View Full Version : Ground Hog on G&R Range = DEATH!

09-21-09, 14:42
So I have had this arch nemesis mocking me for about 2 years now. Of all the places to eat and live, why would you pick a C3's dealers range??? I can think of no other reason than to try and humiliate me.

As a regular GH hunter, I have NEVER seen a GH as smart as this one. Our range sits way below our shop and is about 150yds behind. This GH had the ability to hear foot steps in grass and was always looking up towards the house and shop. So it has been nearly impossible to come out of the shop and find him not paying attention.

Today, it has been raining off and on. I was on the phone and looked out onto our range and there he stood. Looking at me through the window. I hung up the phone and grabbed my varmint weapon. Loaded it with BlackHills MK262 (wasn't screwing around), low crawled to the edge of the field, lasered his position and sent one round into his shoulder.

The MK262 broke the arm and flipped him on his back. He got right up and started to run for the wood line. I put another round in his belly. He spun around and turned towards me in defiance (shaking his tail)! I put one more round in back for good measure. "NO WAY YOU LIVE!" I yelled to myself.





Yes, that is blood on the can from the last victim. :D

09-21-09, 14:47
Be careful!!! He has kin. They always do and they will be really watching you now.:D

09-21-09, 14:51
Be careful!!! He has kin. They always do and they will be really watching you now.:D

Ya, I hear that. I got two words for them:



09-21-09, 14:55
First: This is how Caddy Shack should have ended.

Next: Props to him for having the balls to live on the range. That's a worthy adversary. I'd have expected to see some big brass juevos on the body, but it's actually hard to tell whether it was a "he" or "she"

Finally: Props yet again for taking 3 rounds of Mk262 and rendering the ground hog middle finger before going down for the count. My hat's off to you, little buddy.

Verdict: Righteous kill.

ETA: You should cut out his heart and eat it.

09-21-09, 14:55
Do they taste good with BBQ sauce?

Just kidding! You should have it mounted and put it in the shop!


09-21-09, 14:57
That was one tough ass groundhog to take three rounds. I'd venture to say tougher than I am.

Erik 1
09-21-09, 14:57

09-21-09, 15:00
First: This is how Caddy Shack should have ended.

Next: Props to him for having the balls to live on the range. That's a worthy adversary. I'd have expected to see some big brass juevos on the body, but it's actually hard to tell whether it was a "he" or "she"

Finally: Props yet again for taking 3 rounds of Mk262 and rendering the ground hog middle finger before going down for the count. My hat's off to you, little buddy.

Verdict: Righteous kill.

ETA: You should cut out his heart and eat it.

Tough little bastard for certain.

I thought about the heart thing, but hear that they can carry all kinds of funky diseases so I passed.


09-21-09, 15:00
You should feed it to the praying mantis :p

09-21-09, 15:01
That was one tough ass groundhog to take three rounds. I'd venture to say tougher than I am.

One MK262 would have most likely turned your lights out. :D


09-21-09, 15:12
One MK262 would have most likely turned your lights out. :D


I'll take your word for it. I'd just as soon not find out first hand :D

Good shooting.

09-21-09, 15:54
You should feed it to the praying mantis :p



09-21-09, 16:51
Looks like a female.

09-21-09, 16:51
I put one more round in back for good measure.

"He's faking he's dead! He's faking he's dead!"

09-21-09, 17:07
nice kill....i have have/had some sneaky vermin give me the slip, but sure feels good to get even.

If you had hit him with the 220 swift, the pics may have not been very family friendly for pics. ;):)

09-21-09, 17:11
. . . low crawled to the edge of the field, lasered his position and sent one round into his shoulder.

The MK262 broke the arm and flipped him on his back. He got right up and started to run for the wood line. I put another round in his belly. He spun around and turned towards me in defiance (shaking his tail)! I put one more round in back for good measure. "NO WAY YOU LIVE!" I yelled to myself.


Good thing he wasn't shooting back!


