View Full Version : How long does America have? Disarming of the citizen, etc?

09-28-09, 16:42
How long does our country have? Seriously? How long before osama turns his attention towards the 2nd amendment? He will surely start to try to take away our rights to bear arms if and when the healthcare debate is over. If he's elected again (God help us) then I think it will be when he tries it. Our country's falling apart and osama/congress/hollywood/etc. are accelerating the process. Does anyone think there are any leaders in the military that wouldn't stand by and let it all happen? What about actually confiscating guns? Would the military do it? law enforcement? i would think there would be thousands that wouldn't participate in such action or would simply resign (law enforcement). I hate knowing what it's going to be like for our kids and grandkids here in America.

Jay Cunningham
09-28-09, 16:51
Read this Before You Post About Obama and/or a Federal AWB or Gun Control. (http://m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=25110)

09-28-09, 17:01
Not anywhere close to happening. If you were abreast of recent events, you'd know 65 House Dems signed letter against new assault rifle ban renewal. The response elected officials have received over any gun rights infringements, coupled with recent legislation such as carry in nat'l parks, and SCOUTS decisions, means the probability is extremely low.

09-28-09, 17:36
He is making himself look like an ass. This Olympic sales trip is going to help out a lot.

We just need some Republicans for a real Republic voted back in 2010 when we oust many of the incompetents.

09-28-09, 18:15
SH- Yep. Problem is Zell Miller retired. He would have made a great Republican. I think Newt is brilliant, but not electable. I keep hearing Romney mentioned. Not too keen on him. Palin? If you really get down to her beliefs(not the ones libs smeared her with), she's not too bad, but electability is an issue. At least she's cute.

09-28-09, 18:24
How long does our country have? Seriously? How long before osama turns his attention towards the 2nd amendment? He will surely start to try to take away our rights to bear arms if and when the healthcare debate is over. If he's elected again (God help us) then I think it will be when he tries it. Our country's falling apart and osama/congress/hollywood/etc. are accelerating the process. Does anyone think there are any leaders in the military that wouldn't stand by and let it all happen? What about actually confiscating guns? Would the military do it? law enforcement? i would think there would be thousands that wouldn't participate in such action or would simply resign (law enforcement). I hate knowing what it's going to be like for our kids and grandkids here in America.

Another AWB is off the table for now. They do not have the popular support of the general public, and cannot afford to pursue this agenda without committing political suicide (being voted out of office) in the upcoming congressional and senatorial elections, in the next few years.

09-28-09, 18:56
Well crap, guess I'll have to run.

Too bad Harkin isn't up for reelection sooner.

Er, 2012!!!

09-28-09, 19:02
Obama the used car man, yes sir I'm gonna get you if I can...

09-28-09, 19:48
Unbelievable the bullshit that continues to be posted about the President of the United States of America. Apparently respect for the duly elected President of this great republic means nothing anymore.

09-28-09, 20:05
Unbelievable the bullshit that continues to be posted about the President of the United States of America. Apparently respect for the duly elected President of this great republic means nothing anymore.

Yes, our President deserves respect despite his close ties to the America hating Van Jones, Reverend Wright, Cass Sunstein, etc, etc...

And you know I could go on. Care to dare me?

But your right. Actually, the idiots that voted him in are who we should be focusing on.

Heavy Metal
09-28-09, 20:07
SH- Yep. Problem is Zell Miller retired. He would have made a great Republican. I think Newt is brilliant, but not electable. I keep hearing Romney mentioned. Not too keen on him. Palin? If you really get down to her beliefs(not the ones libs smeared her with), she's not too bad, but electability is an issue. At least she's cute.

I think by 2012, all of them will be electable.

09-28-09, 20:17
Unbelievable the bullshit that continues to be posted about the President of the United States of America. Apparently respect for the duly elected President of this great republic means nothing anymore.

Did you feel the same way when worst things were said about Bush and continues to to be said to this day, even when out of office? How about Reagan when he was in office?

09-28-09, 20:23
Unbelievable the bullshit that continues to be posted about the President of the United States of America. Apparently respect for the duly elected President of this great republic means nothing anymore.

our constitutional rights are like markmanship, they are diminishing attributes.

09-28-09, 20:33
Unbelievable the bullshit that continues to be posted about the President of the United States of America. Apparently respect for the duly elected President of this great republic means nothing anymore.

Just because a bunch of morons voted for someone does not mean that they deserve my respect. Anyone who wants that must earn it first.

09-28-09, 20:50
Unbelievable the bullshit that continues to be posted about the President of the United States of America. Apparently respect for the duly elected President of this great republic means nothing anymore.

I have full respect for the office of President of the United States of America but not for what was elected to that office.

That said, I don't believe anything will be done as far as gun control until all of the illegal aliens are given full citizenship rights. At that time Obama and his legions will be able to do anything and be elected as many times as they want and we won't be able to stop them.

09-28-09, 21:42
Just because a bunch of morons voted for someone does not mean that they deserve my respect. Anyone who wants that must earn it first.

+1. Respect must be earned. Still waiting............

09-28-09, 21:44
In the words of Tim Geitner: "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

Those of you who think it is nowhere near...it just takes one Catastrophe to change things radically.

Just sayin'...

El Mac
09-28-09, 23:10
Another AWB is off the table for now. They do not have the popular support of the general public, and cannot afford to pursue this agenda without committing political suicide (being voted out of office) in the upcoming congressional and senatorial elections, in the next few years.

That has never stopped them in the past and when the time comes, it won't stop them this time either - unless we continue to make ourselves as vocal as we have been against government intrusion into health care.

The point I'm making is that we all need to remain vigilant and hyper aware of these turds and their Fuhrer.

The best thing that could happen at this point is that he remain a weak president due to his overreaching and overstepping. Then come '12, hand him a pink slip along with Peloshit and Harry Reid their pink slips.

And yes, the effeminate and generally piss-weak Retardicans need to get their collective asses together and figure out what they stand for and field some candidates that reflect strong American values that are fiscally conservative. I don't put any hope in their hand wringing enabler mentality though.

09-28-09, 23:35
Damn, another one on this thread.

El Mac
09-28-09, 23:43
Unbelievable the bullshit that continues to be posted about the President of the United States of America. Apparently respect for the duly elected President of this great republic means nothing anymore.


09-28-09, 23:46
In the words of Tim Geitner: "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

Those of you who think it is nowhere near...it just takes one Catastrophe to change things radically.

Just sayin'...

That was Rahm Emanuel. You know the one who started the no guns for people on the no fly list (arbitrary list decided by Eric Holder). The no fly list has two year olds on the iist, just search the boston globe articles about the no fly list. I bet the globe is kicking themselves for writing the story since during that time Bush was President and it didn't suit their political agenda.

09-29-09, 02:40
Unbelievable the bullshit that continues to be posted about the President of the United States of America. Apparently respect for the duly elected President of this great republic means nothing anymore.

I agree its insane the disrespect and BS they give president bush even though he kept us safe !!!! and he PROVED his worth by keeping us safe after we were attacked by a enemy that Clinton did nothing to !!!

even though Bush is not president anymore the new admin just cant leave him alone and the left cant leave him alone !!! its insane you think they would respect him more now that he is out of office but NOPE they still attack him and blame him for the new guys failures and just blame it on him !! obama makes job loss sore and they blame bush ! he will be spending more than all the presidents in history combined and yet they blame bush for financial problems

I agree with you its so bad how the left has no respect for the former president bush and wants to now attack those that had to make tough decisions that the courts said was legal to protect us from evil and obama and his cronies still cant leave it alone !!!

when will the left get respect for the presidents that protected this great nation !!!

09-29-09, 02:44
while I respect the office I do not have to respect the policies that the administration of a sitting president is shoving down our throats !!!

