View Full Version : "meeting" my new neighbors...oh boy

09-07-09, 13:58
The house across the street sold recently (new construction) and the new neighbors have been moving in slowly over the past couple weeks. We had caught glimpses of them, but not met them yet. Until Friday.

I was off, so we took the little ones to the zoo for a bit, and as we were unloading the FUDVee (Family Urban Deployment Vehicle aka minivan) about return, the female neighbor came plodding down her driveway out towards her van in the street. I looked up, she made eye contact, and I thought "oh, we'll get to introduce ourselves..." then she spoke.

"Should we be worried about the 'lock and load' on the truck?" is the first thing she blurts out (referring to my LOKNLOD vanity plate -- I know, I know, PERSEC fail on my part, double fail for admitting it online).

My wife just kind of laughs nervously, because she's a little flabberghasted that that is her choice for an icebreaker.

She then confirms her intentions by continuing with something along the lines of, "I saw that and thought 'they must have a lot of weapons' and I was telling my husband that's scary." That's paraphrased, because I'm not fluent in coward, but I distinctly remember "weapons" and "scary" as well as being a little surprised with the word "husband", based on her appearance.

I managed to reel my jaw up off the driveway and blurt out "oh, we're harmless..." in an attempt to maintain a neutral position, and to keep from saying anything along the lines of "I noticed you're obese, we don't have to worry about any trans-fats leaking over, do we?"

Then she got in her van and drove off. No intro, or "hi" or "we're the Fatty McDykertons, we just moved in from Chicago". Nothing. Just zinged a snide remark at us, and drove off.

Yay. Looks like we've got antis for neighbors.

09-07-09, 14:02
you can try and pick your politicians, but you can never pick your neighbors.

Heavy Metal
09-07-09, 14:08
I would have told them it was my deceased brother's nickname and I get real upset when people ask me about it.

Just remember one thing. If they go Gladys Kravitz on you, minced fresh fish into the air intake of their heat pump works wonders in about 4 days. It will take their minds completely off of firearms.

09-07-09, 14:21
Actually the trans fat thing sounds like a good argument. Something along the lines of "trans fats have killed more people than my firearms!"

Maybe you should try infiltrating techniques by taking her husband to the range and getting him "hooked." ;)

Just remember one thing. If they go Gladys Kravitz on you, minced fresh fish into the air intake of their heat pump works wonders in about 4 days. It will take their minds completely off of firearms.


09-07-09, 14:36

have fun with them :)

09-07-09, 14:55
people never cease to amaze me....... good luck and I hope they don't turn crazy on you.

I live in a mil. housing area, and had the police called on me while I was loading my gear up to go to the range.

Invest in a hockey/soccer/tennis bag

09-07-09, 15:00
Maybe you should try infiltrating techniques by taking her husband to the range and getting him "hooked." ;)


Hell yeah, after that you need to be her husbands best friend and get him to the range as soon as possible. What better of a comeback is there? I think it will be so much more enjoyable to get him hooked.

09-07-09, 15:16
Yay. Looks like we've got antis for neighbors.

Anti or not, she's garbage for her remarks.

Erik 1
09-07-09, 15:28
Yay. Looks like we've got antis for neighbors.

Looks like you got rude folks for neighbors.

09-07-09, 16:43
:DLooks like the first annual M4Carbine get together is at your house this Christmas

Oscar 319
09-07-09, 16:53
At least they speak english.

09-07-09, 16:58
:DLooks like the first annual M4Carbine get together is at your house this Christmas

I am there.

LOKNLOD, your story is really funny. What a shallow idiot. I bet there would be countless ways to irritate them in a humorous way, but it's probably not worth it.

Good luck.

09-07-09, 17:00
Lucky she didn't move in next door to Bryon Gaston aka Major Malfunction :D


09-07-09, 17:04
"Do we have a problem? No, people are way more likely to break into your house than they are mine."

When people do that to me in general, I usually just throw Ms Manners back at them and say that my mother taught me to introduce myself first, Hi, I'm Mr. Hand."

Of course, my Grandfathers always useful till you can come up with something tailored to the situation is: "If I wanted shit out of you I'd squeeze your head."

That aint Chicago, that's East Coast, somewhere between NYC and Philly. If she is from there, that may have been her warm greeting.

Tell her Loknlod is the Norse God of mind your own business.

09-07-09, 17:06
I am there.

LOKNLOD, your story is really funny. What a shallow idiot. I bet there would be countless ways to irritate them in a humorous way, but it's probably not worth it.

Good luck.

We're Armed, They Aren't
<----------- ---------->

09-07-09, 17:09
Maybe you should offer her/them a box of Costa's tactical twinkies

09-07-09, 18:02
Lucky you.

