View Full Version : Need help with trigger guard, please.

10-30-09, 20:29
This may be a silly question that has probably been asked and answered many times before, sorry, but I couldn't find the information I was looking for.

Anyway, I want to replace the factory trigger guard on my rifle with a new Magpul trigger guard. What is the easiest way to remove the old trigger guard without screwing up anything?

10-30-09, 20:38
1/8" punch and small hammer.
Block of wood with about a 3/16 or 1/4 inch hole drilled through it.
Play around with laying the receiver on the block of wood so that the wood is against the little "ears" where the rear of the trigger guard is attached and drill the above hole so that it is below the pin.
Drive out the pin.


Hopefully this link will work.

Brownell's Trigger Guard Video (http://www.brownells.com/.aspx/lid=11638/learn/)

10-30-09, 20:40
It’s important to support the trigger guard receiver ears during installation and removal of the trigger guard roll pins. If care is not taken, the ears can snap off.

My method of removal:

Drill a small hole in a block of wood (2X4). Place the lower with the trigger guard roll pin directly over the hole in the wood block. As the roll pin is tapped out, the hole in the wood block will capture it as it falls free.

ETA: Looks like I was beat to it. I may still have my illustration from TOS. Let me look......
ETA II: Must have lost my illustration when my old PC crashed. Looks like I have a new project.

10-30-09, 20:57
What's that old saying?
Oh yeah, great minds think alike. :D

10-30-09, 21:04
What's that old saying?
Oh yeah, great minds think alike. :D


10-30-09, 22:03
That is how I figured I should do it, but wanted to make sure.

Thank you guys!

10-31-09, 00:49
Can you do it from either side or is tapered?

10-31-09, 01:21
Can you do it from either side or is tapered?

Its just a straight roll pin so either side is fine.

10-31-09, 01:33
Its just a straight roll pin so either side is fine.

......and the front is held in with a detent.

I’ve read where some folks have mistaken the trigger guard detent for a roll pin or blind pin, and have questioned its removal wondering how it is tapped out.

11-02-09, 19:37
If you hit it and it bounces back...
hit it and it bounces back...
hit it and it bounces back...
You're at the wrong end of the trigger guard. :D
I would LOVE to see that video. :p

11-02-09, 21:11
If you hit it and it bounces back...
hit it and it bounces back...
hit it and it bounces back...
You're at the wrong end of the trigger guard. :D
I would LOVE to see that video. :p

Hey, believe it or not....LOL, there have been folks who've tried it!

11-02-09, 21:28
I've done something just as dumb.

About a month ago at work I tried to separate three 2x4s that were nailed together.
I was not there when they were nailed together and did not see how it was done. <- this is important
What had been done was one laid on a flatbed trailer (wooden deck) and nailed down.
Next one laid down on top of that and nailed down; third the same way.
Nails were driven in in a small "group", to use a local term, every 15 inches or so.
Eight foot boards.
So...., one nail head showing on top and one nail sticking out the bottom and located in close enough proximity to not draw attention to the fact that they were separate nails.
I tried to whack on the pointy end to drive them out a bit so that I could use a pry bar to remove them.
I beat and pounded and cussed and whacked and smacked and swore and those f'ing nail heads would NOT budge away from the boards.
I pounded and pounded and the nails went back into the boards and flipping disappeared and the damned boards would NOT come apart.
I was starting to think they were epoxied together, but could not figure out how all the nails somehow bent in the middle and how I was pounding them into a "U" shape inside the boards.
I was getting a bit more than just a little pissed.
I finally went and got a bigger hammer and just started beating the shit out the farging things and started to get a couple to come apart and saw how they put together.
Made me glad no one was around to watch me.