View Full Version : Obama declares national emergency RE pig flu

10-24-09, 12:03
Looks like his people get to bypass federal laws now....:(

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency and empowered his health secretary to suspend federal requirements and speed treatment for thousands of infected people.

The declaration that Obama signed late Friday authorized Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to bypass federal rules so health officials can respond more quickly to the outbreak, which has killed more than 1,000 people in the United States.

The goal is to remove bureaucratic roadblocks and make it easier for sick people to seek treatment and medical providers to provide it immediately. That could mean fewer hurdles involving Medicare, Medicaid or health privacy regulations.

"As a nation, we have prepared at all levels of government, and as individuals and communities, taking unprecedented steps to counter the emerging pandemic," Obama wrote in the declaration, which the White House announced Saturday.

He said the pandemic keeps evolving, the rates of illness are rising rapidly in many areas and there's a potential "to overburden health care resources."

Because of vaccine production delays, the government has backed off initial, optimistic estimates that as many as 120 million doses would be available by mid-October. As of Wednesday, only 11 million doses had been shipped to health departments, doctor's offices and other providers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials said.

The government now hopes to have about 50 million doses of swine flu vaccine out by mid-November and 150 million in December.

The flu virus has to be grown in chicken eggs, and the yield hasn't been as high as was initially hoped, officials explained.

Swine flu is more widespread now than it's ever been. Health authorities say almost 100 children have died from the flu, known as H1N1, and 46 states now have widespread flu activity.

Worldwide, more than 5,000 people have reportedly died from swine flu since it emerged this year and developed into a global epidemic, the World Health Organization said Friday. Since most countries have stopped counting individual swine flu cases, the figure is considered an underestimate.


10-24-09, 12:39
So what's the problem with this move by the President? Will the men in blue suits be knocking on your door and taking you away to get tested for H1N1? :rolleyes:

10-24-09, 12:44
So what's the problem with this move by the President? Will the men in blue suits be knocking on your door and taking you away to get tested for H1N1? :rolleyes:

Well it's Obama so of course! There first act of course will be to come in your house, take your guns, and make you bow down to a soviet flag, while kissing a Babushka doll with Stalin's face on it. Didn't you know that?

10-24-09, 12:48
So what's the problem with this move by the President? Will the men in blue suits be knocking on your door and taking you away to get tested for H1N1? :rolleyes:

You can read what their plan is for yourself: http://www.hhs.gov/pandemicflu/plan/

10-24-09, 13:01
Well it's Obama so of course! There first act of course will be to come in your house, take your guns, and make you bow down to a soviet flag, while kissing a Babushka doll with Stalin's face on it. Didn't you know that?

Ha thats funny. Im just wondering why the 'nationa emergency' over a flu strain that is less deadly than the traditional seasonal flu? I guess people forget tens of thousands die from the seasonal flu every year anyways, and so far about a thousand have died from swine flu. Granted its early in the flu season but Obama is blowing it way out of proportion.

10-24-09, 13:02
People can say what they want. My daughter was hit by the flu and had to go to the hospital. She is better now. Is the vaccine bad? Who knows, but I could imagine that it would have been worse without it.

10-24-09, 13:04
I may be wrong. But, I believe that emergency is due to the fact that almost every country is getting hit and that the strain has mutated. I am not a doctor and I am definitely not an Obama fan boy.

Ha thats funny. Im just wondering why the 'nationa emergency' over a flu strain that is less deadly than the traditional seasonal flu? I guess people forget tens of thousands die from the seasonal flu every year anyways, and so far about a thousand have died from swine flu. Granted its early in the flu season but Obama is blowing it way out of proportion.

10-24-09, 13:20
I may be wrong. But, I believe that emergency is due to the fact that almost every country is getting hit and that the strain has mutated. I am not a doctor and I am definitely not an Obama fan boy.

Mutating is what viruses do.

What Im saying is seasonal flu kills tens of thousands every year...I think last year was about 35,000. So far swine flu is around 1000, and so far the per capita death rate is lower than traditional flu. The only difference is swine flu effects a different age demographic and has come earlier in the season than seasonal flu.

If its mutated to the point of hundreds OR thousands dying in a week....the vaccine they have now will only be marginally effective. With the seasonal flu vaccine they estimate what 3 strains will be most prevalent in the upcoming flu season, and create the vaccine against that. There is no guarantee the seasonal flu will not mutate from when they make the vaccine or that another strain of flu will be the most prevalent. Its a guess, and made with the strain at the time.

I just view this more of a PR stunt than a real medical crisis at this time. It is something to worry about and all but "never let a crisis go to waste" comes to mind.

10-24-09, 13:26

You should read through the last several pages of this thread. It includes some testimony from people that actually work in the fields of medicine, had direct experience with the outbreak, or in my case know people that work in high in the field.

The one conclusion we all came too? That this is all a socialist liberal conspiracy to re-populate rural America with educated Europeans. Basically the swine flu was designed by Obama to wipe you out, and it starts with the vaccine...;)

Seriously though, there is real information in that thread that you may benefit from.

10-24-09, 14:23

You should read through the last several pages of this thread. It includes some testimony from people that actually work in the fields of medicine, had direct experience with the outbreak, or in my case know people that work in high in the field.

The one conclusion we all came too? That this is all a socialist liberal conspiracy to re-populate rural America with educated Europeans. Basically the swine flu was designed by Obama to wipe you out, and it starts with the vaccine...;)

Seriously though, there is real information in that thread that you may benefit from.

Ive been following that thread, and my point still stands.

Based on the data Ive seen so far this flu has a lower mortality rate in the general population than seasonal flu, and many more people die from seasonal flu every year.

Also by the time the vaccine is available to the general public the traditional models would say that the peak of H1N1 will be gone. There already is not even close the number of vaccine doses as is needed for the target population.

Yesterday the WHO said about 5000 people have died WORLDWIDE from H1N1. The seasonal flu generally kills about 7 times that number just in the US. Stats like this is why I don't see the need for a national emergency just yet. If the thing does mutate, and starts killing thousands every week I can see it. This thing has been around for months now...gone through other regions of the globe during their flu season, and only 5000 deaths?

Is there some data Im missing that calls for a national emergency and subversion of Federal law? Why not a national emergency during every flu season when tens of thousands die?

Dave Berryhill
10-24-09, 16:25
Never let a crisis go to waste ;)

10-24-09, 16:43
It makes one wonder; just what is it they are trying to distract us from?

10-24-09, 16:47
People can say what they want. My daughter was hit by the flu and had to go to the hospital. She is better now. Is the vaccine bad? Who knows, but I could imagine that it would have been worse without it.

Glad she is doing better!!!! On a hunting forum I visit, there is a guy who's wife just gave birth while having this flu strain. The baby was fine but she is/was have a booger of a time getting better. It's been a long road.

I'm not sure it's a true emergency yet, but I know the docs are concerned about how many cases there are so early in the season...so this may be a big part of it too.

Outlander Systems
10-24-09, 17:22
It makes one wonder; just what is it they are trying to distract us from?

The fact that the economy is getting worse, not better. The fact that there's an option on the table to willingly devalue the dollar by ~40%. The fact that the government is operationally bankrupt. The fact that when we pull out of Iraq, Communist China will score the oil. The fact that the US has embarked on, quite possibly, the biggest swindle in history: Carbon Credits. The fact that 21 more banks closed their doors this week. The fact that conventional crude production peaked in 2005. The fact that the USA has relenquished control of the internet. The fact that Jim Cramer may implicated in securities manipulation. The fact that the Fed actually threatened the United States of America, with what amounts to economic terrorism, should the Fed be audited.

10-24-09, 20:48
People can say what they want. My daughter was hit by the flu and had to go to the hospital. She is better now. Is the vaccine bad? Who knows, but I could imagine that it would have been worse without it.

Jesus Dude, I am sorry to hear that. How old is your daughter?

I must admit I am a little worried about my 4 months old getting sick. 3 families at my work have had H1N1. Everyone is OK now but I know one of the infants had to go to the hospital for some time. Scary stuff if you've got kids.

10-24-09, 20:57
People can say what they want. My daughter was hit by the flu and had to go to the hospital. She is better now. Is the vaccine bad? Who knows, but I could imagine that it would have been worse without it.

glad she is better :)

did she have the h1n1 then ? or regular flu curious if you know where she got it ?
we are a bit of unsure to get our 5 year old vacinated for h1n1 or not ? we keep going back and forth ?
we did the normal flu vaccination of course
feel free to PM me answers if you want :) since its about our kids

10-24-09, 21:05
I'll take my chances.

Too many agencies are far too eager to inject people with that shit.

I never got a flu shot and I am not about to start now.

Obama is just trying to own and declare victory on something, so **** him.

Outlander Systems
10-24-09, 21:30
I never got a flu shot and I am not about to start now.

Ditto. I've never had the flu, and I've never had a flu shot. It's a sample of one, but I don't play ball with manufactured crises.