09-21-09, 17:22
After shooting many a woodchuck (as we call them here) in my day, I tend to let the grass eaters go and concentrate on the killers.

09-21-09, 17:52
After shooting many a woodchuck (as we call them here) in my day, I tend to let the grass eaters go and concentrate on the killers.

Killers?? Like wolves, yotes and zombies??


09-21-09, 17:59
im surprised that the 262 didnt turn that little critter inside out. did it not start to fragment till it exited or something?

09-21-09, 18:02
Ya, I hear that. I got two words for them:



Well if it took you two years to kill one little GH the rest have a pretty good chance of living a full life.:p

09-21-09, 18:22
...low crawled to the edge of the field, lasered his position and sent one round into his shoulder....

Nicely played Sir. ;)

09-21-09, 18:49
Killers?? Like wolves, yotes and zombies??C4

No wolves, but more and more coyotes around here lately.

Still I stick with the Zombies regardless these days. There are so many in the area.

09-21-09, 18:56
I put another round in his belly. He spun around and turned towards me in defiance (shaking his tail)!

New T-model terminator?

09-21-09, 19:53
And to think I thought you were just a paper puncher.

09-21-09, 19:55
That's great! The story adds a nice touch...:D

09-21-09, 20:10
Can you make it into a hat and ship it with my current order?

09-21-09, 20:59
Should of pinned the ground hog to a sign and post that said "LET THAT BE A LESSON TO THE REST OF YOU"

09-21-09, 21:10
Awww yeahhhhhhhhhh... Grant was ready for him... :D


Gutshot John
09-21-09, 21:14
Ohhhhhh... so that's what "terminated with extreme prejudice" means. :D

09-21-09, 21:25
im surprised that the 262 didnt turn that little critter inside out. did it not start to fragment till it exited or something?

It will if you shoot them long ways (basically rips the internals out of them).

The do not have enough mass on a side shot for the bullet to fragment.


09-21-09, 21:30
And to think I thought you were just a paper puncher.

No way man! I'm a Death Dealer!

After I shot him, I threw an Ace of Spades down on the body.


Outlander Systems
09-21-09, 21:31
No way man! I'm a Death Dealer!

After I shot him, I threw an Ace of Spades down on the body.


That's the first time I've laughed in a long time.

Thanks, amigo.

09-21-09, 21:37
Should of pinned the ground hog to a sign and post that said "LET THAT BE A LESSON TO THE REST OF YOU"

I left the body as an example for others.


Outlander Systems
09-21-09, 21:55
I left the body as an example for others.


I'm reporting you for poaching! You could have at least made a wallet out of his ass.


Cruncher Block
09-21-09, 22:01
You could have at least made a wallet out of his ass.

...or out of some other body part....

09-21-09, 22:06
Yes, a wallet with "Bad motherf@cker" tooled into it.

09-21-09, 22:13
I left the body as an example for others.


Around here, they will take and just play "Cannibal", every time I leave one and another is around, sooner or later the live one will drag the two piece one down a hole and consume him.

I'm calling "PETA" (Or whoever those veggies are) on you, KILLER!!!

09-21-09, 22:15
And now a new free gift with orders, Groundhog burger patties...

Outlander Systems
09-21-09, 22:16
I suggest Grant stuffs and mounts him as a Swamp Monkey.


09-21-09, 22:17
I hear PETA is going to start trolling sites such as this and issue fatwas against evil, dinosaur, murderers who kill innocent defenseless animals..They might even file a lawsuit on behalf of the groundhog's family to recover damages. :eek:

Alpha Sierra
09-21-09, 22:20
Phil won't be down for breakfast.

09-21-09, 22:26
It's a shame that a warrior like that has to meet his demise. You should mount him and make him your mascot as a tribute to his bravery and courage under fire.

09-21-09, 23:02
Mount his severed head on a pike on the range as a message for all of his kind

09-21-09, 23:36
Nice kill. Personally I would have used a V-Max or Sierra HPBT and gone wth a lighter bullet for more velocity. You need it to get the bullets to fragment.