Good luck

09-07-09, 18:07

09-07-09, 18:18
Lucky she didn't move in next door to Bryon Gaston aka Major Malfunction :D


That is awesome. I would love to have him as my neighbor.

Loknlod, sorry you got stuck with crappy neighbors.

09-07-09, 18:19

That is freaking awesome!

09-07-09, 18:22
Tell her Loknlod is the Norse God of mind your own business.



I had a similar situation. Things changed on 9-11, when the "man of the house" asked if he could borrow "a gun". Since they are clueless, wall-eyed, grass eaters with no small children, I gave him the Reader's Digest safety brief and a 12 Ga coachgun.

09-07-09, 18:25
That is an outstanding yard sign!:p

09-07-09, 18:26
"Should we be worried about the 'lock and load' on the truck?" is the first thing she blurts out (referring to my LOKNLOD vanity plate -- I know, I know, PERSEC fail on my part, double fail for admitting it online).

LOL- This is why I have nothing firearm related on my vehicles, and fly a French flag in my front yard.

It’s all a matter of OPSEC and deception. ;)

09-07-09, 18:27
It takes all sorts...
Living up here in the Great Granola North, I feel self conscious with my NRA sticker... I can only imagine a LOKNLOD plate.

Invite hubby over for a beer, and make sure he sees the safe. Tell him that he and the kids are more than welcome to invite you shooting whenever they want, and the wife can come, but twinkies cost extra.

09-07-09, 18:35
The house across the street sold recently (new construction) and the new neighbors have been moving in slowly over the past couple weeks. We had caught glimpses of them, but not met them yet. Until Friday.

I was off, so we took the little ones to the zoo for a bit, and as we were unloading the FUDVee (Family Urban Deployment Vehicle aka minivan) about return, the female neighbor came plodding down her driveway out towards her van in the street. I looked up, she made eye contact, and I thought "oh, we'll get to introduce ourselves..." then she spoke.

"Should we be worried about the 'lock and load' on the truck?" is the first thing she blurts out (referring to my LOKNLOD vanity plate -- I know, I know, PERSEC fail on my part, double fail for admitting it online).

My wife just kind of laughs nervously, because she's a little flabberghasted that that is her choice for an icebreaker.

She then confirms her intentions by continuing with something along the lines of, "I saw that and thought 'they must have a lot of weapons' and I was telling my husband that's scary." That's paraphrased, because I'm not fluent in coward, but I distinctly remember "weapons" and "scary" as well as being a little surprised with the word "husband", based on her appearance.

I managed to reel my jaw up off the driveway and blurt out "oh, we're harmless..." in an attempt to maintain a neutral position, and to keep from saying anything along the lines of "I noticed you're obese, we don't have to worry about any trans-fats leaking over, do we?"

Then she got in her van and drove off. No intro, or "hi" or "we're the Fatty McDykertons, we just moved in from Chicago". Nothing. Just zinged a snide remark at us, and drove off.

Yay. Looks like we've got antis for neighbors.
Hey, look at it like this. If that shit that everyone keeps talking about hits that huge fan..... you have just doubled your food supply's. I mean they obviously wont be armed, so you will meet little resistance. Since they are of the wide body model you know that they will have plenty of food;)

09-07-09, 18:35
I tell ya - before I donned the LaRue bumper sticker "God Bless our Troops, Especially the Snipers" I would often get the inquisitive questions out of my M4Fun plates on my Jeep. I used to just say "Its a Jeep Thing" if they looked terribly clueless...so what if they are NRA plates too.

09-07-09, 18:37
i hope this isnt a repeat but i have a smart assed mouth and would have replied before i thought about it with something like "i've noticed you're fat, you're not gonna eat my kids are you?"

09-07-09, 18:42
Tell her Loknlod is the Norse God of mind your own business.

Okay for some reason this has me laughing...

We're Armed, They Aren't
<----------- ---------->

My wife and I actually already discussed something along these lines :D

Lucky she didn't move in next door to Bryon Gaston aka Major Malfunction :D

Bryon is my NFA guy and only lives a couple of miles away. My SBR is at his house awaiting approval....I'm going to need to figure out a way to get him to deliver it ;) (while the neighbors are in the yard, of course!)

I bet there would be countless ways to irritate them in a humorous way, but it's probably not worth it.

Definitely not worth it. We'll stick with being the good neighbors and let them be d-bags.

At least they speak english.

Don't get me started on my other neighbors. (Who actually are alright, just a bit odd).

:DLooks like the first annual M4Carbine get together is at your house this Christmas

Sounds good! There is a big open field next to their house for camping, parking, bbq'ing, and impromptu weapons demos ;)

Looks like you got rude folks for neighbors.


Hey, look at it like this. If that shit that everyone keeps talking about hits that huge fan..... you have just doubled your food supply's. I mean they obviously wont be armed, so you will meet little resistance. Since they are of the wide body model you know that they will have plenty of food;)

See, now that's positive thinking. When life gives you lemons...

09-07-09, 19:12
See, now that's positive thinking. When life gives you lemons...

Look for twinkies at the fat peoples house.

09-07-09, 20:40
"I noticed you're obese, we don't have to worry about any trans-fats leaking over, do we?"

I'm going to file that one away for future use.:D

09-07-09, 21:32
she's just mad cuz she's a big target......tell her elephant guns are outlawed and nothing you own could actually harm a person of her stature......then Ask her to go to the range and hand her your ultra lite elk rig in 338 Lapua. jk of course.;)

I got cool neighbors....sorry amigo.

09-07-09, 22:17
just for fun I would have to think of other ones :)

well not legally since I shot my last neighbor parole and all you know just don't mention it to anyone please

Why are you a crack head drug dealer or something ?

No guns I make home made bombs though

since you mentioned she is skinny challenged :)
so you have any tattoos ? if she says yes then say
well you tattooed cow mind your own business !

if she says no ! you should get one as the cow farmers here might think you are a stray

09-07-09, 22:19
This is in Oklahoma, for goodness sake??? :eek: Sweet shivering Shiva!

I thought they gave away free pistols when you open a savings account there, just like down here in Texas......

Oh well. Living well is always the best revenge.

09-07-09, 22:48
I tell ya - before I donned the LaRue bumper sticker "God Bless our Troops, Especially the Snipers" I would often get the inquisitive questions out of my M4Fun plates on my Jeep. I used to just say "Its a Jeep Thing" if they looked terribly clueless...so what if they are NRA plates too.

Have you gotten one of his new ones:

"Extremely Rightwing"

09-08-09, 00:11
It's not too late to fix this.

Just set up your clean bench in the driveway so they now you are a responsible owner.


09-08-09, 10:36
Very funny thread! I've got good neighbors, they're usually walking up my driveway with a pitcher of beer and extra glasses. (They have a beermiester, I am so jealous!) About 2 weeks ago they came walking up the driveway with a brand new M&P 15 with a Bushnell dot type sight. They just wanted to know if they bought a good one. It's good to have allies! GOD bless America!


09-08-09, 11:39
You should have just told miss nosey-assed-neighbor that you used to be in the Moving and Storage business. :D

09-08-09, 12:47
The house across the street sold recently (new construction) and the new neighbors have been moving in slowly over the past couple weeks. We had caught glimpses of them, but not met them yet. Until Friday.

I was off, so we took the little ones to the zoo for a bit, and as we were unloading the FUDVee (Family Urban Deployment Vehicle aka minivan) about return, the female neighbor came plodding down her driveway out towards her van in the street. I looked up, she made eye contact, and I thought "oh, we'll get to introduce ourselves..." then she spoke.

"Should we be worried about the 'lock and load' on the truck?" is the first thing she blurts out (referring to my LOKNLOD vanity plate -- I know, I know, PERSEC fail on my part, double fail for admitting it online).

My wife just kind of laughs nervously, because she's a little flabberghasted that that is her choice for an icebreaker.

She then confirms her intentions by continuing with something along the lines of, "I saw that and thought 'they must have a lot of weapons' and I was telling my husband that's scary." That's paraphrased, because I'm not fluent in coward, but I distinctly remember "weapons" and "scary" as well as being a little surprised with the word "husband", based on her appearance.

I managed to reel my jaw up off the driveway and blurt out "oh, we're harmless..." in an attempt to maintain a neutral position, and to keep from saying anything along the lines of "I noticed you're obese, we don't have to worry about any trans-fats leaking over, do we?"

Then she got in her van and drove off. No intro, or "hi" or "we're the Fatty McDykertons, we just moved in from Chicago". Nothing. Just zinged a snide remark at us, and drove off.

Yay. Looks like we've got antis for neighbors.

Hard luck on that, I am fortunate enough that everyone in my neighborhood is packing. Dont worry, there is always an incident that brings fueding neighbors on the same side.:cool:

09-08-09, 12:55
Sorry to hear about your neighbors, but your post made my day, too funny!!!:D

09-08-09, 14:07
About a year ago (I was out of town) my wife heard a commotion outside so she grabbed a pistol and went to check on the animals. There was a dog screwing with some of our livestock in a field close to the house. My wife went running out and the dog ran off (they caught it later and it was friendly so it got to go home). My neighbor came out to see what was up and asked if my wife needed a gun to shoot the dog or if she wanted him to shoot it for her (he hadn't noticed the gun in her hand at the time).

