View Full Version : SEAL's guns?

11-28-09, 13:44
Can anybody tell me if the new Scars rifle is being used by the Teams and how they like it compared to the M4?

11-28-09, 14:36
I have a friend that's a SEAL and he is using the SCAR Heavy. He's the reason I got interested in the SCAR. He has not used the Light in real use yet, but has trained with it. He does like them and does prefer them to the M4, but he also says that not all of them feel the same way he does. He says that most of them like the Heavy and some of them still prefer the M4 to the Light. I don't know anything more about the SEALs than what he tells me, but they get to use different weapons for different scenarios.

I'm sure you can get a better first hand opinion, mine is just relayed info from an old friend - he was our Corpsman when I was in.