My AR loves to turn p-dogs inside out with a 60 grain Sierra HPBT, the Rem700 likes the 45 grain V-max.

09-22-09, 00:15

09-22-09, 02:40
I'm pitching a new show called "Ground Hog Wars" ...Grant we're gonna stop you:p

Of course I'll have to find 20 nerds that got beat up on the play ground with trust funds that hate Daddy to ride around in Black Dune Buggies wearing pirate costumes throwing water balloons at you:p

09-22-09, 07:17
Nice work...another whistle-pig bites the dust. Always one of my favorite summer activities when I had the places to go. The last groundhog I shot was while ago just west of Middleburg, Va. Was out during deer season and the only thing I saw was a nice plump whistler....one round of .30-06 goodness, about 180gr. worth if I remember correctly, dispatched the critter post-haste.

09-22-09, 07:48
Death to the HAIRY PIG!

09-22-09, 09:06
Nice kill. Personally I would have used a V-Max or Sierra HPBT and gone wth a lighter bullet for more velocity. You need it to get the bullets to fragment.

My AR loves to turn p-dogs inside out with a 60 grain Sierra HPBT, the Rem700 likes the 45 grain V-max.

Correct. This is normally what I would use.


09-22-09, 09:07



09-22-09, 09:15
This morning I wake up with a smile on my face knowing that my Range is once again safe and secure. As I stand at my bedroom window looking down upon the Range, I see something large and brown on it! What could this be???

I wipe the sleep out of my eyes and take another look. Sure enough there is another one down there! WTF OVER! I have never seen more than one of these bastards on my Range at one time. Could there have been two all along taunting me??? Or is this a new one that moved in overnight?

So I watch him moving closer and closer to his dead brother. He get's to within 10ft of him and then turns around and runs back to the woods. Did he get the message? Will he be back for the same fate? Stay tuned....



09-22-09, 09:28
That cracked me up!

09-22-09, 09:30




09-22-09, 09:41
This morning I wake up with a smile on my face knowing that my Range is once again safe and secure. As I stand at my bedroom window looking down upon the Range, I see something large and brown on it! What could this be???

I wipe the sleep out of my eyes and take another look. Sure enough there is another one down there! WTF OVER! I have never seen more than one of these bastards on my Range at one time. Could there have been two all along taunting me??? Or is this a new one that moved in overnight?

So I watch him moving closer and closer to his dead brother. He get's to within 10ft of him and then turns around and runs back to the woods. Did he get the message? Will he be back for the same fate? Stay tuned....


It was a scout. he is going for reinforcements. despite PETA's claims otherwise, the animals are organized. they are not helpless or defenseless. They have a plan.

check it out http://www.vaguebuttrue.com/

I would watch your back, you have just put your self on the front lines.....

09-22-09, 09:47
Ha, this is great! Will stay tuned...

09-22-09, 10:02
Local Armorer, Grant Timberlake Found Dead, Attacked By Band Of Renegade Gophers Seeking Revenge.

A local Armorer was found dead today by his wife Roxanne, down by their shooting rang. Apparently he had declared WAR on the POOR little Gopher's, killing one of them on 21 Sept 2009. Apparently the gophers relatives and friends took up position against Mr Timberlake as he went down to his "Range" located behind G&R Tactical to prepare for war after sighting more comrades of the gopher in his "Private" range.

Memorial services will he held at "Gopher Hill Cemetery" where Mr. Timberlake had requested he be buried if his worthy adversary got him first.

Furthermore, "HETH" will be looking into a law suit against the "Gophers" for treating Mr. Timberlake in such an "Ingophermane" way. The Gophers are being represented by "PETA".

More breaking news at it develops. Please stay tuned, and read the "Mineral City Gazette".

30 cal slut
09-22-09, 10:07
Word has spread.

Somebody inform Grant's estate that they have some pissed off and motivated rodents coming over the wire.


