View Full Version : Obama approval rating below 50 percent

12-05-09, 05:09
Obama approval rating below 50 percent (http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/12/04/obama.approval.poll/index.html)

I wonder what Mr. Obama thinks of that "change"? However, Obama's approval rating among the Taliban continues to improve. :rolleyes:


12-05-09, 06:20
I dont think it matters at this point. Unless an independent or Republican steps up with a message worth hearing Obama will get a 2nd term

El Mac
12-05-09, 08:42
If Obama keeps on course and on glide slope, a two year old will be able to defeat him in the next election.

12-05-09, 08:53
Obama is not the first president to drop below 50 percent in his first year in the White House. President Reagan's approval rating dipped to 49 percent in November 1981 and stayed below that mark for two years. President Clinton also dropped well below the 50 percent mark by May 1993, the fastest fall on record.

So unless we actually have strong candidate, he will win again. Rhinos need not to apply.

El Mac
12-05-09, 08:55
I wasn't talking about a RINO, I was talking about a two year old. I should have been clearer.

12-05-09, 17:16
Time will tell.

12-05-09, 23:25
What happens when he gets to 0?

12-05-09, 23:28
Isn't under 50% for Obama's high still 40 % higher than dubya's high when he fled back to Texas?

El Mac
12-06-09, 08:29
Isn't under 50% for Obama's high still 40 % higher than dubya's high when he fled back to Texas?

Not at all. You must be confusing W with Congress' poll ratings - which has always been lower than W's and Obammy.

12-06-09, 09:28
It's all Bush's fault. :p

12-06-09, 09:42
Obama is not the first president to drop below 50 percent in his first year in the White House. President Reagan's approval rating dipped to 49 percent in November 1981 and stayed below that mark for two years. President Clinton also dropped well below the 50 percent mark by May 1993, the fastest fall on record.

So unless we actually have strong candidate, he will win again. Rhinos need not to apply.

Yep. The ratings right now don't mean that much. With the national PR (oops, I mean press) corps helping Obama in every possible way by (a) NOT reporting significant details and stories about him, and (b) Exhaustively digging into every trivial detail that could hurt any non-socialist politician, I predict they will succeed in continuing to blame most of the economic pain right now on the Bush administration. However, even the "brain-dead swing voters" who elected him won't accept those explanations forever. If the pain gets bad enough, and deep enough, at some point it will not longer matter what the media say, and people will vote AGAINST the incumbent. The question is whether this will happen in time for his second term.

12-06-09, 12:59
I'm going to have to give Dumbya a little more credit. I looked and it appears that he left office with a 25-28 percent approval rating, depending on whose poll you read. I imagine Obama will slink back to Chicago in a couple of years with similar numbers.

12-06-09, 13:05
I wonder who would win if the election was held now, only hope a good candidate will come up before the next election.

El Mac
12-06-09, 21:31
I'm going to have to give Dumbya a little more credit. I looked and it appears that he left office with a 25-28 percent approval rating, depending on whose poll you read. I imagine Obama will slink back to Chicago in a couple of years with similar numbers.

Now your talking!:)

12-07-09, 00:53
I'll put more worry into BHO after the 2010 elections.

The only approval rating that matters to me is what I think of him, which is a big ****ing 0% :rolleyes: