View Full Version : Caught on camera: naked love rival flees furious husband

11-03-09, 02:09

Caught on camera: naked love rival flees furious husband
A naked man who climbed out of a window and hid on the ledge to escape his lover's furious husband has been caught on camera.

Published: 2:31PM GMT 31 Oct 2009

Love cheat Sun Meng has been given the cold shoulder by his community after pictures of him cowering naked on an air conditioner were posted online by a furious husband. Photo: CEN Sun Meng has been given the cold shoulder by his community after the extraordinary picture of him cowering naked outside the flat were posted on the internet.

The terrified 25-year-old fled from the balcony window when he was caught in bed with the man's wife at the married couple's flat in Chengdu, central China.

They show Sun perched on the first floor ledge while his lover is confronted by her un-named husband inside.

"My family is ashamed and none of my own neighbours will talk to me any more," said Sun.

"I know what I did was wrong but I was afraid he would kill me.

"People are even laughing at how I look naked - but I have to point out it was a very cold day," he added.

Chengdu, capital of the Sichuan province in south-western China, has a population of about 11 million.

In 2003, the Chinese government relaxed its traditional hold over the private lives of its subjects by allowing them to marry without the permission of their bosses.

The government published three lengthy documents dealing with marriage laws and population control.

I always suggest using the 'It's cold' line, even if it isn't. Keep them guessing.

11-03-09, 06:58
Ya just cant make this stuff up...:eek:

11-03-09, 08:25
"I was in the pool! I was in the pool!"

11-03-09, 10:20
"I was in the pool! I was in the pool!"

Shrinkage! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm3F9piwnTU) (from Seinfeld) :D

11-03-09, 17:05
"I was in the pool! I was in the pool!"

Like a frightened turtle! :D

11-04-09, 00:09
If I was standing on an air conditioning unit multiple floors up being threatened by another male, the last thing I would be thinking about would be the size of my penis. In fact, I would be pretty resigned to the fact that it would most likely be turtled up...:)

That photo is too funny!

11-04-09, 22:12
"In 2003, the Chinese government relaxed its traditional hold over the private lives of its subjects by allowing them to marry without the permission of their bosses."

The stuff brainwashed liberal college students overlook when going on bashfests on how America is so evil and wrong.

11-05-09, 11:57
A wise monkey never monkeys with another monkey's monkey ;)