for September 3, 2009

P2+ Total Day
FNC – 1,405,000 viewers
CNN – 672,000 viewers
MSNBC –423,000 viewers
CNBC – 192,000 viewers
HLN – 316,000 viewers

P2+ Prime Time
FNC – 2,682,000viewers
CNN— 1,202,000 viewers
MSNBC –958,000 viewers
CNBC – 138,000 viewers
HLN – 549,000viewers

Those numbers will change heavily in Fox's favor when this war starts with Beck. It will only serve to drive people over to Beck and Foxnews.;)

09-06-09, 20:18
i submit to you a few Beck gems.






09-06-09, 20:18
You may be right, but at least Beck is a F*ucking retard who is on the side against Obama

so small minded. sad.

09-06-09, 20:21
Those numbers will change heavily in Fox's favor when this war starts with Beck. It will only serve to drive people over to Beck and Foxnews.;)

Their ratings are already high because one of the reasons is that the other networks bash FNC on a nightly basis, so people tune in to see what the fuss is about.

09-06-09, 20:25
Olbermann and Beck are both f*cking retards.

Maybe so but at least Glenn Beck is talking out about the issues that frustrate me right now. Olbermann and that goofy-ass Rachel Madcow are still talking about Abu Ghraib and GITMO.

Like those two issues even matter any more. With all the issues facing this county today at least Glenn Beck is talking about them. The rest of the morons are still hung up on George Bush. Those days, as they say, are acient history.

09-06-09, 20:28
so small minded. sad.

I believe the members here are smart enough to take what they see on TV with a grain of salt. Personal attacks won't be tolerated here.

09-06-09, 20:28
Reight.....except most of what Fox shills happens to be the truth.

not really. remember the scene in the diner around election time? FOX reporter asks for show of hands around the room for Obama vs McCain supporters. ONE person raised their hand for McCain, compared to the entire rest of the room for Obama...and the reporter said it was CLEARLY a McCain victory!!! :D



altering photos? how low can you go?



Fox even sued for the right to lie, and WON!!!



i can keep going all night with this crap, there's just so much of it.

09-06-09, 20:30
The rest of the morons are still hung up on George Bush. Those days, as they say, are acient history.

while i do see your point, we are still dealing with Bush's issues to this day. Iraq, Afghanistan, banking bailouts, the economy, etc. hardly ancient history.

09-06-09, 20:33
You can bet that if the guy was a GWB employee, the liberals would have been all over the guy as well. But now that its their man, its not fair that he is made to quit. :rolleyes: Throw in the fact that he's black, everyone against him is going to probably be called a racist. Par for the course with this administration. Disagree, get tagged as a racist.

Heavy Metal
09-06-09, 20:33
not really. remember the scene in the diner around election time? FOX reporter asks for show of hands around the room for Obama vs McCain supporters. ONE person raised their hand for McCain, compared to the entire rest of the room for Obama...and the reporter said it was CLEARLY a McCain victory!!! :D



altering photos? how low can you go?



Fox even sued for the right to lie, and WON!!!



i can keep going all night with this crap, there's just so much of it.

Next you will be telling me Fox cropped the features of a black man just to talk about gun-totin' white extremist at health care rallies......Oh Wait!

Everything you listed adds up to small potatoes next to that.

09-06-09, 20:36
while i do see your point, we are still dealing with Bush's issues to this day. Iraq, Afghanistan, banking bailouts, the economy, etc. hardly ancient history.

Are you honestly saying that everything bad going on right now is still Bush's fault? :rolleyes: You can't be serious.

09-06-09, 20:37
snip...and that goofy-ass Rachel Madcow...snip

You know, if she wasn't so butch and could keep her pie hole shut, she's reasonably attractive.
But the butchness and the drivel...

09-06-09, 20:37
while i do see your point, we are still dealing with Bush's issues to this day. Iraq, Afghanistan, banking bailouts, the economy, etc. hardly ancient history.

But they aren't talking about the bailouts (which Obama tripled) they aren't talking about the economy (which isn't any better even after Obama's stimulas and they aren't talking about how Obama is firing CEO of companies, how he's given Dodge to the unions and Canada how he's appointed CZARs for BS positions, cash for clunkers, two healthcare bills that still don't address the root cause of out of control health care prices...

Regardless of what Bush did Obama is leading us down a path I don't like and Beck is the only one talking about.

ETA: Are you saying going into Afghanistan was a mistake?

09-06-09, 20:38
You know, if she wasn't so butch and could keep her pie hole shut, she's reasonably attractive.
But the butchness and the drivel...

She's a little too "butch" for me if you know what I mean.

Heavy Metal
09-06-09, 20:43
Are you honestly saying that everything bad going on right now is still Bush's fault? :rolleyes: You can't be serious.

Yes he can!!!

He has been shilling for the left since he got on the board.

I report, YOU decide:


09-06-09, 20:44
But they aren't talking about the bailouts (which Obama tripled) they aren't talking about the economy (which isn't any better even after Obama's stimulas and they aren't talking about how Obama is firing CEO of companies, how he's given Dodge to the unions and Canada how he's appointed CZARs for BS positions, cash for clunkers, two healthcare bills that still don't address the root cause of out of control health care prices...

Don't forget that Obama also said that unemployment wouldn't go over 8% with the passage of the stimulus package (which neither he nor Congress read BTW), and now its at 9.6%.

09-06-09, 20:49
First of all the DailyKos is a far left liberal rag. Second, Olbermann has been after O'reilly for a long time to no avail. Now he is trying to kill Beck. Olbermann is a second rate talking butt head.

09-06-09, 20:52
Don't forget that Obama also said that unemployment wouldn't go over 8% with the passage of the stimulus package (which neither he nor Congress read BTW), and now its at 9.6%.

Obama has said so many things it's no wonder his ratings are tanking. All the "change" he's promised was nothing more than typical politian BS but he was a good speaker and a likable guy so America bough off on it. Now more and more people realize what the "change" means.

I still say we vote out everyone that is currently in Congress right now and start over next election :D

09-06-09, 20:56
Personal attacks won't be tolerated here.

thats hilarious! does that only apply to those who disagree with your political leanings?

these were all directed at me in the span of a few threads, and zero comments or action taken.

Don't you have dresses to hem?

You remind me of a child playing with cats by pulling your little furry toy across the floor for fun as long as possible until no one will chase it any longer.

How can you type with your head stuck in the sand?

Enough hippie.

No wonder why you came off so sneaky in the other thread going. I see you are over here tearing it up as well. The above statement tells one all they need to know about your intellect, but what about your motives?

You've little interest in facts and seemingly prefer bizarro pseudo-intellectualism.

Considering your potential to spew nonsense, who knows.

you're stupid. you're a troll.

Seriously why didn't you simply say you were delusional

why the double standard?

09-06-09, 20:58
Next you will be telling me Fox cropped the features of a black man just to talk about gun-totin' white extremist at health care rallies......Oh Wait!

Everything you listed adds up to small potatoes next to that.

apparently you didn't view the links. because they've done that and so much more.

how about instead of cropping, they deliberately photoshop unsavory features onto people they're complaining about?


09-06-09, 20:59
Are you honestly saying that everything bad going on right now is still Bush's fault? :rolleyes: You can't be serious.

no, thats not at all what i said. i said we're still dealing with his issues, i didn't say good or bad. Obama has made plenty of his own as well.

09-06-09, 21:02
But they aren't talking about the bailouts (which Obama tripled) they aren't talking about the economy (which isn't any better even after Obama's stimulas and they aren't talking about how Obama is firing CEO of companies, how he's given Dodge to the unions and Canada how he's appointed CZARs for BS positions, cash for clunkers, two healthcare bills that still don't address the root cause of out of control health care prices...

Regardless of what Bush did Obama is leading us down a path I don't like and Beck is the only one talking about.

Beck may be talking about it, but is he really informing you on it? no, he's not.

if you truly want information, turn off the TV altogether. do your own research. cull information from a variety of the most independent sources you can find and try to come to a reasonable conclusion.

ETA: Are you saying going into Afghanistan was a mistake?

no. but how it was handled certainly was.

09-06-09, 21:02
thats hilarious! does that only apply to those who disagree with your political leanings?

these were all directed at me in the span of a few threads, and zero comments or action taken.

why the double standard?

Because I'm aware of this thread. The Staff and Moderators here are not paid and do this on their free time. We can't watch every post in every thread. If you feel you're being attacked there's a nice "report post" feature you can use and we all get an email (why do I believe I'm going to regret telling you about that?)

09-06-09, 21:04
Obama has said so many things it's no wonder his ratings are tanking. All the "change" he's promised was nothing more than typical politian BS but he was a good speaker and a likable guy so America bough off on it. Now more and more people realize what the "change" means.

I still say we vote out everyone that is currently in Congress right now and start over next election :D

Totally in agreement. With the Tea Parties getting ever more popular, the era of "change" will hopefully begin at the ballot box during the next senatorial elections. They need to come up with a list of all of those elected officials who failed to hold townhall meetings and those who labeled them "brown shirts" and UnAmerican, during the Aug break. Starting with that Pelosi's brain dead ass. I hope she rot's in hell.:D

09-06-09, 21:06
Yes he can!!!

