View Full Version : The M4C of the precision shooting community?

11-10-09, 03:10
Hey guys, I've jumped off into the precision rifle world and seem to have found an additional addiction (trust me, the wife is thrilled :rolleyes::D).

There are some very switched on guys here for this subject but the precision section is not the most traveled section here. Is there a forum that would be considered the "M4C" of the precision shooting world?

I've been browsing snipershide and snipercentral but I don't know enough to know if it's good info or "my ______ is just as good as _______."

Anyone point me in the right direction?

11-10-09, 07:10
Sniper's Hide is squared away.

11-11-09, 10:29
Sniper's Hide is squared away.

+1, it's the best site I've found for that topic.

11-12-09, 10:19
Sniper's Hide is squared away.

+1 from me as well. Excellent source of info, and a lot of very knowledgable guys over there.

11-12-09, 18:26
i have to agree - its a great site .

11-12-09, 18:45
Great site, lots of good info. As always, many opinions over there. Especially what "the rifle" should be. It all depends on what you want to do with it,etc.

11-13-09, 18:12
Thanks guys. Everyone has opinions on "the rifle" and the bullshit seems less pervassive there and the info seems to be quality.

Any thoughts on snipercentral? Stay away?

I've been enjoying The Hide.

11-13-09, 18:18
Thanks guys. Everyone has opinions on "the rifle" and the bullshit seems less pervassive there and the info seems to be quality.

Any thoughts on snipercentral? Stay away?

I've been enjoying The Hide.

And, they have a legendary Wives and Girlfriends thread :D

11-14-09, 18:21
And, they have a legendary Wives and Girlfriends thread :D

Haven't found that one yet! Point me in the right direction or link? :cool:

11-15-09, 06:57
Any thoughts on snipercentral? Stay away?

Sniper Central is good. Mel is a former Army sniper. I believe he is LE now. The site doesn't get much traffic and they don't have a porn thread,;)

11-16-09, 01:36

We should start one here;)

11-16-09, 03:14

We should start one here;)

Interesting thread... ;)

11-16-09, 08:03

We should start one here;)

Wow. As I was scrolling down I saw the top of a horse and was afraid to go any further..

11-16-09, 14:58
I like Mel's reviews at sniper central, but I also check out the Hide from time to time. I have also have got some good info from longrangehunting.com

11-17-09, 02:10

We should start one here;)

Nice! :cool:

11-17-09, 18:48

We should start one here;)

Looked through about 50 pages of that thread. Terribly depressed right now. GRRRR


11-17-09, 19:05
Looked through about 50 pages of that thread. Terribly depressed right now. GRRRR


There are some dudes at that site that either have a LOT of money or are hung like Percherons. Some of those girls are seriously hot.

Of course, some of them are <puke> too, but...

11-18-09, 04:40
Also...for pure accuracy try 6mmBR.com

They also have some excellent reloading pages.


12-03-09, 09:30
I was a member of SH long before here and spend most of my time there. There are some really smart F*(^kers over there.

Most will have an opinion! You have to weed thru the BS and figure out who to believe and why to believe them then figure it out for yourself!

Most practical statement - What is the purpose of the rifle? Tactical? Bench? Paper Puncher? etc....

Build it to suit what you want not what someone else thinks you should have. In the end you will have to be the one shooting it.

Now, on accessory equipment, there are some necessary and not so necessary- Tactical vs Tacticool!

Good luck!

12-03-09, 13:21
There are some dudes at that site that either have a LOT of money or are hung like Percherons. Some of those girls are seriously hot.

Of course, some of them are <puke> too, but...

The girl in her mid 40s has an amazing body....holy sh!t.

12-20-09, 10:38
Wow. As I was scrolling down I saw the top of a horse and was afraid to go any further..

It's the bottom of the horse that will get you in trouble...

I've been toying with getting into precision rifle shooting too, and I found Zak Smith's articles on his website to be nice place to start because all the info is in one place, versus chasing down threads.

12-20-09, 13:26
It's the bottom of the horse that will get you in trouble...

I've been toying with getting into precision rifle shooting too, and I found Zak Smith's articles on his website to be nice place to start because all the info is in one place, versus chasing down threads.

Zak's a great guy. I hope you will be shooting with us when his Multi Gun shoots start up again;)

12-20-09, 21:42
+1, it's the best site I've found for that topic. IMHO: Agree, Snipershide.com is a great site for anything tactical+precision long distance.

As with any site you need to take advise/recommendation(s)/opinion(s) just as that, personal advise/recommendation(s)/opinion(s). What may work for that one person may be completely wrong for another.

There are many on SH that walk the walk & have the knowledge/training/experience. With any site it takes time to figure those individuals out, & please do not look at post count to determine those in the know. Just like any focused specific site you will find multiple threads on most subjects and of course a million different angles/opinions. Comes down to what "YOU" can afford and what "YOU" are willing to put into it. Weather it be hardware or training it has to make sense for each individual's goal.

If you "search" on SH you will find almost everything you're looking for to get you started. And most will agree you dont need the most expensive this/that to get the job done. Most will say that proper training/time will out weight any high dollar hardware "addition". QUALITY: Straight Tube/Repeatable Glass/Match Ammo "+" Proper Training ill get it done. Any "bling" will come as personal preference to setup and hopefully chosen to "increase" your effectiveness with said choice.

I'd highly recommend the SniperHide.com Online Training. Its really inexpensive and IMHO: Hands Down Worth it, TOP NOTCH. This again is just that Online Training, in no way a substitute for real world courses. But, it does give you great insight to areas in which one may improve their technique and what areas you may want to look for additional education/training. The Trainers, Frank & Jacob & staff of Rifles Only, have been doing an amazing job with each lesson & each video.

If there is anything I can be of assistance with please feel free to PM me. Will do my best to assist.

Have a great one

12-20-09, 22:45
I read SH, Sniper Central, Long Range Hunting and Brian Enos.