I guess we all can't be as lucky as loknlod.

09-08-09, 14:51
Lucky she didn't move in next door to Bryon Gaston aka Major Malfunction :D


That's damn cool but jeez, the only bigger target indicator would be a sign saying "I have a lot of expensive toys to steal."

He can't be around to protect his home ALL the time, can he?


09-08-09, 17:02
Get your .22LR, a bag of empty cans, good hearing protection, and take your new neighbors to the range to begin their conversion to Enlightenment.

09-08-09, 17:32
My response would have been, "Wow, after everything that happened down the street earlier this year I can't imagine not having a gun at home to protect us!" Then I would have begged off from giving more details, saying only that it still made me very uncomfortable and queasy to think about it.

09-08-09, 17:51
"Should we be worried about the 'lock and load' on the truck?"

I believe the correct response is:

"Only if you break in and try to steal our leftovers."

09-08-09, 17:54
My response would have been, "Wow, after everything that happened down the street earlier this year I can't imagine not having a gun at home to protect us!" Then I would have begged off from giving more details, saying only that it still made me very uncomfortable and queasy to think about it.


We had some neighbors that recently moved out of state. It was pretty hilarious as they were about as anti-gun as you can get. It was great during hunting season to see all the other neighbors hanging meat in their garages. Funny, they didn't come outside much during hunting season.

One time, I was loading up the truck with steel targets and a bench. In between all the steel, I brought out a couple of rifles, one slung across my back. They called the sheriffs office and reported a "man with a gun". The sheriff called my cell phone, as he has my personal number, he said that someone reported a man with a gun in the area and asked what was going on. I replied that he could come on up to check it out if he wanted, but he'd have to help me load the rest of the steel targets. After a good chuckle, I started talking overly loud and said "Don't you worry sheriff, if there's some crazy gunman out here, I'll take care of him!" He actually caught a little flak for that incident, but we laughed it off the next time we went shooting.

09-08-09, 18:04
That's damn cool but jeez, the only bigger target indicator would be a sign saying "I have a lot of expensive toys to steal."

He can't be around to protect his home ALL the time, can he?


I would bet that the price of admission is way more than the enjoyment of the ride.

09-08-09, 18:11
They probably moved from California. Thats where we live now and we can't wait to get OUT! (hangs head in shame)

09-08-09, 18:45
Good luck with the neighbor situation

09-08-09, 18:57
I like jakjakman's suggestion.

09-08-09, 19:26
Why do people like that move to one of the most conservative states in the nation and try to make life difficult for the actual real 'Oklahomans' that live there?

I mean seriously, ask her "What the hell are you doing in Oklahoma?"

09-08-09, 19:29
You wanna talk about loons. Well I used to live in a commercial area in the "Big City" of NY and wasn't always home due to work constraints. This neighbor who owned a business across the street offered to accept packages from UPS for me a couple of times...I talked to him about it once and he said it was ok as long as it was "Not the guns." I was pretty sure he knew I was in law enforcement but I have a feeling maybe he thought I was some mobster or something. People so brainwashed and mindless about the 2nd amendment that they think you can still order guns through the mail without being a cop and possessing letterhead..even then it would be shipped to a dept directly...UGH...ignorance must be bliss for these people..until they have a gun shoved in their face. :mad:

09-08-09, 20:45
Why do people like that move to one of the most conservative states in the nation and try to make life difficult for the actual real 'Oklahomans' that live there?

I mean seriously, ask her "What the hell are you doing in Oklahoma?"

Was thinking the same thing...

09-08-09, 20:55
My response would have been, "Wow, after everything that happened down the street earlier this year I can't imagine not having a gun at home to protect us!" Then I would have begged off from giving more details, saying only that it still made me very uncomfortable and queasy to think about it.

Better yet - "Wow, with everything that happened in your house before you lived there ... I hope the drug dealers don't come back looking for their dope and think you're someone else."

09-08-09, 21:59
I just want to understand something, you have the "LOKNLOD" on a Minivan, correct?

09-08-09, 22:07
I just want to understand something, you have the "LOKNLOD" on a Minivan, correct?

"Should we be worried about the 'lock and load' on the truck?"

I read that as 'truck'. :D

09-08-09, 22:12
I read that as 'truck'. :D

Yeah, LOKNLOD is on the truck (every truck I've had, actually).

The minivan is the "FUDVee" but I can't quite talk my wife into getting that as a vanity plate ;)

09-08-09, 22:18
Ah, thanks, I remember the FUDvee reference. My apologies.

Did you figure out where they were actually from, Chicago was a guess, correct?


09-08-09, 22:28
Ah, thanks, I remember the FUDvee reference. My apologies.

Did you figure out where they were actually from, Chicago was a guess, correct?


Just a random accusation. They've got stickers indicating they're either big fans or alumni of the same college as me so they're probably from around here. Maybe they're just corrupted by liberal academia ;)

09-09-09, 10:00
I am going through something similar to yours LokNLod.
I currently live in a 4-plex...its like a duplex on steroids. The people who moved in last week have several (Change stickers) on their vehicles. One in particular that toasts my waffles states....(You can thank me, I voted for Obama.)
I have yet to make the acquaintance of these fine people but have learned from my sources that they have moved up here from Memphis Tenn.
I feel for you man...I just console myself knowing its an easy pistol shot cross the driveway....

09-09-09, 12:12
Time for some PsyOps! Be creative.

09-09-09, 12:24
sounds like she just joined the NRA.

and Jenny Craig (or whoever it is that sends you the diet meals in the mail)

09-09-09, 22:20
locnlod, you must live in too nice a neighborhood; Here in Dogpatch III, I'm pretty sure we're all armed. Condolences on yer crummy neibs.


09-10-09, 03:11
You need to put on full multicam, your web gear and a 3 day pack while wearing Oakleys and go mow the lawn and every now and again stop and do a thorough scan of the area;) (or just invite Randy Quaid over and sick him on them:p)

I haven't laughed all day...sorry for the neighbors...but thanks for the laugh I needed it:D

09-10-09, 04:36
It's not too late to fix this.

Just set up your clean bench in the driveway so they now you are a responsible owner.


+1, in your undies...

And set up your reloading stuff outside too. :cool:

09-10-09, 11:29

have fun with them :)

I agree, the perfect opening for "loads" of fun.

09-10-09, 11:44
I am going through something similar to yours LokNLod.
I currently live in a 4-plex...its like a duplex on steroids. The people who moved in last week have several (Change stickers) on their vehicles. One in particular that toasts my waffles states....(You can thank me, I voted for Obama.)
I have yet to make the acquaintance of these fine people but have learned from my sources that they have moved up here from Memphis Tenn.
I feel for you man...I just console myself knowing its an easy pistol shot cross the driveway....

Just out of curiosity what would your reaction be if you saw them pull out a couple of long guns and a pistol case from their car, and walk them into the house? Or had them over for a beer and they weren't at all nervous about your guns, and in fact were able to talk about them too you?

Just a question. I have noticed the majority of liberals in my field get squeemish as all hell in my house, but from time to time people surprise me. (I don't use political alignment as pre-req for working relationships, and acquaintances, I let people open their mouths before I decide if I want to be around them).

Back to the OP

It's been a few days since you posted this. Any new interactions with the couple? Have they avoided you and your family, tried to make good, glanced out the window at you in nervous anticipation of a gun fight?

Your story is similar to my fathers when he recently moved to CT after years in WY and five in Texas. Second thing out his new neighbors mouth was a nervous "Do you hunt?" My Dad: "Do you mean do I own guns? Yes, yes I do." Turns out the old owner of the house use to sit outside with his 1911 in a lawn chair because he was so sick of dealing with this guy.

09-10-09, 14:31
I think when I buy our next place I am going to go around and knock on doors and talk to all my future neighbors :)

09-10-09, 15:46
Ahh I miss the burbs. Two of my neighbors are currently going at it. One even built a 10ft high fence the length of their property line.

They both call to tell me what the other one has done (like I care). Apparently one of them threatened the other ones wife and kids one day. They asked me, have they done anything like that to you??? I laughed, he (my neighbor) may be stupid, but he ain't that stupid! The other neighbor was quiet for a minute and says, oh ya, I guess he would have to be pretty stupid to pick a fight with a class 3 dealer. :D

The one with most guns wins!


09-10-09, 16:50
I feel for you... our new across the street renters/neighbors have already had multiple screaming matches out front at crazy hours and it's getting old really quick. I believe next time I'll call 911 and involve LEOs in a domestic disturbance at their address, maybe that'll shut them up!

09-10-09, 17:19
I feel for you... our new across the street renters/neighbors have already had multiple screaming matches out front at crazy hours and it's getting old really quick. I believe next time I'll call 911 and involve LEOs in a domestic disturbance at their address, maybe that'll shut them up!

