View Full Version : What's Everyone Have Planned For This Weekend?

09-25-09, 16:02
I was just making up the to-do list and thought I'd share it and see how it stacks up. A "fun" thread without bickering or seriousness.

Yardwork-Cut the grass, trim some bushes, plant flowers(leave me alone:D, I like them), remove seasonal plants to get ready for fall and new plantings, new flowers for front planters.

Cars-Two wash jobs coming up! Got the waxing out of the way several weeks back.

Grocery store-Looks like I'll be doing the shopping. Wife is on call. Would probably do it anyway.

Vet-Cat. 99.9% outside animal. A beast. PITA to get to the vet and back. Vet is scared of it. Actually a great animal. Keeps all other animals that fly, slither, walk, or crawl, away from the house. Farm cats steer clear of it. She runs the area around the house and woods. Not looking forward to it. Annual checkup time.

Prepare!- My first carbine class is next weekend so I have some last minute gear I need to buy and kit to get together. Can't wait! Still searching for a good chest rig, sling, and BUIS. Leaning towards BFG VCAS since can't find a MS2 and Troy BUIS. Will order tonight and pay for quick shipping.

Let's hear what ya'll have planned. I can't be the only one that works on the weekends!

09-25-09, 16:12
Continuing clearing two acres of crap woods to get ready to put fruit in this spring. Aspens are evil assed trees.

Drink beer and eat food on someone else's dime :D

Working on the mog, if the guy who owns the garage it is at is off from work this weekend.

Washing and rolling up all the little hoses from the garden.

Watching football.

Not a lot of work this weekend, next weekend now... That is when I have the dozer coming to try and finish the clearing job. Then after that I will have to section several hundred tons of wood. Which reminds me of something I need to do this weekend, find my new chain for my 3120 and get its old chain sharpened.

09-25-09, 16:21
Tonight - Dinner with Mom and Dad. Taking them out, they never get out. Then probably some pool and darts with friends.

Saturday - Finish the deck. Clean the garage out and move mower out, snowblower into garage. Then, in the evening, we're celebrating with friends who've owned the local pub for 5 years. Good people, good fun. (taxi home for sure)

Sunday - BBQ/FOOTBALL! Reloading 5.56 for a couple of hours, then clean the house, yeah, it's my turn. Early to bed, lots of work next week.

I'm gonna try and sneek some shooting in there somewhere. I've got to brush up on the .308 bolt rifle a bit. Planning on going to the next long range shoot in Southern Utah when it comes up.

Erik 1
09-25-09, 16:25
Only things I know for sure are wash the car and do some shooting. But you've reminded me I need to paint the deck. :(

09-25-09, 16:35
Yeah, my deck may need to be re-stained before winter sets in. It's right at the point where I could argue for or against.

09-25-09, 17:08
Not sure what I am gonna do tonight...you know how that goes :D Tomorrow Im supposed to go on a float trip with some friends from college and Sunday I gotta work on my bike, change the oil etc. I am gonna try to catch a football game while I do that.

09-25-09, 19:28
Just moved 3 weeks ago so still upacking boxes and boxes dam things are having baby boxes at night......Get the spare bed room ready for guest next weekend.
But the big thing is move my safe across the room, I don't like my wife had the movers put it so I will atempt to push pull drag the dam thing to the conner I want in.
Hope to find a range but that will have to wait for a few weeks still.
Now to enjoy a nice cold one.........


09-25-09, 19:34
Just moved 3 weeks ago so still upacking boxes and boxes dam things are having baby boxes at night......Get the spare bed room ready for guest next weekend.
But the big thing is move my safe across the room, I don't like my wife had the movers put it so I will atempt to push pull drag the dam thing to the conner I want in.
Hope to find a range but that will have to wait for a few weeks still.
Now to enjoy a nice cold one.........


IF you are on good carpet get a section of lynoleum flooring, conversly if you are on a tiled floor get a section of carpet. I moved my 2200# safe accross the room using both of those tricks. Miraculously I didn't trash the transition where the floor changed from one surface tot he other. :cool:

09-25-09, 19:37
I'm working all weekend, woohoo!

