View Full Version : Does this staking look weak?

11-18-09, 01:57
Carrier is BCM:


11-18-09, 01:58
Unless there's something I'm not seeing, I would have to say yes.

11-18-09, 02:24
Are the heads knurled? They kind of look like they are. If they are, that staking should be fine since its touching the knurling. If they aren't knurled, I'd say its a little weak.

11-18-09, 02:40
Are the heads knurled? They kind of look like they are. If they are, that staking should be fine since its touching the knurling. If they aren't knurled, I'd say its a little weak.

I don't know. This isn't my carrier, I'm just posting it for someone who is not a member here.

11-18-09, 04:08
That staking doesn't look to good but that's just my opinion.
You should check out how colt does theirs.

11-18-09, 11:08
FWIW, my BCM carrier is staked exactly the same way, which leads me to believe They use the same tool (MOACKS?) to stake all carriers. On mine, the metal is definetly hindering movement. Wouldn't hurt, I guess, to take a punch and meld the two a little better.

11-18-09, 11:36
Based on this.....


.....I'd have to say yes.

11-18-09, 11:56
It is fine I think.


11-18-09, 12:25
Try to turn them out. If they came out easy, it was too little.

Then again, when in doubt...get the MOACKS out. Never hurts to hit again.

11-18-09, 15:49
Try it for around 5 to 10 rounds.

11-18-09, 16:18
Try it for around 5 to 10 rounds.

Even DPMS staking will last 5-10 rounds. Aw heck, even more than that.

11-18-09, 18:18
Are the heads knurled? They kind of look like they are. If they are, that staking should be fine since its touching the knurling. If they aren't knurled, I'd say its a little weak.

I agree with this.

If the heads are knurled, or have serrations, and carrier key material is displaced into these serrations, then I would think the staking should suffice.

If the heads of the screws are smooth with no serrations, then I would question the staking. In this case the displaced carrier key material would not have anything to anchor onto.

11-18-09, 19:32
Hi guys, thanks for all the info, after blob asked to post the pic, I only figured I should join. The staking does contact the heads, and actually goes over it a bit, you just can't see it from the angle. This is confirmed by the reply from BCM about it. I wasn't trying to bash BCM, this and their GF CH is the first stuff I've owned from them, and I think they are great

"It is good to go.
You are looking for metal to be displaced into the knurling on the fastener."-BCM


Thanks for taking the time to look, I will be sure to stick around, this sight looks like a great addition to the other forums I frequent.

Shoot safely,

11-18-09, 20:20
So BCM uses fasteners with knurling on them. It looked like it from the pics, I just couldnt 100% tell. Alot of manufacturers do not use fasteners with knurling and on those, this would be a shitty staking job. However with knurled fasteners, this staking job is GTG.

11-18-09, 20:22
Looks GTG. You can always field stake it if in doubt.

11-19-09, 01:41
Hm, I didn't know that they used knurled screws. I figured that BCM would stake their carriers properly but it just struck me as odd because I've had a DPMS carrier that looked better.

Thanks for the replies, guys.