09-22-09, 10:46
This morning I wake up with a smile on my face knowing that my Range is once again safe and secure. As I stand at my bedroom window looking down upon the Range, I see something large and brown on it! What could this be???

I wipe the sleep out of my eyes and take another look. Sure enough there is another one down there! WTF OVER! I have never seen more than one of these bastards on my Range at one time. Could there have been two all along taunting me??? Or is this a new one that moved in overnight?

So I watch him moving closer and closer to his dead brother. He get's to within 10ft of him and then turns around and runs back to the woods. Did he get the message? Will he be back for the same fate? Stay tuned....



Even varmints maintain a QRF.

They're like the vietcong. The varmintcong.

09-22-09, 11:22
They'll get you eventually, they'll just call these guys:



09-22-09, 12:55

"Fire in the hole!"

09-22-09, 13:51
All I see you done wrong was not to mumble "It's on Cuz!" but that is only for posting on Glock Talk.:D

09-22-09, 14:26
I suggest Grant stuffs and mounts him as a Swamp Monkey.


That almost looks like a fire-hazard to me!:D This story brightened my day tremendously. Thanks!:)

Grant, you be careful my friend!

09-22-09, 17:13
what scope are you using and how do you like it ? looks like a Millett

09-22-09, 17:17
what scope are you using and how do you like it ? looks like a Millett

It is a Burris Black Diamond 6-24.


09-22-09, 18:06
"He's faking he's dead! He's faking he's dead!"

I know the guy you're quoting and he's one of my best friends. Small world. (that is if you're quoting the Marine who shot that insurgent in the mosque in Fallujah)

09-22-09, 21:52
I watched most of that tape, those guys were just dog tired and worn out. I had heard the Marine who shot the insurgent had himself been wounded in the face the previous day. A lot of people talk about having a "tough job", but those guys have a tough job at a really young age.

Keep his name under your hat, I don't think it was ever released, the media tards still want blood over the incident. They send 19 year olds over to a foreign country to fight for days with minimal (if any) sleep against a barbaric enemy, then criticize them over split second decisions.

09-23-09, 02:00

09-23-09, 03:47
How did you get a photo of my wife before her morning coffee???:p

09-23-09, 06:41
I watched most of that tape, those guys were just dog tired and worn out. I had heard the Marine who shot the insurgent had himself been wounded in the face the previous day. A lot of people talk about having a "tough job", but those guys have a tough job at a really young age.

Keep his name under your hat, I don't think it was ever released, the media tards still want blood over the incident. They send 19 year olds over to a foreign country to fight for days with minimal (if any) sleep against a barbaric enemy, then criticize them over split second decisions.

He had been shot by friendly fire in the face (SAW) and had lost a good friend to an insurgent playing possum the day before. No sleep either. They tried to court martial him, he told the truth, and is doing well now. We chat about once a week. We served together and have been friends for some time.

09-23-09, 07:25
He had been shot by friendly fire in the face (SAW) and had lost a good friend to an insurgent playing possum the day before. No sleep either. They tried to court martial him, he told the truth, and is doing well now. We chat about once a week. We served together and have been friends for some time.

Sounds like a very noble man to me. At only 20 yrs of age, I have a few high-school friends, teammates fighting overseas. I greatly admire our veterans, and cannot believe people actually attend mlitary funerals to protest war efforts (Westboro). Dad rides Patriot Guard here in KY, which I think is a cool concept. Check out some of their "flag-lines" on youtube.

09-23-09, 08:07
He had been shot by friendly fire in the face (SAW) and had lost a good friend to an insurgent playing possum the day before. No sleep either. They tried to court martial him, he told the truth, and is doing well now. We chat about once a week. We served together and have been friends for some time.

I noticed at the time that the media only reported on the shooting, and mostly ignored the fact that someone else died from an insurgent playing possum in the same area and time-frame. I'm glad to hear he came out of it okay and is doing well.

