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View Full Version : Connecticut firefighters finally promoted

Marcus L.
12-10-09, 10:20

"Promotion day arrives for white Conn. firefighters

NEW HAVEN, Conn. – A group of white firefighters who persuaded the U.S. Supreme Court to sanction their promotions over black colleagues are receiving their new badges Thursday in a ceremony that provides symbolic recognition of their victory.

The high court ruled in June that New Haven officials violated white firefighters' civil rights when they threw out 2003 test results in which too few minorities did well.

The case became an issue in confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who ruled against the white firefighters when she served on a federal appeals court.

Fourteen firefighters who sued are being promoted Thursday to lieutenant and captain. Another 10 firefighters, including four minorities, who took the 2003 tests but were not plaintiffs in the court case also will be promoted.

Dennis Thompson, an attorney for black firefighters who tried unsuccessfully last month to block the promotions of the plaintiffs, said Wednesday that his clients congratulate the newly promoted firefighters.

"Nobody is going to say these guys are unqualified," Thompson said.

But Thompson, who is trying to intervene in federal court in New Haven to challenge the validity of the exams now that they have been certified, said the fight is not over because the black firefighters were not heard. In other cases cities have been required to make more promotions than planned, he said.

"They understand this is a 15-round fight," Thompson said of his clients. "You don't decide who won in Round 3."

That prompted an angry reaction from Karen Torre, attorney for the white firefighters.

"Attorney Thompson's provocations and promise, to me, only demonstrates the need for the Supreme Court to take up the issue of the constitutionality of that provision of Title VII that allows such people to paralyze local governments and the civil service and hold the public hostage to endless litigation over the issue of race," Torre said in a statement.

David Rosen, an attorney for a black New Haven firefighter who is suing the city and arguing he was unfairly denied a promotion, said Wednesday that his client, Michael Briscoe, is happy for the firefighters being promoted and has congratulated several of them.

"He's not trying to take a slot away from one of the people being promoted," Rosen said. "There are other vacant positions."

Frank Ricci, the lead plaintiff among the white firefighters who won and is being promoted, told the Senate in July during Sotomayor's confirmation process that the lower court ruling against him "divides people who don't wish to be divided along racial lines."

Ricci told the panel that "achievement is neither limited nor determined by one's race but by one's skills, dedication, commitment and character."

It's about time. :D

12-10-09, 10:28
Dennis Thompson, an attorney for black firefighters who tried unsuccessfully last month to block the promotions of the plaintiffs, said Wednesday that his clients congratulate the newly promoted firefighters.

"Nobody is going to say these guys are unqualified," Thompson said.

If they're qualified, why did you try to block their promotions, you worthless frakking oxygen thief?

12-10-09, 11:06
I hope they're being paid retroactively.

12-10-09, 11:15
If they're qualified, why did you try to block their promotions, you worthless frakking oxygen thief?

...because actual qualifications should never take precedence over the much higher and loftier goal of keeping the politically correct "Diversity!" mindset alive and well.