View Full Version : Leader of radical Islam group killed in raid

10-28-09, 18:28

DETROIT – A man described as a leader of a radical Sunni Islam group was fatally shot Wednesday afternoon while resisting arrest and exchanging gunfire with federal agents, authorities said.

Agents at a warehouse in Dearborn were trying to arrest Luqman Ameen Abdullah, 53, on charges that included conspiracy to sell stolen goods and illegal possession and sale of firearms. Abdullah and 10 others were listed in a criminal complaint, but it was not immediately clear how many were in custody.

He refused to surrender, fired a weapon and was killed by gunfire from agents, FBI spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold said.

In a court filing, the FBI said Abdullah, also known as Christopher Thomas, was an imam, or prayer leader, of a radical group whose primary mission is to establish an Islamic state within the United States.

"He regularly preaches anti-government and anti-law enforcement rhetoric," FBI agent Gary Leone said in an affidavit. "Abdullah and his followers have trained regularly in the use of firearms, and continue to train in martial arts and sword fighting."

Leone said members of the national group mostly are black and some converted to Islam while in prisons across the United States.

"Abdullah preaches that every Muslim should have a weapon, and should not be scared to use their weapon when needed," Leone wrote.

The group believes that a separate Islamic state in the U.S. would be controlled by Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rapp Brown, who is serving a life sentence in a federal prison in Colorado for shooting two police officers in Georgia in 2000, Leone said.

Imad Hamad, regional director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee in Dearborn, said he was briefed by the FBI and told the raids were the result of a two-year investigation.

"We know that this is not something to be projected as something against Muslims," Hamad said.

An FBI dog was also killed during the shootout, the U.S. attorney's office said.

Oscar 319
10-28-09, 19:04
An FBI dog was also killed during the shootout, the U.S. attorney's office said.

RIP to the FBI K9.

10-28-09, 19:08
The thread of this story could unwind a jihadi network sweater. Will be interesting to follow this one.

10-28-09, 19:10
RIP to the FBI K9.

That was the saddest part of the whole story.;)

10-28-09, 19:33
From the same story linked above:

"Abdullah's mosque is in a brick duplex on a quiet, residential street in Detroit. A sign on the door in English and Arabic reads, in part, "There is no God but Allah."

Several men congregated on the porch Wednesday night and subsequently attacked a photographer from The Detroit News who was taking pictures from across the street. Ricardo Thomas had his camera equipment smashed and had a bloody lip from the attack."

10-28-09, 19:41
Good!:D That the badguy is dead, Bad that a K9 passed. The K9 and his handler will be in my prayers tonight. The BG, may he rot in Hell for eternity.

10-28-09, 19:43
I'm sorry to hear about the K-9. :(

My condolenses go out to his partner.

10-28-09, 19:43
Good riddance to the POS.

10-28-09, 20:33
I hope the others resist, as long as no more good guys and good dogs don't get hurt or killed, prayers to K-9 handler, Whats up with all the felons training with guns arrest them

10-28-09, 20:52
Christopher Thomas?....WTF, was this guy also a prsion convert?

10-28-09, 21:31
RIP to the Dog.

Oh almighty God,
whose great power and eternal
wisdom embraces the universe,
watch over my handler while I sleep.
Protect my handler from harm
while I am unable to do so.
I pray, help keep our streets and homes
safe while my handler and I rest.
I ask for your loving care because
my handler's duty is dangerous.
Grant my handler your unending strength
and courage in our daily assignments.
Dear God,
protect my brave handler,
grant your almighty protection,
unite my handler safely with the family
after the tour of duty has ended.
I ask nothing for myself.

10-28-09, 21:54
Christopher Thomas?....WTF, was this guy also a prsion convert?

Most likely, yes. AQ is actively pursuing this. They need US born Americans with normal American credentials, even if they have criminal backgrounds.

Look for more of this in the future.....

10-28-09, 22:25
Alright, I realize we are at war with a group of fundamentalists right now, and I take that into consideration, but I really have to bring a few things up with everyone. Things that I think are worth at least discussing. This case is based on the FBI using these peoples use of our Bill of Rights. The only real crime that seems to have been broken under US federal law is when the Imam shot at the agent. Which means the warrant was served simply because these people fit the mold/archetype of our current enemy.

For example

In a court filing, the FBI said Abdullah, also known as Christopher Thomas, was an imam, or prayer leader, of a radical group whose primary mission is to establish an Islamic state within the United States.