Watch out, I hear the hairy pigs are bringing in reinforcements:


09-23-09, 08:49
Sounds like a very noble man to me. .

Noble in that he'd lay down his life for his comrades and you can always count on him. Otherwise, he's pretty danged rough around the edges :D

09-23-09, 09:50
Noble in that he'd lay down his life for his comrades and you can always count on him. Otherwise, he's pretty danged rough around the edges :D

I see nothing wrong with that... :)
He has done more for this country than I myself can claim. And I am thankful.

09-23-09, 13:02
This morning I wake up with a smile on my face knowing that my Range is once again safe and secure. As I stand at my bedroom window looking down upon the Range, I see something large and brown on it! What could this be???

I wipe the sleep out of my eyes and take another look. Sure enough there is another one down there! WTF OVER! I have never seen more than one of these bastards on my Range at one time. Could there have been two all along taunting me??? Or is this a new one that moved in overnight?

So I watch him moving closer and closer to his dead brother. He get's to within 10ft of him and then turns around and runs back to the woods. Did he get the message? Will he be back for the same fate? Stay tuned....


The BG realized it's going to be a 2-man carry. He'll be back with help.

Outlander Systems
09-23-09, 13:24

-"No way man! I'm a Death Dealer! After I shot him, I threw an Ace of Spades down on the body." - Grant Timberlake

09-23-09, 13:42

-"No way man! I'm a Death Dealer! After I shot him, I threw an Ace of Spades down on the body." - Grant Timberlake

Dude! That's pretty awesome! Good job!


09-23-09, 16:03
You should mount him and make him your mascot

Dude, beastiality is disgust... Oh, wait, I see what you mean there.

09-23-09, 18:09

-"No way man! I'm a Death Dealer! After I shot him, I threw an Ace of Spades down on the body." - Grant Timberlake

Simply the best!


09-23-09, 18:17
So I was talking to Paul at Bravo Company and was doing my normal walk around my shop while I am flapping my pie hole and I look down at my range and Mr. GroundHog is standing their giving me the stink eye! SUM BITCH!

I continue with my conversation while I am loading 20rds of MK262 into my death dealer. I tell Paul that I have to go take care of problem and hang up the phone.

I get into the prone position as this shot is about 180yds and he is in the tall grass (can only see his melon). I fire off a round and he falls over, but I see a lot of movement in the tall grass. Do I have a hole nest of them???

So I start flinging lead down upon his position. It looked like the scene out of Predator when Jesse "The Body" Ventura was shooting the jungle up with the mini-gun. :D

I jumped onto my ATV and raced down to the range to look for a body. Nothing. Did they manage to carry him off before I could get to him? After I finished shooting, I even waited to see if they would try to come out and rescue him, but saw nothing.

Damn it!


09-23-09, 18:28
This is becoming a very dangerous situation. Now they are inflicting you with anxiety as you ponder their next diabolical move, and that is bad news. Soon you won't be able to sleep.

And to think you are so fearful you are even using MK262 instead of a simple 55g 223.

You need to regain control of the field by generously placing mines as needed.

09-23-09, 20:51
This is becoming a very dangerous situation. Now they are inflicting you with anxiety as you ponder their next diabolical move, and that is bad news. Soon you won't be able to sleep.

Hairy pig PSYOP, man. Watch out. They're probably already dropping pamphlets. Soon they'll be shining bright lights in Grant's windows and blasting Wagner at top volume while their buddies devour his garden.

09-23-09, 21:05
Flares and/or night vision goggles man. Let the insurgent ground hogs know you own both the day, and the night.

09-24-09, 00:05
I jumped onto my ATV and raced down to the range to look for a body. Nothing. Did they manage to carry him off before I could get to him? After I finished shooting, I even waited to see if they would try to come out and rescue him, but saw nothing.
They are waiting, they have a plan. Prepare to bunker down.

09-24-09, 00:13
So I have had this arch nemesis mocking me for about 2 years now. Of all the places to eat and live, why would you pick a C3's dealers range??? I can think of no other reason than to try and humiliate me.