09-29-09, 08:12
I for one believe that we will lose all gun rights before it is said and done with. For the events foreseen in the Bible can not come to pass with an Armed America. One Nation built on a beleive in GOD will not let the Anti-Christ rise to power without armed conflict.

So they have to disarm the Christians before anything else can happen.

Your believes and mileage might vary.

09-29-09, 08:14
Unbelievable the bullshit that continues to be posted about the President of the United States of America. Apparently respect for the duly elected President of this great republic means nothing anymore.

One should respect the office of the POTUS and the position. One doesn't have to respect the person in said office/position.

As for another AWB, IMO if the Dems still have control of congress after 2010, a new AWB will be introduced. But for now it will be put off until after the 2010 elections.

Jay Cunningham
09-29-09, 08:23
What part of my post earlier in this thread regarding Obama/AWB was not understood? I must make the assumption that I did not communicate clearly.

09-29-09, 09:03
Unbelievable the bullshit that continues to be posted about the President of the United States of America. Apparently respect for the duly elected President of this great republic means nothing anymore.

you need a history lesson, this has been going on long before Obama. Why should he be special( does he get a affirmative action pass for his half black side?), It started with Washington, read some of the stuff that was in print about John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Someone on here has a great quote in his sig, by Theodore Roosevelt. Oh and bad things were never said about Bush:rolleyes:

09-29-09, 09:08
In the words of Tim Geitner: "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

Those of you who think it is nowhere near...it just takes one Catastrophe to change things radically.

Just sayin'...

remember Katrina when thugs were running and gunning they confiscated law abiding citizens legally owned guns, refusing to give receipts BS, but the did not seem to be able to get the guns off the idiots and thugs who stayed at the Dome. :mad:

09-29-09, 09:13
I must make the assumption that I did not communicate clearly.

So it would seem.


09-29-09, 09:27
What part of my post earlier in this thread regarding Obama/AWB was not understood? I must make the assumption that I did not communicate clearly.

I think the reason why this happens is that members are looking for new stories relevant to events today and feel like we find them most efficiently via new thread headlines. Some, including myself, often neglect to check in on additions to the same "generic" thread mentioned earlier. This even though updates may be posted in the thread.

I am not faulting the idea by any means, just trying to help you guys understand how we may see things on our end. But I will no longer post here if you like.

Moving on... :)

09-29-09, 10:15
The OP made a mistake by relating this to an AWB. I think our monetary policies and other policies related to our economy will destroy this country long before any gun bans. When we run into severe hyperinflation and can no longer pay our debts to the rest of the world, all of this talk about AWBs, etc., will be meaningless. I see the commercials about how gold could triple in value, when its already hanging around $1000 an ounce. If gold reaches $3000 an ounce, it won't even matter, because the economy will be too far gone for it to be a good idea to sell it for increasingly worthless paper money.

Jay Cunningham
09-29-09, 10:19
I'll say continue whatever discussion it is that this has evolved into, but leave the AWB paranoia out of it.

Carry on...

K.L. Davis
09-29-09, 10:32
Carry on...

09-29-09, 10:51
I see the commercials about how gold could triple in value, when its already hanging around $1000 an ounce. If gold reaches $3000 an ounce, it won't even matter, because the economy will be too far gone for it to be a good idea to sell it for increasingly worthless paper money.

I agree cause in some ways we have been there before :) but we will pull through
so just expanding on your thoughts :)

just food for thought ohter younger ones might not know :)
back in the 80s gold got up to the $850

anyway today that would be over $2000 a ounce with inflation I think ? or more look at what you could buy back then for the same money !!!! (to lazy to look up inflation rate)

but not sure it will ever be to far gone cause we made a come back from that once before we just need to get another Reagen in office
back then it was Afghanistan and Russian tensions and the Iranian revolution !!!!!
insane oil prices and a few other things I forgot :)

HMMMMMMMM really sounds like today doesnt it !!!!!!

so I guess I think gold could get to $3000 a ounce and we can still pull out of it ? past that we are into uncharted territory and who knows ?

the one thing we did not have was the debt obama is putting us in !!!! so that wild card could be the straw that breaks the camels back

09-29-09, 10:55
Guys - December 21, 2012 the world is ending anyway.

