View Full Version : Someone explain how this got past inspection??

11-25-09, 06:54

11-25-09, 10:17
i know what im doing when i get my next haircut!!

11-25-09, 11:38
I dont have enough hair to even come close to doing that. Maybe one thin spike.

11-25-09, 11:47
HAHA that's awesome

11-25-09, 12:49
Notice the suspect didn't care about it he's just trying to stay out of jail!

Respect the badge screw the haircut LOL

11-25-09, 12:54

Least he could be professional and keep up with it a little bit more. My Husky has more secured hair and she's shedding!

11-25-09, 14:26
i'm sure the son in handcuffs didnt mind at all.

11-25-09, 14:39
i'm sure the son in handcuffs didnt mind at all.

I got the same impression.

11-25-09, 16:47
I thought maybe they grabbed the wrong person and arrested a chick. Fooled me.

11-25-09, 16:54
I might get yelled at for saying this. But, I belive in professional standards, and that just doesn't look professional.

I'm sure he would probably be able to show us his regulation book and says that his haircut is within the regs. But, it just doesn't look professional.

On a side note, with our regulations, they have one little sentence in there that does not allow for faddish hairstyles. So, in my department, he could be called on the carpet for that. But, that could lead to a fight not worth fighting.

11-25-09, 17:51
Just my opinion, but I think that kind of look, to include the exposed barbed wire tattoo -- falls short of professional. Granted, standards change, but I am a traditionalist.

It is entirely possible there is a shared demographic with the arrestee.

11-25-09, 18:26
I think he looks like a tool who spends way too much time trying to make his hair look like a G.I. Joe character instead of presenting a professional appearance. Just my opinion but it definitely matters how one presents themselves and I think more so as an LEO interacting with the public.

11-25-09, 18:34

11-25-09, 18:48
Isn't there a character from street fighter that looks like him?

I believe the Street Fighter character is General Guile.


Personally, I think he looks like Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z.


Don't ask me how I know these things...

11-25-09, 18:54
You beat me to it! :p

11-25-09, 19:02
Doesn't seem to work for me...:confused:

ETA: Works now...what a chode.

11-25-09, 21:24
Unsat and cheezy.