View Full Version : Difference between free float and non-free float hand guard

12-21-09, 19:52
Hey guys,

Besides the obvious, what are the advantages/disadvantages between a free floating hand guard and non-free floating hand guard? I am not sure what type to purchase.


12-21-09, 20:05
What type of setup are you running?

12-21-09, 20:06
On a rack grade weapon...slim to none.

They are useful on precision builds. You dont want flex on the barrel.

12-21-09, 20:19
they're not needed on 93.7% of weapons currently under private ownership in this country.

did you know that 66.34% of statistics are made up on the spot?

in all seriousness, i think most people get them more for the rail-estate than for the free-float properties. what are your needs? do you just want rail space, or are you trying to squeeze more accuracy out of a weapon that's coming in short?

if you're not shooting for groups, or shooting past 500m, and don't have a precision barrel, then a free-floating handguard will not be on any benefit to you. if you just want rail space, you can get a free-floated rail system or a non-floated rail system. KACs are good to go, i have no experience with the MI and Troys.

12-21-09, 21:01
I prefer free float or a number of reasons.

That being said BKB is completely correct. Most shooters on this board are not going to see a difference due to the type of shooting we do.

They tend to be harder to install but much more rock solid than DI rails.
Freefloat usually offer more Realestate than a DI as well. This is the main reason I prefer them honestly.

Get what works for you. But whichever you get, get quality.

12-22-09, 10:48
I see no disadvantages to FF other than price.

12-22-09, 10:56
Aside from accuracy benefits, they also provide heat-sinking and better ventilation for keeping the barrel cooler.

12-23-09, 09:53
Thanks so much for the feedback, its most appreciated.

FYI... I have a standard "off-the-shelf" M4 and just want rail space to mount some neat toys.

Thanks again!