There are tons of groups in the U.S. that want to start a "enter doctrine/race here" state in the United States.

"He regularly preaches anti-government and anti-law enforcement rhetoric," FBI agent Gary Leone said in an affidavit.

This happens every day on this forum, and in the greater U.S. The shear amount of anti Obama rhetoric on M4 is a perfect example.

Abdullah and his followers have trained regularly in the use of firearms, and continue to train in martial arts and sword fighting."

Isn't there any entire section of the forum dedicated to this?

Look my point is not to pick a fight, it's to try and slow everything down a little bit so that we can start to look at the possible implications of some of these recent terrorist arrests that are happening around the country. The more I read, the more I learn that a lot of the justification being used by the federal government in regards to recent arrests in the war on terror are things like: "He talked bad about the governmet. He was a devout Muslim. He trained with a gun. He owned a gun".

Do we all realize that the language of these cases is easily reversed? That the government could simply change it's direction and use the exact same justification to arrest pretty much every person on this page? Hell I know for a fact that if "training in the use of firearms" is a crime worthy of the government entering my house, then I am very very guilty of that crime.

It is important that we watch, and remain vigilant that our rights as American's are not discarded in our rush for justice.

10-28-09, 22:42
charges that included conspiracy to sell stolen goods and illegal possession and sale of firearms.

You missed that part.

10-28-09, 22:45
You missed that part.

Fair I only used the part of the article posted in the thread. But it is still worth noting the actual language being used by the FBI agent in regards to the justification for the raid.

Gator Monroe
10-28-09, 22:47
RIP to the FBI K9.

+1:( Ditto!

10-29-09, 00:14
"charges that included conspiracy to sell stolen goods and illegal possession and sale of firearms. "

Yup you forgot that part a very very important part. If there was no conspiracy to sell and illegal posession of firearms (by folks who were already in prison) the FBI would not have been involved.

Yes we are at war, I can not abide by felons with firearms.

You don't get to change the facts and then debate the job done with certain sentances removed.

10-29-09, 07:45
Isn't there any entire section of the forum dedicated to this?

...and yet none of us are dying in shootouts with the FBI. Makes one wonder if perhaps there was more to that raid than just the FBI hearing a sermon they didn't like and deciding to kick some ass, don't it?

10-29-09, 08:15
I'm sorry to hear about the K-9. :(

My condolenses go out to his partner.

Yep...I'm sure said partner is hurting. Gotta love them 4 legged hero's.

Didn't take long did it?? The comments which boil down to racial profiling is pure crap...no credit given to the two year investigation or leo defending themselves.

10-29-09, 10:06
I just read about this and didn't see this on CNN or Fox. Be safe.

10-30-09, 00:50

Savior 6
10-30-09, 03:27
Leone said members of the national group mostly are black and some converted to Islam while in prisons across the United States.

The very reason Gitmo should not be closed.

10-30-09, 09:44
Alright, I realize we are at war with a group of fundamentalists right now, and I take that into consideration, but I really have to bring a few things up with everyone. Things that I think are worth at least discussing. This case is based on the FBI using these peoples use of our Bill of Rights. The only real crime that seems to have been broken under US federal law is when the Imam shot at the agent. Which means the warrant was served simply because these people fit the mold/archetype of our current enemy.

Look my point is not to pick a fight, it's to try and slow everything down a little bit so that we can start to look at the possible implications of some of these recent terrorist arrests that are happening around the country. The more I read, the more I learn that a lot of the justification being used by the federal government in regards to recent arrests in the war on terror are things like: "He talked bad about the governmet. He was a devout Muslim. He trained with a gun. He owned a gun".

Do we all realize that the language of these cases is easily reversed? That the government could simply change it's direction and use the exact same justification to arrest pretty much every person on this page? Hell I know for a fact that if "training in the use of firearms" is a crime worthy of the government entering my house, then I am very very guilty of that crime.

It is important that we watch, and remain vigilant that our rights as American's are not discarded in our rush for justice.

Ok. Lets hold Obama and Holder responsible. Afterall its their FBI now isn't it?
Or should Bush be blamed for this too? :rolleyes:

10-30-09, 16:39
Ok. Lets hold Obama and Holder responsible. Afterall its their FBI now isn't it?
Or should Bush be blamed for this too? :rolleyes:

