View Full Version : 6 Position Stock Help?

03-10-07, 02:17
Hello my S&W/Stag 6position stock need the screw tightend as the lever just flops around. It wont screw down as there is some type of pin that goes threw the screw and I cant figure out how to get it out??

Please help I got a screw loose.

03-10-07, 08:20
Get a punch and tap out the pin
Using small flathead, remove screw in button
Grab the button with your fingers, and use the flathead tighten button
Line up screw head with opening for pin
Put the screw back in, align with opening
Insert roll pin back in (I had to use a hammer to get pin back in place)

03-10-07, 16:37
That little C pin is a pain to get out, I have to find something to get it out wilth? The punch just goes inside of it and spreads it out. Will I need a new pin for it?


03-10-07, 18:28
C pin? You mean roll pin right :) You will need to find the tap thats "Just right"

Also, I kind of told you wrong above after looking at mine again. Ill edit my original post to reflect the real way I did it, instead of how I thought I did it... if that makes any since.

03-11-07, 05:12
Ha ha the unny thing is I understood you 100% it must be these pain meds im on.

Thanks for the info

03-11-07, 20:58
I found this whole thread to be very amusing, thank you Gentelman. It must be this Fat Tire http://www.newbelgium.com/beers_ft.phpI'm on.

03-11-07, 21:15
Im always glad when I could bring a smile. I did the original post because no matter what I di I couldnt get the pin out and hopped there was a secret that my non mechanical self could learn. I dont even know weere the spark plugs are in my SUV.

03-11-07, 21:23
Dude, I've never typed this in my life but there's no way else to say it.....lol.

03-11-07, 23:26
I found this whole thread to be very amusing, thank you Gentelman. It must be this Fat Tire http://www.newbelgium.com/beers_ft.phpI'm on.

7Kopper, Fat Tire is awesome stuff. I was way hooked on it until I tried Drop Top (http://www.widmer.com/beer_droptop.aspx) I cant go back to Fat Tire after trying that...