View Full Version : Wal-Mart inflating shipping costs to US Servicemembers overseas

KS Trekker
12-16-09, 19:07
This article was in Stars & Stripes today. Shame on you, Wal-Mart. I hope Santa brings them a lump of coal for Christmas! :mad:


12-16-09, 19:20
See, that's why I don't shop at Wal-Mart.
Well, that and the fact I work at K-Mart.
Actually, I do shop at WM sometimes; K-Mart stopped selling handgun ammo for political purposes and has all but stopped selling ammo all together.
That I will buy at the competition.
But..., now it seems that the WMs in the area are all but stopping selling worthwhile ammo too.

12-16-09, 20:51
Seems like they could simply drop ship everything directly from China and save a few bucks. The PRC is closer to many overseas bases than the US distribution centers. :D

12-16-09, 21:29
Funny you mention that, I just watched a movie on Netflix about Wal Mart: The High Cost of Low Price. I hate WM

12-17-09, 05:24
That article was in today's stars and stripes with a pretty little chart saying Amazon.com cost more to ship than Target. As usual-a nice inaccurate article from stars and stripes. If they got that one thing wrong, what else is wrong in the article.

Besides, most shipping to APO is done via USPS, which is not cheap. You want to talk to some people that get screwed over on shipping, talk to people in Alaska.

12-17-09, 06:23
I honestly dont see the issue. $10 shipping for $120 worth of goods to an APO isnt out of the ordinary.

Ive had lots of stuff sent to me through APO (Iraq and Germany), and I was always charged the same or even more for shipping even from "soldier friendly" gun part dealers...some of whom are sponsors here. Hell some even charge me sales tax if they were out of Texas just because my billing address was in Texas even though the item was being sent to Iraq.

And Wiesbaden is was my home base from 2003 to 2007.....;)

12-17-09, 11:12
Walmart is a scourge on this country. I will not shop there.