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09-28-09, 20:01
Vallejo Police Outsource Report Writing
Police department in cash-strapped Bay Area city has third-party firm taking down notes

Vallejo, which went bankrupt after revenue proved less than costs for the Police and Fire departments as well as other city services, might just be able to save a little money.
The Police Department is now using a transcription service based in Tennessee, Nashville-McLintock Transcription and Consulting Services, to write up police reports.
The reports are dictated into a digital audio file, then sent via a secure connection to Nashville-McClintock, where retired law-enforcement officials write them up.
The practice is less expensive than hiring new personnel, and possibly elicits more details from officers who might otherwise be brief if doing the typing themselves.

The drawbacks, however, include both security and privacy issues.
The University of California at San Francisco learned that the hard way when a transcriptionist in Pakistan threatened to release confidential patient records in order to force an employer to make good on wages.
Besides rogue transcriptionists, the secure connection could be compromised and an unscrupulous third-party contractor could sub-contract the work to a cheaper, and less experienced outfit.
But at least department morale should get a boost, since nobody likes typing.
Jackson West really hopes witness statements, victim details and other confidential information doesn't go walkabout.


Heavy Metal
09-28-09, 20:43

And here I sit like a chump writing reports all evening.

09-29-09, 08:17
Well I guess we will be outsourcing Prisons next.......is nothing safe???

09-29-09, 10:11
Well I guess we will be outsourcing Prisons next.......is nothing safe???

We already have private companies running prisons.

09-29-09, 10:51
true, the private prison business is booming.

the police down here in Miami just voted to give themselves a pay decrease instead of layoffs.

crazy that the banks are getting bailouts while the little guys are suffering. and you can bet your ass the city officials with their overinflated salaries aren't taking pay cuts! pisses me off.

09-29-09, 11:37
Pretty sad. Crime is out of control there.

I grew up in Vallejo and left in 1992 when I joined the Corps. The town went down after the navy base, Mare Island closed. I'm sure there are some on this forum that went to MCSF school there or were on the FAST CO there. I remember as a young boy visiting the base for the first time and seeing a Marine in his Dress Blue Deltas standing post with a 45. It left a lasting impression.

The police department has some really good proactive officers working there. A lot of them came from across the country because Vallejo at one time was the second highest paying agency in the state. With the bankruptcy, a lot of officers were told that they would be laid off so they left the department in lieu of. There are fire stations that are closed, as well.

The city has done a poor job of bringing in industry, big stores, and revenue. Everyone shops in other neighboring cities. Downtown is a haven for crime. With crime (perceived or real) its hard to bring in business.

09-29-09, 13:50
We already have private companies running prisons.

I've read quite a bit about it and seen several documentaries... absolutely horrible idea!

09-29-09, 16:03
I've read quite a bit about it and seen several documentaries... absolutely horrible idea!

and even worse when put in practice. i've heard some real horror stories about privately run prisons.