View Full Version : Fall Of The Republic -AJ- Documentary

10-27-09, 02:42
the new film from Alex Jones of www.infowars.com chronicling the fall of our beloved republic.

Watch the Full HQ Version of Fall of The Republic Here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VebOTc-7shU)

10-28-09, 15:50
92 views so far and nobody has anything to say? did you watch it and what do you think? im actually very interested in hearing what people have to say about this subject.

10-28-09, 16:00
Yeah, I have one thing... Alex Jones is a whack job, and if I never have to read another thread with his drivel in it, I will be a happy man.;)

You asked...

10-28-09, 16:17
yes i did ask haha. and i agree in many ways he is a whack job in that he yells and screams and gets pissed. but thats no reason to cast off his information and the statements of the people in his documentaries. i would like to know what you think about the actual information contained in the movie not what you think about alex as a person :)

10-28-09, 19:51
I watched it. While Alex Jones is a bit "animated" sometimes, and there are plenty of exaggerations and factual inaccuracies he comes up with sometimes, I think he does make some good points about many things. The thing I think is crazy is that anyone could think the government can get this much wrong, every single year, and to continue to erode our rights and national sovereignty, and to continue moving towards a socialistic one world government hell-hole......and to think it is all just one big convenient accident. That's what I call crazy. ;)