09-29-09, 10:59
If gold is so valuable, why will they accept the Federal Reserve Notes from my debit card as payment?


09-29-09, 13:29

09-29-09, 15:39
the one thing we did not have was the debt obama is putting us in !!!! so that wild card could be the straw that breaks the camels back

Exactly. The American Dollar becomes more and more worthless by the day. This shit can't go on forever. China has been dumping Dollars and replacing them with hard assets, like gold, diamond mines, natural resources in Africa. China was holding 1 trillion American Dollars in reserve, now they're slowly letting it go. If they let that money go overnight, the American economy would crash pretty quickly.

09-29-09, 16:12
Exactly. The American Dollar becomes more and more worthless by the day. This shit can't go on forever. China has been dumping Dollars and replacing them with hard assets, like gold, diamond mines, natural resources in Africa. China was holding 1 trillion American Dollars in reserve, now they're slowly letting it go. If they let that money go overnight, the American economy would crash pretty quickly.

No, what China is doing is diversifying its assets. If you had that much currency you'd spend some and invest some and put some into other businesses. It just makes sense. The last thing the Chinese want, due to them having so many of them, is a worthless dollar. For instance they are buying oil rights in Africa; also because they need the energy security. Unlike the USA, who refuses to drill off-shore where there is decades of oil just under the ocean floor.


09-29-09, 16:20
No, what China is doing is diversifying its assets. If you had that much currency you'd spend some and invest some and put some into other businesses. It just makes sense. The last thing the Chinese want, due to them having so many of them, is a worthless dollar. For instance they are buying oil rights in Africa; also because they need the energy security. Unlike the USA, who refuses to drill off-shore where there is decades of oil just under the ocean floor.


True, but when we release Treasury Bonds, China is one of the main purchasers of them. If China isn't buying them because they're getting out of the Dollar, who will? With China and Russia buying up and going after the natural resources that we won't, that can only mean bad things for us in the future. One of the reasons we don't mess with China on their human rights record and other things is because we're afraid if we piss them off they won't buy our worthless currency anymore.

09-29-09, 16:25
That has never stopped them in the past and when the time comes, it won't stop them this time either - unless we continue to make ourselves as vocal as we have been against government intrusion into health care.

The point I'm making is that we all need to remain vigilant and hyper aware of these turds and their Fuhrer.

The best thing that could happen at this point is that he remain a weak president due to his overreaching and overstepping. Then come '12, hand him a pink slip along with Peloshit and Harry Reid their pink slips.

And yes, the effeminate and generally piss-weak Retardicans need to get their collective asses together and figure out what they stand for and field some candidates that reflect strong American values that are fiscally conservative. I don't put any hope in their hand wringing enabler mentality though.

That is why we must, as a free democracy, vote their collective asses out of office. We, as a nation, have a short memory. A special task force should be formed to vote Pelosi and all those left wingnuts out!

09-29-09, 16:46
That is why we must, as a free democracy, vote their collective asses out of office. We, as a nation, have a short memory. A special task force should be formed to vote Pelosi and all those left wingnuts out!

And replace them with whom?

Is there more than a dime's bit of difference between the two parties? How many Repukeagains voted for Bush's bailout of Wall Street?

09-29-09, 17:08
We are fighting a rearguard action. The numbers are against us - the assholes outbreed us by a factor of 10 at least.

Yes, they will probably win in the end. But they will pay a price for it.

09-29-09, 17:16
And replace them with whom?

Is there more than a dime's bit of difference between the two parties? How many Repukeagains voted for Bush's bailout of Wall Street?

I'd vote for anyone who is Pro 2A, regardless of party.

09-29-09, 17:23
We are fighting a rearguard action. The numbers are against us - the assholes outbreed us by a factor of 10 at least.