Man I don't miss living in Vegas! :p

09-10-09, 17:24
I feel for you... our new across the street renters/neighbors have already had multiple screaming matches out front at crazy hours and it's getting old really quick. I believe next time I'll call 911 and involve LEOs in a domestic disturbance at their address, maybe that'll shut them up!

I would have done it yesterday.

09-10-09, 17:36
I would have done it yesterday.

I figured a few scowls from myself and some pretty animated snarling from our Boxer would've helped quell the ruckus but apparently not. Next time will be the last time.
And HD1911... We're in the process of getting rid of our money pit and getting out of Vegas too :D

09-10-09, 17:44
I figured a few scowls from myself and some pretty animated snarling from our Boxer would've helped quell the ruckus but apparently not. Next time will be the last time.
And HD1911... We're in the process of getting rid of our money pit and getting out of Vegas too :D

Good for you bub, I'm glad to hear that ;)

09-10-09, 17:58
We're in the process of getting rid of our money pit and getting out of Vegas too :D

Take me with you.

09-10-09, 18:05
Take me with you.

How's the Phoenix area sound? Sorry to veer off topic for a minute but I know we live close to one another and if your house has taken the hit ours has it's crazy! It's been a little over 4 1/2 years since I bought it brand new and now the asking price is less than 50% of what I purchased it for! So much for putting 20% down to get rid of PMI payments :mad: Average time in LV is approx 14 months of no payments before being asked to leave and is the only way to recoup some of the losses incurred by our government's economic malfeasance.
Back on topic... sometimes neighbors suck!

09-10-09, 18:13
Ahh I miss the burbs. Two of my neighbors are currently going at it. One even built a 10ft high fence the length of their property line.

They both call to tell me what the other one has done (like I care). Apparently one of them threatened the other ones wife and kids one day. They asked me, have they done anything like that to you??? I laughed, he (my neighbor) may be stupid, but he ain't that stupid! The other neighbor was quiet for a minute and says, oh ya, I guess he would have to be pretty stupid to pick a fight with a class 3 dealer. :D

The one with most guns wins!

You too, uh? I'm so sick of the burbs. The only reason I moved here was for the kids (library, ball fields, schools, and friends). Cthluthu Jr. is 9. I wanted to move into the middle of no where when he was 11 or 12. Now it looks like He'll be 16 before I can do that :(

09-10-09, 18:14
How's the Phoenix area sound? Sorry to veer off topic for a minute but I know we live close to one another and if your house has taken the hit ours has it's crazy! It's been a little over 4 1/2 years since I bought it brand new and now the asking price is less than 50% of what I purchased it for! So much for putting 20% down to get rid of PMI payments :mad: Average time in LV is approx 14 months of no payments before being asked to leave and is the only way to recoup some of the losses incurred by our government's economic malfeasance.
Back on topic... sometimes neighbors suck!

Phoenix sounds worse. I didn't buy, just rented. The spot I was in near you got foreclosed on without warning so I moved to Summerlin. I'm thinking Montana or Wyoming though. The new neighbors were very "urban" at the old spot, now I live around a bunch of retirees.

09-11-09, 12:08
You need to place some additional signage in your yard. How about a lifetime NRA member sign? Or a Department or Army or Marines sign. Maybe they will panic and run. How about a warning sign? "WARNING!!! Castle Doctrine vigorously applied on these Premises!"

This is too funny. I can't believe your neighbors. I would have told them that my sticker applies to an oath I took to defend the Constitution. Then I would have smiled at her and told her she need not worry as long as she doesn't present a threat to the Constitution. I wonder how that would have gone over?

09-11-09, 12:09
You too, uh? I'm so sick of the burbs. The only reason I moved here was for the kids (library, ball fields, schools, and friends). Cthluthu Jr. is 9. I wanted to move into the middle of no where when he was 11 or 12. Now it looks like He'll be 16 before I can do that :(

Looks like you are stuck until he Graduates high school.

09-11-09, 12:45
You need to place some additional signage in your yard. How about a lifetime NRA member sign? Or a Department or Army or Marines sign. Maybe they will panic and run. How about a warning sign? "WARNING!!! Castle Doctrine vigorously applied on these Premises!"

When I was a kid I remember a sticker that was really popular in Wyoming. It was a Smith and Wesson sticker that looked like an alarm system sticker, and had a revolver pointing towards the reader. It said "This House is Protected by Smith and Wesson."

Anyone else remember that one? Could be a nice little addition to the front door...:)

09-11-09, 12:54
When I was a kid I remember a sticker that was really popular in Wyoming. It was a Smith and Wesson sticker that looked like an alarm system sticker, and had a revolver pointing towards the reader. It said "This House is Protected by Smith and Wesson."