He has been shilling for the left since he got on the board.

I report, YOU decide:


all i get there with your link is...

Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

the fact is, i'm not a shill for either party. i think they're BOTH full of sh*t and don't represent anything that is important to our country. they certainly don't represent the ideals they were founded on. you can find numerous threads where i've stated this same thing.

hardly a shill for the left. or right. but i guess if i'm not marching in lockstep with the current right wing talking points i'm nothing but a rabid commy socialist leftie welfare receiving, race baiting imbecile huh? :rolleyes:

09-06-09, 21:06
Beck may be talking about it, but is he really informing you on it? no, he's not.

if you truly want information, turn off the TV altogether. do your own research. cull information from a variety of the most independent sources you can find and try to come to a reasonable conclusion.

no. but how it was handled certainly was.

He's talking about it and that's better than anyone else is doing about it. And as I said earlier, the majority of the members here take mainstream media with a grain of salt.

How would you have handled Afghanistan?

09-06-09, 21:07
This is funny. I have gone back and forth with our clueless, instigating friend seemingly to no one's interest many times before. Somehow everyone cares tonight.

Glenn Beck must be responsible for this heightened awareness. RR would surely agree.

09-06-09, 21:08
Because I'm aware of this thread. The Staff and Moderators here are not paid and do this on their free time. We can't watch every post in every thread. If you feel you're being attacked there's a nice "report post" feature you can use and we all get an email (why do I believe I'm going to regret telling you about that?)

how convenient.

is this not a personal attack?

Yes he can!!!

He has been shilling for the left since he got on the board.

I report, YOU decide:


no, i'm the last guy you have to worry about reporting posts. i've been attacked PLENTY here so far and have yet to report once.

09-06-09, 21:11
i think they're BOTH full of sh*t and don't represent anything that is important to our country. they certainly don't represent the ideals they were founded on. you can find numerous threads where i've stated this same thing.

You're probably closer to the majority of the folks here than you think. Maybe it's your delivery?

09-06-09, 21:11
How would you have handled Afghanistan?

First of all, i wouldn't have taken my eye off the ball and focused on Iraq. Iraq wouldn't have been a pressing issue. Finish the job in Afghanistan first.

Second, how familiar are you with the Anbar Awakening? I think thats the way to win in Afghanistan as well. Borders don't matter there, tribes do.

09-06-09, 21:12
This is funny. I have gone back and forth with our clueless, instigating friend seemingly to no one's interest many times before. Somehow everyone cares tonight.

Glenn Beck must be responsible for this heightened awareness. RR would surely agree.

oh look, my favorite buddy, always riding my ass like a hemorrhoid

i guess this isn't a personal attack either? :rolleyes:

09-06-09, 21:13
How would you have handled Afghanistan?

Sent in the Marines to safeguard the poppy fields and pipeline.


09-06-09, 21:13
You're probably closer to the majority of the folks here than you think. Maybe it's your delivery?

i don't see that. i see a bunch of people that will believe anything coming out of Beck or FOX news or any other right wing source, but immediately discredit anything from other media outlets, the white house, or any left leaning source. even if the source isn't truly left leaning, but simply perceived that way, its written off as BS immediately. like the discussion i had on FactCheck.org a while back.

09-06-09, 21:14
oh look, my favorite buddy, always riding my ass like a hemorrhoid

i guess this isn't a personal attack either? :rolleyes:

Aw buddy, you just gave me the most badly needed laugh. Trust me on that one.

Carry on.

09-06-09, 21:16
Aw buddy, you just gave me the most badly needed laugh. Trust me on that one.

Carry on.

glad i could help.

now don't you have more pressing issues to be dealing with rather than posting here?

09-06-09, 21:17
First of all, i wouldn't have taken my eye off the ball and focused on Iraq. Iraq wouldn't have been a pressing issue. Finish the job in Afghanistan first.

Second, how familiar are you with the Anbar Awakening? I think thats the way to win in Afghanistan as well. Borders don't matter there, tribes do.

I'll agree with you on Iraq but I suspect you're not fully aware of what's been done and what's being done in Afghanistan if you made that statement. I do, agree with some of what Obama has proposed for Afghanistan and I like the new leadership he's put in place there. To call Afghanistan a failure is very, very premature.