Yes, they will probably win in the end. But they will pay a price for it.

Agreed to a point, but after this debacle, with the "buyer's remorse" a shift in the political wind, is in progress. That shift, by voting conservatives to office, gives the edge to the house and senate, to overturn any extremist bills coming there way. That is why each and every vote counts. If folks didn't vote or won't vote, for what ever reason, have no right to bitch.

09-29-09, 20:13
I guess also I can say its not that gold has gone up as much as our dollar has devalued !!! which is SCARY !!!

I remember when going to Canada was like doubling your money :)
(my wife is Canadian) now its about the same !!!

09-29-09, 20:41
This will be the longest, coldest, hardest, winter in American memory, since Washington wintered at Valley Forge... :(

09-29-09, 21:02
True, but when we release Treasury Bonds, China is one of the main purchasers of them. If China isn't buying them because they're getting out of the Dollar, who will? With China and Russia buying up and going after the natural resources that we won't, that can only mean bad things for us in the future. One of the reasons we don't mess with China on their human rights record and other things is because we're afraid if we piss them off they won't buy our worthless currency anymore.

china buys govt bonds because we buy china's industrial output. if they stop buying our debt, we can't afford their goods...

plus like they say in texas, you borrow 100,000 the bank owns you. borrow 100 million and you own the bank..

that said, its pretty clear that what is going on (spending without restraint) cannot continue forever, and therefore must come to an end.
do governments survive the collapse of their currency? that will be an interesting situation. and what can an individual do? buy ammo? rural land? take care of family and friends i guess and keep your head down.

Bubba FAL
09-30-09, 00:46
I, for one, will never respect a man that does not respect (nor understand) the Constitution upon which the country he purports to "lead" was founded. Members of our Government work for the citizens, not the other way around and it's high time that members of said government were reminded of same.

I believe that the time is ripe for candidates with a common-sense approach to issues to step forward and be recognized. A sample platform follows:

1. Cap and Trade is STUPID and we will not play this game.
2. True Energy Independence: We will build as many Nuke plants, wind and solar farms, hydro plants, coal plants, etc. as necessary to meet energy demands of this nation. If there is oil, we will drill for it; coal, we will dig it out of the ground. Tax incentives to companies that invest in infrastructure.
3. Healthcare: Tort reform of malpractice suits (think "loser pays" and caps on punitive damage awards). Insurance companies can sell across state lines. Government employees no longer receive "special" coverage.
4. Immigration: If you are found to be in this country illegally, you win a free trip back to your country of origin where you can apply for legal residency just as millions of our ancestors did. Require proof of mother's legal residency in this country for at least 9 months as a condition of natural born citizenship.
5. Budget: Zero spending growth until debt is paid. Ask the Brits how they managed to repay their war debt to the US after WW2, if you need help. Reduce corporate tax rates as an incentive to maintain a manufacturing base. No bailouts, no subsidies. Fed will no longer fund non-essential programs. You want to be an artist? Fine, obtain private funding to produce art that people are willing to buy with their own money. No spending approved unless it is fully funded within budget. Litmus test for all legislation: 1) is it Constitutional - cite authority, 2)does it benefit the country and 3) can we afford it?
6. Defense: Stand for freedom. Return to a philosophy of "peace through strength". If we're going to fight a war, fight it 100% to win it. Support our allies. No financial aid to hostile/despotic nations.

Also, if an elected Federal official is tried and convicted of bribery, fraud, racketeering or other serious crime (including drug or alcohol related offenses), their seat is automatically forfeited to their opponent in the most recent election. Said official must compensate the Treasury for all pay & benefits received during their time in office. Honestly, if you can't keep your shit together for the length of your term, be it 2,4 or 6 years, you probably shouldn't be in that position in the first place.

Anyway, my $.02

09-30-09, 01:01
I guess also I can say its not that gold has gone up as much as our dollar has devalued!!!

The two are linked to each other.

09-30-09, 04:24
The two are linked to each other.

