View Full Version : Did some interior decorating

11-09-09, 21:32
decided I wanted a peep hole going from my room, thru my sisters and into the outside wall....

Yes ppl, I had a AD. I was racking the slide with my left hand when the 2 fingers that are broken got bumped. Caused me to slip and start dropping my 1911, which when I grabbed it, I grabbed it wrong, with my finger into the trigger guard, which proceeded to put a nice .45 hole thru my walls and my sisters bedroom door.... which was open(only reason it hit the door)..... Luckily my sister no longer lives here(at college), and I was the only one home other than my mom..... who was freaked the hell out, like myself.....

less learned..... dont use a hand with broken fingers to wrack a slide..... just glad I didnt shoot myself.....and that my mom was upstairs.....

Pics coming soon.....

Start to finish:

11-09-09, 21:42
just be glad no one as hurt and im sure you learned a lesson....

And since Im your "real world friend", i feel ok saying this.. DUMBASS!!! haha

11-09-09, 21:44
yea yea.... im gonna catch helllllll for this one.....

next time your over, ill have to let you check that out. Im not fixing the hole in my room as a reminder to never do that again....

11-09-09, 21:46
make sure you look at it every morning when you wake up....

11-09-09, 21:48
hey thank god no body was hurt. just chalk it up lesson learned ( the hard way):eek:

diving dave
11-09-09, 21:49
Glad nobody got an owie! We have had more that a few AD's at my PD, usually glocks at the cleaning table . This past week my wife and I did a one day basic handgun with Louie Awerbuck. Some knucklehead behind us on the line was fiddling with his 1911 just alittle out of the holster....Bang, he plants one right into the concrete floor. I thought Louie was going to kill him. It bears repeating, no matter how long youuve been around guns, have to careful.

11-09-09, 21:52
that aint no shit. when i went to rack the slide to "clear" my 1911, idk what I did, but my the pain in my fingers was worse than when i actually broke them.... heard/felt a pop when I was about 1/4 of the way thru the rack of the slide. thats what made me start to drop the gun, then it was one of those fumble to grab it things before it hit the ground and i grabbed it, with my right hand. my middle finger went into the trigger, and my left hand(broken finger hand) went to secure it, i must have pushed forward enough that i pulled the trigger...... was one of those, did that seriously just happen.... as im going my fingers really hurt.... and staring at the hole....

11-09-09, 21:53
It bears repeating, no matter how long youuve been around guns, have to careful.

100% agreed.... i got careless....

11-09-09, 21:56
Lesson learned......let it hit the deck, don't snatch at it.

Glad no one was hurt!

11-09-09, 21:58
yea just and instinctive grab ya know?

heres the offenders to this unwanted but albeit complete redecorating....


11-09-09, 22:28
Lesson learned and thankfully no one was hurt (not in a building full of people) and that's the best part. Hope the fingers heal up good for future shooting.
Two guys at work had AD's a while back. 1.) AR while checking it outside a vehicle before putting it away, racked a round and sent it through the parking lot with employees coming and going on foot and by vehicle. 2.) Two individuals handed a Rem 870 loaded with a less-lethal rnd. from one set of hands to another with round chambered, safety off and bean bag went through some sheet rock in the office building. Thankfully no one was hurt in either incident.

11-09-09, 22:44
thanks. yea, hadn't cleaned my 1911 since the last time i shot it which was just over a month ago, so i was gonna take it out to the garage and give it a quick clean. guess thats what i get for 1. being in a hurry and 2. trying to rack the slide with the bad hand.

oh well, lesson learned..... just gotta fix a few holes and get a new door(good thing hollow core interior doors are relatively cheap)

11-09-09, 22:47
Good thing big slow 45s don't "over-penetrate"...


Glad everyone came out fine.