Heavy Metal
09-06-09, 21:18
how convenient.

is this not a personal attack?

no, i'm the last guy you have to worry about reporting posts. i've been attacked PLENTY here so far and have yet to report once.

Uhh.....because I described your activites and did not call you a shill. You do not seem to understand the concept of 'personal' in personal attack.

Ok, try this link:


09-06-09, 21:20
i don't see that. i see a bunch of people that will believe anything coming out of Beck or FOX news or any other right wing source, but immediately discredit anything from other media outlets, the white house, or any left leaning source. even if the source isn't truly left leaning, but simply perceived that way, its written off as BS immediately. like the discussion i had on FactCheck.org a while back.

I don't know what to tell you then.

09-06-09, 21:21
I suspect you're not fully aware of what's been done and what's being done in Afghanistan if you made that statement.

what do you mean, please explain. i know they've recently made some adjustments, more along the lines of what happened in Anbar before the awakening. i'm referring to bringing the tribes more into the fray, getting them involved in the process, etc.

I do, agree with some of what Obama has proposed for Afghanistan and I like the new leadership he's put in place there.

agreed. although i'm not sure how much Obama really had to do with that.

To call Afghanistan a failure is very, very premature.

thats not at all what i'm saying.

09-06-09, 21:25
what do you mean, please explain. i know they've recently made some adjustments, more along the lines of what happened in Anbar before the awakening. i'm referring to bringing the tribes more into the fray, getting them involved in the process, etc.

They've been trying to get the tribes involved, even from the very beginning. That has not changed. However, it's not an easy task and it's made more difficult by the safe haven in Pakistan.

How long did you think it was going to take? 2-3 years? We're literally trying to bring a 12th-13th century country into the modern day.

09-06-09, 21:27
thats not at all what i'm saying.

You didn't say that but you alluded to it. Say what you want about Iraq but I think what our men and women have done in Afghanistan has been exceptional given the challenges that we face there. However there's a very long way to go.

09-06-09, 21:29
Uhh.....because I described your activites and did not call you a shill.

you want to split hairs and argue semantics now? when you say i've been shilling, that implies that i am a shill.

He has been shilling for the left since he got on the board.

when i have in fact done quite the opposite. i've said BOTH political parties are crap, i've said Pelosi and Boxer are f*cking retards, etc. hardly shilling for anyone but independence.

You do not seem to understand the concept of 'personal' in personal attack.

if you're talking about ME, its personal.

Ok, try this link:


yes, please do. and don't skip the parts about me calling Boxer a retard, or blaming Pelosi, or the Powell thread, etc.

to say my posts are shilling for the left is completely dishonest.

09-06-09, 21:29
glad i could help.

now don't you have more pressing issues to be dealing with rather than posting here?

And what would you suggest I do to remedy my situation, genius? Can't get my mind off things for a while? Talk about a personal attack, your getting ****ing personal.

Ready to send you a PM you'll never forget, but I will pass due to your minuscule overall relevance to anything.

Outlander Systems
09-06-09, 21:32
So, ah, anyway...

Rick, M4Arc is right. There might be more receptivity in regards to your posts if they were delivered in a different manner. This is not a personal attack, but the posting style you've chosen to embrace, comes of as, trollish.

I am moderately inclined to agree with you that both sides of the isle are screwing us over, and until we elect an independent it's rinse and repeat. That being said, I find the current Administration to be the one most likely to be flushing the nation down the turd-hole.

I will readily admit that I used to think Glen Beck was a total douche-bag a few years ago. I started listening to him around July of last year, and I've heard him state very little that I personally disagree with. I think he's a good dude.

I think Keith Olbermann is a chodus-supremus, and has the entire thing mixed up:

1) Beck is not a government employee
2) Jones was a government employee

Trying to wage war against someone exposing a communist agent/911 "truther"/environmentalist-nut-job/racist dickhead like jones is absurd, asinine, and a waste of time and resources. Beck's doing investigative journalism, something Olbermann could take a cue from.

The truth has an air to it...Guys like Beck honestly believe in what they're doing. Olbermann is a typical, sniveling prick, and it can be seen in how he handles himself.

Speaking of environmentalists, why is it okay that their religion is acceptable, when Christianity is not? Separation of church and state? How is the environmental movement anything other than a church? Riddle me that one, Batman.

09-06-09, 21:34
They've been trying to get the tribes involved, even from the very beginning. That has not changed.

actually it has changed very recently, as you alluded to in your previous post. taking a more special forces slant rather than conventional forces will facilitate this even more.

However, it's not an easy task and it's made more difficult by the safe haven in Pakistan.

of course. like i said, borders don't matter...tribes do. once we start really getting the tribal groups on our side, the Taliban will have no safe haven.

