View Full Version : Weapons not necessary in daily life

10-14-09, 05:59
This was originally posted on GlockTalk by HerrGlock and I thought it was an article that warranted some attention.


10/12/2009 12:01:00 AM

Weapons not necessary in daily life
Carlton Fletcher
Metro Editor

Within an hour the news had reached the media machine: A male Caucasian with a gun has gone berserk in Queens. The area has been sealed off, the kids sent home from school. Fourteen people lying dead in a bar they call the Kicking Mule.

- Elton John

While trolling the news wires the other day, I came across a couple of stories the likes of which I'm afraid we're going to see more of in the coming days.

One told of a soccer mom notorious for strapping her pistol on her hip when she attended her daughter's youth soccer matches being shot and killed by her estranged husband, and the other offered the heartbreaking account of a man who, in the heat of an argument with his best friend, pulled his gun and shot and killed the person he was closest to in the world.

In both instances, the people involved were carrying their weapons legally.

Those stories brought back the frightening images sent over the news wires recently of people at "peaceful, tea-bag protests" sauntering around with semi-automatic weapons on their person. Of course, these individuals were only demonstrating their Second Amendment right to bear arms.

If these instances - and a growing number of others like them - don't scare you, then you're probably one of those people who has fooled himself into believing the NRA types who are calling for "right-thinking, God-fearing Americans" to arm themselves against ... well, that's the part they're not so clear on.

I grew up with guns, spent a good portion of my youth wandering the woods of Irwin County with a weapon in hand, dreaming of taking down that trophy buck that always seemed to elude me. Yet I don't remember any time in my life that I've felt the need to keep a weapon strapped to my side.

I've heard the arguments before: Crime is rampant in this city, and the only way to feel safe is to arm yourself as well as the bad guys. And I've also heard the inane boasting of well-strapped citizens who proclaim, "I just wish one of those gangsters would mess with me or my family."

But you know what? No you don't.

Sure, it angers all who obey the laws when lawlessness is allowed to run rampant, seemingly without consequence. And, yes, I've been in situations where I was angry enough to ... well, kill certain perpetrators if I'd had my hands on a weapon.

I'm about as mild a person as most of you will meet, but it scares me to think that I've gotten mad enough at times to want to do bodily harm to people who have angered me. And, in all honesty, it scares me most to think what I might have done at those times - some of which were, incidentally, trivial at best - if I'd had a weapon on me.

NRA- and gun-nuts who scream about our rights to weapons don't seem to get too worked up when something happens like the stories above, when individuals with carry permits lose their tempers and express their anger with bullets. I haven't noticed any of their propaganda that offers remorse for victims killed in the heat of a moment, that mourns families whose members were killed over the most insignificant incidences.

Do gun owners given carry permits really think they're any safer when they strap on their weapons like the cowboys of the Old West? Do they really think they're imbued with some power that makes them more of a man or woman?

Here's what I'd do if I were at a soccer match and I noticed one of the soccer mom's packing heat. I'd pick up my kids and get the hell out of there, stat. Because oftentimes the victims of some minuscule family squabble turn out to be innocent people in the wrong place at the wrong time.

E-mail Carlton Fletcher at carlton.fletcher@albanyherald.com.

After reading this I had a profound need to write the Albany Herald, maybe some of you will also. Posted below is the letter I sent, maybe you'd like to write and send one of your own also?

I recently read your article titled "Weapons not necessary in daily life" and felt it was my duty as a well-informed citizen to issue a response.

Let's start off simply with you saying "I don't remember any time in my life that I've felt the need to keep a weapon strapped to my side." I hope you never reach a point where you feel you need a weapon because by that point it will sadly be too late. May you then rest in peace.

I, like many, legally carry a firearm for protecting my loved ones and myself. I take personal responsibility for my safety and strongly advocate self-reliance. What about police you may ask? Law enforcement is there for a purpose, however as ruled by the Supreme Court in 2005 police do NOT have a constitutional duty to protect someone. So, if the police aren't there to protect me then who is? The answer: no one.

Your personal choice to walk around defenseless is yours and yours alone. The first law of nature is self-defense. Is there some reason I shouldn't be allowed to protect myself and my loved ones?

In 2006 (the latest data available through the CDC) there were 30,896 firearm related deaths, including unintentional, violence-related, homicide, suicide, and undetermined intent. Big number. Out of that number 16,883 were suicides, leaving 14,013 deaths aside from suicide. Estimates place that there are 70-80 million gun owners in America. So we have 70-80 million people owning firearms with 14,013 dying from firearms in one form or another where they didn't take their own life.