09-25-09, 19:43
1. Mow the lawn and trim the bushes.
2. Wash and clean the wife's van and my truck.
3. Work on my son's car. He drove over a piece of concrete in a driving rain and now has a bent cross member. It rattles against the tailpipe and is driving him crazy.
4. Church and sunday dinner with my wife's aunt.
5. Maybe squeeze in a little run somewhere in there.

Weekends are never long enough and the work week seems so long.

Oscar 319
09-25-09, 19:49
Working all Weekend.

On my "days off"? Court, overtime, part time jobs and I'm sure there is some training in there somewhere.

Blahhhhh. 7 more years until retirement is an option. Thank God.

09-25-09, 19:56
Building a breachable door is my main project. Never built a free standing door that can be breached multiple times, from scratch before. We'll see how it goes. :)

09-25-09, 20:29
Nothing too pressing this weekend. Right now I’m relaxing listening to some classic rock, drinken’ some Sam Adams Octoberfest, and going through the safe wiping down the weapons. Frau Quib wants to grill some steaks, so I’ll be stokin’ up the grill here soon. :cool:


09-25-09, 20:36

09-25-09, 21:23
Two papers for History class, Two papers for english, and studying for a Crim class...

09-25-09, 21:31
Need to sight in my rifle tomorrow. Then Sunday I head half way across the straight to spend the week working and spending my free time with like-minded people leading up some gov't land:cool:

09-25-09, 21:31
Two days of NFA goodness with the fine folks from http://www.ingunowners.com :D

Saturday is our 2nd Annual "NFA Day" event, where 5 "vendors" (of which I am one) make their collections of NFA devices available for forum members to handle, shoot and ask questions about. Attendees provide their own ammo, though. :p We also go over the basics of getting into the NFA game, address common myths and misconceptions, and will even have ATF paperwork packets to hand out, containing Forms 1 and 4, the citizenship form, and FBI print cards. We've got 21 shooters confirmed for this event.

Sunday is the "NFA Day Alumni Shoot," where members who attended last year's event get to come back, and bring with them the Class 3 toys they've bought or built since being introduced to the game. It's also a chance for the 5 vendors to actually shoot – our own stuff, as well as the stuff brought by the other vendors and attendees. We've also got a Class 3 dealer and a couple other special guests coming out with some post sample toys and a TSMG for us to play with. We've got 21 shooters confirmed for this event, too.

Last year's event was fun; this year's is going to be EPIC. :cool:

09-25-09, 21:41

Oh no, is that this weekend? Crap ...


09-25-09, 21:47
Some yard work, clean the garage, wash the truck and maybe a wax if I get ambitious.

A little reloading and take the 308 out on Sunday to stretch it's legs.

09-25-09, 22:18
As of 11:03 EST I have completed the mowing, gone to the grocery store, house cleaned, prepped the planters for new plants, and eyeballed how I will trim plants tomorrow. Sitting back drinking an uncivilized Icehouse, getting ready for the wife and I to discuss the pros/cons of possible locations for a move.

09-25-09, 23:38
The wife took the kids to Grandma's house so I was able to get some rudimentary chores done....finish the laundry, did all the dishes, picked up the house, etc.

On Saturday, I plan to hit the range early for a few hours and then come home and do some more house work. Mow the lawn, pull some weeds, patch a hole in the trim around the garage door, fix and fill a few bird feeders, wash my Jeep, and then wind the day down with paying bills.

On Sunday, I will rest. Church and then football.

09-26-09, 00:25
I am still at work - will be for a while, then the kids have soccer games at 9 and 12 - oh, and scouts between...

09-26-09, 02:31
I'll be working these mean streets this weekend then going home and helping momma with the new little one. Momma goes back to work on Monday so she's not too happy about leaving our little girl after six weeks off.

I'm going to try and get the yard done and start prepping for the colder weather. I have about 500 boxes of the wife's "winter clothes" to get out of the attic.

I'm going to also try and make it out to the range and help some of our instructors run a rifle course for new deputies. Should be fun and I'll get a little trigger time in as well.