How long did you think it was going to take? 2-3 years? We're literally trying to bring a 12th-13th century country into the modern day.

no, i didn't really have an expectation as to a timetable. but we definitely lost ground due to taking our eye off of Afghanistan and focusing on Iraq.

i don't think Afghanistan will EVER be brought into the modern day. just knowing what i know about the history of that country, its a completely different culture that has no interest in the modern day. they've been warring since the beginning of time in that region. nothing we do is going to change what their culture has been from the beginning. i think the best we can hope to do is root out the radical Muslim undercurrent there and let them duke it out amongst themselves.

Heavy Metal
09-06-09, 21:35
if you're talking about ME, its personal.

You are allowed to attack the ideas and not the individual. Yes, there is a semantical difference itn the way I phrased it.

Congratulations for throwing us crumbs on Boxer and Pelosi. Now, you are two in a hundred.

Way to be fair and balanced.

09-06-09, 21:35
You didn't say that but you alluded to it.

not my intention at all. you read into my post about "dealing with Bush's issues still" to be negative, when thats not what i meant at all.

09-06-09, 21:35
actually it has changed very recently, as you alluded to in your previous post. taking a more special forces slant rather than conventional forces will facilitate this even more.

of course. like i said, borders don't matter...tribes do. once we start really getting the tribal groups on our side, the Taliban will have no safe haven.

no, i didn't really have an expectation as to a timetable. but we definitely lost ground due to taking our eye off of Afghanistan and focusing on Iraq.

i don't think Afghanistan will EVER be brought into the modern day. just knowing what i know about the history of that country, its a completely different culture that has no interest in the modern day. they've been warring since the beginning of time in that region. nothing we do is going to change what their culture has been from the beginning. i think the best we can hope to do is root out the radical Muslim undercurrent there and let them duke it out amongst themselves.

See, there's more that we almost agree upon. Told you so ;)

ETA: And borders do matter some when certain tribes hide behind them and the ISI protects them.

09-06-09, 21:37
And what would you suggest I do to remedy my situation, genius?

Since you asked, maybe not send threatening text messages? Maybe not post your entire personal story on M4 for all to see?

I'd start there.

Talk about a personal attack, your getting ****ing personal.

If you don't like me discussing your problem, perhaps you shouldn't have posted it on a public message board.

Ready to send you a PM you'll never forget, but I will pass due to your minuscule overall relevance to anything.

Oh please do! I do love a good angry message. It shows how easily you are broken.

09-06-09, 21:38
to say my posts are shilling for the left is completely dishonest.

I read some of your posts in that link, don't really see a problem. What I do see a problem with is what you just said to SafetyHit. That's out of line.

Now I'm going to wade back out of this shit storm, but let's get back to what this thread is about: talking about what a piece of shit Keith Olbermann is. There's commentors on his post on DailyKos trying to post Beck's home address. That's too far. I watch Beck alot, and I do agree with alot of what he has to say, but he does go over the top on some things. As for Olbermann, I can't listen to him for more than a couple minutes without getting pissed off.

ETA: As for Afghanistan, what we're dealing with is no different than what every other foreign power that has gone into Afghanistan over the last thousand years has dealt with, I don't know how we're going to do any better of a job with it.

09-06-09, 21:38
not my intention at all. you read into my post about "dealing with Bush's issues still" to be negative, when thats not what i meant at all.

I think this might have something to do with why you're probably a lot closer to the majority here but can't see it. It had nothing to do with Bush. You're the one that read into that one.

09-06-09, 21:40
You are allowed to attack the ideas and not the individual. Yes, there is a semantical difference itn the way I phrased it.

Congratulations for throwing us crumbs on Boxer and Pelosi. Now, you are two in a hundred.

Way to be fair and balanced.

Like i said just a few posts earlier...

even if the source isn't truly left leaning, but simply perceived that way, its written off as BS immediately.

so even though i'm obviously NOT a shill for the left, and have the "crumbs" to prove it...i'm still a shill because i don't walk in lock step with the right. congrats on being a f*cking....oh wait, thats a personal attack.

09-06-09, 21:41
Now I'm going to wade back out of this shit storm, but let's get back to what this thread is about: talking about what a piece of shit Keith Olbermann is. There's commentors on his post on DailyKos trying to post Beck's home address. That's too far. I watch Beck alot, and I do agree with alot of what he has to say, but he does go over the top on some things. As for Olbermann, I can't listen to him for more than a couple minutes without getting pissed off.

