View Full Version : Gun safety fail!!

12-14-09, 21:11
Holy crap!! :eek:


12-14-09, 21:27
Sometimes attractive women find men more attentive to what they are saying when they point a large caliber handgun in the inattentive listener's face.

It's a technique which has never failed to garner my complete and undivided attention. :D

12-14-09, 22:10
sheeit.. that aint nothin'.

my very dainty mother decided to buy a .357mag one day a few years ago, for no known reason, and wanted me to show her how to shoot it. if my mother is to have a gun, of course i'll show her how to use it. we get to my then favorite shooting spot in the hills and start shooting, making sure she understands all the basic proceedures and the rules of firearm safety.. all is going well until she cocks the hammer to fire a single action shot, and a bee flies at her... she now has finger on trigger, .357 loads in the cylinder, weapon cocked, is screaming, and using the gun to bat at the bee, who happens to be flying directly between myself and my dearest mother.

i retreat, like any sane man would, while shouting at her, in my best drill sergeant voice, to shoot the weapon into the berm (knowing that'll be the only way to decock it whilst she flails at a bee).. after lasering me about 5 times she finally gathers enough wit to at least discharge it into the berm, literally drops the gun in the gravel and runs away... still screaming and flailing.

12-14-09, 22:29
I guess that camera is on a tripod, otherwise that camera man is a stone.

She was making a gun safety video?????