As of 11:03 EST I have completed the mowing, gone to the grocery store, house cleaned, prepped the planters for new plants, and eyeballed how I will trim plants tomorrow. Sitting back drinking an uncivilized Icehouse, getting ready for the wife and I to discuss the pros/cons of possible locations for a move.

Mike, seriously, planting flowers and drinking an Icehouse.....,

Ok you and the wife move to Texas and I'll have you drinking Shiner Bock, cooking steaks, and talking guns before you know it. :cool:

BTW the Vickers sling and the Troy BUIS are great choices. Have fun at your first class and let me know how it goes. Any questions just hit me with a PM.

09-26-09, 07:36
Man, ya'll work too much on the weekends. Suburbanitis I call it.

I'm still waiting for the fam to get out of bed. I've been up since 06:30 internettin', walkin' the dog, sippin' my coffee.

We're planning on hitting the theater to see "9" today later this afternoon. The lil woman is having lunch with a friend which means the boy and I will probably play some video games or some basketball depending on the weather.

We're on the hook for church tomorrow (first time in many years for me) and then hoping to hit one of the local nature preserves for some photography.

If my weekends were full up with car-washing, lawn mowing, and other household chores I think I'd hang myself.

09-26-09, 08:05
Continuing clearing two acres of crap woods to get ready to put fruit in this spring. Aspens are evil assed trees.

Drink beer and eat food on someone else's dime :D

Working on the mog, if the guy who owns the garage it is at is off from work this weekend.

Washing and rolling up all the little hoses from the garden.

Watching football.

Not a lot of work this weekend, next weekend now... That is when I have the dozer coming to try and finish the clearing job. Then after that I will have to section several hundred tons of wood. Which reminds me of something I need to do this weekend, find my new chain for my 3120 and get its old chain sharpened.

Hmm, sounds like your are drinking my beer and eating my food today! :D

Today is the 3rd annual G&R Tactical party. So I will be doing that all day and night.


09-26-09, 08:10
We're on the hook for church tomorrow (first time in many years for me).

Good for you Rob.


09-26-09, 08:11
May make a quick run up to the ranch in a bit to check on camp & the trailer. Curious to see see how much rain we got over the past week....son has a football game later in the afternoon which should be a good game!!

Church and a dove / teal hunt planned for tomorrow.

09-26-09, 08:12
Drinking beer and eating while watching people shoot at ground hogs sounds like a good day.

Bill Bryant
09-26-09, 09:10
I'm putting the ribs on the smoker about noon. Later some friends will come over and we'll have a nice spread on the table (out on the deck if it stays nice)--ribs, roasted potatoes, corn on the cob, family recipe baked beans, black-eyed peas, sweet pickles, Texas toast, fried okra, thick-sliced tomatoes, my wife's famous iced tea, and other cold drinks. Jazz on the stereo. Lots of good talk till it gets dark. Then indoors for more good talk.

09-26-09, 10:50
Running errands today -- uniforms at the dry cleaner, car wash, run to Costco for diapers and other baby products. Making at least two kydex knife sheaths today.

Church tomorrow morning and then picking up my oldest daughter's Christmas present and stashing it at my buddy's house.

Try and get some sleep somewhere in there, too...

09-26-09, 14:25
Man, ya'll work too much on the weekends. Suburbanitis I call it....
Weekend? 3 and a 5 year old, work full time during the week, often getting called after hours, and I am building my families dream home by myself. I am on my lunch break for today and its only 0900. I gotta make a soccer game, then get back home and get back to working on my projects. I work harder on weekends than during my work week. Not really sure what a weekend is anymore. I often look forward to Mondays. :(

09-26-09, 15:55
Recovery from a long week of testing. College football in HD from my couch all day today, NFL tomorrow. Birthday is tomorrow, nothing special except for a beautiful rack of baby backs.

And then it'll be time for another long week of testing...

09-26-09, 21:14
Visited an Alpaca show.



09-26-09, 22:27
My weekend is double plus good.

Gun show today. I didn't really buy anything (a Pentagon light for 29.00 and a new powder drop). But it was fun to look around. Tomorrow the wife and I will be going shooting for the day.