I agree, let's talk more about how Olbermann is a douchebag :D

Olbermann better be careful because if people on his side can find Glenn Becks address how does he not think that other side can't find his?

Who do you think is better prepared to defend their home?

09-06-09, 21:42
I think this might have something to do with why you're probably a lot closer to the majority here but can't see it. It had nothing to do with Bush. You're the one that read into that one.

where else did i allude to it?

09-06-09, 21:45
What I do see a problem with is what you just said to SafetyHit. That's out of line.

well he's said PLENTY of stuff to me that was out of line in the past that i let slide. so now i'm gonna get a dig in here and there.

not my fault he posted his personal crap all out there for people to read. this is a public forum. if you don't want people discussing it, don't put it out there.

There's commentors on his post on DailyKos trying to post Beck's home address. That's too far.

i agree, that is too far. but what are you worried about, they're just a bunch of unarmed leftist pussies anyway right? :D

I watch Beck alot, and I do agree with alot of what he has to say, but he does go over the top on some things. As for Olbermann, I can't listen to him for more than a couple minutes without getting pissed off.

i can't listen to either one. they're both lying, manipulating, low forms of life.

ETA: As for Afghanistan, what we're dealing with is no different than what every other foreign power that has gone into Afghanistan over the last thousand years has dealt with, I don't know how we're going to do any better of a job with it.

i agree. which is why i said our best bet is to try and eradicate the radical Muslim faction and then just get out and let them fight it out.

09-06-09, 21:48
where else did i allude to it?

Let me clarify; you suggested that we were living with Bush's screw up in Afghanistan but I hardly see it as a screw up. It was necessary and it went extremely well, better than anyone expected. I don't give a lot of credit to Bush for that (other than listening to his advisors and making the call).

If you say it was a screw up I take offense because I think our Solders, Marines, Airman and Sailors did a fantastic job and continue to do a fantastic job.

By the way I think the same about Iraq I just don't think we needed to go in there but our service men and women are doing a great job.

09-06-09, 21:57
rickrock305 - I can't go back and hammer people for what took place days, weeks or months ago now. And like I said earlier the mods and staff here aren't paid and they do this on their free time. Sometimes there are a lot of us online and sometimes maybe one or none are online. If you think that is "convenient" so be it.

But that warning goes out to everyone in this thread. Cut out the attacks, drop the shrill crap and get back on topic.

09-06-09, 22:00
This thing got off track faster than a 1911 thread....

I liked Olberman when he did sports, and then didn't he just read news for a little bit, and then he came out of left field. I think the ultimate hit in him is the SNL piece where he Matt Damon's boyfreind.

If I were Beck, I'd play clips from Olberman's show and than state that more people just watched his show than will watch it all week on MSNBC. What does Olbermann have to loose attacking Beck? Eventually he does have to start to have his own content. I really can't watch Olberman, and at least they finally got some make-up on Maddow. She reminds me of all the liberal-twit chicks in high school that thought they were smarter than everyone else. I usually like lesbians, but not that just shows that too much of a good thing....

09-06-09, 22:24
If you don't like me discussing your problem, perhaps you shouldn't have posted it on a public message board.

Here's the thing pal, almost everyone here's opinions are worth something to me right now, as sure my little world has in fact been turned upside down via pure evil and spite. So, yes I'm just a bit lost right now, but I have always been a communicator. If someone here found a way for me to get my son, there could be no words to express my gratitude. But yes I knew it was a long shot.

I can appreciate good people at a time when it seems like the world is against you. I find this place to be a haven of sanity. Take from that what you will.

Then someone like you comes along with his little furry toy, and how lucky you are that so many are playing along tonight. But when does being a child become tiring?

To be honest, while your remark was yet again deeply personal and completely unrelated to this discussion, I will not respond they way instinct tells me to do so because you are simply not worth it.

Sorry for the hijack, I'm done.

09-06-09, 22:35
I'll take my chances with Foxnews over PMSNBCLBGT and Commie News Network.

09-06-09, 22:42
Don't know who he is but **** him and the dailykos. Glenn Beck can hold his own.

Sadly, this will end in threats to his life, family and home. He will need 24 hour security after this head hunt.

Glenn Beck already has all of this. He also has MUCH more powerful enemies then Overbite. I am sure that he is unimpressed.

09-06-09, 23:26
Hanging out with Glenn ;-)

He is necessary to call BS and stir the pot in response to the EXTREME imbalance in contemporary journalism today.


09-06-09, 23:55
so small minded. sad.

