View Full Version : I Have Left Eagle Industries

Ben Lenett
10-06-09, 09:08

This is to clarify some questions I have received concerning Eagle product, as well as my current status with Eagle Industries Unlimited, Inc.

As of last week, I have left my position at Eagle to move on to other things. I spent four outstanding years with the company and will greatly miss the employees and the end users.

I will now be spending the majority of my time conducting Weapons/Tactics instruction for Gov Personnel both here and abroad, as well as assisting a few industry corporations with design and end user development.

If you have any EAGLE INDUSTRIES related questions, please direct them either to the factory or Charlie Lairson through this forum.

Stay safe and thanks for your support the last four years.


10-06-09, 15:49
Good luck and best wishes to you and yours. Thank you for all the help over the years as I have a metric shit-ton of Eagle gear. Very few of those purchases were made without at least one email sent your way. Thanks for the quality CS I came to expect and always received. Again, good luck on your new career path.

10-06-09, 17:44
Good luck in your future endeavors, Ben!

Thanks for all you did for the folks here while at Eagle.

10-07-09, 11:01
Damn shame, Ben. You've been incredibly helpful. As I recall, quite a bit of the great stuff EI has made has had your fingerprints on it.

I hope that your departure, so proximal to the acquisition of EI by ATK, isn't indicative of less than desirable changes afoot at EI.

10-07-09, 21:14
i heard from tom a this am hope all is well good luck.

10-07-09, 21:45
Best of luck Ben!