I guess in some ways maybe a symbiotic one :)
curious what/how you mean by linked :)

our currency could be worth nothing in the future while gold will still have value !
granted the collapse of the US dollar will have a effect on gold prices

I guess what I am saying is our dollar is sliding down compared with other currencies where in the past it held stronger ! (its still strong but not if we keep printing)

so with gold going up and dollar going down the gap is getting bigger making it harder to bridge the gap so to speak

09-30-09, 06:30
curious what/how you mean by linked


On April 5, 1933, newly inaugurated President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 6102, which prohibited the “hoarding” of gold by U.S. citizens. Americans were required to turn their gold holdings over to the federal government at the prevailing price of $20.67 per ounce.

Pursuant to Roosevelt’s executive order, anyone caught violating the law was subject to a federal felony conviction, 10 years’ confinement in a federal penitentiary, and a $10,000 fine. Soon after the confiscation, U.S. officials announced that the government would sell its gold in international markets for $35 an ounce, thereby devaluing the dollar by almost 70 percent and immediately “earning” a potential profit of almost $15 an ounce on the gold it had confiscated.

As of right now gold is around $1000 an ounce http://bullion.nwtmint.com/pricing.php where in 1933 it was at $35 an ounce. The less the dollar is worth, the less it buys, making gold more expensive per ounce, because the lower-valued dollar buys less gold.

09-30-09, 08:45
If gold is so valuable, why will they accept the Federal Reserve Notes from my debit card as payment?


Everytime they do they make money. That enables them to buy assets like gold, etc to ensure their future. Kinda like why I go to work everyday and accept the dollar as payment.

I bet Argentina never thought they had a problem coming when they were the largest economy in SA. And they exceeded some European countries like Germany at the time.

09-30-09, 08:58
Everytime they do they make money. That enables them to buy assets like gold, etc to ensure their future. Kinda like why I go to work everyday and accept the dollar as payment.

I bet Argentina never thought they had a problem coming when they were the largest economy in SA. And they exceeded some European countries like Germany at the time.

Thank you, but I wasn't asking; I was making a point.


09-30-09, 09:12
Thank you, but I wasn't asking; I was making a point.


I know. I was just expanding on that point. I needed a segue to get into the conversation. :)

09-30-09, 09:26
Unbelievable the bullshit that continues to be posted about the President of the United States of America. Apparently respect for the duly elected President of this great republic means nothing anymore.

You're absolutely right but were you saying the same thing when the anti-Bush crowd was being disrepectful? I said it then and I say it now; I always respect the office and position even if I don't respect the man that was elected. A title in and of itself doesn't mean absolute respect.

And replace them with whom?

Is there more than a dime's bit of difference between the two parties? How many Repukeagains voted for Bush's bailout of Wall Street?

At this point I don't care if we replace them with Chea Pets. I'm seriously considering voting against any incumbent just to get the current set of bozos out of there. I don't know if the next group could do a better job but I'm almost certain they couldn't do any worse.

Preferred User
09-30-09, 11:40
At this point I don't care if we replace them with Chea Pets. I'm seriously considering voting against any incumbent just to get the current set of bozos out of there. I don't know if the next group could do a better job but I'm almost certain they couldn't do any worse.

Unfortunately it is as much the entrenched bureaucracy, the office staff, the consultants, etc. that are as much a problem as the meat puppets/elected officials. Think of the quotes from the talking heads where they admit to having never read the legislation, just the "staff" or party recommendation. Every person in every elected position (local, state, national, whatever) is running for re-election before they are ever sworn in. That is just part of the nonsense that means our officials are never really working for our good.

09-30-09, 13:09
At this point I don't care if we replace them with Chea Pets. I'm seriously considering voting against any incumbent just to get the current set of bozos out of there. I don't know if the next group could do a better job but I'm almost certain they couldn't do any worse.

Read an article somewhere that said something like 57% of those surveyed thought that 535 people randomly selected from the phone book could do a better job than Congress.