Please don't feel sad for me as my small mind can only concentrate on one thing at a time, like comrade Jones being made a Czar. But amazingly your large mind can link all of the things that are wrong now in this country with Bush even though he has not been the President in almost eight months. If that is how a large minded person thinks, I guess I will stick with my small mind and one fact at a time.
Bye the way, say high to Arianna Huffington for me

09-06-09, 23:59
Let me clarify; you suggested that we were living with Bush's screw up in Afghanistan but I hardly see it as a screw up. It was necessary and it went extremely well, better than anyone expected. I don't give a lot of credit to Bush for that (other than listening to his advisors and making the call).

If you say it was a screw up I take offense because I think our Solders, Marines, Airman and Sailors did a fantastic job and continue to do a fantastic job.

By the way I think the same about Iraq I just don't think we needed to go in there but our service men and women are doing a great job.

no, i didn't mean to imply that at all. and i don't disagree.

the guys on the ground do a great job. its the politicians that send them there that i'm worried about.

09-07-09, 00:00
rickrock305 - I can't go back and hammer people for what took place days, weeks or months ago now. And like I said earlier the mods and staff here aren't paid and they do this on their free time. Sometimes there are a lot of us online and sometimes maybe one or none are online. If you think that is "convenient" so be it.

But that warning goes out to everyone in this thread. Cut out the attacks, drop the shrill crap and get back on topic.

i don't expect you to, i was simply making a point.

09-07-09, 01:26
Some of the above posts, to be honest, have scared me. I think that it is quite dangerous to forget about any of the policies of George W. Bush, especially when he has only been out of office 8 months. This is the same man that Hugo Chavez called "comrade" and applauded his "socialist policies."

It was under W's watch that Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke, heads of the private American central bank, the Federal Reserve System, created vast amounts of new money and credit out of thin air, which eventually led to the bursting of the housing bubble. (Of course this was going on under Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, and all the rest, and we should not forget their place in history as well.)

George II also signed off on the massive $700 billion bail-out (TARP), saying it was "necessary to preserve the free market," and the numerous bail-outs prior to that. If your brain believes that he, or Obama, or Clinton, or Bush I, actually cared about saving the free market in the least, then you might as well just put a bullet in it. The Federal Reserve was also creating trillions of dollars of new money out of thin air around this time (Oct-Dec 2008), all under the not so watchful eye of "that good ol conservative from Texas." The Republican chosen to replace George W. Bush, John McCain, increduously stopped campaigning with just a few weeks left before the election to go to Washington to work on the TARP bill. By the way, when the government gives a whole shit ton of money to incredibly large banks and corporations, its called Fascism.

Keep in mind that we are approximately 11 trillion dollars in debt, and more than a few trillion of that debt came when George II was in the White House.

Iraq, well, nothing needs to be written here about Iraq. Another senseless war in a long, long list of unnecessary American wars and conflicts (lest we forget Yugoslavia, the bombing of Iraq in the mid 90s, Somalia - where too damned many heroic American serviceman died, the first Gulf War, Vietnam, Korea, WWI).

Every single one of the above mentioned wars and conflicts, except WWI, were 100% unconstitutional, for only Congress has the power to declare war. 36,000 American men, including one in my family, were sent to Korea by Democratic President Harry S. Truman, under a [I]U.N.[I] Resolution, and died. A UN Resolution is not a Declaration of War from Congress.

Iraq and Afghanistan are two undeclared wars as well. The Russian empire collapsed under the weight of a decade long war in Afghanistan. The British tried to conquer the country three times, and failed three times. The United States will fail too. I am not saying our troops are doing an inferior job, but their withdrawal is inevitable. Eventually our troops will have to come home because we cannot afford to continue funding the war. We can't keep fighting it forever, even if John McCain says it is a war that could last 100 years.

We have spent trillions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We will continue to spend trillions of dollars there. BUT WE DONT HAVE ANY MONEY! We borrow it or we print it off sure, but what happens when we can't borrow any more? Oh but of course, said Barack and Rahm, we can print more off! I sincerely hope that all the American troops in all 130 countries around the globe come home before our leaders rev up the printing presses for the very last time.

Interestingly enough, when the father of Special Operational Detachment Delta sniper Randy Shughart met with President Clinton to accept his deceased son's Medal of Honor for his incredibly brave and selfless actions in Mogadishu, Somalia, the elder Shughart refused to shake the President's hand, saying afterwards that his son had no business being in Somalia at all. It is too bad that that Delta Force Unit, the Rangers, and all the other American military personnel in Somalia playing the role of Global Policeman for the United Nations did not reject their orders, on the grounds that they took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, and alerted the American people that their mission in Somalia was blatantly unconstitutional and unnecessary. Many of them would still be alive and our leaders might have been taught an invaluable lesson, as well as the whole of the American people.

