View Full Version : Gun Pal???

10-29-09, 10:25
Anyone know anything about this?



10-29-09, 10:29
First time that I hear of this. Sounds very interesting. Definitely a plus in regards to firearm related transactions and a obvious shot at Paypal's ridiculous anti-gun stance.

10-29-09, 10:29
maybe picking up where gearpay left off?

10-29-09, 10:45
See this thread at Calguns.net for info and background.


There is a lot of pro 2A activity going on in California these days by a group of smart and dedicated folks both in the courts and private sector.

10-29-09, 10:48
Wonder if PayPal will sue under some sort of brand confusion trademark issue. Believe I came across a post on Lightfighter announcing that this new venture was live. If it pans out, a welcome alternative, but having been burned by PayPal before in an attempt to recover $400 from someone who never delivered the goods purchased, I'm pretty skeptical of using any of these online payment services.

10-29-09, 10:49
Yup. We have plenty of good people behind enemy lines on the Left Coast. We don't all get to choose our AO, but we definitely have a choice to fight...

10-29-09, 10:59
i just joined

10-29-09, 12:53
Just heard of its existence over on another forum but nave not heard anything about it... definitely sparked interest!

Jay Cunningham
10-29-09, 15:36
Just saw that today myself and was wondering the same thing...

10-29-09, 15:49
I got an email solicitation from them. I think because I am registered at CalGuns.

I will wait and see what their fees are -- I will not pay more than I pay for my CC now -- and wait to see how stable they are and popular they are...

10-30-09, 11:51
I have signed up and will be accepting payment via them. I will report any issues that I may run into.

If we do not support companies that are sticking their necks our for the gun community, then we will all go down together.


Jay Cunningham
10-30-09, 11:55
I have signed up and will be accepting payment via them. I will report any issues that I may run into.

If we do not support companies that are sticking their necks our for the gun community, then we will all go down together.


That is enough motivation for me - I will sign up with them also... PayPal can blow me.

10-30-09, 12:01
This isn't the one GunsAmerica is sponsoring, is it? I won't work with GunsAmerica if I can help it.

10-30-09, 12:05
I have signed up and will be accepting payment via them. I will report any issues that I may run into.

If we do not support companies that are sticking their necks our for the gun community, then we will all go down together.


Thanks Grant...I quit using ebay quite a while ago because of their practices.

Hope it goes smoothly. Would be nice to see gunbroker and other suppliers pick up the ball and run with this too.

10-30-09, 12:09
I joined yesterday as well. Just waiting for the two small deposits to complete it.

I guess I've been lucky with PayPal I've never been screwed by them or by deals through them. But because of the stance on several things including guns they can continue sucking the ball sack of the mainstream media. Sorry just watched Transformers 2 again. lol

I'm hoping GunPal takes off because I'd use them over PayPal in a heartbeat. Plus you can choose who to donate to. However I did not see some sort of pro 2A or gun right groups on the list in the email. I have not been able to choose my donation group yet but they made mention you can make suggestions. I'm hoping after I confirm my bank account I can pick who I donate to.

10-30-09, 12:21
I have signed up and will be accepting payment via them. I will report any issues that I may run into.

If we do not support companies that are sticking their necks our for the gun community, then we will all go down together.


Couldn't agree more and hope they can carry the torch so to speak. Seems like a great useful resource with so many internet transactions going on in the gun community nowadays.

10-30-09, 12:26
This isn't the one GunsAmerica is sponsoring, is it? I won't work with GunsAmerica if I can help it.

Not that I am aware of.


10-30-09, 12:31
Just checked out their fees. They charge 2.8% +.30 cents.

PP charges 2.9% + .30 cents.

They also donate a portion of the transaction fees to the NRA (if you choose them).


10-30-09, 12:39
Its hard to tell, besides the name, that they are pro-gun.

10-30-09, 14:41
This is great news. It is always good to see an alternative to PayPal, especially when dealing with firearms.

10-30-09, 14:42
This is great news. It is always good to see an alternative to PayPal, especially when dealing with firearms and parts.

10-30-09, 15:04
hmmmm, i like the idea. reviews once people start making and receiving payments??

10-30-09, 15:27
im signed up, will use with my gunbroker auctions.

10-30-09, 15:33
Just checked out their fees. They charge 2.8% +.30 cents.

PP charges 2.9% + .30 cents.

I wonder if they have a high volume business rate. PP (not that I use them) offers better rates for high volume customers. Around 2.2% plus 30 cents.

I guess I will email and find out.

Also note that their rate on under $10 transactions is 4.8% plus 30 cents


10-30-09, 21:20
Here's a post on another site.

HEALDSBURG, CA – October 29, 2009 (For Immediate Release)

“GUNPAL, Inc. is a transaction-neutral online payments platform with a philanthropic spirit,” announces Founder/CEO Ben Cannon. "It is also the first serious competitor for PayPal Inc."

A percentage of each transaction is donated to a selected charity at no additional cost to the user. The initial list of organizations includes the American Red Cross, American Cancer Society, and the Supercomputing Disease Research Center. Users can also suggest charities for consideration.

An avid supporter of constitutional rights, Cannon created a discrimination-free online payments application, starting with the recognition of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

Prohibited by PayPal's "Acceptable Use Policy", the $3 billion firearms and accessories industry has adopted GUNPAL as the payments platform of choice. “Firearms can only be sold by licensed dealers. GUNPAL is more convenient than other forms of payment as its comprehensive transaction tracking system is secure and reliable for our audits,” says Mitchel Chapman of WBtactical.com, a licensed firearms dealer.

An estimated one hundred million firearm owners nationwide now have a platform with which they can trade ammunition, scopes, and other accessories securely and hassle-free. As a socially responsible company, GUNPAL directs its firearm buyers to government documentation on current firearm laws and regulations and will provide licensed dealer listings by buyers' zip codes in a future release. Having dominated the firearms niche, GUNPAL is already targeting other under-served markets with several new projects under way.

With every line of code written in-house, most of the engineering effort has been dedicated to fraud prevention. GUNPAL’s unique anti-fraud and anti-phishing systems take a finer-toothed comb through customer data for maximum privacy and security. Reduced fraud cuts operating costs resulting in lower fees for most common transactions as compared to PAYPAL. Cannon's first company, GeoVario, LLC, was the natural choice for web-hosting services.

Founded in 2004, GUNPAL is a transaction-neutral online payment system that allows easy transfer of funds to anyone with an email address. Privately funded, GUNPAL has revolutionized the transfer of money with its pro-constitutional voice, unique anti-fraud approach, and philanthropic spirit. The company is expected to expand its services internationally in the near future.

For further information and questions, please contact pr@gunpal.net or visit http://www.gunpal.net

Also please feel free to use this image and link to http://www.gunpal.net on your websites!

10-31-09, 01:00
Owner is a straight up individual....!

10-31-09, 16:38
Its hard to tell, besides the name, that they are pro-gun.

The owner of Gunpal, Ben Cannon/Geovario also hosts Calguns and works with the Calguns Foundation l originates from is as Pro Gun as you can get... :D

11-03-09, 16:04
Hi guys, I even post here! ;)

Though I'm spread pretty thin these days, I want to give more of a personal touch to what can be a dry business. So, I will try to answer questions here as best as I can.

In the meantime, please check out GUNPAL and the people behind it, and I hope you consider signing up!


11-03-09, 16:19
as much as I dislike PP (and use them once in a blue moon), when i was going through the process for GP, it required that i either link a cc or my account information. As PP has shown, once you link your account, then issues can spread from PP conflicts, into your account. Currently my PP is stand alone; yes it slows things down, but it also isolates them from my primary financial operations.

GP has potential, but as long as they require either my cc or account numbers, I won't utilize them.

11-03-09, 16:22
as much as I dislike PP (and use them once in a blue moon), when i was going through the process for GP, it required that i either link a cc or my account information. As PP has shown, once you link your account, then issues can spread from PP conflicts, into your account. Currently my PP is stand alone; yes it slows things down, but it also isolates them from my primary financial operations.

GP has potential, but as long as they require either my cc or account numbers, I won't utilize them.

The main issue with PP and a personal bank account really has to do with the fact that if PP catches you selling gun parts, they lock your account and money in your PP account. This is a no go for most of us.

Since GunPal is gun parts friendly, no one should really ever have these issues.

So I would not be concerned about adding a CC or bank account to your GunPal account.


11-03-09, 16:28
The main issue with PP and a personal bank account really has to do with the fact that if PP catches you selling gun parts, they lock your account and money in your PP account. This is a no go for most of us.

Since GunPal is gun parts friendly, no one should really ever have these issues.

So I would not be concerned about adding a CC or bank account to your GunPal account.


The "gun parts" issue is part of it. but once your account is linked, PP can put restrictions on your account, if a financial transaction is being disputed and one side claims you owe money. Office co-worker was pissed when his account had a lock put on it for $350 that was in dispute; took nearly a week before he could access that $350.

11-03-09, 16:41
All I can say about that is "welcome to the wonderful world of retail sales!"

Meaning that whenever the customer believes that he was frauded in some way, they can file a complaint w/ their CC company (or PP which is acting as such) and put a hold on your money or reverse the money given to you.

My suggestion is to only receive money via money orders and then just pay for items with a CC. Then you do not have to include you bank account and can still use GP to pay for things.


The "gun parts" issue is part of it. but once your account is linked, PP can put restrictions on your account, if a financial transaction is being disputed and one side claims you owe money. Office co-worker was pissed when his account had a lock put on it for $350 that was in dispute; took nearly a week before he could access that $350.

11-03-09, 19:11
CEO- Ben Cannon aka. artherd, mod on THR.us
Board of Advisors- Oleg Volk owner of THR

Sounds like a good company to me.

11-04-09, 10:39
Grant, you should head on over to Calguns and let everyone there know that you'll be accepting Gunpal. Those guys will all jump to support your business.

11-04-09, 10:46
Grant, you should head on over to Calguns and let everyone there know that you'll be accepting Gunpal. Those guys will all jump to support your business.

Just jumped in there.


11-04-09, 12:57
"Thankyou for your interest in GUNPAL.

Unfortunately due to regulations, the GUNPAL service is only available in a certain number of States at the present time. We are working hard to expand our availability. If you would like to submit this form we will send you an email when our services are available to you. GUNPAL is committed to protecting your privacy, we will never share your information with anyone, please refer to our privacy policy for further information."

:( Awe...

11-04-09, 13:12
All I can say about that is "welcome to the wonderful world of retail sales!"

Meaning that whenever the customer believes that he was frauded in some way, they can file a complaint w/ their CC company (or PP which is acting as such) and put a hold on your money or reverse the money given to you.

My suggestion is to only receive money via money orders and then just pay for items with a CC. Then you do not have to include you bank account and can still use GP to pay for things.


If a person links their real bank account with PP or GP or any other service, they are a fool. With PP I had an account linked that is not used for anything else and always has a 0 balance. Anytime someone pays me with PP I move the money out immediately. There is nothing they can lock up. Money came out of PP as soon as it was paid and moved from the bank account as soon as it arrived. PP try to withdraw money from account would fail in most cases and I would file a fraud claim against them if they tried.

Now, PP canceled my account due to having so-called hi-cap magazines on my website, so it is academic now, but the wife's PP account is set up the same way just in case.

11-04-09, 13:49
If a person links their real bank account with PP or GP or any other service, they are a fool. With PP I had an account linked that is not used for anything else and always has a 0 balance. Anytime someone pays me with PP I move the money out immediately. There is nothing they can lock up. Money came out of PP as soon as it was paid and moved from the bank account as soon as it arrived. PP try to withdraw money from account would fail in most cases and I would file a fraud claim against them if they tried.

Now, PP canceled my account due to having so-called hi-cap magazines on my website, so it is academic now, but the wife's PP account is set up the same way just in case.

This is certainly an option. Most people (unless you are a business) do not want to setup bank accounts just for PP or GP.

Let us also NOT lump GP with PP in how they resolve disputs. PP has a KNOWN track record for pissing off gun owners. GunPal does not. ;)


11-04-09, 14:08
This is certainly an option. Most people (unless you are a business) do not want to setup bank accounts just for PP or GP.

I did not mean to imply criticism of your post Grant. It was right on.

If you bank at a CU, most CUs allow you to easily set up another suffix account which is a separate account but attached to the same main one. Just mentioning this for the CU users out there. Maybe banks offer the same service, I don't know. I have not used a bank in 15 years.

Let us also NOT lump GP with PP in how they resolve disputs. PP has a KNOWN track record for pissing off gun owners. GunPal does not. ;)


I don't think GP will adopt policies meant to piss off gun owners. However, GP will run across the same situations, regardless of the product, where someone claims something was not received or is not as advertised. GP will have to do something. It may end up being similar to what PP does which is yank the money or freeze the account. So it wise to protect yourself no matter which payment service you use. Don't give them direct access to any account you use for real money... And for those people out there still using PP it is a real warning! ;)

I hope GP succeeds. My only "problem" is that their fees are much higher than I pay for direct CC processing most of the time (depending on what sort of CC etc).

I certainly respect those pro-gun rights people out there who are working to help.

11-04-09, 14:12
I hope GP succeeds. My only "problem" is that their fees are much higher than I pay for direct CC processing most of the time (depending on what sort of CC etc).

I certainly respect those pro-gun rights people out there who are working to help.

They advised me that they are going to offer a business account so we should see the fees come down for business.

My main CC fees (through my website) are very low, but am willing to pay higher ones for use with auction sites simply for the ease of use.


11-04-09, 15:59
They advised me that they are going to offer a business account so we should see the fees come down for business.

Good news! Thanks for the info.

02-09-10, 22:19
So has anyone used it yet? I just put up an auction up on Auction Arms and saw that it was an option for payment.

02-09-10, 23:09
I've used it a couple of times already. Worked great it's now my preferred way of payment.


02-10-10, 08:02
gunpal was created by Calguns people, I think.

02-10-10, 08:49
We have been using this for awhile now. No issues.

GTG in my book.


02-10-10, 10:57
Good to know. I will sign up.

02-10-10, 21:39
Good to know. I will sign up.


02-10-10, 21:52
I signed up for it and it has worked fine.

02-10-10, 22:36
I joined today and so far so good.

02-11-10, 09:13
I joined today and so far so good.

You should see how well it works by sendind me some money.:D