As a regular GH hunter, I have NEVER seen a GH as smart as this one. Our range sits way below our shop and is about 150yds behind. This GH had the ability to hear foot steps in grass and was always looking up towards the house and shop. So it has been nearly impossible to come out of the shop and find him not paying attention.

Today, it has been raining off and on. I was on the phone and looked out onto our range and there he stood. Looking at me through the window. I hung up the phone and grabbed my varmint weapon. Loaded it with BlackHills MK262 (wasn't screwing around), low crawled to the edge of the field, lasered his position and sent one round into his shoulder.

The MK262 broke the arm and flipped him on his back. He got right up and started to run for the wood line. I put another round in his belly. He spun around and turned towards me in defiance (shaking his tail)! I put one more round in back for good measure. "NO WAY YOU LIVE!" I yelled to myself.


You fired three rounds to put him down for the count? Grant you need a larger caliber. I suggest a 40mm grenade those are always fun on varmints. Nice pics though. I like how you show the critter's teeth. It just seems right for some reason.

09-24-09, 01:27
I looked all over the G&R Tactical website for the G&R Death Dealer playing cards but couldn't find them; what is hell is up with that?

09-24-09, 02:12
So how did it taste? And how do you know it is the same one? They all look the same or what?!?!? :D


30 cal slut
09-24-09, 06:34
The enemy is tasty.

He must be consumed.

Yummy (http://www.wildliferecipes.net/Game_recipes/Small_game_recipes/Woodchuck_recipes/index.asp)

Woodchuck, also known as groundhog, should be handled in accordance with the general rules for game in the field. The blood should be drained, and the entrails removed and the body cavity wiped clean. When hung for 48 hours, they are ready to the skinned and cooked.

Woodchuck meat is dark, but mild flavored and tender. It does not require soaking; however, many people like to soak it overnight in salt water. If the woodchuck is caught just before he begins his winter sleep, there is an insulating fat layer under the skin. Remove excess fat. remove 7 to 9 "kernels" (scent glands) in the small of the back and under the forearms. Parboil the meat of older animals; cook by recipes calling for chicken or rabbit.

Woodchuck Patties

Remove meat from bones and grind. Add bread crumbs, onion, salt, pepper, egg, and fat; mix thoroughly. Form into patties; dip into egg; then dip in bread crumbs. Fry in hot fat until brown. Cover with currant jelly sauce and place in slow oven for 1 hour.

Woodchuck Stew

1 woodchuck
2 onions, sliced
1/2 cup celery, sliced
Vinegar and water
Salt and pepper

Clean woodchuck; remove glands; cut into serving pieces. Soak overnight in a solution of equal parts of water and vinegar with addition of one sliced onion and a little salt. Drain, wash, and wipe. Parboil 20 minutes, drain, and cover with fresh boiling water. Add one sliced onion, celery, a few cloves, and salt and pepper to taste. Cook until tender; thicken gravy with flour.

Fried Woodchuck

1 woodchuck
1 tbsp salt
1 cup flour
2 tbsp fat

Clean woodchuck; remove glands; cut into 6 or 7 pieces. Parboil in salted water for 1 hour. Remove from broth; roll in flour and fry in hot fat (deep fat may be used) until brown. Serves 6.

Woodchuck Patties in Tomato Sauce

1 woodchuck
1 cup bread crumbs
1/4 cup ground onion
1 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
2 eggs
3 tbsp. fat
1 cup catsup
1/4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

Clean woodchuck; remove meat from bones and grind. Add 1/2 cup crumbs, onion, salt, pepper, 1 beaten egg, and 1 tbsp. melted fat. Mix thoroughly. Shape into patties and dip into 1 beaten egg, then into 1/2 cup crumbs. Fry until brown in 2 tbsp hot fat. Add catsup and Worcestershire sauce and bake in a slow oven (325 degrees F.) for 1 hour. Makes 8-9 patties.