Sorry for the rant, but those who forget history are destined to repeat it, or something like that. And Barack Hussein Obama will be worse than both Bushes and Clinton put together, mark my words and prepare.

30 cal slut
09-07-09, 06:55
I would say he is a complete and utter ****.

he doesn't even rate that, as either ****er or ****ee.

he is lower than whale shit.



09-07-09, 08:45
In a battle of wits, Beck has brought MX missiles. Ohlberman has brought... a dull spoon. Should be fun to watch! :D

09-07-09, 09:43
The Russian empire collapsed under the weight of a decade long war in Afghanistan. The British tried to conquer the country three times, and failed three times. The United States will fail too.

Sir, I like your post, although I can't say I agree with all of it you do make some valid points. But may I comment on a few?

It was the Soviet Union that collapsed not just because their Afghan War but after decades of fierce and expensive military competition with the west. In the end he with the most cash won. The Soviet-Afghanistan War cost was a drop in the bucket compared to what they were spending on trying to advance their nuclear ballistic capabilities. Look how the global economy exploded right after Soviets called it quits. They simply couldn't keep up.

Afghanistan: There were valid causes for the British to invade and everyone invaded that country easily enough. However at the time there was little reasons to stay. In centuries past the reason was to control a passage through Asia. That was before what our airplanes can do now. The Soviets did it to get closer to oil reserves. We did it because it was an Al-Queda haven. But the reasons to remain in a land locked country that offers next to nothing becomes the question. It then becomes a liability.

Afghanistan is like that shabby trailer out in the county, just past the dump, at the end of a dirt road that no one travels on. No one knows or cares about what goes on there until it affects them. Them when something does happens they send in the SWAT team, serve a warrant, bash in a door, arrest offenders. Then what? No reason to stick around and "I'm not cleaning this mess up!" All to be repeated again when the next tenants move in, or the ones that didn't get hauled away on SWAT's previous visit, the following year and people forget about until...

Back to the subject:

What exactly does a green job czar supposed to do? And what made Van Jones the choice for that job? Just because he wrote a book about the enviroment? Makes you wonder (again) what is BHO thinking when he picks his people.

I'm certain in just a few years we will look back on this "green" thing and agree it was BS.

Glenn Beck did the right thing in pointing out that there was an elephant in a china shop. Surprisingly no one else noticed until then.

09-07-09, 09:52
Olberman is a complete douche bag and MSNBC is a ****ing joke. Might as well call it the Democrat/Obama network. And what's up with the chick that looks like Olberman on MSNBC?

09-07-09, 10:06
Olberman is a complete douche bag and MSNBC is a ****ing joke. Might as well call it the Democrat/Obama network. And what's up with the chick that looks like Olberman on MSNBC?

That would be Rachel (Rob) Maddow, who is literally a Keith Olberman wannabe. Even as a woman (or man perhaps).

09-07-09, 10:17
Back to the OP and where we are now??

How could anyone be upset about the clown getting the boot.....i don't care who dug up the dirt. Just glad to know. Did beck do something wrong by exposing this racist??

09-07-09, 10:25
Did beck do something wrong by exposing this racist??

Pretty sure there has only been one here who has repeated this. He is easy enough to find.

Otherwise, we all know what a favor Beck did for this country. And I truly believe that is not an overstatement.

BigJim #1-8
09-07-09, 10:34
Olberman is an idiot & a hack.
Check out Becks interview with the former?? comm/soc/lib David Horowicz.
Fair & Balanced,I believe so.When people like Horowicz are scared of b.husseins comm/soc agenda & the idiots he follows we should take notice.
Horowicz tells the real agenda & their tactics to implement them.


09-07-09, 10:35
what has Beck done to support troops?

He invites soldiers to speak on his program. Let's see a different channel have that happen. Real soldiers, mind you. Not conscientious objector types. Oh, and he supports the Wounded Warrior Project.

09-11-09, 01:55
Say what you want about Beck, I'm watching the rebroadcast of his show today where he goes over the Acorn advising the "pimp and prostitute" on tax evasion, immigration, child endandgerment, prostitution and who knows what else.

Yes, Beck goes over the top, but he is thundering about how this is a moral issue and ACORN will throw the people caught on the tape under the bus, BUT it is a moral issue that the MSM is not covering this and taking it up the organization. Great job done by him tonight, and super kudos to the two young journalists that went in and did the sting.