What people fail to realize when they see the headlines of "Gunman goes crazy and kills X many people" is that one, just one, legally-armed citizen could have ended the whole thing and saved many lives.

Charles Whitman in 1966 started shooting people from the top of a tower in Texas. Who responded? Police and armed citizens. The armed citizens were able to help with suppressive fire that kept Charles Whitman down and cutting off his ability to effectively kill people. Who finally ended the deadly situation? Officers McCoy, Martinez, and armed citizen Allen Crum, confronted Charles Whitman atop the tower, engaging in a gun fight and killing him.

People who don't have the courage will find ways to attack the ones who do. Instead of running away, these brave individuals drew a proverbial line in the sand and stopped an incident that could have been much, much worse.

It's a personal choice whether to carry a firearm or not. I respect your choice, why don’t you respect mine? Instead of respect for my rights, I get labels like right-wing extremist, and gun-nut. Labels do not add to reasonable dialog.

In closing, I leave you with a final point for your consideration.

I can't take credit for this as I heard it from Penn and Teller. Take every woman in the world and give her a gun and training, she can even have a pink gun. Now let's say that half of those women throw the guns away. How many women will be attacked and raped when the potential attacker knows there's a 50/50 chance that woman is armed and has had training?

10-14-09, 07:27
Sure, it angers all who obey the laws when lawlessness is allowed to run rampant, seemingly without consequence. And, yes, I've been in situations where I was angry enough to ... well, kill certain perpetrators if I'd had my hands on a weapon.

I'm about as mild a person as most of you will meet, but it scares me to think that I've gotten mad enough at times to want to do bodily harm to people who have angered me. And, in all honesty, it scares me most to think what I might have done at those times - some of which were, incidentally, trivial at best - if I'd had a weapon on me.

If you have that little self control then you're right, you shouldn't have access to a weapon. I've been carrying a gun for many years and lots of people have pissed me off pretty bad in those years. I haven't shot a single one of them.

10-14-09, 07:37
Very well written reply.

10-14-09, 09:51
Very nice response, but you can't change people's minds. Even if they are misinformed. They choose their side and we choose our side in this arguement.

10-14-09, 10:33
I like to think that owning and being trained to use a firearm is like an insurance policy. Probably 99.99% of the time you will never need it but you are very glad to have one when someone breaks into your house at the middle of the night or somebody trys to assault you on the street. It is just like owning car, homeowners insurance, or health insurance. Most of the time you never use it but it is sure handy when you do have a problem.

10-14-09, 13:02
I own a fire extinguisher ever day.

I don't need it every day, in fact I've never needed it in 5+ years. But I will continue to have it "just in case."

10-14-09, 17:21
Very nice response, but you can't change people's minds. Even if they are misinformed. They choose their side and we choose our side in this arguement.

Thank you. I have no delusions about changing the authors mind but if I luck out and they print my letter then even if one person who was on the fence makes the wise decision then it was worth the effort.

10-14-09, 18:17
In case anyone is interested I got a response back from the Albany Herald saying my letter was to long. They need 250 words and my was 538. So I chopped it up and resubmitted it. I think it still makes its point though. I'll be amazed if it's printed but you never know...

10-14-09, 18:36
A couple of thoughts, some already mentioned:

Fire extinguishers.
Seat belts.
Insurance policies.
Smoke detectors.
Door locks.

I'm sure there's lots more...

10-14-09, 18:53
Cops, for that matter.

I haven't needed one most days of my life, and I are one.

10-14-09, 19:05
Cops, for that matter.

I haven't needed one most days of my life, and I are one.

i've never needed one. ban 'em.

hell, you can add firefighters and EMTs to that too. **** 'em- i've never needed them, so you sure as shit don't/won't.

10-14-09, 19:25
Allow me to repost here what I wrote in the thread on GT:

Fits the mold...

1. Start out by trotting out some emotional appeals. ("OMG, people carry guns to the grocery store and in the same zip code as President Obama")

2. Move on to marginalizing the NRA.

3. Tell a story about how you aren't a gun hater, you grew up with guns and are a hunter to try to gain credibility.

4. Bonus points for trotting out an anonymous idiotic quote from a theoretical gun owner.

5. Author displays projection ("I know I've been mad enough to shoot someone before, I obviously don't have control over myself so obviously no one does.")

6. Wrap it up with some more marginalization and ridicule ('NRA-nuts, gun-nuts, they think they are cowboys in the Wild West, propaganda'...) and some more emotional appeals.

Completely stupid.

10-14-09, 20:05
Good luck with your letter to the Albany Herald eXistenZ. You are VERY correct in that you will not change Carlton Fletchers or the Heralds views.

I, along with a couple of other members here, live in one of the bordering counties and have worked/played in Albany pretty much my whole life. I remember when this article was written and it stirred quite the shit storm. Mr. Fletcher is not representative of the area, is a staunch Democrat and an idiot who is out of touch with reality. There is a section in the beginning of the newspaper (page 2A) every day that is called the Squakbox and is used for citizens to voice their opinions about different matters without leaving a name :rolleyes: . This stays pretty full at times because of him and the Herald still keeps him, I guess they love the controversy that he causes, which increases sales for them. Majority of the people that I know will go to the section where he writes and if he is in there will keep right on going. Albany/Dougherty County has been predominately Democrat for a long time but they are the only hold out as the rest of southwest GA is republican and the overwhelming majority are the deer rifle in the back glass of the pickup and .357 hanging from the hip types. They may not be who you want to see at a congressional hearing on gun control but they sure as hell are not going to give up there rights or freedoms and will stand beside anyone else who feels the same.

OK, I am off my soapbox. Just had to defend my little piece of the world.

10-14-09, 21:00
I always fall back on: "It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it." ........and that goes for condoms too!

As for you comments being too wordy, that's a typical response when you make a point they can't argue against.

After the editor of a BMW magazine ripped into a reader for making a suggestion I was compelled to write him and shower him with his own type of commentary. They had a 300 word limit, well I blew right past that in short order. Turns out the 'ed' still posted my letter word for word.....was it a guilty feeling or was he giving the opposition a chance to vent.... we may never know....but at least he had the courage and printed the whole thing so others could make a fair judgement.

10-14-09, 21:23
3. Tell a story about how you aren't a gun hater, you grew up with guns and are a hunter to try to gain credibility.

Brilliant spot - that one is used in every single one of these articles.

These people are the same people that want us to give up our nuclear arsenal. They just don't understand that bad people exist and will do harm to unarmed people. They are child-like and shouldn't have any attention paid to them.


Alpha Sierra
10-15-09, 05:20
Who cares what some libtard thinks?

10-15-09, 05:48
I wonder if dear Carlton wears a seatbelt or has airbags in his car. I also wonder if he has smoke detectors and a fire extinguisher in his home. How about a living will and a last will and testament? Life insurance? He hasn't died lately, so why bother?

It's a tired, worn, intellectually dishonest argument that he pitches.

10-15-09, 06:21
Who cares what some libtard thinks?

In my opinion, you should. I suppose it is easier to just write people off by calling them idiots. It's a lot harder to mount a good response in hopes of reaching some of their audience.

These guys are motivated and outspoken, are we just going to sit around calling them idiots and not even try and do anything about it? Should we just sit around and let the NRA handle it?

10-15-09, 06:29
Who cares what some libtard thinks?
Reply With Quote

That is like going into court and not caring what the other side thinks.

10-15-09, 10:19
Sure, it angers all who obey the laws when lawlessness is allowed to run rampant, seemingly without consequence. And, yes, I've been in situations where I was angry enough to ... well, kill certain perpetrators if I'd had my hands on a weapon.

I'm about as mild a person as most of you will meet, but it scares me to think that I've gotten mad enough at times to want to do bodily harm to people who have angered me. And, in all honesty, it scares me most to think what I might have done at those times - some of which were, incidentally, trivial at best - if I'd had a weapon on me.

I don't think I have ever been angry enough to ever even have that thought cross my mind. People who think like this shouldn't have access to any weapons. I would have to ask the person do you think this way even when you have a pocket knife on you?

You would have to be threatening me with great bodily harm or death before I would get angry enough to kill; even then if you give me a chance I am going to flee. Sorry call me chicken etc. but I really don't want to fight or like to fight. Doesn't mean I don't get angry and I have been known to spout my fair share of expletives when being cut off in traffic etc, never once did I think I would like to hurt the person.

10-15-09, 10:29
when i get angry, i reach for my fists... you'd have to be pretty unstable to reach for a gun. and if you're that unstable, you're gonna do something stupid whether you're CCWing or not.