View Full Version : Surefire combat weapons tactics

10-30-09, 08:34
Ok shameless plug.

My first article has been printed on last years Vickers class i took in AZ

10-30-09, 12:33
Congrats on the publication. Aaaaand where would one go to find said article? :cool:

10-30-09, 12:54
Congrats on the publication. Aaaaand where would one go to find said article? :cool:

The Surefire Combat and TActics magazine. I usually see issues on the shelves of Wal-Mart, Borders, and Books-a-Million

10-30-09, 13:07
Thanks NC. Didn't know about that magazine and will have to check it out. Congrats again to Steve.

10-30-09, 13:36
Thanks NC. Didn't know about that magazine and will have to check it out. Congrats again to Steve.

No problem. I believe it is published quarterly.

10-30-09, 13:53
Congrats Steve, I'll make sure to grab a copy. :cool:

10-30-09, 13:58
I'm usually skeptical about magazines published by industry manufacturers, but I really like Combat Tactics. Wish it was more than quarterly.
I'll look for the article!

10-30-09, 14:34
Damn, yet another one without the followup to my last article for them. Nuts. Gotta get that photo shoot done :p

Congrats Steve! I'll keep an eye out for it!

10-30-09, 15:41
Just picked up a copy. As always, nice photos.
I'm working a special event tonight; saving the reading for stand down time.

10-30-09, 19:23
Thanks Guys.

Rob as always great reading your articles.

10-30-09, 19:37
Dude, congrats! I love that magazine.

10-30-09, 19:50
More to come I hope

10-30-09, 20:29
Ok shameless plug.

My first article has been printed on last years Vickers class i took in AZ

Hey dude that's great!! I'll see if I can find one around here to check out the pictures.:D

10-30-09, 21:01
Congrats big man. I'll stop by wally world and see if I can get a copy tomorrow.

With all this publicity you're sure to make the movies soon....:D

10-30-09, 23:44
Ok shameless plug.

My first article has been printed on last years Vickers class i took in AZ

Picked it up on my way back into town tonight. I'll give it a read but I'm sure it's a good one. Congrats!

I did already scavange the pics and me likey!!! :cool:

10-31-09, 13:52
Great job on the article!
Class review, equipment info, photos, all top notch
Makes me eager to get to a Vickers class.

10-31-09, 15:19
One of the nice things about Combat Tactics is that they let you go a little long, which means you can be more comprehensive in what you write. I'm limited to 2000 and sometimes less in other publications which can make it hard to get everything squeezed in. Not a problem, typically, with CT.

Some will criticize it as a "magalog", but I think it's the best of that genre for sure, and a damn bit better than many of the magazines without an advertiser's name on the front.

10-31-09, 15:26
Some will criticize it as a "magalog", but I think it's the best of that genre for sure, and a damn bit better than many of the magazines without an advertiser's name on the front.

Bingo. I limit myself to CT, SWAT, and NTOA's journal. Any other good ones I should be looking for?

10-31-09, 18:47
One of the nice things about Combat Tactics is that they let you go a little long, which means you can be more comprehensive in what you write. I'm limited to 2000 and sometimes less in other publications which can make it hard to get everything squeezed in. Not a problem, typically, with CT.

Some will criticize it as a "magalog", but I think it's the best of that genre for sure, and a damn bit better than many of the magazines without an advertiser's name on the front.

Agreed I was given 2500-3k words if i wished...

10-31-09, 19:13
Bingo. I limit myself to CT, SWAT, and NTOA's journal. Any other good ones I should be looking for?

I'm the same but I also get Command, which is the publication for Texas Tactical Police Officers Association (see sig line).

I'm always on the lookout for a good read. I had hopes for Tactical Weapons but it seems to have gone the way that so many others have.

10-31-09, 19:19
About time it came out...!

Congrats again Steve!

Ed L.
10-31-09, 19:51
Just got done reading it.

Excellent article, Steve.

11-01-09, 18:46
Just read it myself. Good stuff there, rock star. :p

11-02-09, 03:07
Just read it myself. Good stuff there, rock star. :p

Dont make me slap you Mac......

11-02-09, 07:41
Read it yesterday in the grocery.:D


How did you manage to get the EOTAC ad on the same page as your article?

Way to go!

11-02-09, 11:15
paul call me this week I'm in az at superdave