View Full Version : My dog just died

12-19-09, 01:51
Worst ****ing day ever. RIP Jezabelle.


12-19-09, 01:53
Sorry to hear about your loss.

RIP Jezabelle.

I've always found it tough the first few weeks, but for me getting a new pup always cheered me up a few months after my losses.

12-19-09, 05:02
I feel for you. I had to put mine down on my kids birthday last month. Very hard day. It's amazing how these furry things grow on you. I still get choked up thinking about it. Sorry about your loss. David

12-19-09, 06:29
I'm really sorry to hear this. :(

12-19-09, 06:52
Sorry for your loss, she was beautiful...


12-19-09, 06:57
Know your loss. Hank, my yellow lab, had to be put down a year ago. God bless.

12-19-09, 06:58
Please accept my condolences... I know how this kind of pain feels. I lost my (almost 17 year old) terrier about 1.5 years ago and I still miss him EVERY day. I really feel like the only day he ever brought grief on me is the day he died.

Fortunately, I have three more dogs to love. I am at a point in my life where I prefer a dog's company to that of a human. I am truly sorry for your loss. :(

12-19-09, 07:08
Same here. Providence gave us women to civilize us, and dogs to remind us that there are limits to how much women can achieve.

My condolences and understanding. Every so often I think about what will happen when my hound-terrier mix -- Mr. Bones -- is gone, and the emptiness is ... Well, you know.

12-19-09, 07:48
So sorry for your loss. I lost mine in July and still have a hard time dealing with it. I try to keep in mind that one day is precious, and many years is a gift of Providence.

A friend of mine used to tell me a story, supposedly from some Indian legend, about when Man became separated from the animals. A great crack developed in the Earth, with Man on one side and animals on the other. At the last minute, just before the crack grew too wide, Dog jumped over to be with Man.

RIP Jezabelle

12-19-09, 08:29
My heartfelt condolences.

For my wife and I, our pets are our children and the pain and loss we experience when one of them dies is genuine. A lot of folks don't seem to get that. But, judging from the comments posted here, there are also a lot of very fortunate people who have enjoyed the companionship of a great pet that do.

Again, I'm deeply sorry for your loss.

12-19-09, 08:33
Very sorry to hear. I know well what you feel like right now, and it is bad.

Better days will come. And when you are ready, another wonderful little friend will by your side like she was. Her passing opens a door for another deserving soul out there.

12-19-09, 08:33
Sorry to hear that Bro. She looked like a great girl.

RIP Jezabelle

12-19-09, 09:03
Sorry man, it is one of the worst days you will have. If your like me, and you likely are, you loved your dog so much that it is not able to be put into words. The pain goes away, but the memories will remain. I really miss my dogs that passed. I'm so sorry for you. God Bless you.

Robb Jensen
12-19-09, 09:08
Sorry for your loss.

12-19-09, 09:17
Almost nothing better than a good dog, almost nothing worse than losing one.

12-19-09, 09:26
Thanks for all the kind words. Having to call my mom and a few other people that loved the dog was just as hard if not worse as her passing away. It makes me happy that so many people loved my dog as much as I still do. Again thank you!

12-19-09, 09:43
I'm sorry about your friend.

12-19-09, 09:44
Having to call my mom and a few other people that loved the dog was just as hard if not worse as her passing away. It makes me happy that so many people loved my dog as much as I still do.

Sorry for your loss. At least you have the great memories and you know she touched a lot of lives in a positive way. Not much better then having a good dog. Maybe nothing.

12-19-09, 10:26
Oh man that sucks. You have my sympathies

User Name
12-19-09, 11:03
I can appreciate where you are. I am sorry. I lost my boy in June of 2008. I was beside myself. Completely torn up. He was truly my best friend for 10 years. People that are not dog people have no idea how horrible losing what in my case felt like my right arm. You've got to think about the good times. I know I gave him the best life possible and that is what I tried to think about. I still get choked up thinking about it. Yeah for me it was truly the worst ****ing day ever as well. Take care RIP Jezabelle

12-19-09, 11:54
Very sorry for your loss.

I truely understand how you feel, we recently lost our lab to a auto-immune disorder and it was the worst day, she died in my arms. It still gets to me when I think about what a great dog she was.

12-19-09, 12:19
Sorry about Jezabelle she looked like a wonderful friend. Stay strong...


12-19-09, 12:26
Sorry for your loss. It sounds like she had a great life if she had someone who cared for her that much.

12-19-09, 12:45
Sorry for your loss.

12-19-09, 12:46
Lost my dog-Jaxson-on 9-20-09. Sorry for your loss brother.

12-19-09, 15:20
Sorry for your loss.

That they have shorter lifespans means in my way of thinking that we have the opportunity to love and know more of them. It in no way ever diminishes the loss of that specific friend however. I am one of those "dogs in heaven" kinda guys though & expect that one day I'll be reunited with them all and what an awesome pack of dogs that'll be.

12-19-09, 15:23
Sorry for your loss. Looked like a great dog.

12-19-09, 15:45
Sorry to hear that:(

12-19-09, 16:28
It's always tough losing a long time companion.

Sorry for your loss.

12-19-09, 16:42
I can share your pain. My Wife and I are still mourning our beloved Angie a 12 1/2 year old Lab mix who died last July 31.

We going from E. Texas over to NE Louisiana to meet our son for the weekend. We still maintain my deceased parents house there as a meeting getaway place.

That morning she was playing around in the yard with the other younger dog, then when I called her and said she was going to see Justin, she really perked up. She went right up the ramp int the back of my big F 250 diesel 4x4. I have a camper top on it, had bedrug liner installed and pads for the dogs. I made a gasket between the back truck window and the front camper top window and put in a 12" high velocity 110 volt fan running off an inverter to boost air conditioning or heat back there for the dogs. It was exceptionally cool for July that week, so heat was no problem.

We stopped to pick up some fresh peaches at an orchard on the way, and then stopped at a barbecue place that had a tree to park under. I opened the back so I could open some windows for them while we were eating and saw her laying there dead. That was the biggest shock of my life and one of the worst days ever. With some help from my sister over in Miss. we located a pet creamatory and brought her ashes back home with us.

Christamas will not be the same this year, she would always get excited with unwrapping packages especially since there was always one or two with a little treat.

12-19-09, 18:41
So sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.

12-19-09, 19:10
So sorry, she looks like a she was a good one. :(

12-19-09, 19:28
Sorry for your loss.


12-19-09, 20:23
Mine died today. Had to dig through the snow to get to the ground to dig him a grave.

On the hunt for another one to join the family.

Robb Jensen
12-19-09, 20:25
Mine died today. Had to dig through the snow to get to the ground to dig him a grave.

On the hunt for another one to join the family.

Sorry to hear that bro, I'm sorry for your loss.

12-19-09, 20:40
Mine died today. Had to dig through the snow to get to the ground to dig him a grave.

On the hunt for another one to join the family.

My condolences. Sorry to hear that. It's been a bad day today.

When you are ready to look for another friend I suggest www.petfinder.com . I've used the site before and found my current dog through it. It's a great service.

Again, sorry for your loss.

Ed L.
12-19-09, 20:50
I'm so sorry.

Loosing a dog was some of the owrst emotional pain that I have experienced in my life.

12-19-09, 20:53
If my dog died, I think I'de die too. You are in my prayers.

12-19-09, 21:02
Im very sorry to hear about that.

Keep your head up ;)

12-19-09, 21:03
So sorry, guys. I'd lose it if my girls left me.

12-19-09, 21:12
Mine died today. Had to dig through the snow to get to the ground to dig him a grave.

On the hunt for another one to join the family.

Sorry to hear that, I know how you feel.

12-19-09, 21:13
Mine died today. Had to dig through the snow to get to the ground to dig him a grave.

On the hunt for another one to join the family.

I'm sorry for your loss too.

12-19-09, 21:22
sorry to hear about your loss bro. i too know that pain. i had my dog 10 years. since he was a puppy. when he died, i cried a little, i will admit. i was the same as other guys on here, preferring the dog to other people. mostly because the dog doesnt car about stupid crap, they are just there. take it easy man. keep on rollin.


12-19-09, 21:43
I am very sorry for your loss. Our 4 legged friends are as much a part of our family as any human is.

I recently lost one of my babies so I can relate. But Fate was good to me and I took in a small feral stray kitten that I have just managed to tame. You can never replace a lost friend but things like that can help deaden the pain a bit.

12-19-09, 22:26
My sincere condolences; I know how you feel. We had to put down our 16 year old pet last year.
Still weighs heavily. Pets know we like them and do whats best for them, thats why they like us.

12-19-09, 22:39
My condolences on the loss of your dog....I have three now and you have my sympathies..

12-19-09, 23:36
Mine died today. Had to dig through the snow to get to the ground to dig him a grave.

On the hunt for another one to join the family.

Sorry to hear of your loss as well. It really is a sickening, sad feeling. And two in one day here...

But it sounds like you will make a home for another soon, which will make him smile from Heaven.

12-19-09, 23:50
sorry for your losses, guys.

12-20-09, 03:36
Sorry for your loss mate :(

12-20-09, 05:04
...i cried a little, i will admit. i was the same as other guys on here, preferring the dog to other people....


I admit I cried a lot when I lost my little guy, just like I would for the loss of any other buddy. I really don't think some people understand the love that comes with interacting with a dog... their loss.

12-20-09, 07:51
Im sorry for your loss, I lost my best friend (female golden retriever) to diabetes over a year ago and i still get choked up thinking about her. I bawled like a little girl when the vet told me she was gone and now when i think about her i just try to remember shes us in dog heaven roaming the huge fields chasing rabbits with all the milk-bones she could ever eat.


12-20-09, 09:12
Sorry for your loss, I've been through it so many times, it never gets any easier.



12-20-09, 09:33
I'm going to miss my best friend and guardian but am already on the hunt to find another German Shepherd.


12-20-09, 12:41
Very sorry to hear of your loss. I truly believe "all dogs go to heaven". We have 3 and I probably couldn't funtion if I lost one. Take care of yourself and all of your loved ones around you. Our best Bob and Jackie.

12-20-09, 15:22
My deepest sympathies. I miss my old dog Max. He was a Miniature Schnauzer and was such a character. My current dog Penny, also a Schnauzer, is starting to remind me of him as she gets older. She's about 9. Dogs rule!