11-09-09, 22:58
thanks. yea, hadn't cleaned my 1911 since the last time i shot it which was just over a month ago, so i was gonna take it out to the garage and give it a quick clean. guess thats what i get for 1. being in a hurry and 2. trying to rack the slide with the bad hand.

oh well, lesson learned..... just gotta fix a few holes and get a new door(good thing hollow core interior doors are relatively cheap)

fix'em all but the entrance hole in your room, itll be a reminder and give your room a lil character, haha

11-09-09, 23:30
I agree with cschwanz, fix 'em but leave the hole in the room of the originating incident. Not to sound like a smart*ss, but you could sign and date it. They make us do that if we shoot a barricade at training. Just as a reminder...

11-09-09, 23:32
I have an uncle that was practicing his trigger squeeze while watching a movie, unfortunately he got a little too into his movie and forgot that he had placed the mag back in and racked it. A 9mm didn't make it all the way through a 27" tube television. Luckly he was home alone and nobody got hurt. strange thing was that nobody in the apt complex called the cops.....

11-09-09, 23:35
yea, that 45 didnt really have much to stop it. there was no stud behind it, just some drywall and wood paneling and a hollow core interior door. only thing that stopped it was it hit an exterior wall, which is concrete being that the bedrooms are in the basement of my house.

11-10-09, 00:34
I agree with cschwanz, fix 'em but leave the hole in the room of the originating incident. Not to sound like a smart*ss, but you could sign and date it. They make us do that if we shoot a barricade at training. Just as a reminder...

I love this idea. Glad to hear no one was hurt. Sometimes lessons learned the hard way are the best lessons to learn.

11-10-09, 01:12
Sucks, but at least nobody got hurt.

I read about the guy a few weeks(months?) ago that killed himself when he fumbled his gun and went to grab it and shot himself. I have since drilled into myself if I ever fumble a gun just to let it go, no matter what it is or how much it costs.

With that said are 1911's drop safe like a Glock or M&P? I would think yes, but with the hammer, I am not 100% sure since I am new to the platform.

11-10-09, 02:24
guess thats what i get for 1. being in a hurry and 2. trying to rack the slide with the bad hand.

3. Pointing the gun at a NON-backstop wall while working the action:eek:

Everytime I manipulate a loaded gun I think hard about where an AD, ND or weapon malfunction sent round would go.

I watched a "weapon failure" and the guy nearly lost his business and jewels because of where the gun was aiming.

God gave you a kind warning:p Be safe!

11-10-09, 02:35
This came up in another post, but I don't think I ever saw an answer. If you'd rather not pick a wall to potentially put a hole in with a ND or AD, what are the alternatives for a handgun bullet trap?

How much sand would you have to put in a 5 gallon plastic bucket to give you a safe area for when something goes wrong?

11-10-09, 02:55
For a handgun...say in an apartment...I would get a box or deep droor and put a stack of phone books in it and use that.

I believe Gunsite makes a special device for dryfiring or load/unload backstop just for this purpose.

Ed L.
11-10-09, 02:59
Glad no one got hurt.

I think the dangerous thing is that there is an instinct to grab anything we drop.

What round was it loaded with and how many walls did it go through and of what construction were they?

11-10-09, 03:44
Home depot has interior doors for $19.

11-10-09, 05:49
Good on you for accepting responsibility. :)

11-10-09, 07:41
Good on you for accepting responsibility. :)

And thank goodness no one was injured!

11-10-09, 08:36
well ya know, not really anyones fault but my own.... well except maybe my damn hand.... bad broken fingers bad.

It was loaded with 230gr Rem UMC FMJ that I use just for practice. Pretty damn impressed with those rounds after that. Although there was very little to stop it except the exterior basement wall it finally stopped in. Went thru 1 wall(both sides) and a door before entering the opposite wall and finally stopping about 4in in to it where the concrete is.

11-10-09, 09:51
As the saying goes: Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.

I know all about intinctive grabs, as I caught a hot soldering iron in high school. Some things shouldn't be caught.

+1 on signing and dating the hole. I have a .222 Rem case in my gun cabinet engraved with a date and location to serve as a reminder to not be stupid. I unzipped a soft case in the front rack on a friend's four wheeler, raised the rear of rifle out of the case, pushed the safety forward to open the bolt, and "POW". There was a hole through the rack on the front, shrapnel through the fendor, and a blown to hell soft case. Like you, I was lucky no one was hurt. That incident still gives me the hebe jebes when I think about it.