Anyone else remember that one? Could be a nice little addition to the front door...:)

While I agree with your sentiment I don't believe advertising owning guns to possible thieves is a good thing. You can't be home every hour of the day to protect your family & belongings. Fly under the radar if at all possible.

09-11-09, 12:55
When I was a kid I remember a sticker that was really popular in Wyoming. It was a Smith and Wesson sticker that looked like an alarm system sticker, and had a revolver pointing towards the reader. It said "This House is Protected by Smith and Wesson."

Anyone else remember that one? Could be a nice little addition to the front door...:)

There was an old timer here that just passed away this last spring that had one on his old truck. He'd always drive it to breakfast every morning, then to the park in the afternoon. Good old guy.

09-11-09, 14:25
Glad someone remembers that sticker. I figured you would!!

As for advertising, yea yea, I've heard it all before, that wasn't the point of my post. If you want to go there you can say the OP is doing that as well, and that every person with an NRA sticker is too. Or the "Kids who hunt, trap, and fish don't rob little old ladies" sticker. In fact we could go so far as saying that even having an alarm system sticker is invitation for theft.

09-11-09, 14:37
Glad someone remembers that sticker. I figured you would!!

As for advertising, yea yea, I've heard it all before, that wasn't the point of my post. If you want to go there you can say the OP is doing that as well, and that every person with an NRA sticker is too. Or the "Kids who hunt, trap, and fish don't rob little old ladies" sticker. In fact we could go so far as saying that even having an alarm system sticker is invitation for theft.

They all are and that is why I have none of this nonsense labeling on my house or car.

09-11-09, 15:26
They all are and that is why I have none of this nonsense labeling on my house or car.

Yea, and living in New York state I understand the reluctance. But the town I grew up in it was assumed that every house had guns it in. In fact, I can't think of a single house I was ever in that didn't. So in that situation who cares?

As for the OP's story I find it sad that this is how his neighbors addressed him. I am still curious though if there have been any other interactions?

09-11-09, 15:43
I am still curious though if there have been any other interactions?

Nope, haven't seen any of the adults outside of their domicile. I did see one of the kids in their driveway as I was pulling up, I just smiled and gave a quick wave.

09-11-09, 15:46
Yea, and living in New York state I understand the reluctance. But the town I grew up in it was assumed that every house had guns it in. In fact, I can't think of a single house I was ever in that didn't. So in that situation who cares?

It does matter. It brings you more negative attention than just a possibility of burglary.

It lets everyone know your political views.

09-11-09, 16:13
Looks like you are stuck until he Graduates high school.
As soon as the market starts to recover and I wont take that much of a bath, I will sell and move. Hopefully he it will be by the time he is 15, then he can drive himself to school

09-11-09, 17:14
Nope, haven't seen any of the adults outside of their domicile. I did see one of the kids in their driveway as I was pulling up, I just smiled and gave a quick wave.

Glad to see your being cordial. Rough situation. Good luck! Who knows they may come too...

09-11-09, 17:18
It does matter. It brings you more negative attention than just a possibility of burglary.

It lets everyone know your political views.

your not following me. I UNDERSTAND! What I am saying is that I was talking about the environment I grew up in, where owning guns (believe it or not) was not political, it was a part of life. I brought up the sticker to see if anyone remembered it, someone did. Honestly, it was a culture shock to me when I left Wyoming to see how idiotically polarized the country is on such a none issue. Honestly I think the sticker is funny as all hell, and nostalgic. Will I put one on my door? No. But if I saw one on some old timers truck I would smile to myself.

09-12-09, 09:59
Stories of bad neighbors like this one make me even happier about the home I'm building (first house of my own too :)). I've already met the neighbors on one side, a nice older couple that moved from Michigan.

I found out later that when they were having their house built, they had to have the flooring in part of it reinforced because of the extremely large gun safe they were bringing in. I can only begin to imagine....:D

09-13-09, 08:07
Just out of curiosity what would your reaction be if you saw them pull out a couple of long guns and a pistol case from their car, and walk them into the house? Or had them over for a beer and they weren't at all nervous about your guns, and in fact were able to talk about them too you?

Just a question. I have noticed the majority of liberals in my field get squeemish as all hell in my house, but from time to time people surprise me. (I don't use political alignment as pre-req for working relationships, and acquaintances, I let people open their mouths before I decide if I want to be around them).

Back to the OP

It's been a few days since you posted this. Any new interactions with the couple? Have they avoided you and your family, tried to make good, glanced out the window at you in nervous anticipation of a gun fight?

Your story is similar to my fathers when he recently moved to CT after years in WY and five in Texas. Second thing out his new neighbors mouth was a nervous "Do you hunt?" My Dad: "Do you mean do I own guns? Yes, yes I do." Turns out the old owner of the house use to sit outside with his 1911 in a lawn chair because he was so sick of dealing with this guy.

No I haven't made any attempts to contact them...They have been busy doing some home repairs though. One of the little thugs who helped this woman move in managed to back the Rental Truck into the house and tore off part of the Eaves.
I say thugs because of the actions I have witnessed...they dress the part, they drive a lowered vehicle with a big booming subwoofer..riding low in the seats. They fit the stereotype.
The woman has an extensive collection of Obama T-Shirts, I have identified at least 4 different ones.
No I have better things to do than waste my time trying to get to know these people.

09-13-09, 13:43
No I haven't made any attempts to contact them...They have been busy doing some home repairs though. One of the little thugs who helped this woman move in managed to back the Rental Truck into the house and tore off part of the Eaves.
I say thugs because of the actions I have witnessed...they dress the part, they drive a lowered vehicle with a big booming subwoofer..riding low in the seats. They fit the stereotype.
The woman has an extensive collection of Obama T-Shirts, I have identified at least 4 different ones.
No I have better things to do than waste my time trying to get to know these people.

Ya know, that type used to be a rarity in Springfield. So sad that now it is just average.

09-13-09, 21:30
Going to be moving in January to CO... live in the middle of no where right now, able to shoot off my back porch.
The wife really wants to move into the burbs, she "misses" having neighbors. If it does come to that I pray I don't have to deal with dbags like mentioned by the OP.

We have NRA stickers on both our vehicles.

09-14-09, 04:12
The loneliest place in the world is a big city...move to a small town and you can't get your neighbors to leave you alone:p

I live in CO maybe we could trade;)

09-14-09, 14:29
Going to be moving in January to CO... live in the middle of no where right now, able to shoot off my back porch.
The wife really wants to move into the burbs, she "misses" having neighbors. If it does come to that I pray I don't have to deal with dbags like mentioned by the OP.

We have NRA stickers on both our vehicles.

Tell her that she is crazy.

09-14-09, 15:16
Going to be moving in January to CO... live in the middle of no where right now, able to shoot off my back porch.
The wife really wants to move into the burbs, she "misses" having neighbors. If it does come to that I pray I don't have to deal with dbags like mentioned by the OP.

Thats sounds like my dream house! Go beat your wife back into submission. Tell her not to talk crazy like that again.

09-14-09, 15:46
The tongue in cheek responses to the OP are cute, but I wouldn’t employ any of those strategies. All of us are ignorant to some degree(s) and often are too quick to judge in matters pertaining to religion, tolerance, politics, firearms, etc. I would take the opposite approach in an opportunity to be an ambassador for the firearm enthusiast community. Help educate them while trying to understand their concerns. You never know, your new neighbors might turn out to be folks you can depend on in a crisis situation (and vice-versa). And they might just be really cool people that only need a little intervention.

If not.. well then f*ck 'em :D

09-14-09, 21:22
Fatty McDykertons

:D :D :D

Bubba FAL
09-14-09, 23:15
Yeah, neighbors - had both good and bad. I remember the "angry lesbians" in CA the first time either of them ever spoke to me was to tell me that if I change the grade on our property and their property floods, they'd sue me. All while I was wearing a .44 full of shot loads on my belt. Pretty ballsy. We had lots of "fun" with them over the years.
Moved into current location 'bout this time last year. First thing the guy across the street says to me is to tell me why he will (and I should) vote for Obama. Told him to quite wasting his time as nothing he could say or do would convince me to do so. We haven't had much to say to each other since... Other folks in the neighborhood are fine, but I miss the neighbors we had in TN.

Loknlod - do you ever get to the Joplin, MO area? Could've sworn I saw a minivan with the "LOKNLOD" OK plate a few weeks back. Got a real chuckle outta it at the time. Couldn't imagine the reactions if you're ever pulled over in a traffic stop.

09-14-09, 23:37
one of my neighbors on Lanai used to raise black labs to eat ?

I hated it ? but not much you can do in some cases with neighbors
some things you just have to leave alone at least in the islands you do :)

when they tell you not to eat off the right side of the grill at BBQs !!!!!! then you eat off the left and they ask how the lab taste !
all in good humor :) but they really never would make you eat it as they were very cool that way and just love to rib ya :)

still never had psycho neighbors that I can remember ?

moving to the mainland all mine here are very cool
one guy down the road a few homes has a obama sign in his window ? but I still wave and say hi and he does so in return and thats about it with him
my direct neighbors I talk to all the time and they know they can count on me and vice versa