Woodchuck Pie

1 woodchuck, skinned and cleaned
1/4 cup onion
1/4 cup green pepper
1/2 tbsp minced parsley
1 tbsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
4 1/2 tbsp. flour
3 cups broth

1 cup flour
2 tbsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
2 tbsp. fat
1/4 cup milk

Cut woodchuck into 2 or 3 pieces. Parboil for 1 hour. Remove meat from bones in large pieces. Add onion, green pepper, parsley, salt, pepper, and flour to the broth and srit until it thickens. If the broth does not measure 3 cups, add water. Add the meat to the broth mixture and stir thoroughly. Pour into baking dish.

For biscuits: sift flour, baking powder, and salt together. Cut in the fat and add the liquid. Stir until the dry ingredients are moist. Roll only enough to make it fit the dish. Place dough on top of meat, put in a hot oven (400 degrees F.) and bake 30 to 40 minutes or until dough is browned. Serves 6-8.

Woodchuck Fricassee

Clean game and remove all the fat. Cut into pieces, rub with salt and pepper and roll in flour. Cook in hot fat until brown. Add two cups of water, cover and simmer for 2 hours or until tender.

09-24-09, 09:10
The enemy is tasty.

He must be consumed.

My grandmother had a recipe for cook groundhog. It went something like this.

Skin, gut, and clean 'hog.
Let soak in light salt water overnight. Take 'hog out of brine and dump brine onto some weeds you want to kill
Put 'hog back into pot, refill with water and bring to low boil for one hour.
Take 'hog out of broth, and throw broth on a different patch of weeds you want to kill.
Put 'hog back into pot, bring to high boil for 15 minutes and then throw the whole mess out!

I guess the smell was perfect for keeping rambuctions children from hanging around in the kitchen thrying to mooch food and you had good weed control too:p

09-24-09, 11:22

-"No way man! I'm a Death Dealer! After I shot him, I threw an Ace of Spades down on the body." - Grant Timberlake

If this becomes a battle of epic proportions, I think a T-Shirt with this on the back would be in order! :D

Outlander Systems
09-24-09, 11:41
If this becomes a battle of epic proportions, I think a T-Shirt with this on the back would be in order! :D

It should be the main splash page for Grant's website.

"G&R Tactical: Dealing Death Since 19XX"

09-24-09, 11:55

-"No way man! I'm a Death Dealer! After I shot him, I threw an Ace of Spades down on the body." - Grant Timberlake

That would make a great (de)motivational poster.

10-07-09, 01:26
Grant, any signs of enemy activity or did they get the message?

10-07-09, 10:04
Grant, any signs of enemy activity or did they get the message?

Yes. There is one that has now popped up in my neighbors backyard. When I come out he runs into the woods. :D

The sheer sight of me makes them run in fear.


10-07-09, 11:28
The sheer sight of me makes them run in fear.


Are you sure it doesn't have something also to do with that "ACE OF DEATH" card sticking well out of your pocket for them to see?

10-07-09, 12:31
Groundhogs tremble in fear at the very mention of his name. The sight of him brings unbelievable terror to their very souls.

10-07-09, 15:50
Found this version on You Tube, was funny so I had to add it.


10-08-09, 17:22
Varmint Cong....gotta watch out for these sneaky little bastages.

10-09-09, 01:23
Found this version on You Tube, was funny so I had to add it.


Thanks for the laugh.

10-09-09, 10:55
Yes. There is one that has now popped up in my neighbors backyard. When I come out he runs into the woods. :D

The sheer sight of me makes them run in fear.


It's a trick. They are trying to lure you in.
It's a trap---There are two of them!

10-09-09, 11:01

-"No way man! I'm a Death Dealer! After I shot him, I threw an Ace of Spades down on the body." - Grant Timberlake

Awesome job man, put it up as my wallpaper.

10-09-09, 17:56
First: This is how Caddy Shack should have ended.


10-09-09, 19:53
So Grant, you going to share the setup of the WC rifle of death?