11-10-09, 10:22
You’re more of a man than me. I don’t think I would have had the guts to post it if it had happened to me.

Yes, I have had one AD in my life and the round went right between my friends legs. We were on the second floor of a motel and all I could think of was how I just shot some poor salesman lying in his bed in the room below us.

When I stuck my finger in the hole I was so relieved to feel concrete! Thankfully the carpet also caught the spawling.

Well over 10 years ago and it still haunts me. I know now what they mean when they say "your out running your head lights".

Glad to hear no one was hurt.

11-10-09, 11:21
Sucks, but at least nobody got hurt.

I read about the guy a few weeks(months?) ago that killed himself when he fumbled his gun and went to grab it and shot himself. I have since drilled into myself if I ever fumble a gun just to let it go, no matter what it is or how much it costs.

With that said are 1911's drop safe like a Glock or M&P? I would think yes, but with the hammer, I am not 100% sure since I am new to the platform.

Amen brother. Step back and let the sucker drop. No gun is worth your limb, life, or loved one.

Since you had the ND, that means that the hammer was already cocked when you grabbed it, therefore the gun was extremely unlikely to fire when dropped (hammer already in the cocked position, not making contact with the firing pin and not likely even if it fell on the cocked hammer, and grip safety disengaged).

I remember a story about a guy that decided to take his pistol (Glock) out of his holster and lay it on a stairwell handrail platform (first two bad moves). The thing fell and of course he grabbed for it and had an ND. Luckily I think no one was hurt.

p.s. thanks for sharing the story as it serves to make us all more vigilant.
p.s. II Wilson Combat has a "California Package". This entails a light titanium firing pin plus an extra strong firing pin spring and hammer spring (I think), which makes the gun "drop-safe" and meets California drop tests standards.

11-10-09, 11:33
Glad to hear nobody was hurt!! Don't think your alone . I've had 2 AD In my life. The first in the late 70's ( I think 1978) and the second one Nov. 2 2009. I left a peep hole out to the back 20.I'm in my 40's and you'd think I knew better but I have NO excuse. My wife is pissed ,I have a wall to fix, and at a point in my life i feel confident and the alpha of all alpha's. I'm back to 1'st class putz. Take care of yourself and all of those around you. G.B.

Outlander Systems
11-10-09, 12:15
There was a post here recently about an officer snatching at a dropped side iron and inadvertently shooting himself, IIRC.

"Let it go"

At leas nobody was injured.

Last night I had a ND with a knife. Wrong tool for the mission. I was trying to pop the belt-guard/retainer off of a Blade Tech holster, to be able to slide it onto an extremely wide belt. Managed to pop one corner off, and had the knife go through my left index finger and out the other side.

I believe I may now be elligible for an honourary Darwin Award.

11-10-09, 12:42
Kinda reminds me of when I used to unload crab boats up in Alaska. You learn really quickly and painfully that when you drop a 3lb dungeness crab, they don't thank you for catching them before they hit the deck. Now anything dangerous, sharp, hot, or pinchy hits the deck while I duck and cover.

11-11-09, 00:29
glad to hear no one got hurt!

I had one accidental discharge.

Now i have a kid running around, lesson learned....:D

11-11-09, 11:18
This came up in another post, but I don't think I ever saw an answer. If you'd rather not pick a wall to potentially put a hole in with a ND or AD, what are the alternatives for a handgun bullet trap?

How much sand would you have to put in a 5 gallon plastic bucket to give you a safe area for when something goes wrong?

10 inches will do it for sure.

I'd go with 4 gallons though.

11-11-09, 11:23
Yep, the instinct grab can be a killer. I grabbed a power drill falling off of a 4 foot high table one time. Caught it perfectly but immediately thought about how bad of an idea it was.