Ever notice the incessant "boogeyman" waiting around the corner? It's a simple distraction game to keep the sheep afraid of everything but what we should be concerned with.

The whole "Swine Flu" hysteria is a little too "V for Vendetta" for me.

All quotes from LameStream publications.

Swine flu vaccine rushed through safety checks

Expert says swine flu vaccine rushed to market

Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?

Georgia sees no rush for swine flu vaccine

"Just Get Your Damn Vaccine"

If anyone thinks this hype isn't making some serious cash for someone, you're an open door for a good ole' fashioned hoodwinkin'.

Two books that should be required reading:



Another little "gem", "Merck Published Bogus Journal"

To quote the Vaccine Video:

"Listen to our government agencies, these guys are tellin' the truth. Forget the conspiracies, just get your damn vaccine". :rolleyes:

"Conspiracy" for what it is worth, is a psychological warfare weapon. By labeling anything a "conspiracy", it triggers a response to envision tinfoil hats, and guys like me living in some bunker in Kansas. Thusly discrediting information that is against whatever the source party's agenda is. It's a tool for marginalisation.

ETA: Normally, the comments section on youtube makes Teletubbies look like the epitome of sophistication, but this one had me busting out:

"i wish i made my wife get the vaccine last year...she ended up getting the swine flu and she started snorting like a pig...this year she started shitting on the floor and keeps warling around in it...wtf?"

10-24-09, 21:54
Yeah,chalk me up as another irresponsible dumbass who hasnt been shamed into being a guinea pig and bringing the fam along for the ride.

Very little trust in the government.

Very little trust in the pharmaceutical companies.

My faith in the medical/scientific community isnt as rock solid as it seems to be with some.The best we can turn to in most cases no doubt...But i dont deify them like so many in our society seem to.I certainly dont swallow everything whole when there are billions of dollars and self perpetuation on the line.

Why is it if you mention closing school for awhile..."It isnt that serious...Low mortality rate...no worse than seasonal flu(which seems to have gotten scarrier itself for some reason here lately)...".

When it comes to getting injected or not..."emergency!pandemic!we're all gonna die!".:rolleyes:

Outlander Systems
10-24-09, 22:15
Tonsillectomy: quite possibly the most over-performed, "easy" money op for docs.

What do your tonsils do, you ask?

Why, they are a critical part of the immune system.

I rest my case, almost solely on ca$h. Medicine isn't big business, it's HUGE business, and the docs make a lot of money performing services that are oftentimes unnecessary, through preying upon our collective naiveté. I'm not saying it's the rule, and not the exception, but I truly believe it occurs far more frequently than it should.

The fact that the media is whipping the "Swine Flu!!! "Epidemic"" into creme puts my skepticism and cynicism on DEFCON 1.

So far, no M4C members or their families are dead from Swine Flu. Nor can it be confirmed or quantified that a rush-rush, hurry-hurry, operators are standing by flu-shot has saved any lives.

"Not too bright, folks, not too f#@!('in bright" - George Carlin

10-25-09, 02:06
Wrong thread

10-25-09, 07:48
Never let a crisis go to waste ;)

Damn, that was my first thought when I read the title of this thread.

Alpha Sierra
10-25-09, 09:06
So when do the HHS and USDA SWAT strike tems roll?

10-25-09, 09:43
Well, it's been planned and discussed for some time now...:

Martial Law and the Militarization of Public Health: The Worldwide H1N1 Flu Vaccination Program
by Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, July 26, 2009

Outlander Systems
10-25-09, 10:42
My favourite part is that "people will riot to get the vaccine".


10-25-09, 16:26
Looking around I found this on the CDC website:

"Most people with 2009 H1N1 have had mild illness and have not needed medical care or antiviral drugs and the same is true of seasonal flu."

Yep its a NATIONAL EMERGENCY!!!! Suspend Federal law!!!


10-25-09, 19:22
WTF does this tell you. It tells me a lot


October 8, 2009
First Daughters Not Vaccinated Against H1N1

President Obama's school age daughters have not been vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says the vaccine is not available to them based on their risk.

The Centers for Disease Control recommend that children ages 6 months through 18 years of age receive a vaccination against the H1N1 flu virus. At this time only children with chronic medical conditions are receiving the vaccination because their immune system is not strong enough to fight off the strain. The CDC also says a regular seasonal flu shot does not protect against the virus.

10-25-09, 19:49
Once again, silly Obama....:rolleyes:

Don Robison
10-25-09, 20:17
To put the "scare" in perspective; less than 1000 people in the U.S. have died from H1N1 since January, approximately 1126 in the U.S. have died in car wrecks in the last 10 days.