View Full Version : Did the Soviet Union actually lose the Cold War, or....?

10-27-09, 00:44
Did the Soviet Union actually lose the Cold War, or did they merely plant the Socialist seed in several youths and provide them the tools to flourish. We always thought that Reagan beat The BEAR, but BEARs hibernate don't they. Then they wake, it has only begun.

What if those in power that are towing the far left line are Soviet plants whose main goal is to turn the United States over to Socialism?

I can taste the tin foil tonight, I shouldn't have put the fork in the wall socket.

10-27-09, 00:53
Dude, did you use a lot of solvent based paint in a small room today?

10-27-09, 00:54
Did the Soviet Union actually lose the Cold War, or did they merely plant the Socialist seed in several youths and provide them the tools to flourish. We always thought that Reagan beat The BEAR, but BEARs hibernate don't they. Then they wake, it has only begun.

What if those in power that are towing the far left line are Soviet plants whose main goal is to turn the United States over to Socialism?

I can taste the tin foil tonight, I shouldn't have put the fork in the wall socket.

You have got to be kidding me. I love this site.

Your totally on to something. Obama was actually bio-engineered as a clone of a combination of Stalin, Castro, and Mugabe's DNA. Created in a test tube in Moscow, he was surgically implanted into the uterus of a woman in Africa on her way to Hawaii. Later, when the old grape stain (Gorbachev) was embracing capitalism, Putin was secretly implanting genetically engineered people that had gone through Communist Baby Camps in Poland into various universities around the country.

The capitalist cocaine crazed 80's were actually a Communist plot orchestrated by Fidel in order to cover all of this up. The bad music, the hair, the horrible clothes were all created by Kim Jong Ill in his bizarre idea of a contribution.

Gay people were imported from France in the 60's by a radical Socialist Trade Union in order to create a culture ripe for the taking by the time the 80's rolled around.

Bill Clinton was actually trained in China under Mao and was placed in Alabama as this would be the least likely place for a Communist Death Ninja to come from. Waco Texas, combined with the AWB were just tests for what has become the ultimate plan for global domination, all of which is coming to fruition as we speak!

Be afraid, be very afraid.

Amazing, absolutely amazing...

10-27-09, 02:00
Finally someone gets my paranoid ramblings. I hear sheep........

10-27-09, 02:18

Don't forget the hippies.

10-27-09, 02:21
Damn Tree Huggers.:mad:

10-27-09, 02:47
"We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism,
but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism,
until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism."

Quote by Nikita Khrushchev
(1894-1971) Premier of the Soviet Union

10-27-09, 10:09
Enjoy. There's a bunch of these. ;)


10-27-09, 19:57
As the Soviet Union no longer exists, I'm going to say that they lost the Cold War.

10-27-09, 20:33
As the Soviet Union no longer exists, I'm going to say that they lost the Cold War.

;) good one

10-27-09, 22:15
As the Soviet Union no longer exists, I'm going to say that they lost the Cold War.

You're one of them aren't you?! ;) lol j/k

10-28-09, 00:27
Yes, the Soviet Union lost the Cold War.

However, the USSR was most definitley NOT the only habitat of communism, which survives to this day.

I highly doubt that the socialists/communists in the US are USSR plants. They are, however, true believers in socialism/communism and do everything in their power to spread their political beliefs. You see, the Soviet Union didn't need plants when their were very willing idiots who believed in Communism.