Luckily I only have one ND under my belt, and it was the second or third time I had ever went shooting. I ended up touching one off from a 10/22 at my hip at a 45 degree angle into the air. Luckily there was only crop land for a multitude of miles in the direction I fired.

Some of life's lessons are a real bitch. Live and learn.

11-11-09, 13:44
Glad no one was hurt. That was a ND, not an AD. I had one too a few years ago and it's a reminder to slow down and think whenever handling a firearm. For God's sake, if you ever drop a firearm again, let it hit the floor/ground. Most quality firearms are made to be dropped without firing a round.

Stay safe

11-11-09, 14:32
I'm glad nobody got hurt.

We just had a local boy seriously injured when someone inside the house had an AD. The guy was "cleaning his gun" and thought it was empty. The shot exited the house and hit the boy as he was walking by.

11-11-09, 15:28
I haven't read the whole thread so excuse me if I'm reiterating something already stated.

Your mistake was not to handle the gun with broken fingers.

Your mistake was trying to catch a falling gun.

You will surely learn from your mistake, I just wanted to point out the flawed logic as far as the root cause of your mistake, in my opinion.

11-11-09, 17:54
Frankly, the first sentence of your post had me more concerned than the ND did.:D

11-11-09, 22:41
The discussion regarding a bullet catch or safety barrel for loading/unloading jogged the memory. http://safedirection.com/ I saw these guys at a show or conference a while back, but you can buy kevlar pads for loading/unloading handguns and rifles in different sizes and for different applications from them. Or maybe weld up some ten inch pipe on a stand and fill it with sand as suggested in an earlier post for a homemade loading/unloading barrel. Just a thought.

11-12-09, 00:36

They make bullet traps, they have some small table top versions.

11-12-09, 00:49
The discussion regarding a bullet catch or safety barrel for loading/unloading jogged the memory. http://safedirection.com/ I saw these guys at a show or conference a while back, but you can buy kevlar pads for loading/unloading handguns and rifles in different sizes and for different applications from them. Or maybe weld up some ten inch pipe on a stand and fill it with sand as suggested in an earlier post for a homemade loading/unloading barrel. Just a thought.

About 10 years ago I saw something similar to the above product, but it was incorporated into standard picture frames available in various sizes. Pretty nifty idea since it could be put darn near anywhere and not be conspicuous.

11-12-09, 01:41
Glad nobody was hurt, glad your mom did not take away your guns. :p

The only pistol I ever dropped loaded as a keltec P32, I let it drop and I backed the hell up. :D
the good news is it seems to be drop safe...

I was doing something with an AR-15 and it got away from me... I tried to recover then I just moved my hands out of the way and let it drop. :eek:
I just think of it like a knife, once you loose control just let it go.

And thanks for sharing, I think it's a good thing to remind us all once in a while. :cool:

11-12-09, 08:35
This kind of thing happens to me before about 2 years ago, but I almost killed me and buddie. It was a stg 556, I was cleaning it for some stupid reason. I had a full magazine in the well before I started cleaning it. I removed the magazine and started racking the charging handle, about six times just to be safe, but on the seventh time I had the handle fully to the rear and then released it without assisting it's movement. All of a sudden booooooooooom!!!!!!!! I flew back in shock not knowing that it happened. Top of my wall has small entry hole but a huge exit on the other side, due to hollows. The dawn thing failed to eject the ****ing round, it was an inch away from my face and I still have a nasty ringing in my ear to this day. Sold the piece of shit after.

11-12-09, 08:40
Well, had to post.

I hadn't ever had an accident until today!

Earlier, I picked up my rifle case to put it in my vehicle, and it wasn't zipped shut (At all.)

Not from very high up, but my AR flung out from it like nothing, and thwacked into the ground. No damage (Except cosmetic. Meh.) and no discharge! :D

Thomas M-4
11-12-09, 09:12
Lesson learned......let it hit the deck, don't snatch at it.

Glad no one was hurt!

+1 On that I know 2 people to have ND by trying to catch a falling pistol.Let the SOB hit the deck.